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/lit/ - Literature

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6297964 No.6297964 [Reply] [Original]

And why aren't you pursuing it?

pic related

>> No.6297977
File: 353 KB, 700x730, 65f8fa9fc498628d109c6281d85add26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do as much as my body allows. You write to compensate for the rest.

>> No.6297980

I am. Why aren't YOU pursuing ME? No homo.

>> No.6297995

Damn that shojo was awful.
My female roomie made me watch it to introduce me to japanese culture (she is not the typical weeabo and thankfully also fed me with decent litterature), but damn it sucked.

Also this guy is the worst trap, I wouldn't let him suck my dick.

>> No.6298010

What is the BEST grain of sand?

>> No.6298012
File: 131 KB, 500x643, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

David Lynch movies
1990s cartoons
entertainment magazines
tacky sitcoms
1950s housewife mail-order catalogs
vacuum cleaners
comics by jack kirby
lesser-known SNL movies
Super Nintendo
Sega Genesis
meme rap
radio pop
pseudo-chic industry whores (pic related)
late night talk shows
contemporary airport fiction
vintage pulp
large blunts of marijuana
psychoanalytic topography
hieronymous bosch
high fashion
celebrity worship
reality television

>> No.6298017

I don't plan on fighting retards just because they hit when they feel bad feelings.

>> No.6298022

Those are the reasons that you aren't pursuing it, right?

>> No.6298036


I don't need to pursue it, scrub

it pursues me

>> No.6298039

Now you're getting back in the game!

spoiler and sage for shit
Yes, I really liked Ringo's design and the idea of trap teacher, but as soon as I saw the anime hated him. I still use the pics because it's still cute and I know people hate how I overuse my hibari-kun folder.

>> No.6298043

frank is great but hes too much of a crazy cuck, and literally is supported by his parents while he makes stupid videos for the internet.

Don't get me wrong mirin like crazy, but i overall could not deal with his pseudo-everything.
and the bbs and alpha/beta shit got to him on a psychological level. I think misc legitimately damaged him. I know he tried to internalize it and become it, but god damn.

I started to get the feeling his entire life is composed of lies and editing. I doubt he has dont half the stuff he claims (although im sure he has some crazy experienced).

I do pursue my own aesthetics, but i'm 6'1 natty with no regular access to a gym atm. I would need to be like 220lbs at 10% bf just to look like frank in that pic and that's a fucking insane commitment.
And my right arm was somewhat damaged in a surgery from when i was younger so im unable to lift as heavy as i would like and even dead lifting over 400 is a risk to my tendon.(even double over hand even straps supposedly so say my doctors)

Stuck at a semi otter DYEL mode at around 175 13~%

Its alright.

I think physical fitness is very important to cultivating a beautiful life, however you gotta make your own way.

>> No.6298061
File: 82 KB, 317x192, rakich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meaning of life is aesthetics

>> No.6298067

Back to /fit/, with your inflated enthusiasm of the male figure, blatant misrepresentations of aesthetics, and other pseudo-intellectual ramblings that are characteristic of /fit/.

>> No.6298071

next time push your arm a little closer to your body

>> No.6298078

Lifting weights is /lit/ as fuck.

/fit/ is for beta-posting at a slightly less pathetic level than r9k. slightly.
very slightly.

>> No.6298085

>dudes who lift weights


just find some dude on craigslist to tear your asshole open, that's what you really want

>> No.6298088

your arm is bigger than your waist

>> No.6298095

i will if you lose your virginity

>> No.6298137
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>> No.6298148

nice one

post this epic comeback on snapchat

>> No.6298169

I realize that you think what you're getting from these people is negative reactions, but we're all kind of more interested in anything than what you have to say. Because the fact of the matter is that even us dipshits are smarter than ANY retard who derives meaning in life from his physique. And when you respond, if you get anything from us at all it's because we've got nothing else to do than tell you how stupid you are. That's all you're going to get here. Move along. Read a book.

>> No.6298254
File: 185 KB, 561x777, 1418184055440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speak for yourself nigger, it is supreme bliss reading Ulysses after coming back from a 3 hour leg day.

This is how literature was intended to be read.

How can you actually feel the rich living experience of a masterwork if you are not properly in touch with your own body and embodiment in general.

You sound like one of those beta retards who thinks weight lifting is sitting in front of a mirror and grunting mindlessly.
Its more about learning your own body, and pain and research and sacrifice.

When you read about heros throwing some person off a rampart you have no idea what you should even feel, you dont know what 200lbs feels like, you dont even know what a vagina feels like.

Go out side and do something then read a book bro, and by bro i mean never my bro you fucking faggot.

>> No.6298257

a social construct for individuals bored, nearly degenerate, incapable of living without motives, as well as of seeing that, if anything must be beautiful, the world in its entirety is already so, both in sufficiency and necessity.

no thanks

>> No.6298262


>thinks the shape of his muscles when he was 20 will matter 100 years from now

god I hate narcissist dweebs

>> No.6298266

>and by bro i mean never my bro you fucking faggot

off with you to the misc sub 80 iq containment and never come back

>> No.6298279

This guy gets it.

>muh beauty is a social construct

>> No.6298289


demonstrate how beauty exists outside of the social order

I'll wait, you retard

>> No.6298297



look at them, just fucking look at them.

>> No.6298307

read the hippias you dumb nigger
>not believing in the divine
*tips helm of the dominator*

>> No.6298313

Next you are going to say that aesthetics are merely subjective and that I can be a landwhale and still be beautiful. God damn, you leftists make me so angry.

>> No.6298327

See this is roughly what i'm talking about. You clearly have hostility issues, issues with reading comprehension, and issues articulating yourself effectively. This is because you place value in the places that stupid people place them and your day to day thinking is shaped by gorrilla behavior.

>> No.6298332

Read Phaedo, mate.

>> No.6298334
File: 254 KB, 1061x958, 1422573143099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the creative nothing beauty exists for me alone.

plus it suits my ends.

besides if you learn to read close retard there are no objective claims being made, but the allusion to "the aesthetic life" which is more or a name for a type of practice than it is an actual school

>implying any of that matters.
>implying you cant enjoy your physicality later in life
>implying bodybuilding is narcissism

my iq is 84 fagort not sub 80 cum at me bro

>> No.6298337


You're better than this.

>> No.6298343

read the phédon illiterate tumblrite scum

>> No.6298347

With such an ironic picture, I can't tell if this is a sarcastic post or not.

>> No.6298349

often when I'm out alone walking, I see something in nature that I recognize as beautiful

>> No.6298363

"lifting is for retards" anon said before masturbating to a girl who looks vaguely like that one cute girl in his physics class getting fucked by three men at once on the bathroom floor in a video he found from three hours of browsing through the teen section of xvideos

>> No.6298370
File: 26 KB, 345x504, implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6298375

""lifting is for retards" anon said before masturbating to a girl who looks vaguely like that one cute girl in his physics class getting fucked by three men at once on the bathroom floor in a video he found from three hours of browsing through the teen section of xvideos" anon said before an 8 hour gymceling session " maybe theyll finally overlook my ugly face... maybe" he muttered

>> No.6298389

> Aesthetic
> Pinnacle
> Not endless plateaus and platitudes

>> No.6298392

I am not sure if this is merely a lack of self steem or you guys just don't give a shit about your body.

The body matters as much as the mind, both are yours to take care of. Do you not care about your body and mind?

>> No.6298401

do you not care about your teeth?

Im teethbrah xDDD amirite? Sloots gonna sloots

>> No.6298410

> Body/Mind binary

>> No.6298416

/fit/ crossposters are the worst

>> No.6298419
File: 6 KB, 300x168, wellmemed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol at all the beta nonliters itt relying on ad hominem attacks to justify there sub 500 deadlift

>> No.6298435
File: 35 KB, 550x535, 1373356590041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stirner is truly the endgame as of late

>> No.6298442

I do care about my teeth. Don't you care about your teeth?
You could argue that they are one, but your fat won't disappear by merely reading a book, and your knowledge won't grow that much by lifting some weights or jogging.

>> No.6298453

thats the thing. Gymcels tend to focus on the gym part too much and end up into a state of constant unwaranted vain narcissism cycle after 1 month of lifting, thats why everyone hates gymcels

>> No.6298465

came here to post this, but since you got it, I'll add

>> No.6298474


now we are getting somewhere


>> No.6298475

That video doesn't make them look half as stupid as some of the others.

>> No.6298480

omg brah like damn brah so wow brah

wuts ur bench 1 rep max brah
tell me HERE brah or tell me on misc brah
ur choice brah u mirin brah

~~ i read bookz kr3w ~~
~~ total nerd crew ~~
~~ misc brah creWWW ~~
~~ get /fit/ or fukk off crew ~~
~~ if u dont get /fit/, i will look down on you crew ~~
~~ im a condescending cunt bcoz i started lifting weights crew ~~
~~ i have notihng else in life that i can boast about crew ~~
~~ pay attention to me crew ~~

>> No.6298483


>i'm not gonna lift becos i will be stupid lmao

>> No.6298495

Well, yeah, I do agree with you about what you're saying, but you have to admit that the same could be said about the people that act all mighty about being into Pynchon/DFW/Joyce, there is atleast some degree of narcissism in those people too.

My point is that you should take care about your body and still seek "enlightenment of the mind", and viceversa.

>> No.6298506

too much ressentiment up in here. im a doughy out of shape cunt myself but i respect people who put in the work to look good, anyone with any aesthetic sensitivity should appreciate the noble beauty of a well sculpted body. trying to get in shape now though, usually too depressed to stick with it and revert back to old habits but i think i'll pull it off this time. last time i had a long-term successful kick of eating well and working out i lost a good bit of weight and gained a lot of strength, hopefully i can finish it up this time.

>> No.6298511

Lifting weights is literally the literature of the body.

Its not about being "the most swole alpha brah 420 faggot crusher chad thundercock"
you are being spooked into hating your physique by fear of association.

Yes some people take the whole gym thing in a negative way. I understand that, but picking up something heavy does not make you like that instantly.

Any activity can be made distasteful if the person doing it is disingenuous.
But if you take weight training for your own life and what that means to you it is incredibly uplifting.


/fit/ is an awful board though.

>> No.6298512

I am.

Do wide grip pull-ups erry day. Broad shoulders are awesome

>> No.6298515


>> No.6298530

Is this what /lit/ has come to?

>> No.6298562


What's chosen to be held up as 'aesthetic' is either one of two things:

1) A matter of practicality. Like in the way a woman's hips are shaped, or the way the shape of an egg is strongest, or the way the brain reacts to a certain pitch. There's a good reason why it looks, or performs, or feels, or smells the way it does. This isn't art, this is science.

2) Popularity

We all just decide to agree that something is aesthetic. We all like it, therefore, it's aesthetic.

Both of these applications are useless to art. Art- true art, not commercial art- owes nothing to aesthetics, and even exists in opposition to the entire concept. Arts such as Literature.

>> No.6298566

This is the worst relativist defense I've read in my entire life.

Read Kant you moron.

>> No.6298578


Defense of what, exactly?

>> No.6298579

You can't be serious

>> No.6298593

>relativist defense
>defense of what ?

You're actually dumber than you look like !

>> No.6298643

oh am i laffin.

>> No.6298712

we're all gonna make it


>> No.6298812

The culture surrounding misc, /fit/ and body building in general is so fucking embarrassing.

>> No.6299119

>lifters being obnoxious manchildren
go back to your containment board fags

>> No.6299276

i lift and i admit modern gym culture is fucking awful

>> No.6299305

i don't get people who derive pleasure from exercise, especially weightlifting. i do some cardio and calisthenics for basic fitness but why would i valorize such a tedious, boring activity?

>> No.6300428
File: 23 KB, 334x441, Yukio Mishima - 1970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just want to be a girly QT like mishima.

>> No.6300671

what is the name of it

>> No.6300678

This. Doing it to stay healthy fine -- I run and do yoga -- but anything more is vanity. I've never been attracted to girls who obsess over fitness.

>> No.6300688

ayyy misc ?

>> No.6300690


>> No.6300694


He's right tho.

>> No.6300700

I think men with too many muscles look gross, and more often than not are more than a bit mental.

>> No.6300702

The pinnacle of aesthetics is realized in polymorphous perversity.

I can't not.

>> No.6300709


>polymorphously perverse

an Annie Hall quote? in 2015?

>> No.6300770

pleb. pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb pleb

>> No.6300784

aesthetics is just a word people use when they like something in particular and can't explain why

exactly why you'll see it posted by the retards on /fa/

>> No.6301055


>being this assravaged

Holy shit, dude just try a little dieting and weight lifting. I can guarantee it'll pay off if you stay diligent.

>> No.6301058


>being this jealous

>> No.6301059

It's actually a Freud phrase.

You just only know it from Annie Hall because you're disgustingly uneducated.

>> No.6301389

Lmao I cant tell if you're being sincere about this

>> No.6301400

lol dongs