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/lit/ - Literature

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6300359 No.6300359[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why havent you killed yourselves, /it/? What is your justification for doing so? Have any philosophers changed your mind?

>> No.6300366

I haven't finished marathoning scrubs

there's a half dozen unread books on my shelf

there's a minute chance I might one day be a celebrity artist

>> No.6300370

Everyone on this board is far too young to be so pseudo-pessimistic. You all sound like grumpy old men.

You are doing yourself a great disservice by acting in such a way. Because let's be honest, none of these thoughts are genuine and they are ultimately exercises in metaphysical discourse.

>> No.6300375


> implying we want to think this way

>> No.6300388

Earth has given us this life. To take away the one thing Earth has given us would be going against Earth's will, and Earth's will is the most important thing in our known universe. When Earth decides it is our time to die, I will gladly die. If I were to die, and it was not by Earth's decision, I shall die upset.

>> No.6300396


what makes you think the world has a will? that would imply we were made as a conscious decision of some sort. i think thats a pretty untenable argument; why do you think that this life isnt simply a coincidence?

legitimately interested, not meant to sound condescending or whathaveyou. i have been looking for reasons not to think this way

>> No.6300397

I am implying you want to think in such a way. You have demonstrated this by posting this thread, which is encouraging metaphysical discourse.

>> No.6300403
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Fuck dude-What a starter for a thread

>> No.6300418

My high blood pressure will kill me from lifting weights, there is no need to hurry

>> No.6300419

If by want you mean consciously desire, then I doubt you want to feel shitty; however, I'd say there is a subconscious want for being depressed, if only because you've possibly gotten into a state of comfort in that depression.

I've got some sort of psychotic depression according to my psychiatrist. I don't consciously want to feel or think this way, but I know that on some level I'm comfortable in it.

>> No.6300424

why would i kill myself, op?

>> No.6300429

It says it the Bible that suicide is a sin and you'll go to Hell, and I don't want that.

>> No.6300490


im not saying you should. im asking why you dont.

>> No.6300498

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6300505

Because there are books that I want to read.

>> No.6300507

There is no reason to kill myself and remove myself from possibly the only perception of anything I will ever have.

>> No.6300525


this is the rationale i have adopted.

>> No.6300531

because i'm going to be dead soon enough any way
a few decades
maybe less given my poor health

>> No.6300542


that doesnt answer the question. if anything that supports it. if you're going to die anyway, why not kill yourself now?

im not saying i believe yo should, again. just curious

>> No.6300563

how does that support it?
i imagine you're looking for me to say the following
i think it's easier waiting for the end
i'd probably bitch out of shooting myself
couldn't do the rope, afraid of that
couldn't overdose, too fearful of waiting up vomiting like uma thurman
terrified of heights, couldn't leap off anywhere

maybe if i was actively suicidal i wouldn't be afraid of the pain that generally precedes suicide, but i'm not so i'd prefer to just wait it out on the off chance i'll explode painlessly someday or something

(last time I sent this it didn't post, so apologies if it gets posted twice or something)

>> No.6300570
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waking up*

>> No.6300576


i wasnt looking for you to say anything m8. im just pretty high right now, and when i smoke i usually get pretty anxious over these questions. i would say i am pretty existentially terrified, and sometimes its nice to hear other people's justifications or affirmations for/of their existence

>> No.6300588

>If I were to die, and it was not by Earth's decision, I shall die upset
Dunno why but that made my sides fall off.

>> No.6300595

oh well can't say i have much in the way to say about that
in addition to my crippling fear of severe pain (like what if i shot myself and the afterlife was just feeling the pain of that gunshot for eternity? holy shit man, no thanks) i also find myself somewhat worried about the idea of there being nothing after it all
so i'm comfortable just waiting for whenever it is i'll die

>> No.6300600
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The true question is: Why should I?

But then again, I just don't because I enjoy
the stuff I like, the small pleasures in life... Of course, the negative stuff is way too much in comparison, but I'm still going to die anyway, right? So I'll try to enjoy as much as possible (carpe diem) within my rules.

At the end of the day it's just an emotional argument but I wouldn't claim my position is logical at all.

>> No.6300656

We all have a boundary up to which we can manage to tolerate difficulty. Beyond that boundary we begin to struggle and lose our grip, and then become susceptible to thoughts of suicide. So I suppose the reason why any given individual hasn't killed themselves yet is because they haven't reached the point at which their life is unbearable.

>> No.6300730

Did our essence not originate from the Earth? Did Earth's essence not come together in such a way that it provided us bodies, and our bodies minds, and our bodies and the minds the abilities that they have? Do we not all live on Earth? And does Earth not have the most suitable known environment for humans to live? Do we not breathe the same air? And is this air not provided by the trees of earth? And when we die, do we not decompose back into the essence from which we began and does Earth not recycle that essence back into something else?

You can only so many coincidences before logic is clearly at work. Clearly, there is a Logic which exists somewhere that has allowed everything that is to work together in such a logical way. And does logic not exist in the mind? Even if the body gives us motor skills, the mind is what tells the body to behave in such a way. When our essence goes back into the body of the Earth, the Earth logically manipulates this essence so that it may become a fossil or a plant or maybe even a new species. And for the Earth to work in such a logical way, it must have something which provides it logic. For us, and for every logical species, this logic is provided by our minds, and I would think it would be the same for the Earth.

The Earth, if its logical, would not create humans just because. Humans are very capable of destroying the Earth, and logically speaking, one would not make something that has the capabilities of destroying it UNLESS that Creator bestowed upon its subjects a certain task which makes this power they have to rebel against their Creator necessary to whatever cause Earth has.

>> No.6300749

I'd still like to indulge the idea of the self and being

>> No.6300774


my problem is that i firmly believe there is nothing when we die. I'm a philosophy major (lol) and I'm actually planning on writing my thesis on it. it's not some thing meant to promote atheism or anything. i cnclude that the possibiltiy isnt ruled out. but i definiely dont believe that if there is a god, hes actively effecting peoples lives. i forget the term for it, but i definitely think if there is a god, he just created it all and that was it.

>> No.6300780


you keep mentioning logic but i see none in your post, m8. thats the intelligent design argument

>> No.6300781

Do you like Buckminster Fuller

>> No.6300788

Theres funny jokes I still havent told

>> No.6300795

No idea who that is. Only philosophy I ever read were some Greeks. Did he believe what I said as well? I'm sure he would have a more concrete argument than what I have said.

>> No.6300796


>> No.6300798

I wish I could suicide, but I'm a coward.

>> No.6300809

Find a copy of his book "Intuition," I think you'd get a kick out of it

>> No.6300810

The Will to Death is as flawed as the Will to Life, and the 3rd option of Willing Nothingness or not Willing at all are not satisfactory alternatives either. All people are inauthentic because they cannot escape the above dichotomy.

The only authentic path for the individual is Will and Will Life but only in a complete affirmation of life.
And such a task requires the reevaluation of all values and the ability to say No to all things, but Yes to some.

This will take some time but he is coming.

>> No.6300812

Because I don't want to die.

>> No.6300815

It would violate the Categorical Imperative and is therefore immoral. I don't want to die doing something immoral

>> No.6300818

This. When I've memed all the memes I'll finally be able to rest.

>> No.6300829

Are you a fellow meme master?

When will the academia finally have another anthropology studies branch focusing on meme studies? By then I'll finally have my PhD

>> No.6300830

>>6300730 Me again. I'm going to step back from metaphysics for a moment.

I'm assuming that a person commits suicide because they are depressed. A depressed person should learn from their experience what causes this depression and make it their responsibility to ensure no one else falls into a similar depression. If they commit suicide, they are being irresponsible and selfish because even though they have the knowledge of what makes them depressed, they don’t want to share it. Imagine if everyone shared with each other this wisdom and other similar wisdom of what makes depressed and how they managed to get over it, depression would cease to be a thing. I understand this is a very optimistic view, but hey, I'm not depressed.

>> No.6300832


This but with much better movie and television on my to watch list. Kidding, I'm not a fan of scrubs but it's by no means bad television

>> No.6300839


I like smoking weed, reading books, watching movies, talking with friend, erotic roleplaying, and on top of all that inane garbage I kind of want to see how things turn out for my species as long as I can afford to watch comfortably. I'm interested in cryogenic freezing to that effect.

>> No.6300846

Is anyone else expecting the collapse of modern civilization within our lifetimes?

>> No.6300848

I'm expecting something drastic to happen to the United States.

I'm rooting for a tyranny

>> No.6300855

Expert troll or someone dumb enough to think the CI is still relevant (like try it was invalidated 100s of years ago).

>> No.6300861

Implying it you arent already living in a tyranny.

>being this much blue pilled

>> No.6300863

I don't want to die because i want to know how all this ends.

>> No.6300872

the last time i did a thread like this one i got banned for like a month instantly, yet this one remains here
but when i give friendly advice i get a 3 day ban for spamming

>> No.6300874

>I don't want the end to come because I want to see the end

>> No.6300875

MIND = Blown

>> No.6300877


can you give some thoughts on the writings in the critique thread here >>6294192?

I'd be very interested to see how a slusher judges writing compares to my own thoughts

>> No.6300880

Difference between "why havent you killed yourselves?" and "what philosophies justify living?"

One of these things is clearly meant to increase suicidal thoughts among those read it and the other thing asks roughly the same question but with relation to the literary medium.

>> No.6300887


I'm sorry that your story made me chuckle.

>> No.6300889

earth, humanity, time. I want to know what happens.

>> No.6300892

The aim of life is to prepare us for death.

>> No.6300893


>"Myth of Sisyphus" 0 results

I know this board isn't overly fond of Camus but I'd of expected a name drop or two somewhere. It directly addresses the question of suicide in a way that doesn't rely on nearly as many assumptions about reality.

>> No.6300897


Pretty music mostly

>> No.6300905

I want to, but I'm scared of the pain or possible regret in my last moments because I'm a pussy.

>> No.6300918

Logically speaking, its better to live for as long as you can and die by natural means.

If you commit suicide because:

1. You're depressed and you see death as an escape

Then what are your thoughts on the following paragraph?

There's a chance you won't be depressed if you keep being alive. When you're dead, you're dead. No one can truly say what happens after death, for all you know, death could actually be worse than your current conditions.

2. You don't find any meaning in life so you might as well die and be over with it

Then what are your thoughts on the following paragraph?

There's a chance there is a meaning in life, and you just haven't found it yet. When you're dead, you're dead. No one can truly say what happens after death, for all you know, death could be even more meaningless than your current conditions.

>> No.6300921

A lot of people who have suicidal thoughts are beyond reason and logic. It is an innate predisposition that cannot be talked out of with strawman fallacies.

>> No.6300925

reading Camus helped me understand many things I don't think I would have got to on my own, literally a life saver.

>> No.6300935

If I die...how will she ever realize how much she loves me?

>> No.6300937

I gave up relationships long before I decided I wanted to die. There's no point in them.

>> No.6300942


>> No.6300993

Okay, say I accept that there is no reason not to kill myself because my existence carries no meaning, and dying is technically only a short-cut to my ultimate fate.

I think that realistically there is no down side to living my life before I die. Taking the scenic route in a way. I mean killing myself is literally no different to living my life and dying as the entire situation is of zero value.

If I got into a situation where I was not enjoying life then yeah I could understand taking the short-cut but at the moment I'm happy and so I'll just wait a while before I die I think.

>> No.6301010

It's ethically wrong

>> No.6301014

>implying any thought is genuine

>> No.6301021

Deontologists pls

>> No.6301041

I look forward to continuing to be conscious in the next moment. New shit could happen.

>> No.6301047

Does your psychiatrist ever use the term "Projection?" Because you just limited a large group of strangers to the very small prism of your experience.

>> No.6301060
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Thanks to most everyone on this site for following along and playing my little game. While a couple people every once in a blue moon speak out, most here are loyal natalists. However, sometimes people get pissed at the whole circus and call me out on it.


Angry human:

>I really dislike the phrase: ‘”Who knows what the future might hold? The possibilities are endless.” I think that it is just a bullshit phrase people like to tell to each other to falsely cheer one another up and avoid facing mental distress by ignoring the sad reality of their current existential situation.

And well, actually, we do know. Perhaps not with complete exactitude, but we can get a pretty fucking accurate idea.

The future certainly holds death, for everyone. And before death, there are a limited amount of mundane, insignificant and meaningless occurrences, events and situations that could happen and that a person could end up experiencing. Many of those depending on the social situation, genetic composition and personality traits, can already start to be discarded as they have almost zero chances of ever happening other than inside the individual’s imagination. Not to mention that none of it, not even the best case scenario of a combination of things happening, will have a significant impact whatsoever on anything other than distracting the meat puppet from the fact that it is decomposing towards nothingness, about to say bye bye forever and that their forced emergence from the void to just momentarily being to purposelessly swim around lost in a sea of cosmic indifference, was monumentally futile and absurd.

>> No.6301634


tbh I was very unimpressed with the myth of sisyphus. if anything, nietzsche (lol) is the only philosopher to ever have made me feel a little better about my situation. the birth of tragedy is actually a masterpiece

>> No.6301644

I have no easy way out and dead pain during. I do simulate death though by simply doing nothing, I drift in and out of sleep for hours and have taught myself to clear my head of thoughts with some effort. The constant noise in unbearable though, and sadly even in a completely silent room you can still hear your own body, fuck this noise.

>> No.6301901

Because I deal with reality the same way as any rational contemporary thinker would; I read nothing but post-modern philosophy and drown in copious amounts of hallucinogenics.

>> No.6301922
File: 20 KB, 250x188, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeling down
>look up symptoms and see depression
>now I'm not sure whether I'm legitimately depressed or just using broad symptoms to fool myself and avoid responsibility
>don't want to exercise or sleep early, the probable solutions

>> No.6301930

> What is your justification for doing so?
Suicide is an action which requires justification of some sort. Living, or doing nothing, does not.

I have nothing better to be doing than being alive.

>> No.6301949
File: 470 KB, 1920x1080, suicide_helmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can dream of death all you want, but until you build a suicide helmet i'm not taking anyone you seriously

>> No.6301954

I smirked.

>> No.6301958

I really really like women

>> No.6301959

>if you're going to die anyway, why not kill yourself now?
Because I generally find life is pretty fun.

>> No.6301962


>> No.6301968

why would anyone commit suicide? you're gonna die anyway, what's the rush

>> No.6301972

Occasionally I'm enjoying myself.

>> No.6301980

Reading authors who died decades ago and doing hippie things doesn't sound very contemporary to me.

>> No.6301997

I have people that care about me. Suicide would be selfish. Really really selfish

>> No.6302032

Welcome to the postmodern world, anon. You can do brand-new stuff, you can do old stuff, it's all a rich melange.