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/lit/ - Literature

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629881 No.629881 [Reply] [Original]

So /b/, what books did you have to study in high school? Did you enjoy them?

Myself, I did the Great Gatsby. Didn't really appeal to me, couldn't relate to the American dream shit, hated every character except maybe Nick but even then he could be annoying. Writing was great I guess, but plot and characterisation did nothing for me. Though I suppose that was the point, most of the characters were shallow assholes.

Inb4 catcher in the rye

>> No.629932
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I didn't go to high school. I was home schooled. I read fantasy novels and danced and sang and was happy.

>> No.629934

>>so /b/

>> No.629945


Dammit, my mistake

*so, /lit/

>> No.629941
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Kate Beaton is the shit.
That's all I have to say.

>> No.629949

They were supposed to be shallow assholes bro..

>> No.629953

Gatsby was alright.
I'm in the 11th grade, I hate most books we have to read for school. A Raisin in the Sun is okay I guess, and I liked Huck Finn because I could understand it (as opposed to Tale of Two Cities and shit, hey I'm a southerner). I like reading on my own.

>> No.629954

Hence why I said >though I suppose that was the point

>> No.629955

What baby?

>> No.629956

I pretty much studied the basic curriculum you'd expect throughout my High School English classes:

F451, Of Mice And Men, The Scarlett Letter, Great Gatsby, Lord Of The Flies, a few works by Arthur Miller, a bit of Shakespeare, Orwell, some Oscar Wilde, and Waiting For Godot along with Rozencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead for an Existentialism unit.

The ones that I really dug were the works by Miller, Wilde, and Fahrenheit 451. Rozencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead and Waiting For Godot were pretty entertaining, but not what I would consider to be "good literature". Shakespeare was hit'n'miss; Titus Andronicus was bitchin', Hamlet was 'aight, Romeo And Juliet was tolerable. Everything else we did I either didn't enjoy or found forgettable. Overall it was a nice four years, though.

>> No.629967

How is Of Mice and Men, I'll be reading that soon

>> No.629984

I think Daisy is a pretty cool guy. seh kills Myrtle and doesnt afraid of anything...

>> No.629991

To Kill A Mockingbird. I'm sure it would have been more enjoyable if I didn't have to fill out a packet every time I completed a chapter.

>> No.629997

Pretty good, I guess.

>> No.629998

Of Mice and Men: Good
To Kill A Mockingbird: Fantastic, one of the best books Ive read in school or not
The Pearl:Decent too folksy, but a bit different
Lies Of Silence: Every moment was like being forced to eat shit while watching my girlfriend sucking off three other guys

>> No.629999

Forgot about that, it was good.

>> No.630003
File: 16 KB, 339x421, 1270715931120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Lenny is a pretty cool guy. eh kills Curley's wife and doesnt afraid of anything.[spoiler/]
Also I think George is a pretty cool guy. eh kills Lennie and doesnt afraid of anything.[spoiler/]

>> No.630004

What do you guys think about lord of the flies

>> No.630013

Kickass if you're sixteen. Pretty sweet if you're seventeen. Still nice from there-on.

>> No.630014

Children learn about boar hunting and killing each other brutally.
That's all.

>> No.630016

I'm 16 so that's good I guess :\

>> No.630021

Fill out a packet? Explain, please?

Also, To Kill a Mockingbird is a pretty good book.

>> No.630026

I'm not that guy but
in high school where you have sheets of gayass questions about what you just read

>> No.630028

A packet of paper, basically having to answer lots of questions after each chapter. School takes all the enjoyment out of reading.

>> No.630029

He probably means like a hand out from the teacher like




>> No.630049

My most distinguishing memory of high school English class was reading The Odyssey. I remember being the only one in class who enjoyed reading it and paying attention. Every single other student in that class was a complete dumbass who failed the test. Whenever we had group projects, everyone would rely on me and copy my work. It was then that I realized how stupid my generation would grow to be.

>> No.630054


>> No.630116

lol. Why?

>> No.630170
File: 32 KB, 299x475, canticle-for-leibowitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Science Fiction we ever got to read in High School.

At least it was awesome.

>> No.630190


[Spoiler] Hells yes.

>> No.630202

Gatsby is great
Mockingbird is fantastic
Old man and the Sea is pretty good too

Romeo and Juliet is actually decent, i thought

>> No.630214

/r/ing more dumb comics about Great Gatsby.

I think the only thing I read for school that I never liked was Hemingway. His style bored me and he was a misogynistic asshole.

>> No.630220

I can only remember studying one flew over the cuckoos nest. It was great.

>> No.630248


>> No.630251


So you had a terrible teacher.

>> No.630259

Hey, mysogyny is cool. Haven't you seen /r9k/?

Problem Anon?

>> No.630349


>> No.630358

>The Great Gatsby

oh look it's this thread again

>> No.630372

The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy.

man, that shit was so feminine I felt like ovulating while reading it. not a good thing if you are a guy.

>> No.630644

cuz u gay

>> No.630657

>implying misogyny is bad

>> No.630658

Crime and Punishment

>> No.630674

Catcher in the Rye and A Separate Piece were pretty awful. Catch-22 was awesome as well as Of Mice and Men.

>> No.630682

11th grade fag here
My year's curriculum so far:
The Crucible
Catcher in the Rye (one of like, 20 choices)
The Great Gatsby
Catch-22 (one of a bunch of choices)
To Kill a Mockingbird

We spent a small unit on poetry and short stories in Realism and watched a movie about a guy slowly dying from hypothermia. Fun.

I've enjoyed everything this year so far, and I'm taking a class specifically about British literature next year. The only novels I really haven't liked were Speak and the Pearl.

>> No.630684

fellow 11th grade fag here
I'm gonna hate next year I'm taking AP English it's gonna be like classic lit or british lit or some shit

>> No.630689

I took accelerated classes in high school, but I live in Louisiana, so we didn't read enough.

The Outsiders, Great Expectations, Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar, The Pearl, Macbeth, Animal Farm, Scarlet Letter, The Crucible, and To Kill a Mockingbird. The rest was poetry and short stories. Shit, we read only one play and no other long works in my senior year. Even Beowulf was abridged.

I hated The Pearl with a passion and probably still would today. Outsiders and To Kill a Mockingbird felt like they belonged in a Jr. High classroom. Raged that we didn't read Hamlet or 1984 so I read them on my own.

>> No.630692

You talking about "To Build a Fire"? AKA, the story/movie where you scream "EAT THE DOG!" and then at the end "OMFG RUN AWAY DOG!"

>> No.630696

I loved the outsiders I read it in 7th grade

>> No.630698

All "literature" studies will be "classic".

if you meant classic as in classicism (greek, roman, etc.) AP Lit will combine that and brit. lit and American Lit. it is ALL classic, ALL the time.

>> No.630704

rofl yes. The part where he wrestled the dog was hilarious, but the rest left me in depression for the rest of the day.

>> No.630715

In Cold Blood and Lord of the Flies were my favorites.

>> No.630723

Meh. I'm pretty sure it's Brit Lit.

>> No.630731

Why all the open underagedbanneds?

Anyway 'The Mayor of Casterbridge' was pretty hardgoing, plotwise,even if I could appreciate Hardy's writing.

>> No.630743

Let's see.. I can really only remember the books I read in 12th grade:

The Power and the Glory - Fucking. LOVE. This book. Seriously, I was the only one in class to enjoy it. I reread it like five times.
Waiting for Godot - Nothing really spectacular, but it was awesome because it was silly.
Dubliners - lol, drunk Irish guys beating their wives.
The Stranger - Hated it, absolutely AWFUL. I blame the translation, but I'm not about to learn French just to read a book I already couldn't make myself like.
Hiroshima - Follows four different people who were in/around Hiroshima during the atomic bombing. Real life, first hand accounts. Awesome.

I also read The Great Gatsby in an earlier grade, loved it.

There were more, but they didn't quite stand out to me.

>> No.630767

i enjoyed The Tale of Scroty McBoogerballs

>> No.630847

Ain't no mods
And plus, you should be glad there are SOME high schoolers that read and enjoy at least semi-decent literature

>> No.630875
File: 2.73 MB, 700x2926, macbeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I read this shit in high school and loved it