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/lit/ - Literature

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6306836 No.6306836 [Reply] [Original]

Russell Brand is better for the Left than Slavoj Pisszek

>> No.6306840

>tfw coldsteel pill is actually not a bad list as long as you dont internalize all that material.

>> No.6306846

fuck you kevin

>> No.6306847

I thought Mein Kampf was generally considered to be a terribly written book?

>> No.6306848

I laughed too hard at that

>> No.6306970
File: 132 KB, 450x645, tmp_8197-alpha7809786853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein Kampf is an unbelievably mediocre book. Atlas Shrugged is god-tier in comparison. Actually, Gay Dino Rapefiction would compare favourably.

>> No.6307057


Atlas Shrugged and Mein Kampf really don't fit the list at all, nor do they fit each other.

>> No.6307073
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Russell took the Golden Pill

>> No.6307074

Well not many things compare favorably to Phallusaurus Rex and The Gay Billionaire Time Traveler

>> No.6307086

its a mediocre book. people couldn't really praise it.

but historically its a valuable book to read

>> No.6307168

>but historically its a valuable book to read
It isn't. It is more important to read stuff around Todt and General Plan Ost.

>> No.6307308


mein kampf is a complete abomination, absolutely unreadable. i'm german, i've gotten my hands on a german version and it was disgusting- hitler barely manages to string together a coherent sentence, is repeating himself after every other line. it's just a big mess, not just terribly written, but also contentual.

all in all you're better off just reading spengler or something.

>> No.6307349

hahahahha /lit/ is killing me today
haha duncan idaho gholas
fucking captcha: PCera

>> No.6307505
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Just Le for you

>> No.6307543

>Puts Notes in the same list as Mein Kampf
brb shaving w/the edge

>> No.6307551

>i'm german
Are you aware that you can be put in jail for having read it?

>> No.6307569
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>> No.6307903

lel, that image is /lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.6307918
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no, you can own, read and resell existing copies; you're allowed to publish commented excerpts; just re-publishing the full text (commented or not) is ferbouten

>> No.6307920

Do we really need two threads about him?

>> No.6308992

Well yeah, that's the mark of an educated mind.

That said, Hitler submitted a first draft for publication, which shows what he knows about writing. What, was the act of putting in the time and effort for a few rewrites too Jewish for him? No wonder he got kicked out of art school.

>> No.6309001

Mein Kampf was dictated, so its really more of a monumental speech put to paper than a political treatise. Hitler's Table Talks, on the other hand, is pretty interesting, and gives you a more accurate idea of what Hitler thought, although for some bizarre reason /pol/ doesn't seem to be aware of it.

>> No.6309022

Can someone please explain this insane image which appears to have no rhyme or reason?

>> No.6309069
File: 94 KB, 1179x447, hardcore roleplayfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make a shitposting image
>later you see it in the wild

Glad to see someone using my OC

>> No.6309078


bullshit no way someone who drew this was born in 84. 1990 TOPS.

and yes i know it is a parody image, im saying that blows my immersion in the realm of the joke

>> No.6309097

Russell Brand is a chimney sweep in a Che t-shirt.

>> No.6309709

Yes because fags derailed my other one to talk about video games

>> No.6310593

How can you have an edgelord pill without including the Satanic Bible or Nietzsche?

>> No.6310595
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