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/lit/ - Literature

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6287043 No.6287043 [Reply] [Original]

Will it be this year?

>> No.6287142

Doubt it. Would be next year at the earliest now. He obviously doesn't give a fuck anymore and has made more than enough money, so he doesn't really have any pressure or drive to finish it.

>> No.6287154

Hopefully not and hopefully never.

>> No.6287198


Not literature discussion.

>> No.6287283


At this point, he seems content to simply let the show conclude the story, even going so far as to tell the producers and screenwriters the major plot points of the overall narrative.

He DGAF. He's made enough cash to allow him to live comfortably for the rest of his shitty short existence.

>> No.6287311

get out of this holy board, asshole and don't get back any more.

>> No.6287317

your horse is too high

>> No.6287349

Actually i even don't give a fuck what just you said. However go to the hell fucking teen

>> No.6287356

Why is this even allowed to be discussed?

>> No.6287419

As someone who actually enjoys reading, you people sicken me. The only thing you have to justify your existence is the illusion of patrician taste. You will never accomplish anything, you will never create anything of lasting value, but still you bitch and moan about anything that doesn't fit into you self important bubble of 'respectable literature'. You will always be on the outside looking in.

>> No.6287751

This whole place is like that, not just /lit/. Guess I only come here because of the humor and because reddit is confusing and boring.

>> No.6288249

He's indicated on his blog that he's close to finishing it.

>> No.6288251

his books stopped being good somewhere in the middle of ASoS, got good during the climax, then never recovered except for Stannis chapters

>> No.6288266

>reading for enjoyment

>> No.6288285
File: 24 KB, 266x315, absbarb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleb pls go and ever come back. this isn't even particularly good "genre" fiction. GRRM is a hack among hacks and his books are shit even compared to other shit.

>> No.6288311

stay pleb and mad

>> No.6288317

this is what happens if you don't start with the greeks.

>> No.6288318

I love it when some pseudo-intellectual vocal minority tries to enforce its little uppity (and completely deluded) vision of what is literature and what /lit/ should be. Many tier charts suggest that /lit/ should be a very close circle of "patricians" (concept stolen from /mu/) collectively circle-jerking about Ulysses, Finnegans Wake and Infinite Jest. In reality, no one has ever read FW, maybe three people have read Ulysses and IJ is mainly used for trolling purposes. It's also funny to watch how /lit/ used to love ASOIAF back in the days and then started hating it with all its guts because it was adapted in a "popular" (!) TV show. Those who remember the shitfest that was early /lit/ (the same shitfest that made mods create an artificial rule 3 about Ayn Rand) can't and won't ever take /lit/ seriously.

>> No.6288329

>he hasn't read ulysses

top pleb

>> No.6288355

Not even defending GRRM here, the last two books in the series have been shit. But you guys are a fucking cancer. You circle jerk over the same handful of authors over and over, as if this somehow cements your 'I have superior taste' badge. You're poorly read try-hards who have latched on to a few key works because you don't have the mental fortitude or independence to read anything else. Yes, Pynchon is good, so are Joyce, Wallace, Kafka and all the other authors in baby's first elitism starter kit. Move on, branch out, read something that hasn't been group approved by your r/truereddit hive mind. You take the joy out of reading and suffocate meaningful discussion in the crib.

>> No.6288359

>taking anything anyone has ever said on 4chan seriously

>> No.6288367

>thinking infinite jest is a meme
stay pleb, friendo
a song of ice and fire was genre shit then and it's genre shit now

>thinking pinecone is good
>kafka too
go to bed harold

>> No.6288371

>implying kafka isn't good

>> No.6288382

>thinking the unfinished works of a cavorting jew are good

>> No.6288391

>caring if something is unfinished
>reading for plot


>> No.6288411
File: 53 KB, 500x378, 1421611814086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, he will probably die first

>> No.6288492


Completely agree. Sadly /lit/ isn't the only board with this elitism hive mind.

>> No.6288503

He's pulling a Frank Herbert. He'll finish Winds of Winter in the next year or so, and have the final book about half-finished, with a complete outline, which he'll leave on a couple floppy drives when he dies. Then some cunt, possibly one he produced, will come along many years later and refuse to publish the outline/notes. Instead, that motherfucker will write a book much, much worse than anything GRRM could shit out, but only after writing bullshit prequels that aren't necessary and serve only to make characters more one-dimensional than they already are.

>> No.6288541

>pretending that you don't read for plot

>> No.6288548

Maybe you'd be more comfortable at


pleb faggots I bet you watch television

>> No.6288557

that reminds me, someone needs to tell Brian Herbert to stop fucking his dads corpse...

>> No.6288565

Your library consists of a single shelf.

>> No.6288580

This post is a great novel but its not finished but that doesnt matter because its a great novel.

>this is what kafkafags actually believe

>> No.6288585


I seriously hope you adults don't do this

>> No.6288607
File: 16 KB, 550x413, giant-turd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your taste consists of a giant turd

>> No.6288622


>> No.6288675
File: 41 KB, 625x626, 24c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asoiaf fans are too easy to troll. When you see the exact same shitty posts in every single thread you're meant to ignore them.

>people actually believing Martin won't finish the series
>implying he won't pull off some miracle