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/lit/ - Literature

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6292630 No.6292630 [Reply] [Original]

Choose for me /lit/ i am an indecisive bastard.

>> No.6292655

Something happened.

>> No.6292656

put the doll up your arsehole

>> No.6292668

Can't go wrong with Shelley.

>> No.6292673

Hemingway is GOAT

>> No.6292728

Brunner's great of you want legitimate concerns explored in such a left-wing way that it makes you want to just ignore the issues raised out of spite.

>> No.6293205
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Let the die choose.

>> No.6293216

You can start by throwing the Stephenson book in the trash.

>> No.6293239

Anything but Cryptonomicon

>> No.6293272
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>> No.6293545

Cant see shit captain.

>> No.6294723

>cultural marxism trash

>> No.6294742

Virtual Light is part of a Trilogy so...go with Papa Hemingway. But read the Bridge Trilogy. Gibson is awesome.

>> No.6294754

i have heard that is shit compared to the sprawl trilogy.

>> No.6294767

Mine is shamefully long:

Froth on the Daydream
The Futuristic Congress
The Demolished Man
*The Feast of the Goat
*One Hundred years of Solitude
*Invisible Cities
Miscellany of puzzles, mathematical and otherwise
the duty of genius, ray monk
On the Road - Kerouac
Nausea - Sartre
Neil Gaiman
Sakurai - physics books
Discipline and Punish
Nonsense - Robert Gula
*The Art of Deception - Kevin Mitnick
A Handful of Dust - Evelyn Waugh
autobiography of red - anne carson
going after cacciato
the big sleep
roald dahl
An Intimate HIstory of Humanity - zeldin
cosmic banditos
omon ra
a drifting life
lost in the funhouse,
Ham on rye
The Magus
Almost Transparent Blue
The Craft of the Japanese Sword
I and Thou
Consilience, Edward O. Wilson
codex seraphinianus
book from the ground: from point to point
the recognitions
The corrections
Last and First Men

>> No.6294774


Star Maker
The Gods themselves
the dispossessed
Pedro Paramo
salmonella men on planet porno
the waves
the good soldier svejk
perfume: the story of a murderer
the green child
the reason i jump
the mind's i
Patrick White (the eye of the storm, voss)
suicide by edouard leve
the conspiracy against the human race
julius evola
the paradox men
a canticle for leibowitz
heroes & villains
the final programme
the drowned world
j g ballard
the ophiuchi hotline
engine summer
334 (thomas m disch)"
the story of art
the road less traveled
a renegade history of the united states
mount analogue
gods and fighting men
the master and margarita
the moon is a harsh mistress
(william saroyan)
At Swim-two-birds
Wittgenstein's Mistress
american pastoral

>> No.6294780

Shit m8.
I read that list in 3 years.

>> No.6294783


dead mountain
mole people
if on a winter's night a traveler
i am a cat (natsume soseki)
like a velvet glove cast in iron
trout fishing in america
willard and his bowling trophies
the 120 days of sodom
yukio mishima
dorian gray
being and time
(terrence mckenna)
last exit to brooklyn
tropic of cancer
the case of the midwife toad
the duel
the lexicon of comical
This Immortal (zelazny)
the roman
the loser (bernhard)
naive. super
voice of the fire
three men in a boat
pontypool changes everything
thomas ligotti
what we talk about when we talk about love
the painted bird
the anatomy of melancholy
edmund husserl
love's labour's lost
the periodic table
in search of lost time

>> No.6294794

Don't compare. Just enjoy things on their own merit. Also think for yourself.
>Letting other peoples opinions steer you away from a good experience.

>> No.6294821

that's only about half of it, though to be fair I've knocked out a good number of these

>> No.6294829

the bridge of san luis rey
the left hand of darkness
the nature of things
120 days of sodom
Auto-da-Fé (elias canetti)
witold gombrowitz
the horla
robert sheckley
The spy who came from the cold
the collected poems of mallarme
toward the creative nothing
go tell it on the mountain
the house on borderland
a visit from the goonsquad
ego and its own
three stigmata
and still the earth
walter pater
62: a model kit
the portrait of a lady
the day of the locust
permutation city
the myth of sisyphus
the tibetan book of the dead
effi briest
the instructions
the third policeman
megan boyle
gulliver's travels
laurence stern
the parallax view, zizek
simulcra and simulation
the antichrist
the city and the stars
jean piaget
the computer and the brain
the fall
the better angels of our nature
the doors of perception
williiam blake the complete poems
self portrait in a convex mirror
the inheritors
sex and character
goethe's theory of knowledge
the drowning world
under the volcano
the heart is a lonely hunter
the king in yellow
the sailor who fell from the grace with the sea
the tunnel
tristam shandy
stand on zanzibar
manhattan transfer
darkness at noon
george lakoff

>> No.6294832

and the last of it

nihil unbound
i have no mouth and i must scream
the consolidations of philosophy
the bell jar
fourth mansions
the trickster and the paranormal
eternal fire (calder willingham)
the universal baseball association inc.
my system by aron nymzowitsch
buck: a memoir
manufacturing consent
propaganda (edward bernays)
moonwalking with einstein
kenzaburo oe
sex, drugs, and cocoa puffs
sewers, gas, & electric
prelude to space
story of the eye
mumbo jumbo
on having no head (douglas harding)
been down so long it looks like up to me
my 60 memorable games
john swartzwelder
a room with a view
psychotherapy and religion
the society of the spectacle
kavalier and clay
miss macintosh my darling
the king of at a are waiting for you
art by clive bell
the way of all flesh
the prophet by kahlil gibran
the female man
the ghost in the machine
the lucifer principle
atomized (maybe)
miss lonelyhearts
society of the spectacle
alfred korzybski
jonathan swift
the unbearable lightness of being
richard yates
bury my heart at wounded knee
Theodor Adorno
1 dimensional man
the globalization of poverty
lord of light
life inc.
the house on the border land
the wapshot chronicle
Anthony Burgess
lord dunsany
richard rorty
richard sharpe shaver
ted chiang
the globalization of poverty and the new world order
the process (gysin)
the pyrotechnic insanitarium
queen's gambit
edge: the loner
an island to oneself
barefoot in the head
Konrad bayer
the townsman john sedges
finite and infinite games
growing up absurd
the death of virgil

>> No.6294836


Hey everybody, any titles you would eliminate from this list to save me the trouble?

>> No.6295365
