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6298436 No.6298436 [Reply] [Original]

Be honest. If you read this book non stop, how long would It take you to read it once.

> Lord of the Flies, 202 pages long

>> No.6298445

One hour and a half, I think.

>> No.6298471

Maybe two hours, but I remember it having a very large font/being widely spaced too.

>> No.6298479

probably an hour or two

>> No.6298570

Maybe two hours. My problem is that I can't read a book nonstop.

>> No.6298611

two hours
i can only read about fifty pages of something before i need to take a break and do something else

>> No.6298625

about the time it takes me to get dubs.

>> No.6298630


Like this?

>> No.6298638

You can't read this quickly, go home your mother is a whore

>> No.6298640

No, he means like this.

>> No.6298642

There are no dubs on /lit/ you spooks

>> No.6298644

what about the time it takes you to check these?

>> No.6298936
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>> No.6298949

I haven't read it but it would probably take me around 6 hours, I'm a very slow reader and can't read fast without losing comprehension.

>> No.6298968

About 3 hours considering that I read about a page a minute, longer for non-fic

>> No.6298977

At least 4 hour if the font is not too small. The people who are saying less are either bullshitting or reading without saying the words in their head.

>> No.6300916

Two hours but not fully paiying attention yo what im reading. Four hours to completly understand everything

>> No.6300988

3-4 hours.
if i can maintain the attention.

>> No.6300998

I found the book terribly boring so it took me a few days. I read Hamlet in like 5 hours. I read Catcher in the Rye in a day. Into the Wild in one day. Ulysses in one day. Pulp in one day. Heart of Darkness in one day.

So...probably two hours or so?

>> No.6300999

>Ulysses in one day.
Now you are shitting me.

>> No.6301002

ITT: people who lie on the internet

>> No.6301003


newfags aint even shootin for dem trips doe

>> No.6301012

Anon, lying on the Internet is not cool

>> No.6301142

Are you the same guy who read Tom Jones in a few hours?

>> No.6301194

Nonstop? I'd say 30 min, but I'd be lying because I'd probably get up and get a cup of coffee and take a cigarette break, so realistically 35 min.

>> No.6301211

4 hours

>> No.6301229
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I first read that book in an English class in 6th grade. The class was an hour-ish long, I finished the book and a 3 page report on it within that time.

I have since lost the ability to read well and have to struggle through shit at a painfully slow pace that's below the average reading speed

>> No.6301231

>reading without saying the words in their head.
Is this actually a thing people do? I wasn't aware that I said the words in my head but now after thinking about it I'm pretty sure I do and I can't imagine reading without it.

>> No.6301244

It's a method known as sub vocalizing and someone who does it is doomed never to be a fast reader until they break it as a habit. A piece of advice I can give is to read in chunks. You recognize words through the pictures they form with letters, you already know many chunks of words, just recognize what a chunk is saying and move to the next. Don't know if it will work for you but I read about it in a speed reading book and it practically doubled my reading speed and made it impossible to sub vocalize while I do it correctly.

>> No.6301276

Try chewing gum while you read.

>> No.6301309

I already watched the movie. Don't feel like reading it nowf

>> No.6301337

6-8 hours.


>> No.6301340

why so slow?

>> No.6301372
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I don't know

>> No.6301399

Relax, slow reading is better than no reading.

>> No.6302195

>reading any faster than natural speech
>not appreciating the rhythm of the prose
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

>> No.6302216

Lol I Always thought I was autistic for reading like this. I always read "out loud" but in my head, as to get a feel for the way it's written. I'll sometimes unconsciously mouth the words out with my lips and have to stop myself

>> No.6302232

Ten hours.

>> No.6302234

Maybe you are right and it works, but I can't help but feel you would miss quite a lot by it. I never tried a recommended fast reading technique though, I could see it helping a lot for school and stuff

>> No.6302341

it's absolutely shit for any fiction more difficult than catcher in the rye

>> No.6302354
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>> No.6302385



>> No.6302395

> he cannot appreciate the rhythm of the prose any faster than the natural speech
> he reads fiction like he reads theatre plays

>> No.6302407

plays are fiction

>> No.6302422
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>> No.6302430

Comprehension drops though. I do that for non-fiction cause I totally lose a quality of prose while doing that.

>> No.6302431


Maybe like, 3 hours?
I read 1 page per minute, sometimes faster (and sometimes much slower)
I could read it a lot faster than that, but my retention and enjoyment would drop significantly

>> No.6302442

4-6 hours maybe.

>> No.6302447

6-8 hours

>> No.6302462

this is realistic