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6289876 No.6289876 [Reply] [Original]

Regarding everyday rhetoric: why do some people insult their opponents so much in an argument? Surely it's one of the least effective ways to make them sympathetic to your point of view?

>> No.6289880

What a terrible thread.
I bet you're such a loser.

>> No.6289884

That's not a very nice thing to say!

>> No.6289887


>> No.6290102

Self bump

>> No.6290109

Yea, that guy is totally a loser. Boo OP, BOO.

>> No.6290126

Sometimes insulting seems the way to go because you know they wouldn't be able to pay attention to the beginning of your sentence to the end of your sentence. They'd get confused several times along the way and we'd have to backtrack into a whole "but see I didn't say that, so why don't you respond to the actual words I said" somewhere along the way I get angry and "Yeah but have you thought about these factors and perespectives? Surely this means something to your point of view." becomes "Oh maybe you should try using big kid thinking skills"

>> No.6290237

To the Greeks, all Iambics were considered scurrilous verses. The only proper speech was dactylic, like that found in Homeric epics and in inscriptions. Maybe we invested in the wrong form?

Our discourse is obviously quite heavily interjectory... We're not used to waiting for a speaker to prefix his argument, make three points and then address our counter-arguments, for example. Formal debate was once a very high art, unlike today's elections.

>> No.6290667

>internalised american liberalism's middle ground fallacy

Because Europe's history taught you you shoot the cunts.

>> No.6290852

It's much less effort to play the crowd to have someone to come off as terrible instead of proving it.

>> No.6290862

Try proving something by discourse on /b/. I've managed it but only when every rhetorical and invective trick I know has managed to belittle my primary interlocutors into accepting, first, that reasoned argument will be the adjudicator of correct ideas.

Not that I believe that is true mind you. It's vulgar liberal idealism.

>> No.6291075

Oh look, a commie admitting he has no actual articulated point to make. What a surprise.

>> No.6291077

You sound like a fag and you talk like a faggot.