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6276055 No.6276055 [Reply] [Original]

Quick guys: I want to get into Pynchon

Should I go into the real meat (Gravity's Rainbow) or start with the softer stuff (Vice and Lot?)

>> No.6276062

Go with the meatier stuff.

Lot 49 is always pushed as a sort of introduction to his work but it just left me wondering why anyone cared about him.

>> No.6276089

read V. first

>> No.6276168

wtf are you going on about
TCoL is a great fucking book, and it can give you a very good sense of the tension and vibes of the 60s
also, I recently saw this, and I think it's a decent analysis of it (probably for guys who have read the book - not that it spoils a lot, but hey)

>> No.6276170
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there is only one place to start

it's embarrassing that you have to be told

>> No.6276182

>not starting with Gravity's Rainbow


>> No.6276189


>reading an author like Pynchon without going chronologically

you fucked up bad

>> No.6276194

>reading chronologically
I've been meme'd

>> No.6276201


>doesn't understand historical contingency
>has apparently never read an author with a continuous mythos

>> No.6276214

Pig Bodine is not a continuous mythos and he first appears in slow learner anyway. But I agree V. Is the best starting point.

>> No.6276225


the entire Pinecone oeuvre is continuous and takes place in the same universe

>> No.6276229

Pynchon builds on himself and frequently references previous things in his works

Think of it like Zappa's conceptual continuity

>> No.6276235


>> No.6276238


don't act like you know what you're talking about

you've probably read half his books and think you know shit

>> No.6276239

kek cite anything besides maundagen or bodine. Maybe yoyodyne. It's nothing significant.

>> No.6276242

You have nothing.
>They are continuous from V. Through Mason & Dixon and Inherent Vice and jn the same universe and pig is 300 years old/a time traveler

Shut up.

>> No.6276250

Pynchons work can't all exist in the same universe because everyone dies at the end of meme's rainbow and IV takes place after

>> No.6276255


>fiction has to follow real world rules!

you're dumber than I thought

>> No.6276257

yeah but

does pynchon know?

>> No.6276286

>I have nothing

You haven't read one of his books but are elated if someone responds to the irrlevant shit your spew for whatever pathetic reason. Kill yourself.

>> No.6276305

>implying everything written before IV isn't just a figment of Doc's imagination

>> No.6276315

Is doc smart enough to imagine all that though

>> No.6276324


I've read everything except for Against The Day

I'll kill myself as soon as you do chum