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/lit/ - Literature

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6281459 No.6281459 [Reply] [Original]

Let's share a little wisdom with each and the other.
Post something you've learnt from life or picked up from reading that is in your mind significant.

How you doing?

>> No.6281469

Never trust any woman except your mother and your sister abut only if she's disabled or mentally retarded

>> No.6281480

Jewelry is the world's oldest scam. Buying a $1,000 bracelet is the same as telling the world you just signed up for Amway.

Do you realize how many pizzas you can buy for $1,000?

Buy 200 pizzas and feed the homeless. That is the path to inner peace.

>> No.6281489

1) Some questions are impossible to answer. Obsessing over them leads to suicide or the asylum. Hence one must educate oneself in philosophy rigoriously, just to be able to take things slowly and rationally.
2) Being a good artist certainly doesn't mean being a good person or a happy person. Thus "art for art's sake" is art, but it is not good art.

>> No.6281493

Only fear people who will kill you.

Most people are weak-willed, lazy, and directionless. A bit of courage, hard-work, and decisiveness will put you in a privileged position more quickly than you'd expect.

>> No.6281499

1. Marry your best friend.
2. (considering you have a good family) trust only your parents.
3. Don't try to answer life's Big Questions. They either don't have one or will have too many.

>> No.6281501

Don't be a social gadfly unless you want to drink a chalice full of hemlock

>> No.6281502

Define the world on your own well-reasoned terms. Don't let anyone tell you what good art is or isn't. Decide it for yourself.

>> No.6281514

>“I don’t think it would have all got me quite so down if just once in a while—just once in a while—there was at least some polite little perfunctory implication that knowledge should lead to wisdom, and that if it doesn't, it's just a disgusting waste of time! But there never is! You never even hear any hints dropped on a campus that wisdom is supposed to be the goal of knowledge. You hardly ever even hear the word 'wisdom' mentioned!”

>> No.6281520

We are here to help each other get through this thing, whatever it is. -Vonnegut

What you do in your free time defines who you are.
"Done" is better than "perfect."
Do one thing a day that scares you.
Regret is almost always the result of inaction.

And, from my drunk old dad, regarding sex: Always rub out the easy one beforehand.

>> No.6281527

>And, from my drunk old dad, regarding sex: Always rub out the easy one beforehand.
Smart man.

>> No.6281531

Say yes whenever you can, except to religion and authority.

>> No.6281537
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Why are you listening to vaporwave?

How do I know you are listening to vaporwave? Because I too listen to vaporwave.

>> No.6281548

lol I didn't know what vaporwave was so I listened to a few songs and found that comment, screencapped it.
Got anything to contribute to the thread?

>"Circumcise therefore the foreskin of your heart, and be no more stiffnecked."

>> No.6281552

Sleep and hydrate. You'll be surprised at how well you feel.

>> No.6281582

Asking an anime imageboard populated by people with no friends and little life experience for advice is usually a bad idea.

>> No.6281589

The worst criminal can be a mouthpiece for God

>> No.6281615

Sorry, does this mean you have to masturbate before sex so last longer?
(english is not mothertongue)

>> No.6281630



>> No.6281640


>Do one thing a day that scares you

I like that one.

>> No.6281649

Robert Durst you manipulated me because my dad was taking child pornography of me. And if I said anything youd kill my family.

>> No.6281651

The body is on pocono st in la puente in a trunk. you guys moved the body around. scattered it in different spots so you guys wouldnt get caught. TOY TIME!! so you dragged me around like a toy and raped and molested me.

>> No.6281652

my dad was always recording me and i tried to get the video tapes you told me to what it was like to taste alcohol. you made me drink what was it colored mouth wash.

>> No.6281663
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>> No.6281671

Feeding the homeless is illegal where I live. Elsewhere in my state some like 80 year old dude was jailed for it last year. Ain't that some shit?

>> No.6281685
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i thought that law only applied to feeding them after midnight

the only people who will benefit from your advice are those who seek it out

>> No.6281698

Nope. Also he was 90 apparently, not 80, and was arrested twice in one week.


>> No.6281702


>> No.6281703
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>> No.6281704

>If I was a mother too nice

Shit triggers my autism, like the person who made this was dumb and/or careless.

>> No.6281709

But anon, I'm not gay

>> No.6281711
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My grandpa once got a little drunk and we talked.

He told me that the biggest secret to sex is to forget about pleasing the girl. Just do what you enjoy on her body. You want to kiss her? Kiss her. Suck on her breasts? Do it. When you feel like plunging inside her, do it. Do not concern yourself with what she likes or not. Just enjoy her body selfishly.

Ever since I started doing that, I started enjoying sex. And I do get complimented that "i'm good at bed" but in truth, all I do is have fun with someone else's body.

It's eerie.

>> No.6281715

If you make a bad decision, backtracking it is almost impossible

>> No.6281721

>I do get complimented that "i'm good at bed"

I find it hard to believe you've ever touched a woman before.

>> No.6281722

Accept the rewards and the consequences of all your actions

Good stuff. Thanks for sharing, pal.

>> No.6281725

We accept the love we think we deserve.

>> No.6281730


I care little what an anonymous poster on 4chan thinks of my sex life.

>> No.6281734

our biggest problems arise from the avoidance of smaller ones

>> No.6281739
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Sex is the most primal thing we still do as humans.

We don't hunt our own meat with sharp rocks, we don't forage for vegetables.

But we're fucking just like we've been fucking for thousands of years. And we're still there mentally. Sometimes our more enlightened ideas about courtesy and concern for other people doesn't factor into that shit.

This has been a pseudointellectual digression. I'm sorry. I don't know anything about evolutionary psychology. But it makes sense to me.

>> No.6281749

>evolutionary psychology

It's pseudo-science used to justify our modern western ways.

>> No.6281751


Filename of the century

>> No.6281776

If you give a sandwich to a bum you go to the prison? How does that work?

>> No.6281783

"as long as there is a law, peace will be a crime"

>> No.6281785

I recently learned that I've been mispelling "anti-climactic" for all my life.

I'm now contemplating suicide.

>> No.6281875

Someone on /lit/ told me I was misspelling bawling (balling).

>"For whatever is truly wonderous and fearful in man, never yet was put into words or books."

>"Thus, this Carpenter was prepared at all points, and alike indifferent and without respect in all."

>"But we are all in the hands of the Gods."

>"No, his great genius is declared in his doing nothing particular to prove it. It is moreover declared in his pyramidical silence."

>"But when a man suspects any wrong, it sometimes happens that if he be already involved in the matter, he insensibly strives to cover up his suspicions even from himself."

>"Seldom have I known any profound being that had anything to say to this world, unless forced to stammer out something by way of getting a living."

>> No.6281975
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it's a joke playing off what you're complaining about

>> No.6283955

fuck thottys

>> No.6283977

"don't trust compliments from loved ones or paid services."

>> No.6284262

>tfw friendzoned

>> No.6284282

>2. (considering you have a good family) trust only your parents.

they promised they'd take me to disney land

as for OP

“Hello babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. On the outside, babies, you've got a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies-"God damn it, you've got to be kind.”

>> No.6284342

Can someone give me Advice?

I'm a high school senior from a small town in Kansas.It's really small. I've been there all my life and I'm on a first name bases with everyone in my high school. There are only 21 people in my class. I'm pretty sheltered. My dad's a NC programmer and can afford to pay for my college in full. I scored a 32 overall on My ACT, and my GPA is a little above a 3.8. He and my mom want me to go to college in math, physics, or engineering. I'm pretty good at math and science, and they think i could really set up a good life for myself.

This last summer i got a job working for a guy putting up fences, mowing watersheds, and taking out tree lines. I worked long hours and earned just over $3000. I (with lots of help from my dad) used it to by a mutual fund that earned 34% in this last quarter. Before i got that job i thought i had it all figured out. I was going to go to KU, major in engineering physics, and try and get a good paying job and settle down. That job changed me. All my life I've been around people my age. With that job i got to drive around and meet people (mostly older, farmer guys) and i was amazed at how little i knew, how much they knew, and how much i had been oblivious to even in my local four-county area. Most of all i realized i didn't have a damn idea about real life.

Sure I'm good at STEM stuff (34 math, 35 science on ACT) but i didn't see it as anything that would make me happy. This past year I've also picked up writing, as well as trying to read as many classics as i can. I've written 3 ~50,000 word novellas this past year, along with about ~100,000 words in short stories and unfinished other novels.I try to write 1,000 words and read fifty pages each day. But i don't know if it's my passion, or that i'm good enough to make a living from it. I recently read Moby Dick and i became envious on how much Melville got to travel around and meet new people. I don't think college will give me that. It's going to again put me around people my age who are probably as clueless and stupid to the real world as I am.

>> No.6284345

In truth I'd like to graduate high school and travel the world. Go to Europe, Mexico, South America, or anywhere else where i don't know anyone and can learn from those who have lived life. I want to put myself in a situation where things aren't going to work out, something that will knock me on my ass so i can get back up a better man. I feel like I'm living in a bubble, and as soon as i leave it i won't know what the hell I'm doing. I want to go out and find out who i am, learn practical skills, and find something I love doing. Once i figure that out I'll go to college if i need to.

I'm fluent in Spanish, and I'm picking up German pretty well, so i think i'll be able to pick up the local language no matter where i go with some effort and Rosetta Stone.

My dad worked as a machinist at seventeen, went to college at night , worked 45 hours a week and went to school 21 hours a week and would play in his band every Friday and Saturday night for 12 years. He basically worked his ass off to get where he is today. I'm afraid he and my family will see me as a failure and not approve of what i do. I feel guilty that my dad worked his ass off for me, has always been there for me, is willing to pay for my education, and I'm just gonna seem like I'm throwing it all in his face by saying fuck college and going out to see the world. But i think at 18 or 22 i won't know myself well enough. I think if i go to college now it will interfere with what i want to do later down the road. This is all coming up quick and i feel like i'm so ill prepared with what i know about myself that no matter what i do I'll end up in a situation that i don't what to be in.

I tell my friends and teachers, when they ask me what i want to do, that i want to move down to Mexico and become a fisherman, fish during the day, sell the fish in the evening, and write in a little cabin on the beach at night. They think I'm joking but I'm 100% serious. I don't want obligations that won't get me where i want to be. When i think about doing that i feel selfish and self centered. I'd be leaving behind those who cared for me and loved me and gave me everything i needed. But it's what i want to do. I'll be eighteen, and i feel like my understanding of the world shouldn't be confined to what it will be if i go to college.

>> No.6284349

I know this all will seem stupid. I feel half stupid writing out now. I also know 4chan is made up of mostly college age folks, and will probably be biased in that area. But you, frankly, know more than i do. All of you probably have something to teach me. If you think I'm stupid, tell me why, at least give me something to think about. I thought it was just another teenager stage at first. But the more i think about it, the more sense it starts to make, at least to me. I want to be in dangerous places where I'm not secure, where nothing is assured. I want to learn from people who think I'm an idiot. I want my most valuable strengths to be something more than a college degree.

I know it's probably something every teenager goes through. But right now that's what I'm planning to do after high school.

I really would like advice on this, your honest opinion.

>> No.6284425

As a guy who has had the same desire to travel the world and have adventures since he started college, and is putting it off until he gets his degree, I can't really answer your question.

What I will say is that I am depressed almost all the time and am constantly concerned and fearful of losing the lens through which I currently view the world and not being able rekindle it when the time comes.

Out of fear, I've have written hundreds of pages to myself to guide myself back to the headspace that I am in now and have been in for the past two years.

I don't know what to tell you. I hope that travelling will have the same meaning to me in 1.5 more years that it would have on me today. I have taken steps to assure that it does, but it is a massive concern for me.

>> No.6284440

Existential regret is not worth job security.

>> No.6284463

College is an experience, you would regret missing it. You'll be 22 (right?) when you graduate. That is very young. I'm a senior about to graduate, I still feel like a kid tbh. I would go to school, KU would probably be a lot of fun. You might have a hard time meeting people, I go to a big state school too. But the people I've become close with in college are probably the best friends I've ever had. It was really difficult at times, but I changed a lot, probably for the better. I'm an English major, and it's unfortunately very impractical. But I saw my dad work a job he hated as long as I was alive, and my grandpa do the same. It's hard to see that. He did really well for us and our family, but I would rather have had him did something he loved and made less. But some people aren't cut out for loving work, I think my dad might be one of those people. That partially inspired me to be an English major. I knew anything else would probably make me less happy, if not miserable. If you think you want to be an English major because it will make you happier than an Engineer, then do it. Don't worry about money, if you love what you do and are good at it, it will come. Maybe not a lot of it, but enough. You'll have time to travel the world for the rest of your life. Write as a hobby for now, maybe it will become a career. Stick to your regiment, it's impressive. College is a big change, and it can seem really scary, and it is. You really should do it, I think you would regret it. I hope there is some advice in this that can help people in this thread. Good thread, OP.

>> No.6284471
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do whatever you want to now, maybe you'll have something interesting to talk about when you're older and disillusioned

i'd do a bit of research into how you'd actually afford to travel though, you'll probably not like the fishing industry as much as you think, although you'll probably be even more disappointed by a university liberal arts program

>> No.6284782

Yeah, you can also say the same thing to the fact that we still eat, shit, and breathe, like the cavemans did.
The preservation of fundamental things that affects the survival of our race does not count as something impressive in anyway.

>> No.6284797

Appreciate the world because it is so full of life. One day it will all be gone.

>> No.6284871

Go to college and then join the Peace Corps, seriously. You'll get a taste for living the slow life at no risk to yourself, and then you can decide if it's something you want to do forever.

>> No.6284915

I bet they're named after each other

>> No.6284987

Pick your nose under the shower...your nose will be booger free for most of the day!

>> No.6285035

Not the same guy, but is this a really American perspective? Because as an Australian university student who was looking forward to going to uni throughout all of high school (and got into his dream institution) words can't describe how fucking disappointed I am with how its been. In the best of times its been a "Less than Zero" kind of experience which is a path that I got off quite quickly, at its worst I Feel like a faceless ghost just going through my classes and making no human connections. Somewhere in the middle, its just a bunch of drinking buddies bound to other towns with a slight intellectual edge on the vibe.

Its honestly killed my extroverted self, art is the only thing I can trust to always be there... expressing my creativity is the only real way to find satisfaction anymore, but the loneliness is still fucking crushing.

(sorry for the rant dudes)

>> No.6285256

>>1) Some questions are impossible to answer.
most questions lack relevancy

in the end, it is better to shush it as to talk is pointless.

>> No.6285292

We are bodies and minds, don't neglect to take care of the former also. Like go for a run while listening to an audio book, meditate alone in the woods while jerkin off.

>> No.6285309

I have a female friend and honestly if she was up for it I'd marry her on the spot. She isn't particularly beautiful, nor intelligent nor interested in literature, but is stable, shares my views and is kind and warm.

>> No.6285319

Contemplation, order and good family relations is the key to a happy life.

>> No.6285328

And that's the best advice I've seen in this entire thread.

>> No.6285335

and yet she goes to plenty of orgies as soon as she can

>> No.6285344

Either don't do things you will regret, or don't regret the things you do.

>> No.6285356

I live about 500km from my hometown in a student dorm. Took me a year and a half to finish my first year (law school). Haven't made a single connection to a person that goes beneath the surface. I'm mostly studying, reading or playing vidya with friends from back home. And I don't feel like I'm missing on anything. By the time I finish college I'll be as well read as a literature student and will have a great job waiting. The only thing I would like is actually finding a gf which I find difficult because most girls are not people I'd actually hang out with and I'm not very attractive.

>> No.6285359

Not really, she is a hardcore Catholic and is as far as I know a virgin.

>> No.6285382

If you do not go towards people, people will no go towards you, unless you have some knack that people love and notice easily.

ANyway, the university is great to stay invisible, do not judge it badly.

>> No.6285388

>Let's share a little wisdom with each and the other.
Go as far you can from the clichés of the entertainment industry.

>> No.6285408

Go to uni abroad?

>> No.6286918

why the FUCK aren't you asking her out right at this moment?

>> No.6286934

People don't need other people. They think they do but they don't.

>> No.6286940

The Buddha found a lot of truth, but Budai was happier.

>> No.6286992

Just remember that life is purely an aesthetical experience.

>> No.6287056


Once you've traveled on your own, the wanderlust takes you. Get a degree in something you can practice anywhere in the world (I'm doing Stats and Quantitative Econ) and practice your craft on the go. That's my plan at least.

>> No.6287068


>> No.6287197

stealing things including books is simple and noone ever notices. hit big stores, don't be afraid to take more than one; don't conceal them - just put walk right outta there with your lit fix under your arm and a smile on your face.

i think that's about it

>> No.6287319

>run with and audio book
No. That's like reading while watching a movie. Why get the worst of both worlds? Running is meditation.

>> No.6287332

The truth is better 'implanted' than told. People are more receptive to an idea when stripped of any preconceptions or presented in familiar dressings.

>> No.6287515


>> No.6288165

Life becomes easier when you learn to accept and apology you never got

>> No.6288207 [DELETED] 

If she got dyed hair, tattoos, or piercings, run.
If she cuts herself don't even go near.

>> No.6288942

She is in a relationship already and we now live in different towns so we get to see each other once a month or so. It can wait for now.

>> No.6288943

Man I do the opposite. I can only attract art students or uberlefty grills of that kind.

>> No.6288958

>>He told me that the biggest secret to sex is to forget about pleasing the girl. Just do what you enjoy on her body. You want to kiss her? Kiss her. Suck on her breasts? Do it. When you feel like plunging inside her, do it. Do not concern yourself with what she likes or not. Just enjoy her body selfishly.
at last somebody understands

>> No.6288964

Red hair is awesome. Other colours like purple and pink? Yeah, wise words.

>> No.6289267

This. I wish I'd known to do this at your age but I got a godamn history degree instead which is next to useless.

>> No.6289302

We live for the questions and not the answers.

>> No.6289354

Cut out friends who treat you like crap.
Happiness has a lot more to do with perspective than anything else.
You will get fat eventually, pay attention to your diet.
Don't go through life with the attitude "my real life will start later/start when I've achieved x", you will waste years of your life.
Don't base your self-worth on one thing, be it your intellect, your GF or your job, it can all crumble in a moment.
Say yes to going out/doing new things. When you look back on a year and nothing of note actually happened in it you will regret being anti-social/ a coward.
Don't gear all your efforts towards becoming a famous/important/high status person, it will never be enough and leave you miserable. Aim to enjoy life instead.
Don't cynically second guess everybody's motives for what they do, it will make you think the worst of everyone and become hateful yourself.
Go do what you want to do and live for yourself.

>> No.6289394

I relate to a lot of these

>> No.6289413


>> No.6289414

Really great post, anon. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.6289465

never trust in your sister

>> No.6289467

Sometimes you need to ask despite of know that there isnt answer

>> No.6289494

1.- Cuando te enfermes, en lugar de odiar ese mal, considéralo tu maestro.
2.- No mires con disimulo, mira fijamente.
3.- No olvides a tus muertos, pero dales un sitio limitado, que les impida invadir toda tu vida.
4.- En el lugar donde habites, consagra siempre un sitio a lo sagrado.
5.- Fija tu atención en ti mismo, se consciente en cada instante de lo que piensas, sientes, deseas y haces.
6.- Termina siempre lo que comenzaste.
7.- Haz lo que estás haciendo lo mejor posible.
8.- No te encadenes a nada que a la larga te destruya.
9.- Desarrolla tu generosidad sin testigos.
10.- Trata a cada persona como si fuera un pariente cercano.
11.- Ordena lo que has desordenado.
12.- Aprende a recibir, agradece cada don.
13.- Cesa de autodefinirte.
14.- No mientas ni robes, si lo haces te mientes y robas a ti mismo.
15.- No desees ser imitado.
16.- Haz planes de trabajo y cúmplelos.
17.- No ocupes demasiado espacio.-
18.- No hagas ruidos ni gestos innecesarios.
19.- Si no la tienes imita la fe.
20.- No te dejes impresionar por personalidades fuertes.
21.- No te apropies de nada ni de nadie.
22.- Reparte equitativamente.
23.- No seduzcas.
24.- Come y duerme lo estrictamente necesario.
25.- No hables de tus problemas personales.
26.- No emitas juicios ni criticas cuando desconozcas la mayor parte de los hechos.
27.- No establezcas amistades inútiles.
28.- No sigas modas.
29.- No te vendas.
30.- Respeta los contratos que has firmado.
31.- Sé puntual.
32.- No envidies los bienes o los éxitos del prójimo.
33.- Habla sólo lo necesario.
34.- No pienses en los beneficios que te va a procurar tu obra.
35.- Nunca amenaces.
36.- Realiza tus promesas.
37.- En una discusión ponte en el lugar del otro.
38.- Admite que alguien te supere.
39.- No elimines, sino transforma.

>> No.6289499

40.- Vence tus miedos, cada uno de ellos es un deseo que se camufla.
41.- Ayuda al otro a ayudarse a sí mismo.
42.- Vence tus antipatías y acércate a las personas que deseas rechazar.
43.- No actúes por reacción a lo que digan bueno o malo de ti.
44.- Transforma tu orgullo en dignidad.
45.- Transforma tu cólera en creatividad.
46.- Transforma tu avaricia en respeto por la belleza.
47.- Transforma tu envidia en admiración por los valores del otro.
48.- Transforma tu odio en caridad.
49.- No te alabes ni te insultes.
50.- Trata lo que no te pertenece como si te perteneciera.
51.- No te quejes.
52.- Desarrolla tu imaginación.
53.- No des órdenes solo por el placer de ser obedecido.
54.- Paga los servicios que te dan.
55.- No hagas propaganda de tus obras o ideas.
56.- No trates de despertar en los otros emociones hacia ti como piedad, admiración, simpatía, complicidad.
57.- No trates de distinguirte por tu apariencia.
58.- Nunca contradigas, solo calla.
59.- No contraigas deudas, adquiere y paga enseguida.
60.- Si ofendes a alguien, pídele perdón.
61.- Si lo has ofendido públicamente, excúsate en público.
62.- Si te das cuenta de que has dicho algo erróneo, no insistas por orgullo en ese error y desiste de inmediato de tus propósitos.
63.- No defiendas tus ideas antiguas sólo por el hecho de que fuiste tú quien las enunció.
64.- No conserves objetos inútiles.
65.- No te adornes con ideas ajenas.
66.- No te fotografíes junto a personajes famosos.
67.- No rindas cuentas a nadie, sé tu propio juez.
68.- Nunca te definas por lo que posees.
69.- Nunca hables de ti sin concederte la posibilidad de cambiar.
70.- Acepta que nada es tuyo.
71.- Cuando te pregunten tu opinión sobre algo o alguien, di solo sus cualidades.
72.- Cuando realices un servicio, no resaltes tus esfuerzos.
73.- Si decides trabajar para los otros, hazlo con placer.
74.- Si dudas entre hacer y no hacer, arriésgate y haz.
75.- No trates de ser todo para tu pareja, admite que busque en otros, lo que tú no puedes darle.
76.- Cuando alguien tenga su público no acudas para contradecirlo y robarle la audiencia.
77.- Vive de un dinero ganado por ti mismo.
78.- No te jactes de aventuras amorosas.
79.- No te vanaglories de tus debilidades.
80.- Nunca visites a alguien sólo por llenar tu tiempo.
81- Obtén para repartir.
82.- Ayuda a tu prójimo sin hacerlo dependiente.
83.- Si estas meditando y llega un diablo, pon ese diablo a meditar…

>> No.6289500

fucking lol

>> No.6289503
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>> No.6289509

>If you look for perfection, you'll never be content.

>People always loved best what they identified most with.

>Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.

>No persons are more frequently wrong, than those who will not admit they are wrong.

>Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.

>There's a moral force in a sentence when it comes out right. It speaks the writer's will to live.

>Sometimes I see something so moving I know I’m not supposed to linger. See it and leave. If you stay too long, you wear out the wordless shock. Love it and trust it and leave.

>[The Great Stories] don’t deceive you with thrills and trick endings. They don’t surprise you with the unforeseen. In the Great Stories you know who lives, who dies, who finds love, who doesn’t. And yet you want to know again.

>The only dream worth having is to dream that you will live while you are alive, and die only when you are dead. To love, to be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and vulgar disparity of the life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never to forget.

-Adolf Hitler

>> No.6289510

1. When you get sick, instead of hating that bad, consider your teacher.
2. Do not look furtively, staring.
3. Do not forget your dead, but give them a limited place, to prevent them from invading your life.
4. In the place where dwell, always devoted to the sacred site.
5. Fix your attention on yourself, be aware at every moment of what you think, feel, want and do.
6. Always Finish what you started.
7. Do what you're doing your best.
8. Do not chain any anything that will ultimately destroy you.
9. Develop your generosity witnesses.
10. Treat everyone like a close relative.
11. Order what you've messed up.
12. Learn to receive, thank each gift.
13. Cease autodefinirte.
14. Do not lie or steal, if you do you lie and steal from yourself.
15. Do you want to be imitated.
16. Make work plans and cúmplelos.
17. No ocupes too space.-
18. Do not make unnecessary noises or gestures.
19. If you do not have faith mimics.
20. Do not be impressed by strong personalities.
21. Do not apropies of anything or anyone.
22. Distribute evenly.
23. No seduce.
24. Come and sleeps strictly necessary.
25. Do not talk about your personal problems.
26. No judgment or criticism Emims when you desconozcas most of the facts.
27. Do not set useless friendships.
28. Do not follow fads.
29. Do not sell.
30. Respect the contracts you have signed.
31. Be punctual.
32. Do not envy the goods or the successes of others.
33. Speak only when necessary.
34. Do not think of the benefits you will ensure your work.
35. Never threaten.
36. Make your promises.
37. In a discussion yourself in the shoes of the other.
38. Supports someone overcomes you.
39. Do not remove, but transforms.

>> No.6289513

40. Defeat your fears, each of them is a desire that is camouflaged.
41. Help the other to help yourself.
42. Defeat your dislikes and approach people who want to refuse.
43. Do not act in reaction to what they say good or bad for you.
44. Turn your pride in dignity.
45. Turn your anger into creativity.
46. Turn your greed in respect for the beauty.
47. Turn your envious admiration for the other's values.
48. Turn your hatred charity.
49. No thyself dont insult.
50. Try what does not belong to you as if you belong.
51. Do not complain.
52. Develop your imagination.
53. Do not give orders just for the pleasure of being obeyed.
54. Pay the services you get.
55. Do not make your advertising works or ideas.
56. Do not try to arouse in the other emotions towards you like pity, admiration, sympathy, complicity.
57. Do not try to distinguish yourself by your appearance.
58. Never contradict, just shut up.
59. No debts from getting acquires and pay immediately.
60. If you offend someone, ask forgiveness.
61. If you have offended publicly, excuse yourself in public.
62. If you realize you've said something wrong, do not insist pride in that error and desist immediately from your purposes.
63. Do not defend your old ideas just because it was you who the enunciated.
64. No conserves useless objects.
65. Do not adorn with ideas of others.
66. Do not Photoblog with celebrities.
67. Do not give in to anyone, be your own judge.
68. Whenever you define what you have.
69. Never talk to you without being given the opportunity to change.
70. Accept that nothing is yours.
71. When asked your opinion about something or someone, say only their qualities.
72. When you make a service, not projections your efforts.
73. If you decide to work for others, do it with pleasure.
74. If you hesitate between doing and not doing, take risks and do.
75. Do not try to be all things to your partner admits that look in others, you can not give.
76. When someone has your public you do not go to contradict him and steal the audience.
77. Lives of money earned by yourself.
78. Do not boast of affairs.
79. Do not boast of your weaknesses.
80. Never visit someone just to fill your time.
81- Get to deal.
82. Help your neighbor without making it dependent.
83. If you are meditating and reaches a devil, put the devil to meditate ...

>> No.6289523

>Make work plans and cúmplelos.
I'm going to hang this on my wall

>> No.6289529

Anyone who mentions that they are honest isn't

>> No.6289640

People that are proud of things they didn't achieve themselves, like race or height or things of that ilk, are generally not worth dealing with,

Most people would rather be right than know truth, and feel threatened when they are proven incorrect. Thus, the human race is actually biologically predisposed against the finding of truth, and amongst lay-people it is actually a case of the arguments and opinions of their fathers and upbringings, as opposed to anything they thought of themselves.

It's better to present two choices you want and allow them a choice, than one suggestion that they might refuse.

>> No.6289647

the wording on the third one is unclear, I meant to say that when convincing someone to do that, it's better to give them some sense of gradual choice than a black and white decision. "Do you want to go for a walk on the fourth or the fifth" as opposed to "do you want to go for a walk tomorrow?"

>> No.6289650

I'm happy I made this thread. That's great advice. That's a great truth.

>> No.6289657

There is a massive gap between being educated and being smart, between intelligence and wisdom. Some of the most profoundly naive and unintelligent people I've ever encountered go to Ivy League schools or MIT.

>> No.6289679

Don't date a girl that is being called "Princess" by her father.

>> No.6289684

Why? Wouldn't it imply that she has a good relationship with her father?

>> No.6289705

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.6289852

When something has to be done, no matter how unpleasant, it's best to just do it, instead of putting it off, or passing the buck on to someone else. And if you think that you wont be able to live with it having done it, you are wrong. Human beings can survive almost anything, if they let themselves.

Even if you do not need love, others do, or think they do.

Being cold, and distant, is not the same as being stoic.

Everyone you will ever meet has faults.

Love will not make you whole. It can make you happy but it can't make everything ok. Only you can make yourself ok. It's selfish to expect another flawed person to save you.

>> No.6290235
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>> No.6291108

i don't wanna go for a walk

>> No.6291245

Girls actually DO like anal.

>> No.6291272

Everyone has something to teach you, even if you hated them, even if you think they're stupid, they have something to teach you.

The more you know about something, the dumber you will feel.

Meditate, even if it's just for two minutes, every day.

Don't regret anything, not even for a second, every experience, positive or negative has brought you to this point in your life today. If one thing changed, can you truly say you'd even be here?

>> No.6291289

It implies she's spoiled. I can attest firsthand, except it wasn't her father saying it, it was her friends.

Really not worth the effort.

>> No.6291297
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>tfw you abide these things
Not enough people appreciate the last one.

>> No.6291394
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Life is never so bad that it can't get any worse.

>> No.6291440

I found the best advice from a movie.
>The more sophisticated the game, the smarter the player

>> No.6291454

Fuck bitches, get money.

>> No.6291462

cut your willy off if you're a guy. not all of it, maybe 70% you can wear tighter under-pants and run very faster

>> No.6291474

>Don't regret anything, not even for a second, every experience, positive or negative has brought you to this point in your life today. If one thing changed, can you truly say you'd even be here?
I cheated on my girlfriend and the only thing that changed is that she cries every night.

>> No.6291479

unless you're homeless and using wifi in a park on a stolen smart phone to post this then i dont believe you

>> No.6291491

>Diamond rings for marriage were popularized around WWII by a major advertising company
>The same company that fucks Africans out of their land for mineral rights

Always has, always will be.

>> No.6291507

No matter what anybody will say, being in love is the greatest experience a person can have.
Love is the best thing we do.

>> No.6291532

that sucks dude. i cheated on my gf too. for some reason she took me back. it's hard to go about life thinking you're a piece of shit. still, too early to tell, perhaps it's for the better.

oh, some advice. for all of you about to do drugs, if you think you've had too much of X, and X is not something that can easily kill you, just please try to go with the flow and don't resist what you feel and see.

>> No.6291641

Is that from Spy Kids 3: 3-D?

>> No.6291649

All action truly does come from love or the absence of love

>> No.6291697

well yeah but now you know better

>> No.6291730

Revolver xD

>> No.6291750

sounds like a grandfather line lol

>> No.6291788

never read a more insecure post

>> No.6291817
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permission to worship you, sir?

>> No.6292703

I've just had better results getting a positive answer when a choice is presented, of course it doesn't always work.

>> No.6292712

Never eat the yellow snow.

>> No.6292876

Be the best person you can be every day in all areas of life, regardless of whether you want to be in your current position

Accept what you can't change and fight what you can

There are no simple facts in our reality, theological or otherwise

Giving love feels better than hoarding it

Do no harm except when absolutely necessary, and then kick ass like you've never kicked ass before

Mexican food is risky business except when it's being served by Rick Bayless (Frontera Grill is god-tier)

>> No.6293009

Let things alone. The more so the wilder the waves of public or of private life. There are hurricanes in human affairs, tempests of passion, when it is wise to retire to a harbour and ride at anchor. Remedies often make diseases worse: in such cases one has to leave them to their natural course and the moral suasion of time. It takes a wise doctor to know when not to prescribe, and at times the greater skill consists in not applying remedies. The proper way to still the storms of the vulgar is to hold your hand and let them calm down of themselves. Togive way now is to conquer by and by. A fountain gets muddy with but little stirring up, and does not get clear by our meddling with it but by our leaving it alone. The best remedy for disturbances is to let them run their course, for so they quiet down.

>> No.6293033

How do I beat depression? I'm on meds and CBT but nothing seems to help.


>> No.6293047

Go out in public. Go to a cafe, a park, anything. Bring a book. Sit down. Do whatever.

You don't even need to talk to people. Just being around them will help you out. The more you're around people, the less lonely you will feel, even if you don't know them. And if you come to know them, all the better.

Just my experience, anyway, that going into a sort of exterior mode helped me with mine. That's all I can really offer you. Good luck, anon.

>> No.6293056

You forgot to tell us your dick is 9 inches long, too, fucking loser.
The only completely true thing here is that you're 19 years old.
Have fun proclaiming your uniqueness on an anonymous imageboard.
I'd tear your gf's asshole wide open, boy ;)

>> No.6293058
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>But we're fucking just like we've been fucking for thousands of years. And we're still there mentally. Sometimes our more enlightened ideas about courtesy and concern for other people doesn't factor into that shit.

Thats not true at all. Sex is never "just fucking" as if in some bizarre vacuum. Sex and enjoyment of sex is always related to what is forbidden, which varies a lot depending on cultures, time periods, etc. You think cavemen used to bukakke each other?

>> No.6293078
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>I have no regrets.
>I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.
>I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.
>I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.
>I will live a good life at your expense.

This post just got Elliot Rodgeresque by the word

>> No.6293266

My avoidant personality disorder and social anxiety are hindering my ability to socialize with people and get out of the black hole that is depression. It's a viscous cycle.
Thanks for replaying anon.

>> No.6293295


>> No.6293299

>enjoyment of sex is always related to what is forbidden
Americans pls go, commit mass sudoku or something. Leave this Earth the peoples who aren't mentally insane.

>> No.6293313

>having friends that are girls
what do i look like? Some low test normie??

>> No.6293326

Never have a joint bank account
that shit will destroy you later on

>> No.6293334


this is the most retarded comment i've ever seen in 4chan.

good luck with being a pile of shit, mister

>> No.6293367

One thing I learned the hard way is the importance of doing. The importance of action and of putting things into motion.

We are too easily caught by a thought similar to "I won't go to the gym because I'm not strong enough". That is, we think that there are prerequisites of action that are not actually there and are in fact consequences of those actions. "I can't write anything good", because you're not writing anything. If you want to overcome an obstacle, move. Don't try to figure out what is the best move, but just move and use this movement to learn, by doing it, which is the best way to do it. Don't sit on a problem, act on it. By acting it out, even if you're commiting mistakes, you'll know how not to commit them. If you're at a crossroad and you want to know where each one goes, looking at them won't help you decide, just walk towards one and if you're mistaken, walk back. It actually less of a waste of time. If you are getting suck by a whirlpool, floating won't get you out, swimming may speed up the process but it is your hope of getting out, so swim.

"I don't know how to do it". Do it and then you'll know. Not the other way around.

>> No.6293427

Do you exercise? And do you live in a rural area? I'd recommend running or biking. Find a woodland trail if you can. No human contact necessary.

>> No.6293481

>You think cavemen used to bukakke each other?

Fuck yeah. Idle curiosity and a relatively larger amount of free time after hunting&gathering leads to such things. Penguins are seen today doing everything from anal to necrophilia, what makes you think some apes with far greater intelligence couldn't experiment in such things?

>> No.6293529

I'll never understand why people pay so much for polished rocks with very little practicality, while we pay so little for water which is one of the most precious resources left on earth.

>> No.6293536


Discipline and doing boring repetitive basic shit over and over if the key to any measure of greatness.

But it seems so fucking impossible to do...

>> No.6293541
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Fucking this.

>> No.6293550


>> No.6293561

Succumbing to the desire to kill is weak-willed.

>> No.6293572

Amway is not a scam faggot. I am in it and i am ACTUALLY making money.

>> No.6293600
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>> No.6293613

This is great advice, >>6293033. Heed it.

>> No.6293628
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It's a good idea to make an educated decision by asking for other's opinions and experiences, but remember that they won't have to live your choice.

You're never too old to fuck up.

Take comfort knowing that all the people you hate, and all of their loved ones are going to die.

>> No.6293632

forgot, remember pic related.

>> No.6293633


Asian cavemen, sure.

>> No.6293644

This guy gets it. If I ever end up getting married, no way am I spending my hard earned cash on a rich. Bitch is getting a top notch water filter.

>> No.6293719
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I have lived for a while, maybe this little rant will help to put a mind or two at ease, if nothing else:

-Be kind. To yourself and others.
-Learn to learn. There's literature and workshops for that all over the place.
-Do not trust the news.
-Don't complain about your life, even if it sucks. Complaining will only put a negative filter on your worldview, and will push people away.
-Learn how you think, and how you can change your thinking patterns. Good start is to identify your primary and secondary systems of thought. (VAK)
-Make decisions. Do not hasten them, but do not put them away either.
-Speak your mind. DO NOT censor yourself. Not only is this incredibly attractive and sympathetic, it is also a surefire way to have the people in your life that you want to have.
-do not hold grudges. If someone is pissing you off, tell them so. (Except if it's a guy pointing a gun at you.)
-Dance. And When I say that, i do not mean classical dance, just: Move your body to music, together with other people. You might feel awkward at first, but about 10 minutes in you'll realize nobody gives a shit about your move, only about the fun you're having.
-Sing. There's a reason singing and dancing are some of the oldest group rituals of humanity.
-Stand by your friends. Be honest with them.
-Meditate daily. It is the singular best thing you can do for your mind and happiness.
-Eat well, even if you're young. Your body WILL thank you. If you have a hard time, try to realize that your body literally creates new cells out of the things in your body.
-Do drugs.

I could give more, but I feel this is sufficient for now. Please excuse any clichés, but you can't work your way around the basics.

>> No.6293904

Good post.

>> No.6294585

Love the last point.

>> No.6294609


Can someone be genuinely like this?

I have hard time thinking that you aren't just an insecure faggot

>> No.6294614


>tfw friendzoned but i'm not the best friend and she stopped saying me things

I'm completely alone again, no friends

>> No.6294659

You got us, pal.

>> No.6294671

>Treat everyone like a close relative.

>tfw family is completely shit

>> No.6294693


>tfw you feel miserable when you see people doing his things in the city with other people and enjoying life

>> No.6294704


Thanks m8, but i just want to speak (use voice) with someone, it feels lonely sometimes.

>> No.6294712

I've been in the same scenario. Try to be nice and maybe she'll speak to you again.

>> No.6294751

You need to accept that being alone isn't so bad. Other people are nice to have around but they're not the be all and end all

>> No.6294859


Before it wasn't that hard, I can handle myself alone. I just thought that this fun thingy was a farse and that somehow having fun with others what just vapid and fake things. I thought I was right.

Everything of this went away since I saw how people can actually have fun and how you can't be part of that fun. I think having most of my childhood alone made me chronically depressed or something, I went to a school far of home and hadn't any friends neither in school nor in my home... I just can't enjoy things and make people get interested on what I say or do. I'm the invincible man, everybody has gotten their groups of people and i'm total outcast.

As i said, this isn't big deal when you just think that it's all fake, but seeing genuine fun and you being mentally crippled makes me think that this will be the same over and over. Always like this all the rest of my life.

>> No.6295157

older anon here. i graduated, had a shit govt job, then traveled abroad for 2 months, then did peace corps for 2 yrs, then settled down for 2 yrs working a bullshit healthcare desk job n had a mediocre gf and HATED my life, just picked up everything and moved cross country to learn how to farm and woodwork. broke as fuck again n that feels bad, but living by your own rules is bretty nice.

>> No.6295171

older anon here. you have such a long way to go, little boy.

>> No.6295182

You should read some John Gray, this is a big thing in his philosophy.

The human animal.

>> No.6295188

I've been following this thread for a while and have been compiling the advice into a "Commandments of /lit/" document on my computer. We are on commandment 138
although not every post made it in there b/c off topic or basic rephrasing of what was already said.

>> No.6295196

Itt: facebook status

>> No.6295564

Everything flows

Luck and random chance play a bigger part in events than planning or human cause and effect.

>> No.6295663

I think the most helpful advice for the average situation is "do unto others"

>> No.6295675

Most everyone is lost.

Nobody gives a shit (in a good way) so just do your thing and get on with it.

Hard work will always reap better rewards than mere talent. A combination of the two is even better.

>> No.6295684

my brother once told me "never mistake silence for wisdom"

ive always liked that one

>> No.6296289
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You on email, friend?
I'd be happy to talk to someone.
hot gmaill 2001 @a ol . com (w/o the spaces)
Send me your contact info and we can talk.

>tfw friendzoned but i'm not the best friend and she stopped saying things to me

I was in this boat at one time too

>> No.6296291


>> No.6296343
File: 318 KB, 1516x1536, 1424571143095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Maybe the best way to come to terms with where you're from is not that you never leave. But that you never fully arrive anywhere else."

>> No.6296349

is that rick from pawn stars

>> No.6296358

sounds to me like a Cory question and a Chum reply.

>> No.6296687

Letting a nationality define you is silly. Where you were born is nothing to be proud of, unless you have picked it out from a thousand other places as the place you wouldn't mind dying.

>> No.6296697

Almost all women are weak, most men are weak to, but all women I have met have had the same basic set of flaws. Jealousy, fear, prone to indignation, with an inherent inability to accept themselves. All* women I have ever met have shown these faults, openly, quite openly. I'm not saying this to display any kind of hatred towards women. I just think it's easier for men to understand this about women, and not try to deny it. Besides, men are far weaker in other ways.

*Not entirely the truth. There was one woman who made an impression on me that she was not entirely like any other. But that's beside the point.

>> No.6296766

It is pretty obvious that many people in this thread are too young and dumb to give advice.

>> No.6296804

Be well and you will do good. Do good and you'll be better for it.

>> No.6296848

"By the sweat of your brow, you will eat your bread, until the day you are returned to the ground. For from dust you are, and to the dust you will return"

I've found these words to hold a great deal of truth about life, even with my atheist worldview.

>> No.6296871

as with this passage;

But if I go to the east, he is not there;
if I go to the west, I do not find him.
When he is at work in the north, I do not see him;
when he turns to the south, I catch no glimpse of him.
But he knows the way that I take;
when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.
My feet have closely followed his steps;
I have kept to his way without turning aside.
I have not departed from the commands of his lips;
I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.
“But he stands alone, and who can oppose him?
He does whatever he pleases.
He carries out his decree against me,
and many such plans he still has in store.
That is why I am terrified before him;
when I think of all this, I fear him.
God has made my heart faint;
the Almighty has terrified me.
Yet I am not silenced by the darkness,
by the thick darkness that covers my face.

I think it works well with any philosophy that espouses perseverance in the face of the often bitter, seldom sweet nature of life.

>> No.6296878

Enjoy the honeymoon phase of any relationship and save the big disagreements for later.

And to follow that: Just talk to people. There is no pressure to avoid a friendzone if the person you're talking to truly cherishes friendship. It will be coeval in their heart to romantic love.

>> No.6296882

Here's mine: Don't fall in love with anons for being so smart

>> No.6296887

Besides the point? Perhaps it's the real truth: You can't draw blood from a stone. Stop chasing stone chicks.

>> No.6296902

This is true in theory only and invalidated by cruelty and prejudice. Remember that you're in a war of sorts when you attempt to further your position in life. But it's wise nonetheless, and optimism goes a lot further than pessimism in being an effective motivator. Never stop working hard, no matter what. For the anon who asked for an example, what could be more appropriate than writing? It's fighting not only against indifference but also yourself. Fight that part of you that would give up because your ideas are all that you have to bring to the world.

>> No.6296946

A stone, that fits. I didn't love her, and she didn't love me, that was fine with us. We never got upset about it, it was our secret strength. Two stones in a sea of people who lie to themselves, and prey on each other.

>> No.6296949

>You can't draw blood from a stone.
You can certainly draw your own.

>> No.6296987

19 yo here

>being fit and handsome won't work if you won't approach girls and have no confidence
>being a shut in but handsome will make girls project their fantasies into you, which will change based on how you interact with them
>Don't get yourself in a situation where you don't enjoy being in. If party and other perceived as regular things to do for teens to do doesn't interest you, bores you, then stop succumbing yourself to the perception and engage in the things that interest you
>connect the things you learn into context
>accept that you know little
>if you want to be good at something, consider the surroundings and activities that lets you to permeate yourself with the subject, recognize the wont lifestyle of past and make changes to it based on the new pursuit
>reading non-fiction is more pragmatical than reading fiction
>extremes dulls the senses
>reading derrida reveals everyone as crazy and paradoxical
>so does reading stirner
>it's difficult to express your thoughts in a live conversation, better direct people to your interests rather than trying to remember what author carefully wrote
>race matters, less so in mundane interactions
>women doesn't matter as much as capitalistic country makes you believe they do, yet their seemingly perfidious behavior shouldn't be looked down upon

>> No.6297693

>Anonymous 03/19/15(Thu)05:54:10 No.6286934▶ >>

>If she got dyed hair, tattoos, or piercings, run.
Following this would mean to avoid Grimes since she dyes her hair.



What kind of drugs? Even hard drugs? I understand psychedelics but not otherwise.

Quality post.


Rated R Superstar.


>> No.6297751

What are you, Adventure Time?

>> No.6297767

>If you want to overcome an obstacle, move.

I like it

>> No.6297771

What the fuck am I older than the average person here now?

>> No.6297784

>tfw you realize there are people younger than you in the world
Damn being the youngest child of a family of five.

>> No.6297819

Knowledge is about power, not wisdom, silly.

>> No.6297839

The boy turned man in his head judges himself by the input he receives from his counselors. I can see it in the way he writes. The existential crises are key here.

>> No.6298139

I think psychedelics are implied.

Before that shitstorm starts, botany major here. I'm gonna go ahead and just say for the sake of the future of this thread, Drugs are not good for you. Plants are not drugs. Plants are food. Plant triptamines dissolve the ego as though tilling the cognitive soils and allowing you the change and regrowth you couldn't quite manage before.

>> No.6298639

So are you saying that as long as a drug comes from a plant it is ok?

>> No.6298681

Learn the difference between an obstacle and a resistance.

An obstacle is outside of yourself, it is a wall that you must overcome, it teaches you about life and encountering it is inevitable and will happen again and again.

Resitance is inside of yourself, it is the distortion of your flow, like the spiral inside the lightbulb. It keeps your energy from flowing and in the mean time it draws all that energy to other places, you are heated up from inside.

To face an obstacle is a sign that you're flowing, like water. If water was resistant, it wouldn't have to face so much obstacles. You can go around it, above it, you can break it or learn to flow in spite of it.

When you're resistant, you'll be producing something that you might not feel like producing, you might get angry or tired or seek ways to diminish your energy so that you don't have to face that much stress. The best way to overcome it is to put that energy to use, not to reduce the wasted energy, but learning on how to put it to work for you.

>> No.6298690

Say what you want about Pizzolato, but the past really doesn't exist. It can't hurt you if you don't let it. And happy memories are a trap, it's better to make some more and add them to the pile, then wallow in the same old dreams.

>> No.6298794

There's a program called WWOOF. Look it up. You could take trips to different places in the world every summer while still attending college. Alternatively, in a lot of cultures (Germany, for instance) it's tradition to take a formative year off before heading to university and go work on a farm or something in order to learn more about yourself and gain maturity. You could do something like that.

Definitely pick a degree that's going to have worldwide applications - and not just in cities. I'm studying Soil Science -- I'll have employment in agricultural labs, research farms, soil restoration efforts abroad in africa/china, etc. -- but really any of the natural sciences will do.

Also, look into summer internships with the National Park Service. They're fairly easy to get if you go for an Interpretation position, which means fancy tour guide with park ranger training.

>> No.6299200

Sorry, but what a stupid post.

>> No.6299207

Wow, what wisdom.

Fuck you and your stupid grandfather.

>> No.6299223

Nice reddit picture, fuckboy

>> No.6299239

This, we're so far removed from "nature" (if such a thing exists) that it shouldn't be spoken of in such definitive terms. "Human nature is this or that." A value judgment.

And yet it's become folk psychology that we are somehow related to neanderthals through a psychic pipeline.

It's hard to picture a field that's had a worse impact on everyday life than fucking psychology.

>> No.6299295
File: 62 KB, 187x192, 1407743129723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying every mother and sister is trustworthy

read Smith's Wealth of Nations.

you begin by saying not to philosophize then say to do it, but very slowly... OK.

as for your second point, nobody likes a prick, especially in a lowkey arts community.

not bad, but caricatures fear as a bit too simple. fear is in truth much more complex.

just bad all around. 1. the kernel here is that your lifetime lover should be like a best friend, but at face value, this is just a ridiculous bit of advice. 2. family is horribly overrated, totally fucks up the construction of morality wholesale. people will do anything for their families including killing people outside of them. 3. this one is the worst



who are you quoting?

good post


love this, very practical. I would add that getting a good amount of fiber makes everyday life a lot easier.

I'd keep going but I hate multiquoting, just feels like in these threads a lot of posts go underrated or overrated

>> No.6299301


Not that anon, but:
Everyone I've met who has WWOOFed tells me the farm owners typically take crazy advantage of you and ask you to do almost Herculean tasks. I had looked into it, but that plus not gettimg paid turned me off.

>> No.6299442

>Don't cynically second guess everybody's motives for what they do, it will make you think the worst of everyone and become hateful yourself.

This is such a fucking problem for me. I don't know how to stop doing it.

>> No.6299470

One potential technique (?) it works for me

Expect the worst in people but look for the best
You'll be pleasantly surprised more often than not.

>> No.6299560

I think that one should believe in things that make them the most comfortable. If you are afraid of being crazy then stay away from mysticism and embrace something more objective like materialism.

>> No.6299593

I love you.

>> No.6299599

I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off of me.

>> No.6299605

all it takes is enough sheltering and spoiling in early youth and sufficient narcissism to dismiss criticism later on

>> No.6299620
File: 35 KB, 404x336, purpose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing a book has taught me for certain is that there is nothing you can learn from words on paper that you cannot learn from acid on paper.

>> No.6299629

Exciting to see how you deal with the fact that nobody will read your shit.

>> No.6299636

>Feeding the homeless is illegal where I live
I know I'm replying to an old ass post, but what the fuck?
This can't be real.

>> No.6299659

Yes, never expect people to please you, in their nature or any other aspect, but always be ready to accept that they can.

>> No.6301354

post when done

>> No.6302883

Lots of cities in Florida

>> No.6302908

>Everyone should know my opinion on every post.

>> No.6302931

You get that from the podcast about conspiracies?

By the way nobody fucks Africans harder than other Africans

>> No.6303909

When confronted with risk, especially one that came through choice, act divisively and submit to what is presented to you. If you were satisfied with your life enough to hesitate towards decision then you already know your appropriate choice as to deny risk, however, if you are unsatisfied with your life always accept the change risk presents.