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/lit/ - Literature

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6293146 No.6293146 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6293178

>Last Three

The Stranger - Camus

Ugly Girls - Lindsay Hunter

All My Puny Sorrows - Miriam Toews

>Currently Reading

Catch-22, forgot how funny this shit is

>Next Three

Cat's Cradle - Vonnegut

The Darkness At Noon - Arthur Koestler

Where Late The Sweet Birds Sang - Kate Wilhelm

>> No.6293185

>Last Three
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
Dune - Frank Herbert
Ensaio sobre a cegueira - José Saramago

>Currently Reading
Good Omens - Pratchett & Gaiman

>Next Three (probably)
Hyperion - Dan Simmons
Wyrd Sisters - Terry Pratchett
Anansi Boys - Neil Gaiman

>> No.6293191

>Last Three
Annihilation (Vandermeer)
DFW Short Stories
The Troop (Cutter)

>Currently Reading
The Art of Fielding (Harbach) (very disappointing)

>Next Three
DFW Nonfiction
Latest issues of Tin House and New England Review
Authority (Vandermeer)

>> No.6293197

>Last Three
The Double - Dostoevsky
Min Kamp 1 - Knausgård
The Sorrows of Young Werther - Goathe

>Currently Reading
Den Allvarsamma Leken - Söderberg

>Next Three
Nausea - Sartre
Min Kamp 2 - Knausgård
Franny & Zoey - Salinger

>> No.6293220

>Last Three
I didn't finish Delta of Venus :(
-Ecstasy Irvine Welsh
-Porno Irvine Welsh
-A History of Reading Alberto Manguel
>Currently Reading
-The Butterfly Effect Mahmoud Darwish
>Next Three
-Arabic novels/poetry i miss' em

>> No.6293253

>Last Three
Red Harvest - Hammet
Slaughterhouse Five - Vonegut
Prey - Crichton

>Currently Reading
Crime and Punishment - Dosto(y)evsky

>Next Three
Mogworld - Croshaw
The Dain Curse - Hammet
Pattern Recognition - Gibson

>> No.6293264


have you read any thure erik lund?

>> No.6293265


>Last Three.
Mason & Dixon
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
War With the Newts

Wuthering Heights

>Next Three.
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Nabokov's Complete Short Stories
The Pendragon Legend or maybe Blood Meridian

>> No.6293292

>last three:
Strindberg - The Red room
Pynchon - Inherent Vice
Modiano - The little gem

Pratchett - Raising Steam
Steinbeck - Of Mice and Men

Handke - The Hour We Knew Nothing of Each Other
Torgny Lindgren - Dorés Bibel
Pynchon - V.

>> No.6293309

>Last Three
Mrs. Dalloway
The Most Dangerous Book
Catch 22

>Currently Reading
The Odessey

>Next Three
New Testament
The Divine Comedy
Waiting for Godot

>> No.6293318

What did you think of Knausgård?

>> No.6293321

What did you think of Prey

Last time I read it I was a teenager, so I don't know if it was actually good or if I just had shit taste.

>> No.6293332

Swedish, and no never heard of him.

It forced me to remember parts of my repressed childhood, otherwise enjoyed it a lot. Some really brilliant segments in it.

>> No.6293343

>Last Three
Raw Shark Texts - Steven Hall
The Great Divorce - CS Lewis
The Illustrated Man - Ray Bradbury

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Mark Haddon

>Next Three
Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka
Great Expectations - Charles Dickens
The Stranger - Albert Camus

Afraid that I won't like Great Expectations since I hated it when I read it in HS. Hopefully I enjoy it.

>> No.6293362

“No contemporary author writes like Thure Erik Lund. With an enormous linguistic thrust, and an abundance of original thoughts and ideas, this time, Lund develops a novel that claims to be written by an artificial intelligence several centuries in the future. Lund (…) challenges us both linguistically and thematically. (…) Not a book for everyone, but definitely one for those who want to give the most innovative of Norwegian contemporary literature a go.”

>> No.6293375

>Last Three
No One Belongs Here More Than You - Miranda July
The Gigantic Beard That Was Evil - Stephen Collins
Several Short Sentences About Writing - Verlyn Klinkenbourg

>Currently Reading
The Crying of Lot 49 - Thomas Pynchon
The Complete Cosmicomics - Italo Calvino

>Next Three
Journey to the End of the Night - Celine
Tinkers - Paul Harding
Shock Doctrine - Naomi Klein

>> No.6293381

Freakonomics - 4/10
Slaughterhouse-Five - 6/10
Birth of Tragedy - 8/10

Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
Postmodernism: A Reader

Thinking, Fast and Slow

>> No.6293383

hhhhhhhhhh lol

>> No.6293400

Sounds cool, might check out.

>> No.6293457
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>Last four

The Old Man and the Sea

For Whom The Bell Tolls

A Farewell to Arms

The Sun Also Rises

>Currently reading

Hemingway: A Life Without Consequences

>Next three

To Have and Have Not

A Moveable Feast

Green Hills of Africa

>> No.6293460 [DELETED] 
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>Last Three
No One Belongs Here More Than You - Miranda July
Indignation - Philip Roth
Zombie Spaceship Wasteland - Patton Oswalt

>Currently Reading
The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen

>Next Three
Not sure yet, but if I had to guess:
Double Feature - Owen King
Light in August - Faulkner
Olive Kitteridge - Elizabeth Strout

>> No.6293462

Hemingway go home you're drunk

>> No.6293465


>last three
Kafka - Amerika
Asimov - Foundation
Dick - Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

Melville - Moby-Dick (reread)
Lattimore - The Poetry of Greek Tragedy
Kerouac - On the Road
Woolfe - Mrs. Dalloway

>next three
It's always a game-time decision but it'll probably be from among the following:
All extant Greek tragedies (as soon as I finish the Lattimore book, and it will also be first or second reread for many of these)
Laing - Politics of Experience
Eco - The Name of the Rose
Márquez - 100 Years of Solitude
Heller - Picture This (reread)
Homer - Illiad and Odyssey (would be second reread for both)
Cervantes - Don Quixote

>> No.6293478

>Last Three
A Visit from the Goon Squad - Jennifer Egan
This is How you Lose Her - Junot Diaz
American Salvage - Bonnie Jo Campbell

>Currently Reading
300,000,000 - Blake Butler
Tenth of December - George Saunders

>Next Three
Moby Dick
London Fields
Probably some more Saunders because of how fucking good he is

>> No.6293484

i dont think so

>> No.6293490
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>> No.6293505

his biography has actually impressed me with how little of it deals with alcohol (well I have 100/600 pages left, so maybe he's about to go off the deep end). F. Scott Fitzgerald, on the other hand, is constantly shitty drunk whenever he comes up.

>> No.6293513

Saunders is great. I've read Pastoralia and The Brief and Frightening Reing of Phil.

>> No.6293520

The Black Company
Shadows Linger
Promise of Blood

American Psycho

The Fellowship of the Ring
The Two Towers
The Return of the King

>> No.6293523

There's one story in Tenth of December that is just perfect. One of the best reading experiences I've had in a while

>> No.6293593
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The Man Who mistook his Wife for a Hat.
Mrs. Dalloway
The Conspiracy Against Human Race

Pale Fire
Philosophy of Science (A.Bird)
Meditations (Aurelius)

Platonism vs Antiplatonism (Balaguer)
Kojeve lectures on Hegel
Paradise Lost

>> No.6293596

The Dice Man
Les Grand Meaulnes
The Sun Also Rises

Down and Out in London and Paris
Lord of the Flies

A second hand book store I go to has a copy of A Farewell to Arms, A Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man, and The Odyssey.

A fellow I worked as a chef with gave me a copy of Mein Kampf after a discussion about WWII history. A few days later he packed his car (leaving over a hundred pounds worth of knives in the kitchen) and made off.

Apparently the quality of the staff meals pushed him over the edge.

>> No.6293603

how did you feel about Spiderhead?

>> No.6293606

>Last Three

The Lies of Loche Lamora

Red seas under red skies

The Republic of Thieves

>Currently Reading

The Theft of Swords

>Next Three

Depending on how much I enjoy The Theft of Swords probably the other two books in the series.

The Black company

Cibola Burn

>> No.6293646


We could be friends.

>> No.6293656

The Sirens of Titan
Mistakes Were Made (but not by me)

The Road

Animal Farm
The Metamorphosis

>> No.6293666

>last three

The Cannibal - John Hawkes
The Pun Also Rises - John Pollack
A Short History of Nearly Everything - Bill Bryson

>currently reading

The Information - James Gleick
Gravity's Rainbow - Tommy Pinecone
Ficciones - Borges

>next three

Sons and Lovers - DH Lawrence
Who Owns the Future - Jaron Lanier
Miss MacIntosh, My Darling - Marguerite Young

>> No.6293697

>Last three
The Prince - Machiavelli
The Life and Times of Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI - Arnold H. Mathew
Cosmicomics - Calvino

>Currently reading
The Divine Comedy - Dante
The Metamorphoses - Ovidius
The Ego and Its Own - Stirner

>Next three
The Fellowship of the Ring - Tolkien
Paradise Lost - Milton
The Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson

>> No.6294039


New to literature

>Last Three
To Kill a Mockingbird
Lord of the Flies
>Currently Reading
>Next Three
One fles over the cuckoo's nest
Moby Dick

>> No.6294072

>Brecht on theatre
>Crime and Punishment

>St Joan of the stockyards

>Brecht on Theatre
I lost my copy before I finished
>Malone Dies
>Probably some play I pick up next time I'm near the bookstore

>> No.6294120
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One Hundred Years of Solitude
Paradise Lost
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Infinite Jest

The Iliad
The Origin of Species
Mason & Dixon (would be 3rd pynchon)

>> No.6294146

>last three
Kangaroo by DH Lawrence
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas by Gertrude Stein
A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway

two volumes of DH Lawrence short stories

>next three
The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov
La Vita Nuova by Dante
might re-visit Dorian Gray soon

>> No.6294152

the stranger
in cold blood

the Wittgenstein reader
the Foucault reader
plato's shit

the crying lot of 49
on the road
naked lunch

>> No.6294181

from whom the bell tolls
ulysses (tennyson)

moby dick
blood meridian
100 years of solitude
next three
the animals (kiefer) (comes out march 23)
the odyssey

>> No.6294229

Moby Dick
Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Klay
The Hundred Year House

Then There Were None

Ready Player One
In the Heart of the Sea
Homage to Catalonia

>> No.6294827


You're a fucking nigger and you know it.

>> No.6294975
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>reading more than one book at a time.

>> No.6295027


The Fall of Hyperion
The Rise of Endymion

I honestly can't recall any book I have ever read from start to finish, so this is basically my first.

Where do I go after the Hyperion series, anons? Preferably sci-fi and not pretentious hipster trash.

>> No.6295037

Previous 3:
The Sun Also Rises
A Farewell to Arms
To Have and Have Not

For Whom the Bell Tolls

Across the River and into the Trees
The Old Man and the Sea
Islands in the Stream

>> No.6295073

Newfag adventure on some /lit/ entry level tier books.

Clash of Fundamentalisms, By Tariq Ali
Dubliners, By James Joyce
The Great Gatsby, By Fitzgerald
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, By Poe
All Quiet in Western Front, By Remarque.
The Illiad (Brazilian Portuguese Translation By Haroldo de Campos)
Taipei, By Tao Lin
Gravity's Rainbow, By Pynchon

>> No.6295076


Why should matter? Consider it an open-relationship with literature; it works for some people. Anyway, reading a non-fiction in conjunction with a novel is common practice among literati.

>> No.6295098

>Last Three
A Clash of Kings
A Storm of Swords
A Feast for Crows

>Currently Reading
A Dance with Dragons

>Next Three
The Jesus Incident - Frank Herbert and Bill Ransom
The Teeth of the Tiger - Tom Clancy
King Rat - James Clavell

>> No.6295114

You really ought to read V. before Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.6295127

Yes, I've heard that there is a recommended reading order, but I wonder if this order is actually a big deal.

>> No.6295136

>Last Three
The Last Days of Socrates by Plato
Oresteia by Aeschylus
C# 2008

The Theban Plays by Sophocles
Also, reading a book of essays on the Oresteia

>Next Three
Terraforming: Engineering Planetary Environments by Martyn J. Fogg (Online version, which I don't think is any different than the physical version)
The Symposium by Plato
Maybe a book on the Sophists or Heraclitus

>> No.6295148


Bonehunters Malazan Book 6 by Steven Erikson
The Warrior-Prophet Prince of Nothing 2 by R Scott Bakker
Damoren by Seth Skorkowsky

All Darkness Met Dread Empire 3 by Glen Cook

Dune by Frank Herbert
Power Mage 3
Neal Asher or Myke Cole book / Providence of Fire by Brian Staveley

come at me fagget, I'll read what gives me enjoyment

>> No.6295175

>Last Three

Jacob's Room - Woolf
As I Lay Dying - Faulkner
Eccelsiastical History of the English People - Bede

Waging Heavy Peace - Neil Young

>Next Three
Stoner - John Williams
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test - Tom Wolfe
Dr Faustus - Thomas Mann

>> No.6295180

It's not a big deal. Read Gravity's Rainbow first. I wish I had.

>> No.6295184

There some characters that are important in V. who show up in passing or minor roles in GR. You also get a feel for Pynchon's writing style in V. and get to see it develop greatly in GR. I feel that those two things would make you appreciate GR more than if it's the first Pynchon you read. Additionally there's the theory put forth by the paper "Finding V." about the nature of V. that suggest an even stronger link between the two novels.

>> No.6295204

Interesting, I didn't knew about this.
I'll do it. Thanks Anon.

>> No.6295443

Actually, Things Fall Apart, Animal Farm, and Heart of Darkness are next for me.

Things Fall Apart sounds really good to me.

>> No.6295717

I'd say its better than most Crichton novels.

Its more like Jurassic Park which is based on real scientific research but followed through to its logical conclusion. I found it to be an entertaining read.

>> No.6295870

>Last Three
The Witch Hunt in Early Modern Europe
In Ghostly Japan

>Currently Reading
Phyl-Undhu: Abstract Horror, Exterminator
The Human Place in the Cosmos

>Next Three

>> No.6296059

favorite of the first four? I am >>6293457

>> No.6296097

Surprisingly, To Have and Have Not.

It felt like (a) he'd worked through the "young author fictionalizes his past" feel that the first two books had and (b) he'd delved into some contemporary pulps for a bit more of a meaty story.

I really enjoyed it.

Of course his prose is beautiful throughout. There's an account of sailfish-fishing in the 3rd book that rivals though does not match the bull fighting scenes of the first book. I don't think anything in A Farewell to Arms matched either scene.

All in all it felt like youth doesn't suit him and he was a born 50-something who needed to grow into his age. I'm just getting started with Bell so I can't really say anything about it.

I had read Old Man years ago and wanted to see if my interpretation was still sustainable, so I figured I'd read the rest of his novels this time around for better context.

>> No.6296499

Genre fiction trash.

>> No.6296634

>Last Three
Vladimir Nabokov - Lolita
Friedrich Nietzche - Thus spake Zarathustra
Nikolai Gogol - Taras Bulba

>Currently Reading
Marquis de Sade - Justine

>Next three
Marquis de Sade - Justine

>Next Three
Stendhal - The red and the black
Jean Paul Sartre - Nausea
Thomas Moore - Utopia

>> No.6296645

> Your comment
Genre fiction trash.

>> No.6296659
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Galapagos - Vonnegut
Ubik - PKD
Naked Lunch - Burroughs


Breakfast of Champions - Vonnegut

It's sorta 'ehhh' so far. I liked Galapagos a lot more.


A Farewell to Arms - Hemingway
Solaris - Lem
COL49 - Pinecone

>> No.6296827

>last three
The Left Hand of Darkness
A Passage to India
Good Person of Szechuan

The Birth of Tragedy

I tend not to think ahead of what I'm reading but I guess:

Dubliners (reread)
Pastoralia (or however you spell that George Saunders book)
and I have to read The Buddha of Suburbia for college. It sounds terrible.

>> No.6296970

The Story of Philosophy
Road Dahl Omnibus
Death of Ivan Illych and Others

As I Lay Dying
The Tao of Architecture
Don Quixote
The Bible

Little Big
The Periodic Table

>> No.6297009

Existentialism is a humanism - Sartre
Le Misanthrope - Molière
Caribou island - Vann

Noces / l'été - Camus
Atlas of philosophy - Kunzmann etc.

Fahrenheit 451
War and peace (hopefully)
Soie - Baricco

>> No.6297033
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Light in August - Faulkner

Slow Learner - Pynchon

Portnoy's Complaint - Roth


The Crossing - McCarthy


The Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck

Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky

The Name of the Rose - Eco

>> No.6297047
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>Last Three
the first fiddy pages of infinite jest
"schnitzler zum vergnügen" (sucked)

>Currently Reading
Missing out by Adam Phillips

>Next Three (probably)
slaughterhouse 5
some stories from the bible
probably will try infinite jest again

>> No.6297072


>last 3
Confederacy of dunces
Portrait of the artist as a young man
Blue flowers by Queneau, I think?

Cure in the Code - Huber (some book about how the FDA is inhibiting medical progress)

>next 3

Amsterdam stories - Nescio
Memories of the Future (Russian name I can't spell)
Orlando - Woolf

>> No.6297073

Slaughterhouse-5 is a terrible piece of shit.

I've never hated a book more.

>> No.6297087

Candide - Voltaire
Hamlet -Shakespeare
Blas de Otero (Poetry)

Niebla by Miguel de Unamuno

Nietzsche Zaratustra
Camus The rebel man
Maybe antonio machado

>> No.6297090

i bought it for cheap at an airport once, never read it, but someone recently told me he thought it's great. /lit/'s verdict seems to be it's nothing special but worth a read. since it's rather short i thought, why not

how was portnoy's complaint? been on my list for some time

>> No.6297104

Ei voisi vähempää kiinnostaa: kirjoituksia nihilismistä (Couldn't care less: Writings about nihilism) by some Finnish dude
Nick Land - Fanged Noumena
Sarah Perry - Every Cradle is a Grave

Various analytic philosophy essays (a compilation)

Modal Logic as Metaphysics
Every Thing Must Go: Metaphysics Naturalized
Gödel's Proof

>> No.6297120

Last Three
The Man Eaters of Tsavo
Confessions of a Mask
The Nigger of the Narcisuss

Poor Things by Alasdair Gray

Next Three
The Laughing Monsters by Denis Johnson
Far From the Madding Crowd by a big guy
The Confidence Man

>> No.6297144

Portnoy's Complaint is a very funny but tragic book. It's extremely readable and the pages fly by. I enjoyed it.

Also, if you have Jewphobia, it's not for you. It's more jewy than Curb Your Enthusiasm.

>> No.6297187

Actually I meant Spiderhead

>> No.6298365

Seriously? What kind of moron are you exactly?

>> No.6298381

Why would that make me a moron, if I may ask?

>> No.6298394

Saying something like "I've never hated a book more" makes you sound stupid. I don't care if you liked it or disliked it, but in my experience, people who strongly hate things like Slaughterhouse Five are complete morons, because they either hate it because it's popular, or because they're stupid.

>> No.6298411

I hated it because it was insulting.

I've never felt like that about a book before. I'd say that the word hate is appropriate.

I have no problem with popular books, as long as they are good. Slaughterhouse-5 isn't.

>> No.6298422

How was it "insulting"? Were you triggered?

>> No.6298455

Vonnegut pretends he is much smarter than he is.

He talks down to his readers. Does everything but straight up calls them dumb.

He sets up half-baked pseudo-philosophical "ideas" and does absolutely nothing with them, while actively trying to blow your mind with how "great" these ideas are. He is manipulative and condescending. His prose is weak.

This is the jist of my feelings towards him and Slaughterhouse-5. I can go into detail, but I don't think anybody here honestly cares.

>> No.6298488

Agreed. Especially the end of S5 with the maternity ward couple and his breaking the fourth wall to highlight them and the evil social darwinist fucking doctor.

>> No.6298501

>Last Three
Metamorphosis - Kafka
Old Man and the Sea - Hemingway
Fountainhead - Rand

Driver's Manual

>Next Three
Siddharta - Hesse
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

>> No.6298508

The Confidence Man
The Reivers
The Rainbow

Les Miserables

White Jacket

>> No.6298538

why isn't it customary to list the name of the translator rather than the "author" when someone mentions a translated work that they're currently reading? say, i'm reading edith grossman's don quixote rather than el ingenioso hidalgo don quijote de la mancha por miguel de cervantes saavedra, or dunniga's war and peace rather than Boйнa и миpъ by Лeв Toлcтóй

>> No.6298548

who cares

>> No.6298567

Because no one cares

>> No.6298624

> Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass
> Crime and Punishment
> Notes from the Underground

Anna Karenina

> War and Peace
> The Sound and the Fury
> Shadow and Claw

>> No.6298632

How's AK?

The Sound and The Fury is great. Look forward to it.

>> No.6298652

If you like Hyperion try Ilium and Olympos or something by Neal Stephenson (anathem).

You're definitely a faggot though for not liking pretentious classics.

>> No.6298680

AK > Crime and Punishment, Brothers Karamazov, NftU

Really good and very page-turnery

>> No.6298685

I can't wait to read it now.

>> No.6299273

How weird that I've never heard of this book

>> No.6299311

not very. retards are aplenty in the world.

>> No.6299353
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>> No.6299407

Finnegans Wake
Finnegans Wake
Finnegans Wake
Finnegans Wake
Finnegans Wake
Finnegans Wake
Finnegans Wake

>> No.6299428
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I agree, whilst reading one book you can't read anything even cafe menus and train timetables or you might forget what was happening in the book

>> No.6299441

if only 4chan's spam filter were more liberal and that post could have been twice as funny

>> No.6299508

Bertolt Brecht's Poems and Songs
The Temple of Dawn
Our Lady of the Flowers
The Trial
The Decay of the Angel
Gravity's Rainbow
And dunno, maybe something by Nabokov.

>> No.6299562

I feel the same way. His 2clever4u style is insufferable

>> No.6300444


Moby Dick
Ethan Frome
The Death of Adam


Absence of Mind


Heart of Darkness
Tender Is The Night
The Orchard Keeper

>> No.6300451

>Last Three
Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage by Haruki Murakami
The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera
Stoner by John Williams

>Currently Reading
No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai

>Next Three
Life: A User's Manual by Georges Perec
Middlemarch by George Eliot
Nightwood by Djuna Barnes

>> No.6300494

- Henry V
- Moby-Dick
- Othello

- Confessions (Augustine)

- Waiting for Godot
- The Sound & The Fury
- Heretics (Chesterton)

>> No.6300691

>Last Three
Kitchen - Banana Yoshimoto
The Philosophy of Andy Warhol
The Fiftieth Gate - Mark Baker

>Currently Reading
The Myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus (Literally 5 pages in, started reading last night but too tired)

>Next Three
no idea

>> No.6301221

- Infinite Jest
- Red Seas Under Red Skies (Gentleman Bastards 2)
- Breakfast At Tiffany's

- The Republic Of Thieves (Gentleman Bastards 3)

- A Confederacy Of Dunces
- Gravity's Rainbow
- Infinite Jest again

I'm new to /lit/.

>> No.6301311
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>> No.6301322

>last three
dune messiah
children of dune

god emperor of dune

>next three
heretics of dune
dune charterhouse
haven't decided a third

>> No.6301334

>everyone posts, nobody reads

Carlos Ruiz Zafon - The Shadow of the Wind
Marc Dugain - Avenue des Géants
Sherman Alexie - War Dances

Kafka - The Trial

Gabriel Garcia Marquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude
Philip K Dick - Ubik
Michael Chabon - Telegraph Avenue

>> No.6302046

I read everyone's. I'm genuinely interested in what /lit/ is reading

>> No.6303031

>last three

One hundred years of solitude
Waylander II

>currently reading
Too many at once but I read every day Infinite Jest.

>next three
No idea

>> No.6303064

the sunset limited
the orchard keeper

inherent vice
treasure island

the red pony
as i lay dying
all the pretty horses