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/lit/ - Literature

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6277683 No.6277683 [Reply] [Original]

How many words do you know?

>> No.6277692

probably like three

>> No.6277694

Over 9,000

>> No.6277696
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>> No.6277705

Fuck you I was about to make that joke.

>> No.6277724

Enough that when i write people tell me to stop using tryhard words.

>> No.6277953

but to understand the question you must know more than one.

>> No.6277960


>> No.6278018

I know only two words personally, and they are great friends.

>> No.6278043

>people are just words
you fucking savage

>> No.6278051

I know four words.

>> No.6278610

I know "skin" and "undulation".
Can't think of any other words.

>> No.6279553

all of them

>> No.6279567


>> No.6279621


>> No.6279625

How many words do YOU know?

>> No.6279628


*tips fedora*

>> No.6279629

maybe a a few dozen thousand? hard to say bro

>> No.6279862

i think /lit/ would be surprised at how few words they know

i assume i probably know about 150-300

>> No.6279864

lol! that's probably worse than a preschooler eh?

>> No.6280139

Hm okay well just off the top of my head

play pen
dog/cat (they are interchangeable)

That's it so far there are probably a couple more I am forgetting

>> No.6280160

just took a test that said approx 24200 so thats pretty good

>> No.6280419

no it isn't

>> No.6280424

Just shy of half a million, but I'm something of a savant and read nearly every second of every day.

>> No.6280435


>> No.6280463

I read dictionaries like they're novels. I am a legit autist.

>> No.6280700


>> No.6280749


>> No.6280867


>> No.6280872

because this thread is stupid, post a word you just learned

yesterday i learned 'dacoity'

>> No.6280878


>> No.6280887

do the juxtaposition of words stagger you?

>> No.6280896

Hodor? Hodor, Hodor.

>> No.6280917

What is a word? Run, runs, ran, running, runner, runners, are they all separate words, is run the verb different to run the noun, what about runnette, it may not be in a dictionary but most people can deduce a meaning to it. Counting words is a stupid metric for language.

>> No.6280918

you can count only root words and be an entirely different species of daft prick

>> No.6281006


>> No.6281021


>> No.6281024

ur smart

>> No.6281029

Just so you know, I think your joke is far more elegantly executed than the ones that just said "one".

>> No.6281031
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I've LITERALLY jackhammered your mother.

>> No.6281033

Hi, Rei. How is your mom ?

>> No.6281154
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>> No.6282620

Does anybody else find that old (~100 years old) books printed in Britain or Germany smell like artificial bacon flavouring?

>> No.6282631

Enough to forget the ones I want to use at the times I want to use them.

>> No.6282698

"à brule-poîl" "bibacité"

>> No.6283380

Let's start with my insanely pretentious attitude in wanting to compete with multiple anon's on the 4Chan Notary Scholars Championships:

RULES: No Urban Dict, no Thesaurus, no encyclops, no dictionaries, no apps, no "Define....", no google searches, no bing-aling, no yahooshmahoo...DEFINE EACH WORDS BY WHAT YOU THINK THEY POTENTIALLY MEAN:


1. sardonic
2. recalcitrant
3. sycophant (my all time favorite)
4. impasse
5. antithesis
6. minutiae
7. evanescent
8. predilection
9. itinerant
10. bowdlerize

>> No.6283430
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I've probably only ever encountered three of these, and I don't know what they mean. Regardless, I'll humor you if you do the same.

1.Not meant to be taken seriously
2.Repentant of one's actions
3.It's some sort of state of mind, I think.
4.Unimpressed or interested
5.The embodiment of the exact opposite of something.
6.No idea. I suppose I could put that for all of these, but I can't even.
7.I've fucking heard of this but I can't recall what it means.
8.don't know
9.don't know
10.To hamper somehow?

>> No.6283437


...Basically this, yeah.

>> No.6283439

a million and ten

>> No.6283456

gtfo, seriously.

>read more
>you should know those words

>> No.6283464

1. Drawdly and drily ironic, basically a snarky, lascivious cat
2. Not willing to do something, actively so. Again, a cat.
3. Fucking snitch. Comes from a greek myth about people stealing fruit and shit, translated it in school but can't remember.
4. A situation where the parts at odds can't do jack.shit without giving the other an advantage
5. Something that's the opposite of something else. Boom. Also Greek and later expropriated by acunt wizard named HEGEL
6. Particulars, little stuff that gives a hard on only to Pinecone and autists. I wish I was one.
7. Something that is barely observable and glimmery. Reminds me of shitty goth rock
8. A liking to something. Really?
9. Nomadic, something that moves quite often. A circus, or Israel's boundaries.
10. To censor. Mostly a british thing I imagine.

>> No.6283501

1, Comical
2. Unwilling, schoolboyish
3. Some form of dirty socialite
4. Mootness, lack of emotion/interest, bored
5.The literary device wherein a pair of opposites are put together; juxtaposition of opposites.
6. Small, particular aspects of something
7. Almost but not quite the name of a band for teenagers. Something to do with brightness or glowité
8. Haven't the foggiest.
9 Nomadic or migratory
10. Censor.

>> No.6283551

1. Purposefully self-deprecating in a humorous way
2. Making some attempt to rectify or alter the effects of previous actions
3. An egotistical arse-licker
4. Nonchalant
5. The direct opposite of something
6. Very small and specific aspects or parts
7. Fading from luminescence
8. A verbal explanation or dictation already set down
9. Something displaying a propensity to break things down into parts
10. Defame, trash

Feel like a grade A pleb after attempting that

>> No.6283573


1. acerbic, scathing
2. unruly and stubborn
3. a person who sucks up to people in power
4. stalled progress
5. a near-perfect counter-example
6. esoteric, precise and detailed trivia
7. fleeting, subject to change
8. a suspicion or foresight
9. ~nomadic, travelling
10. (this one I'm not sure of)

>> No.6283626
File: 14 KB, 888x72, I don't even know how to read. I pay an Ethiopian man five dollars a day to shitpost on 4chan for me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. apparently joyful but inwardly grim, especially in reference to sarcasm
2. unsure, but this seems like a mix of the latin for "to kick" + re, so probably something along the lines of defiant
3. one who is obsequious
4. stalemate
5. the absolute opposite
6. trifles
7. transitory
8. preference
9. transient
10. censorship with regards to appropriateness

that was fun, here's another one

1. diaphanous
2. viridescent
3. jocose
4. nonplus
5. thaumaturgy
6. macaronic
7. shagreen
8. indolent
9. penury
10. capricious

>> No.6283643


I know eight

>> No.6283650


got 9/10 of the first one but 3/10 for yours.


>can't trick me with dat nonplus

>> No.6283975

I can't remember. I once read a book that had about 800 pages so probably 8 or 9 thousand

>> No.6283999

lmao you best be trolling

>> No.6284032

not nearly as much as i pretend to

>> No.6285713

1. transparent
2. green
3. happy
4. apathetic??
5. magic
6. no idea
7. a type of shark skin used to make purses and clutches in the art deco era
8. no idea
9. poor
10. changing opinion/mood/idea often and quickly

>> No.6285728

About four, I think.

>> No.6285738
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1. Sarcastic
2. taciturn?
3. A yes-man
4. Situation deadlocked due to no parties willing to give ground
5. opposite
6. trivial details
7. WAKE ME UP INSIDE (can't wake up) [but seriously it's luminous, right? Right?]
8. Preference, tendency
9. meanwhile or during... fuggg
10. To make media "safe for children" as understood by pearl-clutching protestant soccer moms

>> No.6285750

also where the fuck do you find all the dictionaries to read?

>> No.6285828

i've guessed on five of these

1. diaphanous, through-phan-ish
2. viridescent, manly
3. JOCose, JOCular
4. nonplus, confusion
5. thaumaturgy, wizard-craft
6. macaronic, battered or broken
7. shagreen, book leather
8. indolent, non-slave
9. penury, poverty
10. capricious, impulsive

>> No.6286773

1. cynical
2. rebellious
3. teacher's pet
4. doldrums
5. opposite
6. tiny things
7. brief
8. predisposition
9. dunno
10. censor

>> No.6286793

1. two sounds
2. green
3. happy/jolly
4. confuse
5. ?
6. like a macaroon
7. ?
8. lazy
9. poverty
10. changeable

>> No.6286803

Four hundred and forty six thousand, counting all the languages I speak.

>> No.6286827

Three, take
or give

>> No.6286833

I am Groot.

>> No.6287119

I know twenty-three words; the ones required to formulate both this answer and the question that preceded it.

>> No.6288196


>> No.6288566

i only know about thirteen words and i believe i have just exhausted them all

>> No.6288577

3.no idea
4.a confusing suprise
5.the ability to weave miracles
6.no idea
7. cleaning product sold my misogynists
8. lazy
9. no idea
10.quick to change moods.

>> No.6288800

Are pokemon linguistic masters? They only know their own name, and yet they can convey anything with it to other pokemon and humans with complete understanding. I wonder if the lesser species can learn from them..

>> No.6289201
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>> No.6289313

dammit, how can i learn a new language when i don't even really know english yet

>> No.6289320

Truthfull I have no idea. Maybe I should spend some time writing down all the words I can think of. Thanks for the inspiration.

>> No.6289329

1. brief sarcasm
2. reluctant or oppositional? idk
3. idiosyncratic or eccentric, or maybe neurotic
4. unchanging
5. opposite
6. trivial, insignificant, irrelevant
7. a new perfume by calvin klein? i don't know
8. presumption, pretention, prejudice, apprehensive motivation
9. no clue
10. no clue

full thesaurus-mode 'cause i have no clue what the fuck

>> No.6290904

Do you devour ROM drives? Do you do things like jump in a taxi and say "The library. And step on it."?

>> No.6292794

The worst part of being a non-native english speaker is not knowing words for everyday objects like kitchen utensils while knowing peculiar words from literature.

>> No.6292830


>> No.6293905

like 10 or 15 maybe

>> No.6293937

Just these three.

>> No.6294096

I did that once when I was younger and very bored.
Several dictionary, a thesaurus, an entire encyclopedia collection that took a whole book shelf. Basically every reference material you would find in the most current private study (All printed in 1996. My great aunt didn't have a TV and the weather keep me inside too much, and playing Chess with her was no fun as I would lose in a few moves.).

I have forgotten some of it, but still have an excessively huge vocabulary. Problem is I can't spell to save my life and am constantly annoyed by people using imprecise language.