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/lit/ - Literature

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6290372 No.6290372[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

John Green is a real cultural phenomenon, huh? He's here to stay.


>> No.6290402
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>be in a trip
>in a country that doesn't speak my language nor english
>check bookstore in airport for something in english for the down time
>40% John Green
>didn't even know he had so many books
>rest is penguin crap lines like "write your world" or "wreck this diary"
>1 short story colection, 1 copy of to kill a mockinbird, 1 copy of some Jane Austen.
>nothing else
He is the face of american literature in the world, apparently.

>> No.6290407
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I'll admit I'm a little curious how they're gonna turn this into a movie considering a good deal of it is Q just going place to place and sighing about how he misses Margo. I mean the trailer basically covered the whole plot save the ending.

>> No.6290489

>john green's cock

>> No.6290496

the very finest of cuck-core

>> No.6290506

Just makes me think of this


>> No.6290583

This is somewhat sad. I dont even like Harry Potter, but Id rather have JK Rowling be the face of my countries contemporary literature than faggots like Green and Collins and James.

>> No.6290595


I don't understand, wasn't JG someone who was really against manic-pixie-dream girl shit? This looks like manic-pixie-dream girl the movie. Or book or whatever.

>Look at le paper towns full of le paper people dey r so boring teen power go!

Oh brother...

>> No.6290612

Looks better than The Fault in Our Stars, and that Cara Delevingne is gorgeous. I know I'll be watching this one.

>> No.6290616


>> No.6290623

Well John Green's posturing about mpdgs is a reaction against the criticism that he's been the biggest one doing that shit. He tries to claim Margo is a "subversion" or whatever because he claims the end is about Margo running away from being an mpdg even though the ending is really about her running away from the phoniness of contemporary suburban America and the whole point of the book is "Margo isn't just super special she has a DARK EDGY SIDE" which is exactly what he did in Looking for Alaska as well.

So basically he was just trying to retcon himself.

>> No.6290627

I've actually read Paper Towns because a bunch of folks I knew kept talking about Green. And about the MPDG thing...
In the end the protagonist basically realizes that she's a stupid bitch and she's probably going to end up poor and miserable. I mean, it's not as extreme as I phrased it, but it's a pleasant twist

>> No.6290633

>Looks better than The Fault in Our Stars

Really setting the bar high there.

>> No.6290638
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that guy is REALLY fucking beta

this movie is REALLY fucking cliche

I REALLY hate John Green

>> No.6290675

The mods should seriously start deleting John Green threads.

>> No.6290726

u mad he slept with cara and licked his boy feet

>> No.6290733

Whatever you want to say about John you can't argue that he doesn't understand teen spirit.

>> No.6290735

hows it end?

>> No.6290739

It looks like Fight Club

>> No.6290743

I hope you bought that Jane Austen pleb

>> No.6290750

Why is everyone so upset about John Green? Do you know that many 16 year olds or something? I haven't had anything to do with him, and if it wasn't for /lit/, I probably would've never known about this movie in the first place.

Stop worrying so much about pointless things, lads. Focus on important issues, and raise awareness about them, instead of about things you so actively try to publicly condemn, it makes one wonder whether you're not just trying to brutally hide your love for it.

>> No.6290758

Honestly what bothers me the most his revisionist take on history. It's so fucking bad.

>> No.6290763

Not over here, m8. We got varied flavours of shit, but also nuggets worth digging out if you know which part of the store to look into.

>> No.6290770
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>Hates on Aristotle in almost every Video series he makes
>Nothing but praise for Thomas Aquinas


>> No.6290772

>Honestly what bothers me the most his revisionist take on history.
I've watched entire Crash Course World History and there has never been a single revisionist moment.

>> No.6290798
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>> No.6290812

Looks like shit. Liked the Fight Club homage though.

>> No.6290831

>I've watched entire Crash Course World History and there has never been a single revisionist moment.

Then maybe try reading some history books. It's blatant cherry picking.

>> No.6290842

I took the short stories. It was a decent mix and it's better for short bursts.

I'm just talking about the free shop. Some people might just see that much, it's all they can get. Of course that most cities have decent english language libraries.

>> No.6290850

Someone should should kill him.

>> No.6290885

He's a Christcuck with some theology degree. Surprise?

>> No.6290913

>plebs in charge of understanding what revisionism means in history
fuck out

>> No.6290918

Do you think there will ever come a point where /lit/ has said all there is to say about john green?

god i hope not

>> No.6290920

/lit/ has made more threads about John Green than there are words in all of his novels combined

>> No.6290925

If /lit/ devoted as much time to to writing novels as we did shitposting about JG, we would all be published