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/lit/ - Literature

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6305459 No.6305459 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw half way through a book and kinda sick of it
>tfw you want to read a different book instead
>tfw autism stops you from leaving the first book unfinished and forces you to finish it

life is misery

>> No.6305478

I used to get this all the time. Until I started reading like 6 books at a time. I just start and read whatever I feel like when I feel like. Works for me.

>> No.6305482

But don't you get a feeling of satisfaction from finishing a book? Don't you miss it if you don't get it?

>> No.6305483

>read first page of infinite jest
>already sick of it
what do?

>> No.6305485

I always finish the books even if I don't like it so much. I get a bit more satisfaction sometimes when I chance finish 2 books in a day.

>> No.6305493

I read a book I dont like until the end so I can leave a shitty rating on goodreads, which makes me feel like a literature critic.

>> No.6305499

You fucking people make me sick.

>> No.6305529

Dumb nigger. Jest add it to a "given-up" shelf and give it 1 star.

>> No.6305562

This happened when I read The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway. Christ I wanted the pain to end.

>> No.6307174

Oblomov started off funny as hell. Zakhar, his servant, keeps fucking with him and it is the limit. However, when Oblomov starts fucking around with the bitch it just drags.