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File: 1.52 MB, 1514x1216, Alain-de-Botton-alain-de-botton-25621647-1514-1216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6301119 No.6301119 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on Alain de Botton?

>> No.6301147

Fickle sell out who peddles $150 "philosopher" clothes on his website and hypocritically states that he'd prefer his children to never read a book in their lives.

He's a jaded asshole.

>> No.6301151

Reading the book he did on work, noticed the small point he made about how everything around you is the product of someone's time and labor.
I've known that since i was about 7. It informs everything you think and do, or it should.
This shut-in egghead is smart, but lacks muscularity and vigor in his outlook. The one on atheism is another example of a highly intelligent person scribbling away and demonstrating his high intelligence as well as the fact he's been nowhere and done nothing but be highly intelligent.

>> No.6301170

More like Baldcunt McGee

>> No.6301175
File: 674 KB, 1440x900, cancer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself for even adding yourself to the faggots who posted about him.

>> No.6301177

>150 pound

wtf this is like the Kanye West t shirt

>> No.6301182

>hypocritically states that he'd prefer his children to never read a book in their lives.



>> No.6301319

He has such a baby face I seriously can't believe he's that bald. I feel like maybe he just shaved off the top of his head hair to make himself seem older and more intelligent.

>> No.6301323


>> No.6301324

Philosophy: A Guide To Happiness was fun.

>> No.6301325

surely MPB can be cured right

>> No.6301326

holy fuck what an ugly mug

>> No.6301335

he has some nice features. if he didnt have the shocking head shape and baldness he would look decent IMO

>> No.6301353

not as bad as i thought

he looks like a sociopath tho

>> No.6301359

and yet it's amazingly hard to find a quality, plain black jumper for less.

>> No.6301452

ten bucks, kmart.

The man maketh the clothes.

p.s.: 100% polyamide

>> No.6301465
File: 488 KB, 284x210, robbie rotten disgusted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

put a spoiler on that image

>> No.6301478

I think he should shave his head tbh.

>> No.6301482

He misses the point. He thinks you can have the "culture" that comes out of religion without the religion. Plato would always insist on reducing arguments and ideas to their first principles, and you can apply that method here to see that you without Christian theology and cosmology (the first principles of Christianity) you can't have Christian "culture" either, in the same way that you can't have a conclusion without a premise, or a building without a foundation. So his wanting to pick the flowers off of every "culture" to have existed while ignoring the roots that give life to those flowers is a vain project, as he has no intention of criticising standard modern theology and cosmology.

>> No.6301481

aomame pls go

>> No.6301493

And he just fundamentally misunderstands religion. He think it's about making "nice, cohesive communities". It isn't, it just happens to follow from certain religions. The first thing about religion is that it intends to explain the meaning/purpose of humanity, its origin and final end, and then to develop rituals that integrate with that explanation.
You can't have a modern materialistic society, for example, without the cosmology of gravity, big bang, evolution, stars actually being giant balls of gas (precious fuel!), etc. That's why when Communists take over a country the first thing they teach kids is evolution, because it's vital to a materialist way of life to have a materialist cosmology which gives it context.

>> No.6301498

>With de Botton it’s different; his bodily strangeness is inseparable from the bland conventionality of his thought. Alain de Botton looks like a human being as designed by HR Giger. His forehead rises high up to a vaulted dome, a tapering lizard’s egg of a cranium. His eyebrows jolt and shudder with his shoulders. His nose has a lubricious gleam; his mouth is a dark stain, red wine or fresh blood, and when he talks his deathly-white teeth seem to slide oilily against each other. His skin is faintly rubbery, and while it mostly seems to fit him there are still a few places where is bunches up or stretches out, like a cutaneous gimp suit. He looks weird, interstellarly weird; half Mystery Man from Lynch’s Lost Highway, half sentient rock formation. The general impression given is that of a reptilian alien awkwardly stuffed into a human form – not a particularly malevolent alien, just one that in its own unknowable way is making an honest and doomed attempt to fit in among us Earthlings. It’s a lie. He’s evil, and his evil is entirely human.

>> No.6301516

I know you guys have mostly negative opinions of this faggot, but is Status Anxiety a good book? Somebody recommended it to me earlier this month.

>> No.6301525

yea, mte. he would be pretty fa if he still had hair or bald without that weird head shape

>> No.6301527


>> No.6301538

philosopher of the plebs

>> No.6301542

how can a bald man look so beta? he should get a fucking wig

>> No.6301546


this is even worse, at least you could wear the jumper and nobody would know what a cunt you are

>> No.6301548

Well I read his book on Proust and I liked it, not very in depth, but an entertaining read.

If you come to him expecting actual philosophy, you have only yourself to blame

>> No.6301551

>advertised as philosophy
>not expecting philosophy

>> No.6301560


>> No.6301574

I'd like to see >>6301498 on one of those cards.

>> No.6301591

he needs to shave his head, and get jacked and tan

maybe then ill take his work seriously

>> No.6301594

maybe a neck tattoo could help as well

>> No.6301669

This faggot also thinks Harry Styles should have a television show wherein he talks about metaphysics and philosophy

>> No.6301674

Terrible hair.

>> No.6301791

if ur gonna be a french philosoph u gotta have swag, check out foucault and his turtlenecks, dude looks like a james bond villain, or derrida with his high ass collars or lacan with his joe pesci ass

>> No.6303593

You say that, but actually go to Kmart and have a look. Plain black jumper, with no logo or anything? Not easy to find.

>> No.6303600

Creepy Rape Apologist

>> No.6303607

a dumbass
an embarrassement

>> No.6303613

lol I do kind of want one
not one of these specifically though

>> No.6303630


>> No.6303646


His early work serves as a decent appetizer for serious philosophy and literature. I especially enjoyed The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work and Status anxiety as a teenager. His later work, and social projects, are a watery meal cereal intended to replace serious fare because he is averse, so to speak, to upset of the mental digestion. Socially. he increasingly resembles a secular cult leader, physically, he increasingly grows uncanny and insubstantial, a real-doll for people who want to mouth-fuck six year old boys.

>> No.6303655 [DELETED] 

dude looks like an egg

>> No.6303731

is he trying to look as ugly as possible?

>> No.6303769

he's hot

i'm a girl and i'd fuck the shit out of him
bald people are sexy as fuck

>> No.6303856
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>> No.6303926

>into philosophy
>not mistrustful of advertising

>> No.6303939 [DELETED] 

what women find attractive always surprises me

>> No.6303943

looks like moot with a bald spot

>> No.6303946

The fact that you're pointing out the obvious--the upper part of his head, just comes to show how shallow and stupid you people are.

>> No.6303955
File: 30 KB, 300x444, Alain-de-Botton-alain-de-botton-25621580-300-444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's the one who doesn't keep his little hat on

>> No.6303994


haha, literal autist who lets his mum shop for him spotted. embarrassing

>> No.6304001

Nah, he's just fucking pleb. If you want to be taken seriously you need to put on a hat or a bandana like DFW.

>> No.6304007

very sound, modest interview.
not sure why some anon failed to really think through how a plagued man doesn't want sick children.

>> No.6304028 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 374x384, 1421480063780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about a fedora?

>> No.6304084

Sure, if you want to look like a euphoric atheist.

>> No.6304099

He looks like a pale, anemic, and somehow balding 17 year old boy. Was his growth stunted? He appears to have zero virility. Seems like a nice enough guy, though.

>> No.6304112
File: 25 KB, 480x209, tordu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or lacan with his joe pesci ass
kek, i can see it.

don't forget his gimmicky cigars though

>> No.6305173

>and yet it's amazingly hard to find a quality, plain black jumper for less.
what are dressmakers/tailors for?

>> No.6305178

they are expensive as fuck son

>> No.6305196


I liked his video on Nietzsche. I also liked this video of a talk he gave.

>> No.6305200

>they are expensive as fuck son
oh I forgot how city boys are so anti-DIY

>> No.6305261

shut the fuck up you poser

>> No.6306135

>being an english twat or whoever else says 'jumper'
>being unable to find a dozen inexpensive plain black 'jumpers' within 5 minutes online or in every other store
>fighting about tailors like it's 1888

>> No.6306643

My therapist recommended I read some of his work, is he a pleb or is he of the opinion that I'm a pleb?

>> No.6306667

he's a pleb and he recognises you as his equal