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File: 18 KB, 226x346, LOVE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6291693 No.6291693 [Reply] [Original]

Uncle Farage has finally released his epic novel.

Would you read it?

>> No.6291699

whoa guys did you know evol backwards is love??

>> No.6291707

If it means pissing off those labor fags then sure.

>> No.6291743

How much leprechaun sex?

>> No.6291747

Look, I don't think it is, actually. I think that it's a spook based on the postmodern fear of a different ecological system that doesn't conform to the narrative of the status quo.

>> No.6291756

Farage is a nut

>> No.6291792
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x2448, glory to nigel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP, didn't know this was out. Can't wait to read more of Uncle Farage!

>> No.6291800

Nigel is such an unfortunate name, in my view, for our future Emperor of Great Britain. Because there was a notorious Nigel in my town, who was never spoken of without the use of his title. In full, he was Nigel the Sheepshagger. The name Nigel, to me, will always be branded thus.

>> No.6291802


>humes history of England

my melanin enhanced bretheren, more people should know about it besides his enquiry.

>> No.6291825


That's too bad m8. However I actually quite like the name Nigel. Just imagine it, "Lord Protector Nigel Farage."


Humes History of England is pretty good, I went through it very slowly but it was worth it.

>> No.6291851


>> No.6291859


>that shelf


>> No.6291860
File: 148 KB, 528x818, me old booky wookie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew it! That complete dikwad rossol brond copied our farage's cover and thought he would get away wiv eit! We should round up all the lefties and hav dem deported to gibraltar!

>> No.6291865

>gibbon's roman empire and farage on the same shelf
>implying there isn't a lesson to be learnt

>> No.6291876

The parliamentary far right are outdated, surpassed and only interesting for their prose style?

>> No.6291887
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>deporting the labor vote

Maybe then we could make England great again and perhaps bring back the hunt.

>> No.6291906


Is Brand's insight in matters of politics as shallow as I suspect it is?


I'm not sure if they're outdated or surpassed, but their prose sure has some vintage aesthetic to it.

>> No.6292071

thread music


>> No.6292083
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>mfw people are actually supporting UKIP

>> No.6292085

im a socialist and if i lived in the UK i'd be all behind UKIP. you can't continue on with a neoliberal establishment "leftist" party like labour. UKIP's economic policies are awful but you need a non-establishment party, ANY one, to shake things up. nothing could be worse than continuing with how labour has been.

>> No.6292090

What about Greens? I don't want those brainless, racist twits with their no knowledge of economics or equality.

>> No.6292109
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I can't wait until the general election and the happening.

>> No.6292113
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>implying Natalie Bennett is better than Nigel Farage

>> No.6292116

Worse isn't better my third worldist friend.

>> No.6292123
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The only problem is Thanet. Nigel has to win there or else it's all over.

>> No.6292133


Greens know as much of economy as UKIP does. Little to nothing. They may know more of equality, but not everyone comes off a premise that equality is actually a desirable concept to create any real policy implications.

>> No.6292142

>muh equality

>> No.6292177


>> No.6292184

Sorry to trigger you.

>> No.6292190
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>> No.6292225

You know you two would probably starve to death if we let capitalism run wild, right?

>> No.6292234

You know that claim is based on your brainwashed emotional fantasies and the places where people are actually starving to death don't have a strong economy right?

>> No.6292237

So you want the wealthy to enslave you and control everything? Well I don't, so fuck off. Go back to your racist hugbox.

>> No.6292395
File: 26 KB, 209x223, sociology for the south.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


actual slavery is a preferable alternative for an individual to wage slavery.

>> No.6292399


>people aren't starving in capitalist nations

good gott

>> No.6292409

Yes, because an actual slave has to be kept alive, while capitalists care not for the proletariat and will let us starve.

>> No.6292523

Fordism concretely falsifies this claim.

>> No.6292784

I wonder how many book covers use that stupid rEVOLution gimmick. I've seen it on at least 3 books.

Post books that put the love back into revolution

>> No.6292892

God the british are too stupid to survive

>> No.6294023


I've seen this stupid fucking "love" shit on Ron Paul posters around my campus too.

>> No.6294031

It has been around for a while.

I guess you guys don't know because 4chan is your source for what's going on in the world.

>> No.6294048

Mr Stalin bisexual epoch

>> No.6294085


>> No.6294099

Can't tell if you're a Birmingham school half measures motherfucker or a teenager.

>> No.6294104
File: 102 KB, 638x472, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Labour supporter
Do your worst /lit/

>> No.6294108

Fordism is long gone pal. Where is a fordist model of employment still in place? Who are you kidding?

>> No.6294114

Neoliberal reformer trash, but at least you're not a Farage dickrider, so there's that.

>> No.6294128
File: 93 KB, 357x543, 67l3sy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6294129

What's the alternative honestly?

I appreciate voting from them this time around because there's not much else but actively supporting them? Wouldn't your time be better spent trying to change something attainable rather then supporting the big business of the big parties?

>> No.6294147

Their policies appeal to me, I believe in centre-left politics and I enjoy being politically active

>> No.6294154

>I believe in centre-left politics and I enjoy being politically active

Then why are you supporting Labour you arse master?

>> No.6294160

Hume was a philosopher, historian, and a damn good economist. Is there anything the guy couldn't do?

>> No.6294165


Sorry I'm being reactionary. I'm pretty butthurt. What you said made sense.
How are you politically active ATM?

>> No.6294180

>racist twits

unfounded propaganda slight used by the establishment and propped up by the state owned BBC and bought and paid for Channel 4, there is no evidence that Nigel Farage or any major player in UKIP is a racist. There are a few bad eggs in any party, just look at the nonces in Labour and the Tories.

>no knowledge of economics

That's laughable.

>or equality

"Equality is a two way street"-Nigel Farag. That quote alone shows a great deal of knowledge as to what equality actually is and what you, the government, and the media brainwashed masses will fully ignore. Their Immigration policy is fair, and is based off of other countries. Why is one thing fair in Australia and the US but not Britain?

>> No.6294206

>That quote alone shows a great deal of knowledge as to what equality actually is

That quote is a meme at best. If you think he isn't neo-liberal top ten you're missing something. Nothing will change.

>> No.6294307

I've met each of the MP candidates for my constituency, and had the opportunity to ask each of them questions. I've been to a Milliband questionnaire thing too. I also watch PMQs because I find David Cameron to be quite funny as well as to keep me informed. I don't do canvassing or anything though?

>> No.6294373

underrated post

>> No.6294391

"Remember, EVIL backwards spells LIVE!" - Anton Szandor LaVey, Founder and first High Priest of the Church of Satan

>> No.6294426


No, just no. It should go like this.

I told you! That fuckin' knobead Russel Brand copied Farages cover and thought he'd get away with it!We should round up all t' left and fuck 'em off to Gibralter!

>> No.6294749

So you've not actually done anything to help your party get into power. Well done!