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6278563 No.6278563 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished this; let's discuss. What exactly was I supposed to get out of it? Hardly anything seemed coherent and it just seemed like ramblings and descriptions of drug use.

Sure, there was the whole thing about the government being behind the social situation of the people, and that the American Dream is just a big old "do whatever the Fuck you want," but surely there has to be more.

>> No.6278573


>> No.6278605

No, drugs is all there is to Hunter S. Thompson. Drugs, drugs, drugs are cool, hey look at how I did drugs, wow such drugs, many drugs, drugs drugs drugs The End - HSThompson, every text ever

what an edgelord

>> No.6278623

He's kind of saying in a roundabout way how stupid the 60s notion of peace, love, happiness, and getting really fucking high really was.

Like....you're searching for the american dream by getting wasted for a week? Makes no sense, but of course it doesn't. You think you can change the world by doing a bunch of acid and listening to CCR? What the fuck sense does that make either.

So the book takes place in the early 60s when the "tide" of the 60s had broke, and now all that's left is degeneracy and ugliness, which is the point of the book.

>> No.6278627

nice memepost, would have been better if you got dubs tho

>> No.6278629

Funniest book I've ever read.

>> No.6278644

the book he wrote on the '72 presidential campaign has very little drug talk

>> No.6278687

It was a critique.

You should read some of his other books. Maybe even the only (semi)fictional one he ever did which I enjoyed tbh

>> No.6278701

Great book. Read it while going through a batch of pot brownies, couldn't have been a better reading experience.

>> No.6278708

I doubt you've even read him.

>> No.6278721


Shit, I gotcha. So he's essentially writing on how the whole 60's drug culture is self-defeating? The culture came to be out of a desire to create a better world, but in order to make that vision come true people are using substances that are actually destroying society.

Oh, absolutely. The bathtub scene and the maid walking into their room was fucking insane.

>> No.6278738


I'll definitely look into his other works. I really enjoyed reading this one, don't see why I wouldn't enjoy the rest of his stuff. His writing is quite good.

Well, I guess I'm rereading it now under different circumstances. That sounds like a blast

>> No.6278746

It was great to feel it coming on, I'd turn the page and pause to feel the wonderful tactile response of the page turning, and I'd just run my hands over the pages, and I'd read until it didn't make sense anymore. And then I'd play my instruments and fall asleep

>> No.6278757

>The culture came to be out of a desire to create a better world, but in order to make that vision come true people are using substances that are actually destroying society.

that's... going a bit too far

thompson genuinely enjoyed drugs and was all for legalizing them across the board