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6275929 No.6275929 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do with books you don't need anymore? I recently got a new bookshelf and decided to purge stuff from my stacks of books that I no longer need. Local libraries take donations which could lead to some books ending up in good hands. What about my bibles though? I have like 6 and I don't want any of them, and I bet libraries just throw them out. Are there any Christian organizations that take old bibles and ship them to poor children in Africa or something?

>> No.6275934

>not burning holy books in big bonfire in the street

>> No.6275965
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>> No.6275976

I'm not a 15 year old edgelord


Actually I might keep on of the Catholic Youth Bibles, it has a really great Q&A section with God in the front about topics like drugs, sexuality, and homosexuality.

>> No.6275982


Build this, keep on refilling it if it goes empty

>> No.6275984

How are African children supposed to eat books?

>> No.6275986

Does your town have a Farmer's Market?

If so, put them on a used book-shelf in the middle of the market, prop a sign up against it that says "FREE BOOKS," and wait

>> No.6275987

I sell them to second hand shops. Well, I would do that but I don't have that many paper books, as I am not a Luddite.

>> No.6275990

Just charge a dollar or two. Better to make some money out of it.

>> No.6275993

Hey, at 15 I was deep into the bible.
Burning these wont bring you bad luck or extinguish Christendom for eternity. I'm just saying they're are millions of copies of those damn things. No one needs them. Chuck em and lug em around with you forever. See if I care.

>> No.6275997

Or just have an option tip jar. It'll probably make more money and he'll actually get rid of his books.

>> No.6275998

>they're are
The hell...

>> No.6275999

Not a bad idea. However, the books I am getting rid of aren't good (some Dean Koontz paperbacks I never read, "Contact" by Carl Sagan--couldn't make it through more than 5 pages, random french textbooks) and I wouldn't want my neighbors thinking I have bad taste.

Why would you need food when you have Jesus?

I would like to eventually get an academic study bible with historical annotations and translator notes. But yeah you are right people print way to many of these things

>> No.6276013

>It'll probably make more money
Then maybe OP should set up two tables with equally valuable books, one with an optional 'tip' jar and one with set prices. That way we can see which sells better.

>> No.6276037

Well for the hell of it I decided to list out what I am trashing

>3 New Testament Paperbacks
>3 Catholic Youth Bibles
>1 New American Bible
>"Red Army" - Ralph Peters
>"Politically Incorrect Guide to Burger History" - Thomas Woods
>"Twilight" + "Eclipse" - Stephanie Meyer
>"Lord of the Flies" - William Golding (I have 2 copies)
>Children's Authors - Christopher Paolini
>"The Once and Future King" - TH White
>"Contact" - Carl Sagan
>"Cradle" Gentry Lee w/ Arthur C Clarke (possibly worth reading for the 20 pages Clarke wrote)
>3 french textbooks - one dictionary, one grammar/style guide, one conversation guide
>"The Abyss" - Orson Scott Card (pretty bad)
>"Rome Sweet Rome: Our Journey to Catholicism" - Scott and Kimberly Hahn
>"Rediscover Catholicism" - Matthew Kelly
>"The Camel Club" - David Baldacci
>"The Corner of His Eye" and "Life Expectancy" - Dean Koontz
>AP Biology Cliffnotes
>France travel book from 2007
>A Time Life coffee table size retrospective on Pearl Harbor because of anti-Japanese undertones and pro-American Imperialist propaganda

>> No.6276049
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I'm mixed about the Time Life book though. On one hand it does a good job of portraying the injustices inflicted on Japanese Americans in the internment camps during WWII. On the other hand it doesn't really mention America's unannounced declaration of war on Japan via economic policies and instead demonizes the Emperor and Navy.

>> No.6276059
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Do they have Salvation army depots in your country Anon? I presume US? There's one not a long drive from my house and they have this donation area in the back of the store and I basically just dump worthless crap there if I feel it would be too wasteful to throw out. I mean it's usable stuff, not garbage but not worth trying to sell for like two dollars. I'm sure they get taken advantage of all the time by people just dumping shit like mattresses or broken tvs, not to mention the bums and pack rats that pick through the pile of donations while the worker is busy praying for a different life or whatever. I'm pretty sure I saw a hooker soliciting business on that street and my bro says there's legit hookers there. I've never been at night. There are also book and clothing donation bins that are useful but your city might not have those. There are a few bookstores that have gotten rid of unwanted books for me, they basically put them in the recycling and give me trade credit for the good ones. I could never just throw a book away myself.

>> No.6276065

i have like 50 goosebumps that are clogging up my shelf

wtf do i do with them?

>> No.6276246

>it doesn't really mention America's unannounced declaration of war on Japan via economic policies

You're a real blockhead.

>> No.6276268

>tfw boxcar children

>> No.6276275

I've only seen this opinion before expressed by far-right Japanese, bewildering to find it here

>> No.6276276

Having them together side by side could bias people's decisions. Best to do only one at a time on two different occasions. Multiple times even, for a better sample size.

>> No.6276724

1. Book exchange. Is there a used book store that will let you trade in yours for others?
2. Charity shops.
3. If you have a lot, and they have any academic or classic value, pack up a carton and mail to a small college somewhere. Check out the United Indian College Fund for a list.

>> No.6276752

it's correct, however whether a declaration of war is warranted for invading china is of course an open question

>> No.6276766

I throw shitty books in the trash so that others can't read them.

Feels good to be a censor and protector of good taste.

>> No.6277343
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If my library doesn't have a copy of the book I want to get rid of I'll donate it.

If the library has a copy of the book already I trade it or sell it at my local used bookstore.

I donate bibles to local congregations, they usually put them to good use.

If you have a ton of paper books you should see if there is a paperback exchange near by.

Good luck anon.

>> No.6277360

>Are there any Christian organizations that take old bibles and ship them to poor children in Africa or something?

Your local church. You should stop in some time.

On a more serious note, try a homeless shelter. They eat that stuff up.

>> No.6277452

anybody ever have success dumpster diving behind bookstores trying to score some free books they trash?

>> No.6277527

Also a good idea to have the same set of books each time and to stay in the same socio-economic area/region to ensure that people's attitude toward money spending is held as a constant.