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6292775 No.6292775 [Reply] [Original]

>"Let us see. Well, will you look at that." A sort of long black Filament yet connects her to the Limb of the Sun, tho’ she be moved well onto its Face, much like an Ink-Drop about to fall from the Quill of a forgetful Scribbler,- sidewise, of course,- "Quick! someone, secure the Time,- "
>This, or odd behavior like it, is going on all over the World all day long that fifth and sixth of June, in Latin, in Chinese, in Polish, in Silence,- upon Roof-Tops and Mountain Peaks, out of Bed-chamber windows, close together in the naked sunlight whilst the Wife minds the Beats of the Clock,- thro’ Gregorians and Newtonians, achromatick and rainbowsmear’d, brand-new Reflectors made for the occasion, and ancient Refractors of preposterous French focal lengths,- Observers lie, they sit, they kneel,- and witness something in the Sky. Among those attending Snouts Earth-wide, the moment of first contact produces a collective brain-pang, as if for something lost and already unclaimable,- after the Years of preparation, the long and at best queasy voyaging, the Station arriv’d at, the Latitude and Longitude well secur’d,- the Week of the Transit,- the Day,- the Hour,- the Minute,- and at last ‘tis.

Thomas Pynchon - "Mason & Dixon"

>> No.6292796



>> No.6292801
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I have no idea what is going on in that passage. Is it because its out of context or am I just a pleb?

>> No.6292809

Neither. Pynchon is just an incoherent relic from the 60s.