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6305675 No.6305675 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ hate Russell Brand?

>> No.6305679

demagogue, blind man leading the blind

>> No.6305695

He has good ideas,what's wrong with love?

>> No.6305728
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>> No.6305735

He's right about them. I don't get why people laugh at that.

>> No.6305755

Russell Brand threads are clearly trolls, I refuse to believe /lit/ would go so low.

>> No.6305758


>> No.6305761
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Good ideas? He has no ideas whatsoever. His political philosophy is simple watered-down anti-globalization populism. His style is so affected and flowery it's below fedora-tier. His "followers" are the lowest of the lowest common denominator.

Ask your friends what they think of him. It's a good indicator for critical faculty and knowledge of political philosophy, not to mention fucking self-respect.

>> No.6305814

If its such a good indicator you must know nothing

>> No.6305917

because he's a bourgoeis wanker.

>> No.6306338

>This attitude of churlish indifference seems like nerdish deference when constrasted with belligerent farm folk

>> No.6306384


>> No.6306527

is this quoting harry and paul?
good taste

>> No.6306570


>Feminists hate him because he is unashamedly masculine and has had sex with lots of women (and makes their panties wet too)

>2deep4u thinkers hate him because he is a well-known actor/comedian and uses a lot of long words whilst having a working class accent

>Fedora tippers hate him because he goes beyond base scientism and engages with spiritual/religious themes

I actually think he makes some decent points whilst deferring to thinkers more intelligent than him, fair play to the guy.

>> No.6306579


How can you not see the glaring fallacies in his reasoning which he covers with quasi-articulate sjw tier rhetoric so he can validate himself through the public gaze.

>> No.6306581


You must be a fucking casual!

>> No.6306585


>> No.6306592

He is not a politician. Not an economist. Not a philosopher. So ignore him.

But I must admit, making gay jokes about a guy in his audience during a political speech and then proceding to airhump him while wearing clothes like a teenager was kind of funny. He should be a comedian.

>> No.6306611

>But I must admit, making gay jokes about a guy in his audience during a political speech and then proceding to airhump him while wearing clothes like a teenager was kind of funny. He should be a comedian.

>> No.6306623


>better not be seen to endorse this man, otherwise anons on a little girl's cartoon forum might think I'm not patrician enough!

Like I said i admire his sincerity, he doesn't have much (well any) deep thought of his own, but he does well popularising and propagating other peoples. He mixes it in with some rubbish and over-earnest delivery, but the fact that he could be in LA boning Katy Perry and pulling in big bucks for another dreadful film, but instead stands on a rainy protest about social housing makes me warm to him.

Many people seem to regard political opinions as a fashion to be worn, rather than something to be used or instrumented, if you are on the left should you not be pleased that someone is introducing people to new ideas rather than scornful that he may be voicing them in a pretentious or simplified manner?

>> No.6306627


>> No.6306630
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Link a single UNIQUE thing of value he has ever said.

>> No.6306640



>> No.6306647


"an Oxbridge cultural bully"

>> No.6306673

Do you expect a man that decided that he didn't like his wife while riding a bike, to understand love?