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6300202 No.6300202 [Reply] [Original]


anyone else know this feel

fuck I should really take writing more seriously

>> No.6300211

exactly the same but with art instead

I'm doing a law degree though so I'll leave art as a hobby lmao

>> No.6300215

It's not good for you to identify yourself by one characteristic of you, op. Not good for the mind. Not good for the soul.

>> No.6300216


I mean

Do you write? Have you ever produced anything of your own subjective standing note?

>> No.6300218

i never wanted to be a writer, i never saw the ppeal, then again i'm a death of the author kind of guy so i never really worshiped faggots who write books, only the texts themselves

>> No.6300223

What sucks is that whole time while I was in high school in love with the idea of studying history or literature and my uncanny ability to be lost in a book, or to be lost in my own writing, and all the awards I won for my writing and not really ever noticing it because all I did was smoke weed, was the cool guy, had all the friends, and didn't go to college. I still have zero ambition, but I think if I wrote more and took it as seriously as a career and investment instead of thinking beating my friends at video games is superior in importance than maybe I could have done something with it. Journalism or newspaper or something.

Now I'm 21 working part time and living with my parents just wishing I could go a day without feeling my chest tighten because my heart was torn out and therefore not having to smoke weed constantly and lay in bed without the ability to cry, only to roll from edge to edge in the oddest yet severe physical and emotional pain.


>> No.6300246

>law degree
that was my plan I have one more year left in my undergrad but after working with some lawyers, I don't think it's for me.
So now I need to figure out a masters/graduate to pursue and decide on a career
because it all comes down to funding our hobbies and eventually making careers out of them.

>> No.6300290

You dictate your life. That's all.
Understand that writing--all writing--is an expression of one's own perception of the present. Relish in that.
Write for pleasure. Not for purpose. Writing for purpose will lead you to the state you're in.

Look at Scot Sothern:

Read some of his stories. If anything it'll put that Well,-I-could-do-that spirit in you.
You need to wake up, my friend. Realize that the sun's gonna set on you every day. And every day you can take that moment to reflect and to write or not. You dictate your life. That's all.

>> No.6300309

This. Just do what you think you should do naturally and other people with label you for what you are

>> No.6300318

Solid advice. Not the guy you replied to, but thank you nonetheless

>> No.6300341

>identifies very strongly with the label "writer"
>doesnt take writing seriously
i dont understand

>> No.6300369


who said i only identify as writer? just one of the things

>> No.6300386


why on earth didn't you go to college?

>> No.6300423


nah I feel like this is poor advice

if you want to be a writer it's actually legit work

like you would never give that advice to someone who seriously wanted to be a doctor

>> No.6300433

why don't you submit a few short stories or something, man? you don't need to go to school for that.

>> No.6300527

Me too, precisely.
I'm not good and the internet provides a huge distraction though.

>> No.6300977

always wanted to be a musician since i was a child, accidentally became a semi-successful artist instead (earning enough to live a fine lifestyle) even though i hate it, now i want to be a writer

>> No.6300992

fuck off, I just want book recommendations to mold my young feeble mind with

I don't want any of these shit threads about you pseudo-writers

I'm pretty sure if I tried I could write a "book" that would be somewhat sincere and artistic and allegorical, but it'd still be average to shit-tier because you need for YEARS before you can become good at your trade

I grew up on the internet as I imagine many of you have and I've had enough, this is bullshit, what are you accomplishing right now?


>> No.6301030
File: 68 KB, 499x499, ayylmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wouldnt you rather smoke weed with your sister?

>> No.6301036

Lack of interest. In anything. Plus, the whole...soul being ripped to shreds. So now I just drink, read, smoke, drink, work, drink, smoke, read and get on here sometimes.

To who? People still do that? For magazines? or...like shitty blogs on tumblr or something?

>> No.6301037

>got published yesterday
>like books, never been a goal
Probavly just write more

>> No.6301038

Fuck no.

>> No.6301039

>Lack of interest. In anything
Why the fuck would anyone read what you have to say

>> No.6301044

Because I can fake it. I can numbly research, read, experience in thought, and then fake it on paper. I guess. I won awards though in school. Somebody wanted to read it. But honestly, who asks themselves that question or has it proposed to them and knows the answer?

>> No.6301054

>pretend to live
>write about people living
Your fiction is garbage. Even if your protagonist is as uninteresting as you, you can't write realistic characters with a gun pointed at your head.

Live, you fucking goomba

>> No.6301062

...pretty sure you can.
How much living do you think that fat fuck who writes about floppy wiener dragons has done? And look what he created. Do you know how many 18-25 year old pyscho crazy sexy bitch television show fans he could fuck? A lot. and he's practically worthless.

>> No.6301087

I too feel like this and am 21, though I avoid weed, do you want to go out?

>> No.6301109

Yeah. So, what's like...you're favorite book?

>> No.6301120

I've always been told my writing is good and even my poetry, but I never actually write on my own due to inability to come up with plots. If I try and come up with what would seem interesting, I just end up making some hackish throwaway b-movie plotline, and I can never pull off a serious real-life story like modernists while at the same time giving it real meaning. How do you guys find a middle ground?

>> No.6301137


you can't even fucking greentext man. also if you're consider yourself a "writer", you're probably not very good

>> No.6301165

everything will one day be returned to that which it loves best

>> No.6301169

I think I love masturbation more than I do writing.....

>> No.6301500

Not even that anon, but I'm pretty sure the date's off after that bombshell.

>> No.6301501

>curling up snug and warm in a sack of amniotic fluid
Mmmm, nice.

>> No.6301521

I know those feels, OP.

>> No.6301526


>tfw can't call myself a writer even as a joke
>tfw couldn't have cared less about writing as a child
>tfw never wanted to be a writer
>tfw don't even know what it means to identify as something

Yet all I do is write all day every day and I'm happy with it.

>> No.6301660

dont take writing too seriously

If you do, you'll never write anything ever

>> No.6301675
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mfw your face is a landscape

>> No.6301816

It's That Feel When, not My Face When.

Is that Mars?
And yes, I know that feeling too.

>> No.6303030


you do know that grrm has been writing A LOT for like forty years in all manner of places, and he has a Master's in journalism?

like... if you really think you're better than him in the slightest way, that's fucking laughable...

>> No.6304791


He's attracted to the label, not the actual career. He doesn't want to write, he wants to "be a writer."

>> No.6304857

don't listen to this man, he's trying to take you out of the game

>> No.6304871
File: 307 KB, 472x463, Screen Shot 2015-03-18 at 14.46.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that face when

>> No.6304872

start by writing something that happened to you. literally, write a story about something that happened to you, happening to someone else. once you know how to write what you know, you can learn how to write what you don't know

>> No.6304892

i-is this the judge?

>> No.6304911

no, it's the Käpt'n