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6278533 No.6278533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are Liberals self-defeating in their pursuit to abolish war?

>> No.6278561


who would you wage war against if you had no enemies left?

>> No.6278568
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" When a state fights its political enemy in the name of humanity it is not a war for the sake of humanity, but a war wherein a particular state seeks to usurp a universal concept against its military opponents. (…) The concept of humanity is an especially useful ideological instrument of imperialist expansion, and in its ethical-humanitarian form it is a specific vehicle of economic imperialism."

Carl Schmitt, The Concept of the Political

>> No.6278591

Liberalism fights for an inside without an outside; for a polity without boundaries. But it perpetually reproduces the boundaries it seeks to eradicate. So yes, it is self-defeating.

>> No.6279140

expecting everyone to do the same is doomed to failure.

You need only one nation that don't reject war for your system to fail.

>> No.6279147

Liberalism isn't anti war, the western military engagements of the 90s and 00s where promoted and supported by liberals.

>> No.6279160
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>conservatism recognizes inherent inequalities as a necessary evil in a stable society instead of trying to abolish them in the name of human rights
>conservatism recognizes war as a necessary evil in maintaining the balance of power in the world, while liberalism seeks to prevent it through further consolidation of power into fewer hands

Leftism just seems naive in comparison to conservatism, so why are you guys leftists?

>> No.6279170

Let's put it this way, conservatism view society as in survival mode, liberalism/leftism view it as in self-improvement mode. Both can be justified at different times, or at the same time in regard to different things.

>> No.6279176

You can't improve if you aren't trying to survive.

>> No.6279181

You can't survive if you aren't trying to improve.

>> No.6279185
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War... war never changes....

>> No.6279186

so when the globalization of economics has created one of the most precarious economic situations in history and when the UN is demonstrating its inherent corruption by continually overlooking the abuses of the Israeli government against the Palestinian people, how is this a time for more leftism?

>> No.6279199

>I am compulsed to bring up Israel because that is the biggest problem of our day and age
You're too easy to spot, /pol/.

Also, doesn't the left attempt to devise plans on how to solve these issues, while the right advocates hunkering down and see if it will hit others harder than you? Sure looks like it.

>> No.6279216


>> No.6279221

What is wrong with isolationism though? I mean either you can tie your economy to the rest of the world and have a superpower like the US fail because of a domino effect that starts in a comparative non-entity like Greece or you can opt out of the global system and let each nation take responsibility for itself. Economic disaster happens on a much smaller scale in this case.


>hating on Israel is purely a /pol/ack thing

>> No.6279233

>you can opt out of the global system
And that is what we call 'delusion'. Doing that would probably be more difficult than actually building a working communist utopia.

>hating on Israel is purely a /pol/ack thing
I know how popular it is, but bringing it up completely out of context gives the /pol/turd away.

>> No.6279240

>inplying the right is exclusively isolationist
>implying the left is can not be isolationist

>left-right dichotomy

>> No.6279250

>is can not be

you're right, this isn't actually possible

>> No.6279253

Any anti-Zionist on 4chan is bound to be connected to /pol/, it really doesn't add to discussions to point it out. Get over it, Schlomo.

>> No.6279268

No, because it is probably the most obvious sign of corruption in the UN and therefore demonstrates the global governing entity is flawed as any other.

>> No.6279270

>anti israel is pol

love this meme

hurr durr if you don't like warcrimes and bombing civs you are a pollack

>> No.6279271

>it really doesn't add to discussions to point it out
Neither do completely random blurts of anti-zionist sentiment. What do you expect us to do, sit idly by while you retards ruin our board with your shit?

>> No.6279283

The point was that it was completely besides the point to bring up israel, dipshit. It just betrays an unhealthy obsession that should stay on a certain containment board.

>> No.6279290

Israel is a prime example of the corruption and ineffectiveness of the UN. Do you disagree?

>> No.6279296


>> No.6279297

You assume that we can ever reach that stage where there are no enemies.

>> No.6279302

Yes, when you have stuff like Syria or Congo going on at the same time. Or think about Bosnia, where UN troops made way for death squads. Think about Rwanda, when the UN refused to call it a genocide so they wouldn't have to intervene. Calling Israel a prime example of what is wrong with the UN is a prime example of stupidity.

>> No.6279312

But they don't overlook them. The uncalled israel out. It just lacks ability to enforce change in Israeli policy. America doesn't actually call them out. But saying American politics is corrupt isn't exactly new.

>> No.6279317

Guess who has the most influence on the security council doh ;^)

>> No.6279327

Each member can veto, and has the same voting power, so, all of them.

>> No.6279338

>he actually believes this is how it works in practice

>> No.6279353

Only the 5 permanent members have veto power. The other members vote how they are told or don't get other things they want.

>> No.6279355

> UN is demonstrating its inherent corruption by continually overlooking the abuses of the Israeli government against the Palestinian people

This is demonstrably not true. The UN shat on them just as equally as they shat on Gaza for inflating statistics. Israel is actually starting to receive quite a bit of flak now, as people start to get tired of the "B-B-BUH YOU'RE AN ANTI-SEMITE" rebuttal. I would honestly give it ten-fifteen more years. In addition to this, more grass root movements are occurring in the U.S. (I've only actually seen it on University campuses, but I hope it spreads) so, hopefully, it's brought under a critical light.

>> No.6279359

So, give the occasional additional member voting power! This will solve everthing! You fucking idiot!

>> No.6279376

The UN has shat on Israel ever since 1967, Israel has gotten more flak from the UN than any other country. This, however, will never make you think, because, unfortunately you can't.

>> No.6279384

Bravo guys, you've figured out that binary thinking isn't always useful and we should try to recognise the benefits of conservatism and liberalism.

>> No.6279394

It's been brought under a critical light continuously ever since the Six Day War, don't kid yourself that we have reached a turning point or anything. The ongoing decay of churches as a public institution in the US is contributing far more to decreasing support for Israel than any amount of university protests which are practically by definition shit that hasn't been relevant since the Nixon era. People can complain all they want but as long as AIPAC and CUI have Congress by the balls, nothing will change. AIPAC will never change their stance and CUI is only gonna lose public appeal if Palestinian leadership goes full Gandhi, and maybe not even then. And what are the odds of that, in the Middle East? As long as IS exists the Israeli government isn't going to even consider giving Palestine any real respect or recognition, much less quit beating them up for lunch money.


nobody has ever gotten tired of this defense except on 4chan. to successfully get branded an anti-semite in the US is public image permadeath and ensures that nobody will ever take you seriously again.

>> No.6279395

Literature exists in a political context and constantly engages with it so why not

>> No.6279406

Yes, but that's an issue of American politics. If I'm driving my chevy and the nissan behind me has a wonky accelerator that locks up and causes him to rearend me I can't very well blame Chevrolet for the accident, can I?

>> No.6279432
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>Going to war in the 21st century


>> No.6279441

shut up cuck fagot libral filth