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/lit/ - Literature

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6285016 No.6285016 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you keep reading the same few books over and over again

I want to read more but I really like these ones

>> No.6285911

There is no shame in re-reading a book you like.

>> No.6285957

What would you prefer, breezing through dozens of titles in a mere month, reading each one once, and considering yourself an expert on said books even though you can't so much as remember the main character's name in a mere week or two?

I've broached the subject with the pretenders here, and the gist of responses was "first impression best impression, no reason to read a book again m8", but I really do imagine it's just limited minds justifying their easy-breezy understanding of fine literature.

Read the books again and again. It's actually the only way to know them.

>> No.6286016

Which books are you rereading? It doesn't really matter if it's high literature, philosophy, books about animals, cheap mystery novellas, or whatever. As long as you're getting something out of them, it's fine. If you really want to read more books, you should probably tell us what you like so we can give recommendations.

>> No.6286024

I have a friend like that. He prefers not to 'risk wasting his time' on something that he potentially might not like when he already has a selection of favourites which he knows for a fact he enjoys. Seems strange to me.