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File: 286 KB, 750x733, max-stirner (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6278551 No.6278551 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of the ways reading Stirner has improved your life?

>> No.6278557

Look at Stirner, look at him, the peaceful enemy of all constraint.
For the moment, he is still drinking beer,
Soon he will be drinking blood as though it were water.
When others cry savagely "down with the kings"
Stirner immediately supplements "down with the laws also."
Stirner full of dignity proclaims;
You bend your willpower and you dare to call yourselves free.
You become accustomed to slavery
Down with dogmatism, down with law.

>> No.6278597

I use tripartite dialectic structures to brainwash girls into having sex with me.

>> No.6278699

nietzsche is the superior philosopher

>> No.6278711
File: 8 KB, 222x214, SPLINTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I think people try hard not to get Stirner.
People don't seem to realise that although post-irony is beyond irony itself it still owes much of its authenticity to its fore-bearer and teacher.
Less often do people realise that philosophically, their shells, or principles, can be used as shields against a hardening climate of pre-irony revival.
In other words, they have to make better use of what they've already mastered before trying to move on to a newer version of what they already have -- mere irony -- which isn't completely redundant yet.
Nevertheless, I think it's inevitable that there will come a time when the three ironies -- pre-irony, irony, and post-irony -- will be brought together, in a sincere way, to form a new kind: ultra-irony.
This will signal a new epoch and begin a new era of intellectual, truly philosophical narratives.
Either that or irony will cease to exist because people will abandon its principles in favour of something that requires less intellect and skill.
Rats, you know, WILL desert the skip.

>> No.6278733


he plagiarized stirner

>> No.6278782

I read him when I was about 14 before I even went on this board
but anyway he taught me critical thinking, I'm no longer a Stirnerite though

>> No.6278841

It was influenced by Stirner, I wouldn't say that he plagiarized him, exactly. Certainly Nietzsche's conception of "idols" is similar to Stirner's conception of spooks (Nietzsche even refers to the state as an idol), but Nietzsche explored the genealogy of spooks a lot more than Stirner did, and he also philosophized about how to cope when it is distressing to lose your spooks, whereas Stirner didn't care because he had no trouble coping.

>> No.6278853

You've been brainwashed by spooks.

>> No.6278893

>Nevertheless, I think it's inevitable that there will come a time when the three ironies -- pre-irony, irony, and post-irony -- will be brought together, in a sincere way, to form a new kind: ultra-irony.

What? From what I read New-Sincerity is a thing

>> No.6278933

Wouldn't stirner be okay with laws as long as they suited him?

aka the king would very much so agree with the law.

>> No.6278944

Every time I don't feel like doing something that I "should", I realise that that "should" is bullshit, and I can refrain from doing it guilt free.

That really is tremendously liberating. Most people live half their lives getting coaxed into compliance.

>> No.6278949


Yes and no. The mere fact they are laws, fixed ideas, means they will inherently conflict with anyone's interest, even the law makers. If you can't dissolve something when its will departs from yours, well then it owns you. A law might make laws he agrees with, but the fact he can't then do away with them once they pass through the senate, or parliment or whatever means his own idea jump out of his body and spirit him away.

>> No.6278952

Stirner doesn't agree with any laws because laws themselves don't suit him.

Stirner had zero desire to be a king.

>> No.6278961

In the thumbnail it looks like Splinter has a long snout like an ant eater or something.

>> No.6279082

Let's say that I want to start reading Stirner.
With which book do I start? What are the prerequisites?

>> No.6279096


Stirner only wrote one seminal work, The Ego and Its Own, and assuming you finished high school, you should be able to comprehend it on a basic level.

>> No.6279288

Stirner only improves normie lives by justifying normie sociopathy. He did nothing for my autistic ass. Schopenhauer tells it like it is.

>> No.6279318

How do you think Stirner would have reacted to see all this meming of him on the corner of an anime imageboard?

>> No.6279322

What does Schopenhauer do for your autistic ass?

>> No.6279328

I think he'd really roll in his grave if he knew his ideas have been tied in with Marxism by us lot.

>> No.6279335

He affirms my need to wallow in self-pity fuckboi

>> No.6279336

made me a better marxist

>> No.6279344

Marx would roll worse.

>> No.6279365

Got rid of my spooks, next step is to transcend existence.

>> No.6279368
File: 77 KB, 540x207, schopenhowler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What he affirms is the notion that we are all fucked and that this idea should make us feel empathetic towards other.

If you were a true Schopenhauerian you would be helping people minimise their suffering and living an ascetic life instead of whining about normies and how you are especially fucked.

>> No.6279378

"plagiarization is bad" is a spook

>> No.6279379

what is "death of the author"? ;V)

>> No.6279409

nobody said "plagiarism is bad", just that Nietzsche isn't superior

>> No.6279420

>What could there be for which a "good reason" might not be found, or which might not be defended through thick and thin?

Read that last night and it's stuck with me.

>> No.6279495

He says showing kindness is indicative of poor reasoning faculties.

>It is because women’s reasoning powers are weaker that they show more sympathy for the unfortunate than men, and consequently take a kindlier interest in them.

>> No.6279605

who keeps making these drawings

>> No.6280753

I have no idea, but I'm saving all of them, my 'NO SPOOKS ALLOWED' folder is getting pretty big.