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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 78 KB, 396x385, schopenhauerfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6275084 No.6275084[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>love to play vidya
>love to read
>love to write and go for hikes in deep nature
>realize the rest of the world is out there fucking and everyone convinced you it's just a happenstance thing
>realize your parents (and their 35 year marriage) were a role model that made you adopt the provider role and the advice you got is actually detrimental in today's context
>realize your whole life is nothing but a sublimation of a sex drive just like a normalfaggot's, but no social skills to pull it off

>> No.6275104

anyone else feel more alone when they're around other people

>> No.6275152

reporting in

>> No.6275171

anyone love to read and go on hikes in deep nature and have a girlfriend but you still get a deep nothingness feeling when you realize you're going to die

>> No.6275177

u dudes just need to face imminent homelessness to cheer you up, nothing like the constant dread knowing you have no where to live in two weeks to make you feel alive

>> No.6275179

we're all introverts around here. My biggest fear is the allure of the internetz is starting to fade at age 27. I stare at my desktop and can no longer lead myself. these realizations are a lot more detrimental when you don't even have your health to change you current predicament. Having to sit back and watch your parents deteriorate has me feeling suicidal day in and out.

all of man's problems arise from his inability to sit quietly in a room alone.

>> No.6275181

>>>/r9k/ just fuck of you fucking feelfags. A schopi pick of pepe doesn't make your thread literature.

>> No.6275184

>all of man's problems arise from his inability to sit quietly in a room alone.
this is pretty deep

>> No.6275196

really depends on the other people
usually yes

but then there's people that I'm really friends with, that looks like we all understand and like each other very much even though everybody is really different from each other
usually the only times I don't feel lonely is when I'm around then

>> No.6275200
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other peoples depression starts to rub off on you. you realized it more when your brain matures. I always avoid interaction with people on my level. I am more self destructive then I could have ever imagined.

>> No.6275202

>missing the 'love to read' bit

>> No.6275203

>all of man's problems arise from his inability to sit quietly in a room alone.
>having a room to sit quietly

check ur privs fag

>> No.6275212
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or a near death experience. It may have probably led to the extreme health anxiety I have now which also causes depression but now'a'days I try to thank god every morning for another day of glorious life.

>> No.6275216

I have all three of those things, and I still feel a deep nothingness without even thinking about death. Its pretty despairing.

>> No.6275220

that's not even a good way word it

it has something to do with google maps i go on google maps and look at my house and the neighborhoods and the roads and it gives me this weird feeling of being trapped

>> No.6275233

ive been on google maps trying to find an affordable room to rent that doesn't have a murder within a block radius...so far no luck

>> No.6275234


Exact same feeling.

I think we grow tired of it especially around an age where the development of our identity has reached its capstone-years.
Schopenhauer ( since he was already referred to with the Pepe in OP's pic ) said: "Man reaches the maturity of his reasoning and mental faculties scarcely before he is eight-and-twenty."

I think the virtual in today's world is really the perfect ground for experimenting with one's identity and seeking a variety of stimuli to either like or dislike for ourselves to construct a 'self' with.
But having accomplished that, we now feel ready for a world we actually have only in passing participated in.
Mostly we were too busy here and elsewhere online trying to figure out who we were, not in the real word like it happened for centuries before;

>> No.6275241
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>tfw schopenhauerian neet drunkard but still fuck teen girls up the ass

>> No.6275246


>those lies

>> No.6275252

are you supposed to feel something? im not sure where the despair is
they all look like a circuit board anyhow, not sure what order is going to give you being examined by itself

>> No.6275255
File: 18 KB, 407x379, 1370494912412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>allowing sexual desires to dominate your life
>not having the sexual desire, and experience, to know that it should be a secondary pursuit

>> No.6275256

that's a quote by 420blaze pascal

>> No.6275258

how do you break up with a male friend

>> No.6275260

I don't know if I feel *more* alone, but I do feel like there's something I'm missing that others have when they're together

I think, in part, it stems from the fact that I've known love. I was with a girl 5 years, and I know how deep a connection to another person can be, and interaction seems somewhat meaningless without it. They're all having fun, not knowing what they're missing, and I'm having fun too, but I know it could be even deeper and so I feel somewhat lost. Everything seems so artificial otherwise.

I only say that it might be that because I cannot recall feeling like this before having been in love

>> No.6275264

it's not a hard thing to do bruh, not worth lying about

it's just a strange degenerate-ascetic tension that feels funny

>> No.6275267


I used to be very ascetic.
And sex was never a thing I got where I actively pursued it. More like getting lucky.

And now, I feel like I missed out on this completely.
I was not only picky, but I was also a romanticist with a oneitis bullshit notion of love that caused more damage than anything else.

Kierkegaard sees one go from aesthetical to ethical and eventually religious.
Well I see myself regressing perhaps. But I feel like it's a liberation from those archaic notions which led to little happiness in the end.

>> No.6275270


How many times have cops arrested you for lurking about high schools?

>> No.6275274

in europe sexual intercourse is legal ®^)

>> No.6275276



This is literally what has been happening in my life with my friends, what the fuck

>> No.6275279


ah. In my state in the USA if I had sex with a 17yo (I'm 20) it would be rape and I would most likely go to prison for 15+ years.

>> No.6275280

>my friends

pfft normie

>> No.6275284

>not finding subjects to use as inspiration when you write

Please go back to /a/ or /v/.

>> No.6275287

you can fuck 16 year olds here when you're 82

>> No.6275296


Yea well lucky for you guys. Friend of mine slept with a 17 year old when he was 19 and the girl's father almost had him incarcerated. She consented and everything but the parents have the right to prosecute despite that.

It's pretty fucked up.

>> No.6275308

land of the free

>> No.6275310

be a 16 y/o gay person and fool around with a 15 y/o and really get head on the edge
you'll probably just get shot if the parents find out

>> No.6275312

You have now made legally fucking a 16 year old an item on my bucket list

>> No.6275321

not if ur american, whenever some old pedo goes to cambodian and fuck the shit out of some kids, he usually gets arrested on the way home...american law is global for american citizens

>> No.6275332

>american law is global for american citizens
your tax too, it's hilarious. I have colleagues in Belgium who have to pay taxes twice, once to Belgium, once to US. AFAIK it's the only country that pulls off this crap

such a great country, land of the free

>> No.6275334


w-well we used to be the best.

>> No.6275337

> love to play vidya

>> No.6275342

>tfw americans will never be late twenties and impress highschool girls and skull fuck them legally

i feel for you lads

>> No.6275360
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I know exactly how you feel.

>> No.6275366

any patricians here with beer-drinking, video game playing pleb friends you can't get rid of

>> No.6275374

This just means you haven't found the right people. "Other people" is way too big a generalisation. Some people you don't get along with, probably most, but there will always be like-minded people out there somewhere. You just need to find them. No one is that unique.

>> No.6275377

yeah you're def right

>> No.6275390
File: 165 KB, 314x445, efeele cioran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you found like minded people and you love them but after a long time you realise it doesn't solve anything

>> No.6275396

I know I'm asking an impossible question but how do you find these people? Everyone I know seems to have ended up with lifelong friends from school and university but the people I know from there aren't people I'd miss if I stopped seeing them and I wish they were.

>> No.6275399


>> No.6275404


That's why I prefer to be alone more often than in the company of others.
I just know that I'll be standing there wishing I was home ( le feet hurt meme ).

>> No.6275409
File: 36 KB, 456x384, that's the feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6275412

>tfw you try to get rid of your beloved pleb mates but because they're dumb as fuck they can't take a hint
>tfw you have to drink more than twenty drinks when they come by to enjoy yourself
>tfw catching up with friends kills your body

>> No.6275419

anyone else like this song https://youtu.be/_E0VLlm8OqI

>> No.6275423

If I knew that I wouldn't be here D:
What I said in that comment I realised through what other people have told me and being honest with myself and knowing it to be true in my heart and resisting the urge to be an edgy "ooh I'm so unique" immature faggot - but I still haven't actually achieved it myself. I'm sure I could make friends if I tried, go to clubs and societies etc., but I'm just nervous to do so.

>> No.6275441

can relate
everyone is boring as fuck except for my girlfriend

it's not you guys, it's them

>> No.6275446

At least your friends play video games

>> No.6275456

I wish I didn't know this feel.

>> No.6275460

How do I find a girlfriend :(

>> No.6275473

it took me years and years of searching through dating websites
you have to go through like 500 to find one you're compatible with
then you have to trick her into falling in love with you
it's possible
just have to be patient and not settle with the first girl who is into you

>> No.6275478
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1423684893980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know this feel more than anyone

>> No.6275485


>> No.6275487

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.6275491

the late sunday feels can't be stopped dude

>> No.6275492
File: 44 KB, 640x360, 1425592942924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Been asking this question forever


I really don't like the idea of online dating. I don't have any social media atm and I don't like the idea of my picture and bio being online for someone to view.


No one in my age group at my congregation. Not switching churches either because I actually really love my church despite the fact I'm the youngest person.

>> No.6275499

they can if i report them

>> No.6275512

>No one in my age group at my congregation. Not switching churches either because I actually really love my church despite the fact I'm the youngest person.

So why haven't any of the older people set you up with their kid or grandkid yet? I'm the youngest person at my congregation, or was until a couple there set me up on a date with their daughter. now we both go to church.

>> No.6275519

>tfw fully cognizant of the value of secular pleasure and enjoyment but lacking in social ability, attractiveness and social capital to engage in any of it
>tfw objectively worthless except for intelligence which really doesn't count for anything

>> No.6275538


I don't know man. I really wish that would happen but they've never done that I'm guessing their kids or grand kids are already hitched.

>> No.6275539

Just be yourself :)

>> No.6275546

First time I stepped into church they were asking me if I was married, and the next week a bunch of them conspicuously brought daughters to church and had me meet them.

>> No.6275554

creepy shit....

>> No.6275558


You're living the dream bro. Not only do I go to church with all older people but I work with a crowd of 45+ 3 days a week. I'm good friends with them all and them seem to like me as well (I often go out to dinner with them and do them favors) but they've never introduced me to any female members of their family. Course being around these great people is good enough for me but holy shit am I lonely sometimes.

>> No.6275566

>tfw no gf

>> No.6275580
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I've even had people say it to me explicitly, that I was dragging them down even though I was nice. I've gotten back in contact with some old friends from before I was dealing with all of my current shit, and they keep me around but I barely speak and at least one of them has commented on feeling more depressed. I asked how long they felt like that and it lined up with me meeting up with them again.

Sega'd for blog shit

>> No.6275585


this is fairly normal though

>> No.6275591

some boy and his dog creep shit

>> No.6275605

I was a womanizing bastard who would get into short-lived relationships with girls primarily for the sex. I would always laugh at anons and call them faggots in relationship threads when they talked about being sad that their gf broke up with them. Recently I met a girl who I genuinely love and care for, ended up getting into an amazing relationship with her, and she subsequently broke up with me. Knowing that she is now back with her ex and possibly only used me as a rebound makes it worse, because at one point she told me she loved me and I am now doubting the truth of that. Now I contemplate suicide daily. I know the usual response is "women are all the same, find another one" or "lol oneitis" etc., and I've even said that to other people frequently. But that shit hurts when you experience it yourself.

>> No.6275614


Dang anon that sounds real bad. I've never been in a relationship so I can't relate but I'm sure the heartbreak is real for you. Hope you find another girl soon.

>> No.6275625

>suicidal ideation over pussy

>> No.6275653

Why would you want to?

>> No.6275666

"You are not permitted to kill a woman who has wronged you, but nothing forbids you to reflect that she is growing older every minute. You are avenged 1440 times a day."

>> No.6275668

my sides

>> No.6275673


>> No.6275692

>hate your beer-drinking videogame playing friends
>they are literally meme-spouting reddit tier plebs who have the shittiest aesthetic taste and their media of choice is Stephen King novels, The Walking Dead, Marvel movies and Xbox games
>drink heavily just to enjoy yourself around them
>they decide they don't want to hang out with you anymore
>realize I am completely alone now and will probably die this way
>actually want them back

Lord take me now

>> No.6275704
File: 12 KB, 480x360, thesniffingofthelambsmygot!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fantasies coming true really are bad
>just like my yugoslavian youtube clips

>> No.6275733

How would that matter? Each moment she can become more knowledgeable, more skillful, have more impact on the world. This falsely assumes that a woman's worth is tied to her youth or looks.

>> No.6275763

It is to a large degree and more importantly it is in they own eyes.

>> No.6275771

Not in anyone of worth's eyes. I'm not sure why anyone would hold that much regret for someone who had nothing but looks, regardless.

>> No.6275800

>I'm not sure why anyone would hold that much regret for someone who had nothing but looks, regardless.

Getting dumped causes huge narcissistic injury, and I am a horrible narcissist, although this realization doesn't make the heartbreak any less real. The fact that she picked someone else over me, and that that person was her ex no less (who texted her on Valentine's Day telling her to kill herself), brings about negative feelings of worthlessness and personal defect.

I appreciate the anon who quoted Bierce though, as he was only trying to help.

>> No.6275804

>they're shallow sacks probably

>> No.6275813

Somewhat related.
I used to watch quite a bit of anime back in the day, not a lot, but i really enjoyed it at least. Today after not watching any for about a year i went and watched first episode of kill la kill. It was ok but im not sure if im even going to watch the rest of it. I feel like im at that stage where im supposed to be going out with friends and being with a gf but im still not there yet, but im also passed the vidya llaying/anime watching days. Now im stuck with only books and a couple other things im into, which still cant satisfy me fully, so sometimes i just have sit around and think about all this. Im in like some horrible purgatory of maturation where the punishment is feels.

>> No.6275818

How do I learn how to appreciate things in my life?

>> No.6275826

Not alone m80

>> No.6275886

Go to a 3rd world shithole and hang out with kids that eat 1 raw dirty potato a day which their mother provides by whoring herself getting aids in the process and doesn't complain about it