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/lit/ - Literature

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6289976 No.6289976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books I should be seen reading to hook some grills?

>> No.6289982

Theoretically whichever book you fancy reading could attract a girl interested in the same book/author, but since I desire to bait I'll say either French Existentialism, if you're an eurofag, or some alt-lit author (maybe female), like the ones published by Two Dollar Radio, if you're an amerifag

>> No.6289988
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The Book of Pook, then you'll realize that you're a fucking idiot for thinking women like well read men.

>> No.6289996

>be me
>live in australia
>always had a penchant for japanese lit (like so many others here)
>walk into japanese grill at club, kinda drunk
>start talking about akutagawa for some reason
>3 years later, married


>inb4 you don't believe me
>inb4 i don't care
>inb4 lying on the internet? why would anyone do that
>inb4 tones abbott and universal data retention laws

>> No.6290010
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You got lucky friendo. OP's not looking for a 1 in a million waifu with extensive knowledge about jap lit, he's looking for sloots.

At least appreciate the idea that sloots give zero shits about philosophy or anything at a higher reading difficulty than fitty shits

>> No.6290017

Not him, but why would he use a book as a way to approach them then? I think he doesn't really want to hook grills, hence he's a posturing faggot. qed.

>> No.6290026

I recommended the Pook book, it's more meant to dissuade OP from going out of his way to pick up obscure literature that he'll end up hooking nobody with. I guess it was a lame attempt at destructive advice.

If he wants to get laid, he'll read Pook and then go out and be a socialite instead of being a shut-in.

>> No.6290036

You seem civil enough, so I'll ask honestly: I've taken a look at this pook thing, and it seems to be a pick-up artist sort of thing; what does it say, more or less? What's his main aim, or theme? What does it say about man and woman, and their relationship? Never got around to inquire into that particular subculture.

>> No.6290077
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The main idea behind Pook is that if you focus on yourself and become a better person in all respects, you will gain more female attention. That's the entire message, albeit in a nifty, short presentation.

If you go out consistently and learn from your mistakes and shortcomings, you'll get better at talking to women. It's also important not to prioritize women to the point that they are your obsession: men who do this are ruled by women and don't work on themselves. Find your passions, get skills, read a bit, but most importantly, socialize.

Here's a few major tips that really worked with me
>if a lady isn't interested at first contact, it's much easier to play the numbers game and find somebody you have an initial connection with
>initial connection implies physical or mental attraction within the first couple seconds
>desperation and insecurity stink. Women smell it, and react accordingly
>confidence is all
>if you don't have any confidence, make some through your skill and work
>if you still don't have confidence, then fake it till you make it
>don't put pussy on a pedestal; your priorities should be for your own overall happiness
>don't be a fucking asshole because it's 'alpha', that reeks of insecurity
>firmness and sureness in ideal and action are alpha as fuck

>> No.6290094

>>be me

Is this for real? Did you really need to emphasize that you were you as the first phrase?

Thank lord baby jesus you wrote that first line, I thought you were someone else.

>> No.6290103

Thanks for the answer. Although I don't agree (from personal experience) with what I can understand of his perspective on relationships, I can appreciate how it focuses on self-improvement, instead of bitterness and hatred. It kinda still feels focused on what I'd call a "toxic" masculinity, but as I said, at least it's pro-active.

I may read the book, if nothing else to see how people may understand socializing now. Thanks again m8.

>> No.6290104

Is this your first day on 4chan?

>> No.6290119

>be newfag

>> No.6290131

is that from a movie / show?

>> No.6290132

Idk if this is some new meme or people are just this new and buttmad but that shit is -all over- /x/

>> No.6290139
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>> No.6290144

Wilfred, it's a show in the U.S. and Straya

>> No.6290149


Sadly I've been trapped in this shithole of a site for years, yet I get rused every time someone uses that shit. I don't remember when it started but originally greentext never started with that shit.

Yes, I'm mad.

>> No.6290168
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>-all over-
>emphasizing like that
>on the interwebs

>> No.6290303

Das Kapital got me laid once.

>> No.6290317

We got that meme from the same place

>> No.6290378

You mean it got the state laid

>> No.6290421



>> No.6290455

it's a meme you dip

>> No.6290467

De Sade.


>> No.6290479
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I'd add Jodorowsky to that. They share the same audience.

>> No.6290645

>it wants me to lift weights

Nope, not gonna happen

>> No.6290680

To women reading only matters when you're good looking, and even then they don't care what you read but as long as you read you'll look more intelligent to them than the ugly guy reading deluze 5 feet away.

>> No.6290742

Jane Austin

>> No.6290776
File: 530 KB, 1920x1200, so crates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not turning the only gift God gave you into a machine capable of the feats that make women turn into vaginal slime
>not enjoying the endorphin rush after a good sesh
>not eating healthy, fueling your body and mind
>neglecting the very thing which gives you life

r u srs

>> No.6290787

Paper Towns :^)

>> No.6290804

>At least appreciate the idea that sloots give zero shits about philosophy or anything at a higher reading difficulty than fitty shits

>Implying grills don't browse this board regularly and contribute
>Implying that all females lack the comprehensive skills needed for philosophic discussion
>Therefore, no chicks to discuss Kant's cunt with ;/

Get off your high horse, steppenfag beta. We're around, just living in social seclusion and peace. Away from people like you.

>> No.6290821
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>living in social seclusion and peace
>away from people like you

You didn't read that post. Pretty damn sure he was referring to the prolific 'sloots', and not the leg-bearded female denizens of this board. Believe it or not, you're a minority (thank god), and the majority just happens to lack the comprehensive skills needed for philosophic discussion. You obviously lack reading comprehension.

>> No.6290893

You're being really unattractive right now.