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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.67 MB, 2448x3264, Recent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6281921 No.6281921 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, I think it's time to see what you've been buying with your moms debit card.

Pic related.

>> No.6281935

Who are the artists of the Joyce and Shakespeare covers? It should say on the back.

>> No.6281955

Joyce-Portrait - Gino Severini
Shakespeare-Hamlet - Max Jacob

>> No.6281965
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Cheers. I thought I recognised Severini's style but couldn't conjure up a name.

>> No.6281981

oxford world classics are legit as fuck... i dont fuck with penguin

>> No.6282005
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These are my first. They live up to their reputation. Impeccable craftsmanship; sturdy design, quality paper, and pleasing to the touch. Not to mention it's difficult to find a bad Oxford cover.

Pic Related
They are all so very classy.

>> No.6282016

Those covers are really nice I should get more of these.

>> No.6282029

their shakespeares in particular are second to none

>> No.6282033


Oxford World Classic's definitely handle better than Penguin's books, which after multiple reads start to show wears in their spines very quickly, I've read my Crime and Punishment about three times and already the spine is slowly starting to go to shit. Lots of white marks everywhere. Just looks unpleasant.

Lately I've bought-
War with the Newts-Capek, halfway through so far up to the second book, enjoying it a little and a lot of it reminds me of Planet of the Apes quite a lot especially the questions it brings up.
Blood Meridian-Cormac McCarthy
Petersburg-Andrei Bely

I unfortunately got the Picador edition of BM since that's what we're stuck with in the UK and the Pushkin Press version of the Bely book.

>> No.6282035

Arden and Norton are just as good, if not better.

>> No.6282041

Yo, tell me about Santideva. I like Nagarjuna and this dude is apparently working based off Nagarjuna's Mulamadhyamkakakaskdjf (fuck if I can spell it).

What is he specifically working on?

>> No.6282050

These are all available FOC if you have an e-reader, but then I guess you couldn't post this thread seeking affirmation of your patrician taste. See how restrained I am? I didn't add 'you massive prong' to the end of my post. Oh wait...

>> No.6282051
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Here are mine, along with The Black Lizard and Beast in the Shadow by Rampo, which hasn't arrived yet.

>> No.6282071
File: 6 KB, 195x300, Women_Poets_of_Japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're talking ebook purchases, I've made a lot of those recently too.

>One Hundred Poems from the Japanese
>One Hundred Poems from the Chinese
>One Hundred More Poems from the Chinese
>Women Poets of Japan
>The Book of Dede Korkut: A Turkish Epic
>A Discourse by Three Drunkards on Government by Nakae Chomin
>The Blue Room by Hanne Orstavik
>Mr Darwin's Gardener by Kristina Carlson

>> No.6282095

I used Amazon, which as sinful as it may be, is tempting because I get drunk and start reading and then start buying more books while reading because I'm drunk...and it's just so easy.

>> No.6282098

>These are all available FOC if you have an e-reader

The particular translations and the included critical material are not necessarily.

>> No.6282104

I do the same thing. Whenever I stay in on a weekend I always end up receiving a bunch of books over the next week (or two weeks, if I purchased from swestbooks).

>> No.6282107
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>> No.6282114

See, I'm still a big fan of Penguin too. But, I don't mind my book showing wear. I mean, they are meant to be read unless you buying a collectible. As long as it physically doesn't start falling apart or isn't extremely cheap I'm usually fine with it.

I've been meaning to buy Petersburg as well, especially the Penguin edition. The cover is one of my favorites. But I've reserved holding off on more Russian /lit/ until October of this year. That way I can get uber-depressed and blue during the winter instead of for no reason at all.

>> No.6282120

What an intimate set of Tolkien's books.

>> No.6282133
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A cheery selection

>> No.6282142


I like Penguin a lot too but they depress me with how poorly constructed and flimsy their editions are and don't get me started on the shit they pulled with Morrisey and his biography.

The Pushkin edition of Petersburg looks pretty nice and I can recommend getting that though Penguin definitely has the better artwork for the novel.

>> No.6282165

They're the new deluxe pocket editions from B&N. They're super cozy. My only gripe is the tiny font size they used.

>> No.6282182

...well, that's kind of expected in a deluxe pocket edition....I mean...pocket.

>> No.6282202

I know, but these are ridiculous. I've had pocket books before, but these hold the smallest type set I've ever read by far. They're hobbit-sized!
I just realized that would make a great promotional.
"Introducing the new editions of Tolkien, available in both hobbit- and troll-sizes!"

>> No.6282207

haha theeanks mom
i bought 70 books in the past 2 months
theeanks mom 650 dollars theeanks mommy

>> No.6282254

I want a pocket edition of Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.6282446

Actuallly, they are, all of them. You can even get a free audiobook of Crosby & Skilton's Bodhicaryavatara. And let's not pretend you're actually after the critical material.

>> No.6282454

I always buy from bookdepository (basically the same thing, run by Amazon if I'm not mistaken) and if it wasn't for the fact that I already have two books coming, and I'm reading about 4 books at the moment, and I have barely any money, I would definitely buy some.
I do agree, though, it is way too easy. You link your paypal to it once and you literally only click about 4 times to order a book. Chrome fills in all your details after 1 letter of your name, and that's it.

>> No.6282462

The slavery of consumerism....and prosper.

>> No.6282466


>people showing off cheap shitty paperbacks


>> No.6282478

>And let's not pretend you're actually after the critical material.

That's honestly one of my favourite things about Oxford Classics, and it's very useful for the four particular books the OP purchased. I always read all of my books from cover to cover.

>> No.6282480

>I don't read.

>> No.6282485

>(basically the same thing, run by Amazon if I'm not mistaken)

Yeah except it's generally more expensive and takes longer to deliver. Occasionally they stock books that Amazon proper doesn't, though.

>> No.6282518


You do realise when you buy terrible quality paperbacks you are getting ripped off worse than if you buy a good quality hardback?

Just go to a fucking library you goddamn posers and simpletons. All your 2c material paperbacks are so fucking plebeian.

>> No.6282519

Slavery gets thrown around way too easily nowadays.
Not if you're not from the US or UK, I'm pretty sure. Also, I don't have a creditcard, so I can't even buy anything from Amazon.
Delivery times are annoying sometimes, though, I always have to read books in a day or two when I order them for a uni assignment, if my uni library doesn't have them.

>> No.6282523

>I still don't read.

>> No.6282524

>go to a library
>I don't have a job
>I'm underage
>Mom won't let me buy things on her Debit Card
>all you guis are fags !!!!!!
>using plebeian unironically

please...just go.

>> No.6282535

>terrible quality paperbacks
A: They didn't post terrible quality paperbacks
B: You can read paperbacks perfectly fine, more than once, in fact
>Just go to a fucking library you goddamn posers and simpletons.
>implying all libraries just have these books lying around
>implying libraries have solid non-fiction
>implying you even read
Post your bookshelf, big baller.

>> No.6282536

Says the guy who feels the need to show off terrible quality paperbacks to people as if they give a fuck.

>> No.6282537

Yeah...but honestly. Who gives a shit about slaves? No one. ISIS and Russia and Kim Kardashian...now those are things to worry about even though they don't even really effect the common day man unless you are in ISIS, Iraq, or Kuwait and even Russians don't know what they fuck their government is doing and probably don't care as long as they get to bash gays every once and a while and make headlines.

>> No.6282548

He doesn't have a bookshelf except for hardback collectors edition of Harry Potter.

He goes to the library like an elite who is too poor to purchase anything for his own..........wait a minute.

>> No.6282550

>I will never read.

>> No.6282558

He probably has a bunch of those tacky Barnes and Nobles hardbacks.

>> No.6282561


>Oh look guys! Cheap books with photoshop covers! Don't they look good? Maybe my pals on /lit/ would enjoy it if I post these Chinese made paperbacks!

Cheap paperbacks were created because publishers weren't making enough money selling good quality hardbacks to wealthy people. So they decided they would make books with the shittest possible quality to sell to poor people.

You are literally playing into the publisher's greedy hands when you purchase a paperback.


>> No.6282567

>is giving the most fucks in this thread about the pictures of paperbacks being posted which he is criticizing.

I think you've lost your way. Back to /r9k/ with you.

>> No.6282574

>photoshop covers

>he doesn't recognise classic art

>> No.6282591

Who hurt you, bro? Your mom for not letting you use her money to buy Naruto mangas or something?

And no, paperbacks became common during WWI and WWII when it was cheaper and easier to manufacture books and get them to the troops. Cheaper, yes. But Oxford is not cheap. Most paperpbacks are not cheap.

You are a pathetic little boy and your library hardback and lack of reading protest is not a protest at all. It's just failure to mature out of pointless angst.

>> No.6282600

>But Oxford is not cheap


>> No.6282606

>And no, paperbacks became common during WWI and WWII when it was cheaper and easier to manufacture books and get them to the troops

That was one of its uses, but not the reason they were created.

>> No.6282611

Quality new hardback editions exist for very few classics. To amass a collection of quality editions of great books would mean purchasing old editions in auctions for extortionate amounts of money. I doubt you own a single hardback that a collector would consider a quality edition, so what room do you really have to call anyone else a pleb?

>> No.6282614

This is completely incorrect.

>> No.6282628

One of the ones in my picture was a hardback. I know the publisher of another of the books personally.

I've already heard you make this argument in the last thread. You admitted you didn't know anything about smaller publishers.

>> No.6282629

I admitted no such thing.

>> No.6282633

Are you a Folio Society pleb or something?

>> No.6282639

All your examples were of the "big five," and when I asked you to name smaller ones, you balked.

It still doesn't matter much. I use the library constantly. I bought mine to facilitate research on the road, since I have to bring them to a conference this month.

>> No.6282656
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So, where's that bookshelf then, bikboi?
>You are literally playing into the publisher's greedy hands when you purchase a paperback.
As opposed to being elitist and spending more money to appeal to status of owning hardbacks. Because corporations don't make hardbacks, do they?

Your reasoning:
>I have a lambo, because I don't play into corporate games!!

Mfw I realize I share this world with the likes of you

>> No.6283394
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already finished the Ghost Map. Reading Ugly Renaissance and started Mistborn.

>> No.6283499

Wtf is the point of these threads, most of the pictures are reposts...

>> No.6283559
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stfu oxford fags

>> No.6283568

It's almost as if books were first expensive and marketed only to rich people and later on adapted to be affordable by the lay man! Such a perverted, capitalist process that in no way is similar to that of automobiles, cellphones, computers, college education, houseware, and just about every fucking thing we consume.

>> No.6283570
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kick ass

>> No.6283669

What is that behind the book?

>> No.6283724

2666 - Roberto Bolaño (Vintage Español)
Illiad & Odyssey - Homero (Penguin)
Three Novels - Samuel Beckett (Grove Press)

Currently reading (and loving) 2666. It's so damn good. Haven't feel this way since 100YoS

>> No.6283774

a painting i got for $1 at a garage sale.

>> No.6283982
File: 224 KB, 3264x1836, IMG_20150317_214855 (Copy).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the uncanny, Freud's essay on Leonardo sparked my interest in him a bit so I guess i'll delve into this shit later.

>> No.6284059 [DELETED] 


I actually bought the ingredients for dinner (and a 30 pack of coors) with my mom's debit card. She's been in the hospital for 3 months and my dad gave me the card because we're in crisis mode and I use it for gas and food since the entire fridge has gone rotten at home.

Yep. Currently reading Ubik, which has been fun.

>> No.6284066
File: 1.43 MB, 1221x730, Porkchopped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually bought the ingredients for dinner (and a 30 pack of coors) with my mom's debit card. She's been in the hospital for 3 months and my dad gave me the card because we're in crisis mode and I use it for gas and food since the entire fridge has gone rotten at home.

Yep. Currently reading Ubik, which has been fun.

>> No.6284098
File: 443 KB, 1440x2560, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead Souls is actually one of the funniest books I've ever read, despite the jump in the history, it only gets better in the second part, I'm actually sad I don't have access to the copy anymore, someone stole it from my local library

>> No.6284159

Dude, stop

>> No.6284171

you make me sad

>> No.6284659


Jesus fucking Christ. The point I was making was that it is hilarious when you show off your shit quality paperbacks.

You would be better off, and you would save so much money by renting books from the library first. And if you like them and if you think you will read it again, purchase a good quality one.

But no, you guys are more interested in creating a budget-bookshelf with as much quantity as you can so you can show off to anonymous strangers.

>> No.6284667

why do you feel the need to be armed at dinner. is the apocalypse habbening soon

>> No.6284729

> The point I was making was that it is hilarious when you show off your shit quality paperbacks.
We know, and we think you're an idiot for it, have you not figured this out yet?

>You would be better off, and you would save so much money by renting books from the library first. And if you like them and if you think you will read it again, purchase a good quality one.
Do you read? Like I've said before, my library doesn't have non-fiction, nor English lit that I want.
Also, your argument makes no sense once again.

>And if you like them and if you think you will read it again, purchase a good quality one.
Why not just rent it again sometime later? Why do you feel like you have to own a ''good quality one'' (you can read paperbacks many times and they will remain absolutely fine, and the words or their meaning don't change with the cover, but I'll pretend to go along in your delusion) are you just some fucking brainless capitalist minion that hobbles around the corporation's dicks looking for some gilded precum to feel better about yourself? Mao would've had you executed on sight, you bourgeois swine.

>But no, you guys are more interested in creating a budget-bookshelf with as much quantity as you can so you can show off to anonymous strangers.
Are you overcompensating because you own three books?
Also, what even makes you think of these threads as ''showing off'' with such negative connotations? I always like to see what people are reading, and pictures are more interesting than just words. Sometimes the covers are really nice as well.

You sound like a huge stereotyping and condescending faggot, and you haven't exactly shown any legitimacy for your downy attitude.

>> No.6284753


>> No.6284754

Y'all are ridiculous. Just live and let live.

>> No.6284765

>All these plebs buying nothing but "classics"

Is anyone on this board not 13?

>> No.6284768


>> No.6284780


Do you happen to think buying books is expensive? If you're a dill hole that buys 4 a week and never reads them then you're wasting money. If you buy 2 or 3 a month it's barely costing anything - and that's if you got them new.

Now it's pretty obvious you don't buy or read many physical books but libraries are shit. They have a selection for old people /idiots/you and they charge you to order in more obscure books and then you have to wait a week or so for them to get them in. That's assuming that book is in the libraries within their group of libraries. If you don't live in a bigger city your library might just not be able to get that book. Which they could easily not have if you are at all interested in books that are new, foreign or slightly obscure. Then you have to return the fucking things and worry about damaging or losing them. Then you can't re-read them or flick through again in the future.

The other value of buying books from a bookshop is finding new books. If it's a half decent bookshop it will have new books by new writers or obscure gems.

>> No.6284783


>going to these lengths to justify your consumerism

>> No.6284791

>I don't have anything to say, but this meme will show him that he's wrong!
What do you mean? I don't feel I have to justify anything. I'm trying to explain to someone why his ''just liburry till u want buy den buy hardback only!! btw I'm not showing my bookshelf lul'' attitude is silly. I'll unabashedly say I like owning books, and I like buying books, there's no justification needed on my behalf.

>> No.6284793

except your consumerism LMAO

>> No.6284906

Therese Raquin is really good.

>> No.6285409


Maybe you care about world history and ancient cultures. Did you know ISIS is destroying the ancient city of Nimud from the Assyrian Empire, one of the first world empires, and other priceless artifacts because they're "pagan"?

Or maybe you're a citizen in a country like Canada, US, or France where there have been lone-wolf attacks inspired by ISIS as well as several plots foiled by authorities within these nations? Such things are changing social dynamics and how other citizens view or perceive Muslims living in their country.

There's also the fact that there are Western citizens traveling overseas to fight for or against ISIS.

But you're right, these issues have no bearing on anyone living outside of Iraq. Do you even globalization?

>> No.6285626
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Guess I'm going to be living on a diet of boiled rice and corned beef for the rest of the month, again.

>> No.6285843
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>> No.6286276
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>> No.6287213
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Thinking of just reading The Stranger straight tonight, or just some Borges instead

>> No.6287223
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>the stranger on everymans library

holy fuck dude....

>> No.6287274
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>> No.6287365

Something wrong?

>> No.6287389


yes retard. you bought a book thats been in print for years which you should have paid no more than $2 for, fag.

>> No.6287392
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The only edition worth buying.

>> No.6287445
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darn tootin'!

>> No.6287608

>implying I didn't pick it up used at Powell's for three bucks

Step up son

>> No.6287626 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6287636

>not stealing your own bodyweight from your university library

step it up /lit/

>> No.6287640

Reading Braudel for pleasure; now I've seen it all

>> No.6287862
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>> No.6287905
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>> No.6287915

shit published by oxford is the goat

>> No.6287951

Oxford generally puts out very good editions. I have the Oxford Vasari, Plutarch (both volumes), Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, and Confucius. Looking at Oxford's Diogenes and Gorgias. Thinking about maybe buying their Jonathan Swift anthology.

>> No.6287961

>doesn't even have helpful explanatory notes

>> No.6288011

Now that's not nice. Come on, brother.

>> No.6288062


>explanatory notes

hahahahaha, fucking pleb.

>> No.6288070

le patrician face xd

>> No.6288108

Breece D'j fucking Pancake. What's gucci my nigga?

>> No.6288148

ITT pointless consumerism

>> No.6288150

That version of the bodhicaryavatara is shit tho...

try aryadeva and candrakirti vfore santideva. they just follo the sunyavada and develop it. good shit.

>> No.6288159
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$6 faggs

>> No.6288163
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Alpha as FUCK

>> No.6288168
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>pic related

suck my arse, new-book fags.

>> No.6288173
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pretty much new and got the hardcover for less than what the paperback is worth on Amazon.

>> No.6288192
File: 740 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pevear and kokolos

fucking chop your dick off so you cant spread your faggotry this Minimalist cover rapes your ass nice and hard.

>> No.6288201
File: 821 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

420 Raskolnikov


>> No.6288230


>i'm young and broke and just started to get into reading i know that i'm being a clown i'm just super insecure about it still please be understanding

don't worry bb i get it you are very based and dope i promise

>> No.6288234

> caring about translations
How's the book though? Haven't started it yet

>> No.6288237
File: 258 KB, 700x1051, 9781781685815-7314ba1a5f860f961f88f5712c37b541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Flann O Brien - ma nigga.

pic is my latest acquisition


If you have the means, I think the best approach is to buy a book and then donate once you are finished.

>> No.6288240
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>projecting this hard
>still not collecting vintage books

sorry for triggering your autism you bed staining cunt.

>> No.6288247
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it's shit, i only really erotica, hardcore erotic photography and gustave dore illustrations.

>> No.6288250


what is with all this angst?

are you always this emotional?

>> No.6288258
File: 416 KB, 1920x1080, PIC_0632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't have emotions. I'm just like Mersault. thats why i have so many copies :^)

>> No.6288265


>> No.6288270


if i didn't know better i would swear you were tallis.

he had exactly that same kind of desperately affected 2patrish teenage shitposting cry for help shit going on.

tallis is that you?

>> No.6288289
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no this is patrick :^)

>> No.6288294

>2 patrish
4 u
>desperately affected
maybe, my industrial noise project is pretty abrasive

>> No.6288295

Tallis didn't own books he read everything on wikipedia

>> No.6288300

who is tallis? i'm a new fag 2013

>> No.6288305


lol if everything that you want is available in ebook then you are literally too casual to even be on this board

>> No.6288322




>> No.6288343


>the child buyer by john hersey

Muh nigger

>> No.6288347


a teenage try hard from /mu/ who fit in nicely with the other teenage try hards on /mu/ comes over and pulls the same shit here thinking that he's /lit/ now? please

no one cares that you bought a few edgy paperbacks for cheap. see you in a year or so when you're shitposting about nick land you edgelord dweeb.

>> No.6288354


I have a highly refined palate for the arts, and you get triggered by photos and text on a computer screen...

stay mad, pleb cunt. xD

>> No.6288362
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>> No.6288378

you have to read books for knowledge, dont call others pleb, pleb

>> No.6288381


>I have a highly refined palate for the arts

you're a precocious little teen, i'll give you that.

here's hoping you see how embarrassingly entry you are and grow past it sooner rather than later.

>> No.6289184

>getting triggered this hard

how new are you, faggot?

>> No.6289212

I've been meaning ro read Lem ever since I saw "The Congress" (shit movie, but the book seems interesting)

>> No.6289236
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Post this in the last thread as well.

Slackjaw and Good to Go are signed.

>> No.6289239

I'll have you know my mom deposits money directly into my bank account.

>> No.6289264
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To busy with midterms to start them

Anyone familiar with Zweig?

>> No.6289272

Too* Shit, I'm tired

>> No.6289283

Nope. Only thing I know about Zweig is that his material is basis for The Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes Anderson.

>> No.6289363

I can definitely see that, I read two of his short stories for my Prose-fiction class and wanted to try one of his novels.

>> No.6289373

The Road - Cormac McCarthy
Nietzsche - The Gay Science
Heidegger - Nietzsche
Deleuze - Difference & Repetition
Deleuze - The Logic of Sense

>> No.6289446
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>Leaves of Grass / Norton Critical Edition, Instructor's Desk Copy

>Five Great Short Stories - 1990 edition

Only $2.00 for the both of them.

>> No.6289482


>> No.6289497

Leaves of Grass non 1st edition or 3rd edition reported?

>> No.6289615
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yay tax return day

>> No.6289645

The "text of Leaves of Grass, 1891-1892" which would make it 3rd edition right? I think the first was released in the 1850s.
There's so much in it, dude.
>Criticism on Walt.
>Walt on Walt.
>Poems excluded from LoG.
>Passages to poems excluded from LoG.
>Uncollected Manuscripts.
>Prefaces by Walt and others (Emerson).
It's about 1000 pages.

>> No.6289985


>> No.6290014

>1922 edition

Inferior censored edition riddle with errors, reprinted endlessly because it's out of copyright and the publishers want to save a buck.

>> No.6290222

Thanks for letting me know stranger, I'll exchange it

>> No.6290353
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>> No.6290882
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patrish af

>> No.6291466

Looks like my own purchases. I like to throw in good/puply fantasy and sci-fi between other reads and school stuff that need some time to digest.