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6284353 No.6284353 [Reply] [Original]

so /lit/, what do you all think about Dune?

I love this fantastic book and think it relates to our current situation very well.

>> No.6284368

ill tell you in a year when it's it's turn to be read

>> No.6284374
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dune is babby tier sci fi

then again it is breddy gud

>> No.6284376

i thought that was shrek when i first saw it.

what makes it babby tier sci fi

>> No.6284381
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>> No.6284383

he didn't make most of them up though
sure there are some, but most of them are just arabic words.

>> No.6284386

Arabic words aren't made up.

>> No.6284393

that's even sillier

>> No.6284399

bene gesserit witch, fuck off.

>> No.6284571

this book gives me a huge nostalgia boner

>> No.6285411

what do you consider GOAT? if you say the dune prequels i will hunt you down and brutally murder you.

>> No.6285513

Good book. Read it for the first time recently and was actually surprised how much I enjoyed it. Some people dont like the writing style and find the jumping into peoples heads as needed to be a bit jarring, but I didn't even notice it that much when I got in to the flow of the book. I'm looking forward to reading the next five books one day when I have the time.

>> No.6285539

xycuckd is a mouth breathing retard who has one good comic out of literally thousands.

And it's not an original joke.

>> No.6285597

Currenly reading it, pretty good so far.

>> No.6286201

When I first read it I had wondered if there was a previous book in the series as there was so much to pick up on in a short amount of time.

It kinda just drops you into the world, and does very little to explain everything.

Also I was not sure how to feel about the first few chapters basically spoiling most of the book for you.

>> No.6286248

it's been on my bookshelf between fight club and a Peter F. Hamilton book for over a year now and I haven't read it.

>> No.6286718

The Dune of Paul Atreides time is so evocative you genuinely miss it when reading the latter novels. Herbert actually manages to instill a sense of nostalgia for the Fremen lifestyle when you are reading about Arrakis thousands of years in the future. That's what I like most about the first novel.

Its also a shame his notes and plans for the Dune universe weren't released in note/summary form (just so we found out what happens) rather than the abortions from his son and helpers.

>> No.6288219

I started reading it and was into the world-building a lot but the plot lost me right around where the Duke gets assassinated. I just couldnt put myself through the prose and knowing that the fat evil bad guy was going to lose to the person who we've known was the chosen one since page one

i guess i can see how it was foundational as a science fiction novel but it was boring as shit for me to read. dropped it 300 pages in

>> No.6288483

the baron harkonnen lost?

i guess you could see it that way.

>> No.6288487

The fat evil bald guy isn't even that important in the end, he gets killed by a genius toddler while the main guy fights the emperors soldiers

>> No.6288571

First books are good then it becomes shit.

>> No.6289809


>Stopped because he thought the ending was too easy to predict
>Predicted the ending incorrectly

Oh dear

>> No.6289830

It's great, but the sequels don't match it.

>> No.6290004


Shakespeare is a hack in that case, right?

>> No.6290071

>our current situation
w-what do you mean?

>> No.6290082
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>tfw currently in the middle of Children of Dune

Shit's getting wierd /lit/. What was frank smoking?

>> No.6290145

yer a fagget harry

>> No.6290172


As far as I know its all a set up for God Emperor. Its a shame that books 5 and 6 also seemed to be set up books but he died before we could see what he was setting up.

>> No.6290725

I'm halfway through Messiah. I'm thinking of stopping after this novel. What do you guys think, should i read the whole series?
thought Dune was 9/10

>> No.6290762

>fantastic book
It wasn't that good, >>6284374 said it right though

>> No.6291305

Keep on going. I'm halfway through God emperor right now, it's better than messiah and children of dune but I still like the first book the best.

>> No.6291353

Pretty good book. Much better than the trash that was The Lord of the Rings.

>> No.6291397

If any story relies on this hack technique it is shit, to ask the listener to emulate, contrast and reinforce the suggested ending so much that it makes perfect sense to them (only to actually adjust that ending to make yourself seem more interesting as an attention holder that can prove people wrong for guessing wrong) it deserves to be dropped for being masturbatory.

>> No.6291701

Alia Atreides would like a word with you. she's been acting strangely lately.. putting on weight...

>> No.6291711

why wouldn't you read all six books? is your time so precious that you would resent the weeks, or months, it took?

would you sit there after finishing Chapter House, raging because you thought you'd wasted your time and you could have been reading the Wheel of Time instead? jesus, fucking entitled children these days.

>> No.6291737

I'm currently reading it, just got to the Kynes chapter. The dialogue is very stilted-feeling but it's a really novel concept that his omniscient eye switches heads regularly and a lot of details get rote-reinforced by different characters' observations. There's something very honest about his writing style that I find a blessing and a cloying, overworked mess at the same time. Very neutral feeling. There was a Duke Leto chapter that ended on some of the worst, heavyhanded juxtaposition I've seen in awhile.

In other news, I'm also re-reading ASOIAF (inb4 fucking everything) and despite the fact that his thematic material is much lighter I think he handles it more deftly and the dialogue makes far more sense in the dramatized style in which he places it. I think it's very important that intense dramas such as these discussed do have some element of stageplay to them, and I think that's something Herbert sorely lacks. Additionally, he was writing it in the 60s' so I can't entirely blame him. Of the pulpy authors from which his publishing label often showed, I have to give him credit where it's due for his New Wave influences, but all the same there is a tonal quality to the work that feels extremely dated.