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6281474 No.6281474 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the true face of the left: Zizek, or Russell Brand?

>> No.6281500

>implying unified left
>implying truth
>implying just once won't hurt

>> No.6281510

Just once what?

>> No.6281515

>Actually has a double PhD in Philosophy & Psychoanalysis
>Actually taken seriously in Academia
>Hegelian wizard
>Published numerous books
>Lectures all around the world
>Doesn't just make dumb jokes but theoratical jokes

>Had relations with a ROTHSCHILD and Katy Perry
>Worth around $15M, what a revolutionary leftie!
>Comedian, no formal education
>Drug addict
>Pseudo Buhddist newage spiritualism
>Can't even go against Farage in a debate

This thread is a joke fuck off

>> No.6281521

What do philosophy and psychoanalysis have to do with uniting the left and being its face?

>> No.6281522

there is no face of the left

we're past the time of philosopher kings

zizek's only role to play for the proletariat, or any intellectual's role, is merely to the attempt to pose crystalline questions we all ask ourselves through a glass darkly

>> No.6281542

>drug addict
>sex fiend
>no real education
>pseudo-spiritual crap
so you're saying Brand wins because he is more representative of the left, yeah?

>> No.6281551

>Highly educated guy vs a Comedian who might not be even funny
The fact that you bother mentioning Brand is absolute idiocy and the fact that he's given media coverage is a farce beyond absurdity.

You mean the whole of Critical Theory.

>> No.6281558

What do you guys have against love and consciousness? Brand is a good gut, his heart's in the right place. Bankers make too muchoney anyway.

>> No.6281563


>> No.6281564

Critical theory is less than useless. Anyone who thinks or claims otherwise has been conned.

>> No.6281728

I thought he went to rehab

>> No.6281758

>Who's the true face of the left: Zizek, or Russell Brand?

Zizek campaigned to overthrow a Socialist state, ran for president for the Liberal party and supports the fascists in Ukraine.

Brand is a millionaire media dickhead and silly hippy but has also campaigned for actual leftist causes.

Their both cunts but Brand is at least a bit left wing so him.

>> No.6281759

>Published numerous books

More like he published one book numerous times

>> No.6281761

>the fascists
RIDF pls

>> No.6281764


>> No.6281771
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Defiantly not fascists

>> No.6281851

At least Ukraine didn't annex Crimea and invade a sovereign state. Putinism is actually fascism.

>> No.6281860

Y'know who else makes too much money? Shit comedians

>> No.6281864

>At least Ukraine didn't annex Crimea


>> No.6281873

Because Ukraine was an independent state not under Soviet control at that point in time.
Keep trying, Vlad, I'm sure you'll trick someone somehow.

>> No.6281874

are you sure?

>> No.6281881

The people of Crimea where forced to join Ukraine against their wishes by the thug Khrushchev, they protested at the time and declared independence when the USSR was breaking up, Crimea is not Ukrainian.

>> No.6281891

>At least Ukraine didn't annex Crimea and invade a sovereign state. Putinism is actually fascism.
Ukraine annexed Crimea _thrice_. In 1954, in 1991 and in 1994. This is why the Crimeans are so pissed off at the Ukraine.

Anyways, annexing and invading doesn't making something 'fascism'. G. W. Bush invaded Iraq; is 'Bushism actually fascism'?

>> No.6281900

Do you think everyone is as gullible as your countrymen, Ivan?
No, Bushism isn't practically fascism, it's neoconservatism, which is worse.

>> No.6281914
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haha oh wow

>> No.6282168


>> No.6282220

Both are controlled opposition. It's all an Illuminati psyop.

>> No.6282252
File: 1.98 MB, 1712x2288, Chomsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, i'm just here being the last bastion of modernist rationality in the left.

>> No.6282259

>PhD in Psychoanalysis
I stopped reading.

>> No.6282316

But he's a shill

>> No.6282344

>modernist rationality

>> No.6282378


Jizzwreck (that's how you pronounce it) is a scholar and an intelligent American society of liberals would regard him as Christ-figure
Unfortunately they're not, Brand is definitely more famous in Murca than Ziz will ever be, and the left is full of idiots who can't poltik

>> No.6282386

>the left is full of idiots
As always

>> No.6282482


>Don't mind me, I've been anus torned by Foucault on live twice.

Oh and
Enjoy your discipline spreading attitude.

>> No.6282488
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He's even worse than Lacan

>> No.6282498


>Implying trash bins aren't a new toy of the dominants of systematical power relations bewteen trash and trash bins.

Pls stop shilling for you group m8

>> No.6282517

>Implying power relations are bad
>Implying we'd be better off as a society without power structures and discipline
>Implying this form of thought isn't one of the biggest problems with the left

>> No.6282520


>> No.6282529


>Implying I didn't say systematical
>Implying trying to correct me isn't pure discipline
>Implying I'm not erercizing a counter-power to the trash bin oppression
>Implying implications

>> No.6282538
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>> No.6282568


Are we talking about John Green now?

>> No.6282667
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>Doesn't realize the amount of women he's cheated on

>> No.6282692
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The following is Russel Brand. Pic related is Zizek

>Unless of course we consider that the concept of property is preposterous, like a Native American chief, Great Elk or one of them, who when us lot (By “us” I suppose I mean white Europeans. You might not be one; I hope you’re not, actually. Sorry for unconsciously addressing this book to imperialists)

>Gandhi, an extremely efficient revolutionary, is perhaps most admired for his excellent deployment of “nonviolent protest.” The ingenuity of nonviolence is not immediately obvious to us, the inheritors of a world built upon martial means, but the principle is almost like mathematics. Authorities are trained to deal with a particular kind of conflict, violent conflict, so by using violent means you are entering the territory that they are best qualified to control. Also, by becoming violent you are tuning in to the frequency that you are trying to overcome, the frequency of violation, violence FM.

>“Be the change you wish to see in the world,” said Gandhi. If you want a nonviolent world, you cannot use violence to achieve it.

>Human beings, who want the best for their families. David Cameron said, in a rare foray into compassion, “Hug a hoodie.” He was right—we should. We should also cuddle a copper. Was that a bit “Yeah, man,” a bit reductive? It will be: The solution will not be rarefied, the Revolution will be televised, and it will be easy and based on simple things, like interconnectivity and union. Or love.

>In fact, I must mention that I was interviewed by the police during the writing of this book, and the WPC who questioned me was so resolutely lovely, judicious, and kind, I nearly gave up on the whole revolutionary caper. There were cups of tea and codes of conduct and tales of public marches in her former life. In fact, though, this just confirms my thesis that people are beautiful and Revolution inevitable. We don’t need to grow compassion in a petri dish; everyone’s fine—we just have to scrape away a few repellent systems.