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6274697 No.6274697 [Reply] [Original]

>So what's the deal with breakfast, huh? We have continental breakfast but no analytic breakfast!
>But seriously folks, did Wittgenstein have autism or what?

>> No.6274751

Why does /lit/ think Wittgenstein had autism?

>> No.6274763


he was very polite

>> No.6274768

His philosophy has a lot in common with autistic cognition. It's not just /lit/ either, the observation has been made long before ours.

>> No.6274781

>autistic cognition

>> No.6274806

Yeah, probably. He was a turbo-virgin, too.

>> No.6274811

>He also joined in with other aspects of family life. In particular, he enjoyed playing Ludo and Snakes and Ladders with the girls - so much so that on one occasion, when a game of Snakes and Ladders in which Wittgenstein was particularly absorbed had gone on for over two hours, the girls had to plead with him against his will to leave the game unresolved.

>> No.6274819

He fucked Bertrand Russell up the ass with a fire iron.

>> No.6274823

That sounds more like Russel

>> No.6274838

Thats actually fucking hilarious

>> No.6274848

It's true of both of them. Analytic philosophy is autistic philosophy.

>> No.6274856


karl popper

>> No.6274894
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u need not conflate eccentricity w autism

>> No.6274936

Nigga looks autistic af

>> No.6274941

Which one?

>> No.6274950

Both, but a non-autist would realize I was primarily referring to the nigga physically present, not the nigga on the boon.

>> No.6274968

Not really. The thread is about the allegedly autistic Wittgenstein, who happens to be on the cover of the book.

>> No.6274974

But I was responding to a particular post. Again, a non-autist would make that connection.

>> No.6274988

Yeah, you were responding to the post that had a an old photo of Wittgenstein...

Why do I look autistic, anyway?

>> No.6274993

>Ought implies can

That's the true autism. I call it Oughtism.

>> No.6275002

>Yeah, you were responding to the post that had a an old photo of Wittgenstein...
It was a picture of you holding a book with his picture on it. It was a picture of you, not of Wittgenstein.
>Why do I look autistic, anyway?
Eyes, nose, forehead.
Your posts are more autty than your face, though.

>> No.6275023

Could you take your burgeoning love affair to snapchat and admire his autty eyes there.

>> No.6275025


>> No.6275036

>“Wittgenstein’s correspondence with Pattison consists almost entirely of ‘nonsense’. In nearly every letter he makes some use of the English adjective ‘bloody’, which, for some reason, he found inexhaustibly funny. He would often begin his letters ‘Dear Old Blood’ and end them ‘Yours bloodily’ or ‘Yours in bloodiness’. Pattisson would send him photographs cut out from magazines, which he called his ‘paintings’, and to which Wittgenstein would respond with exaggeratedly solemn appreciation: ‘I would have known it to be a Pattison immediately without the signature. There is that bloodiness in it which has never before been expressed by the brush.’ In reply, Wittgenstein would send ‘portraits’, photogrphs of distinguished looking middle-aged men, ripped out of newspaper advertisements for self-improvement courses. ‘My latest photo’, he announced, enclosing one such picture. ‘The previous one expressed fatherly kindness only; this one expresses triumph’.”

>"Throughout the correspondence there is a gentle ridicule of the language of the advertiser, the absurdity of the style being invoked simply by using it as though it were the normal way for two friends to write to each other. Sending Wittgenstein a (genuine) photograph of himself, Pattisson writes on the back: 'On the other side is pictured one of our 47/6 suits.' 'Somehow or the other, Wittgenstein writes at the end of one letter, 'one instinctively feels that Two Steeples No. 83 Quality Sock is a real man's sock. It's a sock of taste - dressy, fashionable, comfortable.'"

>> No.6275039

Because a wikipedia page with shitty citations said so

>> No.6275048

I mean when you look at his biography and all the shit that went on with his family, its surprising he wasn't more 'autistic'

P.s. wittgenstein's life story is a bloody good read in itself.

>> No.6275050

Wittgenstein and friend confirmed for proto-vaporwave.

>> No.6275054


He would definitely post on 4chan.

>> No.6275061
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>On 25 October 1946, Karl Popper (then at the London School of Economics), was invited to present a paper entitled "Are There Philosophical Problems?" at a meeting of the Moral Sciences Club, which was chaired by Wittgenstein. The two started arguing vehemently over whether there existed substantial problems in philosophy, or merely linguistic puzzles—the position taken by Wittgenstein. In Popper's, and the popular account, Wittgenstein used a fireplace poker to emphasize his points, gesturing with it as the argument grew more heated. When challenged by Wittgenstein to state an example of a moral rule, Popper (later) claimed to have replied "Not to threaten visiting lecturers with pokers", upon which (according to Popper) Wittgenstein threw down the poker and stormed out. Wittgenstein's Poker collects and characterizes the accounts of the argument, as well as establishing the context of the careers of Popper, Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell, also present at the meeting.

>> No.6275063

Top tier humor
He's up there with Diogenes for funniest philfag

>> No.6275078

He didn't. People often try to find something they consider bad about others in order to not feel so inferior.

>Newton was a genius, his discoveries are outstanding!
>>hurr durr he never got laid

>Wittgenstein is one of the most important philosophers, both the Tractatus and P.I changed philosophy!
>>hurr durr autist

>Dante was a literary genius!
>>hurr durr fagget couldn't fuck beatrice anti-fedora shit

>> No.6275093

Wittgenstein gave away his fortune to his siblings, refused to wear a tie, furnished his rooms with deckchairs, whistled entire concertos, played a clarinet, and wolfed down cream doughnuts while watching John Wayne films, The Economist reported.

>> No.6275114

>played the clarinet
lol loser

>> No.6275115
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>> No.6275159


Also, the Wittgenstein family allegedly had Ludwig tested for cognitive disorders and were fiercely secretive about its results. I believe it's a somewhat dubious piece of evidence in Wittgenstein scholarship, possibly fake. For instance it's not mentioned in the biography by Monk from which >>6275036 is sourced.

>> No.6275166

top bantz

>> No.6275333

this is mde shit right here