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6300045 No.6300045 [Reply] [Original]

Is H.P Lovecraft's work worth buying if you're into mythology, occultism and the unnatural?

And if so, would all his of work be a good read?

Any other suggestions that have to do with these subjects?

>> No.6300047

The horror

Its too horrific to explain

>> No.6300051

Conrad pls

cant even fathom the horror OP
also niggers

>> No.6300073

Think nihilism and put it on the scale of the billions of years the universe has been around
Try blackwood. He influenced lovecraft heavily, and his work hasn't been memed on by pop culture. That said, I have a big scary looking book of lovecraft and I've gotten good use from it

>> No.6300080
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>> No.6300110

So from what i'm getting /lit/ doesn't like Lovecraft?

>> No.6300134


>> No.6300141
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>> No.6300328

Lovecraft's great but it's all fiction, he didn't really believe in any of those things. I do not either so I don't know how much somebody who does will like him, but maybe you should try some authors that were really into that sort of things like Arthur Machen.

>> No.6300336

He's literally "that nigger guy". How could you even be bothered to read his trash in 2015? Jesus Christ, kid.

>> No.6300364

Eh, not really. His incorporation of mythology is pretty shallow, occultism really isn't what he writes about, and the unnatural isn't either.

You should still read the Shadow Over Innsmouth though, it's fucking great.

>> No.6300374

politically correct pls go

>> No.6300380


no we absolutely do, but we also admit that there are many flaws in his writing despite our love for him, and we enjoy picking those flaws out and making memes out of them

>> No.6300620

Uh so was pretty much everyone before 1960. Modern sensibilities are a stupid reason to limit yourself. I mean, no one bitches about the cruelty of the roman colliseum, what gives? Thats way worse than lovecraft writing some harmless south park tier edginess when he was young, every boy goes through that phase anyway. He married a jewish woman for fucks sake

>> No.6301884

I have read some of his stories and liked them. At their best moments they give you this weird feeling of vertigo you sometimes get when you look into the night sky and the scope of everything hits you.

>> No.6301889

Which of his works to read first?

>> No.6301921
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We do like lovecraft. I want to go to the con in providence this year. It's just that he does have flaes, and if you read his works like a novel, his tropes get highlighted and some plots become silly. Remember he wasn't publishing books, he was sending his works to magazines, so you'd read a lovecraft story once every three months or something, and his strange imagery and ideas would stew in your mind.

If you like poetry, fungi from yuggoth is radical and fun

The drabblecast does a lovecraft month every August, they produce one of lovecrafts work and three works inspired by him.

Here's that big spooky lovecraft book I bought. I once read the statement of randolf carter to a girl I was fucking while teasing her lips and sentences like "it was in a deep, damp hollow, overgrown with rank grass, Moss, and curious creeping weeds, and filled with a vague stench which my idol fancy associated absurd Lee with rotting stone" turned her on like crazy. I fuck weirdos

>> No.6301938

>wow you read rudyard Kipling? Just wow
Fuck off

>> No.6301942

look into ligotti

you're welcome

>> No.6301946

That's tricky. The outsider, then Cephalis maybe, fungi from yuggoth, the Lurking Fear, or haunter in the dark.