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/lit/ - Literature

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6274602 No.6274602 [Reply] [Original]

This is literally the only book that has ever brought tears to my eyes

>> No.6274637

things fall apart, final gifts, cross shattered christ, maus

this is actually hard to think of off the top of my head, but i know there's many more than this that have actually moved me to tears

>> No.6274792


>> No.6274794

Flowers for Algernon made me cry

>> No.6274800

>P.S. please if you get a chanse put some flowrs on Algernons grave in the bak yard.

>> No.6274810

Elie Wiesel is a fraud.

>> No.6274816

This nigga knows.

Night was bad, and fictitious.

>> No.6274820

Where the Red Fern Grows is the only one

>> No.6274827

Who fucking cares? This isn't a Wiesel bash thread. Fuck off if you're not gonna contribute.

>> No.6274842

>Flowers for Algernon

How is High School going for you guys?

>> No.6274872
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the very last line of dialogue hit me like a freight train for some reason- probably just the accumulation of my many failed relationships

>> No.6274873

Actually finished uni last year but thanks for asking

>> No.6274876

The Karamazov Brothers

>Ilyusha's death is entirely based on Dostoevsky's son dying

>> No.6274890
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>Who fucking cares?

Also more in relation to the thread, Michael Kohlhaas made me cry.

>> No.6274892
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Make me, faggot.

>> No.6274893

>you will never fish and then have a picnic in the spanish countryside
>your actualy memories will never be as beautiful as the main character in TSAR

Why is life so awful?

>> No.6274898
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>things fall apart

Me too

>> No.6274902
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This is literally the only book that has ever brought tears to my penis.

>> No.6274904

>It was real IN MY MIND

Wiesel is a piece of shit.

>> No.6274908 [DELETED] 
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>Last name is Wiesel
>He's a Jew

Its like poetry

>> No.6274963
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Why did based Andrew have to die?

>> No.6274986
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Fucking this. You know shits gonna hit the fan when a Chekhov story actually begins with happy characters.

>> No.6275005

>And then there's this pleb who doesn't even know that this is one of the most widely read books about the holocaust.

>> No.6275034

muh six gorillion

>> No.6275153

I liked Night. It's too bad Wiesel is a piece of shit human being.

>> No.6275162
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>> No.6275273

Care to elaborate? I don't know too much about Wiesel on a personal level

>> No.6275275

pows around would Alan Dershowitz and Bibi Netanyahu and exploits the Holocaust to shill for Israel.

>> No.6275281

>your facts hurt my feelings

>> No.6275288

Even from a purely literary standpoint that book is melodramatic bull.
>skeetshooting babies

>> No.6275291
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>implying that wanting an ontopic thread = hurt feelings

>> No.6275306

He's a fake. He lied about pretty much everything.

>> No.6275326
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somebody say Maus?

>just thinking of the Juden we could have gassed in this thing

>> No.6275328

edgy /pol/tards have arrived, abandon thread, abandon thread

>> No.6275331 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6275338
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I really wanted an ontopic thread

captcha: ISIS

>> No.6275341

>I-it's /pol/!
>no one else could possibly disrupt my leftist chamber!

>> No.6275349

C'mon OP, you know that book is b8. You were asking for it.

>> No.6275352

This is actually my first time and first thread on this board

>> No.6275355
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>mfw this statist piece of shit is finally getting thrown out of office

>> No.6275462
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>ironically reading holocaust literature

>> No.6275548
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Bait the General

>> No.6275560

this is a bit lame, but lord of the rings. the bit about frodo leaving for the undying lands really touched me, for some personal reasons.

>And the ship went out into the High Sea and passed into the West, until at last on a night of rain Frodo smelled a sweet fragrance on the air and heard the sound of singing that came over the water. And then it seemed to him that as in his dream in the house of Bombadil, the grey rain-curtain turned all to silver glass and was rolled back, and he beheld white shores and beyond them a far green country under a swift sunrise.

>> No.6275565


>> No.6275570
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>tfw no anarcho-capitalism in Israel

>> No.6275595
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their economy as a whole is pretty shit

>> No.6275599
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>reading alternative history

Yeah, and I don't read Steampunk literature either.

>> No.6275602

Starting a thread with a picture of a holocaust novel? Not on /pol/'s watch.

>inb4 /pol/turd victim complex

>> No.6275609

>the holocaust was such a tragedy, those evil white men
>oh, but the holodomor is a lie :)
This board is so shit nowadays.

>> No.6275616

I keep getting Elie Wiesel mixed up with Eyal Weizman.

That latter is a far better read.

>> No.6275617

>"Better reply with an edgy non-sequitur."
Your containment board is in another kingdom.

>> No.6275626

This is a great starting point for people who actually wanna learn about the holocaust without all the propaganda.

>> No.6275630

Sorry for triggering you, marmalade.

>> No.6275634


My 18 self identified with Sidartha, just finished school, full of potential. I could be anyone, anything! . Yet in the end, a genius, choosed to become nothing. It made me realize everything was pointless.

>> No.6275636


/lit/ might as well be a containment board for marxist shills

>> No.6275637

Seems anti-Semitic.

>> No.6275650

It's not.

>> No.6275694

Why do you say that?

>> No.6275699

is misspelling everything so you can't look it up some kind of /lit/ hipster meme, or are you all just fucking retarded bad spellers

>> No.6275831

what's with all the leftists on /lit/

>> No.6275861

I think reading encourages open-mindedness. That and a (sometimes naive) idealistic world view.

>> No.6275877

We live here.

Ayn Rand used to be a bannable offense.

>> No.6275963

>Ayn Rand
>right wing
American pls go, she is very left wing as she does not support authority, preservation of traditions, or social laws.

>> No.6275972
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>the last thing his dad says to him is where he hid the family gold

>> No.6275973

Libertarian/Liberal, pls go.

>> No.6276488

He was reading The Brothers Karamasov...

>> No.6276499

>>I think reading encourages open-mindedness.
Leftism isn't really about being openminded, it's just another kind of close-mindedness where you refuse to acknowledge different elephants in the room than the conservatives.

>> No.6276512

It's a fucking novel you retard. How can novels be fraudulent?

>> No.6276834

I'm not, I'm apolitical. But don't try to group liberalism with the right, because it certainly does not belong there.

>> No.6276840

>because it certainly does not belong there.
But it does.

>> No.6276869

How so? It is not traditionalist or conservative.

>> No.6276902

It is fiscally conservative, and in line with traditions that are at least 300 years old.

>> No.6276914

>It is fiscally conservative
No it isn't. It doesn't take a stand on matters of people, that's why it is called liberalism. It is about the independence of people from a state.

>> No.6276917

It is now, faggot. Get your fraud hacks out of here.

>> No.6276918

at least you still have your dick, right?

>> No.6276923

anything in favour of a market economy is right wing you dumb fucking yank.

>> No.6276928

>you will never fish and then have a picnic in the spanish countryside

Why not?

I've been trout fishing in the PIcos de Europa and then enjoyed some nice cheese and wine by the riverside. It's not like it's moon exploration m8, just fucking do it.

I know you'd be scared and the fish is too slimy and you don't even like fish and what's that noise is it a fucking bear oh no I can't get a signal on my phone I want to post on 4chan this rivers cold and wet, my feet hurt, nobody's talking about DFW

>> No.6276938
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>anything in favour of a market economy is right wing you dumb fucking yank.

Stop embarassing us in front of the seppos, chum. You're being a right wally.

>> No.6276941

No it isn't, you're clearly the American here, as you have no understanding of the meaning of right/left wing politics.

>> No.6276952

>upholding capitalism
>not right wing

pick one friends

>> No.6276962

How is it, though? You're just making an assertion. Allowing personal and economic liberties seems to be anti-right wing, it does nothing to preserve hierarchy.

>> No.6276976


The fact that some people still regard this man as anything other than a lamentable fraud could actually be seen as a good argument for Zionist domination over the media. His fabrications are so blatant and have been demonstrated by Finkelstein and others repeatedly.

In short:
>Claims to have been tattooed with a serial number in Auschwitz- no such tattoo exists
>Claims to have grown up in Hungary- yet speaks no Hungarian (!)
>Has pointed to photos which he purports to be himself which quite clearly show someone else.
>Has been denounced by those he claims to have been detained with
>Claims to have seen live babies thrown into open fires in ditches- Really? In a ditch in swampland?

My guess is that he is used to shill for Israel and for a new war against Iran precisely because there is so much evidence of his lies. If ever the day came when he perhaps showed some regard for the condition of the Palestinians, you can bet that he would straight away be exposed and all his literary awards and pretensions stripped away.

>> No.6276989

>allowing a small fraction of the population to accumulate most of the wealth and resources on earth does nothing to preserve hierarchy

Economic liberties aren't liberties for anyone but the rich.

>> No.6276999

Your perception of it and what it actually is are different. You can't approach this with your anti-capitalist ideology. The fact is that liberalism allows for the individual to be free of state interference socially and economically. Whether this makes him rich or not is irrelevant, he has liberty from the state, that is what matters in determining whether it is right wing or not.

>> No.6277038


Wiesel did more to bolster the horrible cause of holocaust denialism than all neo-Nazis put together.

>> No.6277068

>he thinks left wing means freedom and right wing means authoritarianism

Doesn't work that way, friend. Both left wing and right wing structures can be authoritarian.

>> No.6277070

>mfw Night is required reading in many American schools
remember da six million goy

>> No.6277077

No, that's not what I said, stop grasping at straws because you're offended. It's more a case of progressivism vs traditionalism. I don't see how liberalism fits into either of those, though.

>> No.6277082

>It's more a case of progressivism vs traditionalism.
No mate, it's a spectrum of planned-mixed-market economy.

Libertarianism is on the extreme right of the spectrum, for example, whereas communism is on the extreme left.

>> No.6277085
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>> No.6277087


>Flowers for Algernon

>How is High School going for you guys?

I read both of these in middle school

>> No.6277091

That is simply not true. I don't think you know what left/right wing politics means. Maybe you're American.

>> No.6277093


I read it in school in Australia. I have no idea why. Jews are not like a big part of Australian life unless you live in certain parts of Sydney and Melbourne.

>> No.6277100

I know right.

Everybody knows that left wing = nice people who have empathy and want to improve the world, whereas right wing = evil racist nazi who hates poor people and wants to destroy the world.

>> No.6277101


Because Hitler was from your country

>> No.6277102
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Holy shit, seriously?

>> No.6277104

No. Think of the French national assembly after the French Revolution.

>> No.6277106

Seeing as this is now pretty much a /pol/-tier thread; can you guys recommend me some good national-socialist literature about the Aryan race?

>> No.6277109

>some good national-socialist literature about the Aryan race?
The Rig-Veda, I guess.

>> No.6277115


Its' funny that you would paint anyone who regards this work as fraudulent as part of an obsessional minority. I suggest you go read what Finkelstein (leftist Jew) wrote about him, and then come back.

>> No.6277125
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>it's /pol/-tier to point out the cocoon of lies Elie Wiesel has wrapped himself in and has in turn been exposed by Norman Finklestein who is a jew

>> No.6277137

It's /pol/-teir to turn a thread about books that make you cry into a good jew/bad jew discussion.

>> No.6277143


Calm down Norman. I've already read your based book.



>> No.6277148
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b-but it was real in my mind, goy

>> No.6277154

If a book presented as history makes you cry, it should be pointed out 1) that you've been manipulated by someone for political ends, 2) who that someone is, and 3) what those ends are.

>> No.6277158

>I'm apolitical
Then don't pretend to know where things fall on the left-right spectrum. You're thinking of monarchism as being the only true rightwing. Sure, one liberals were the left, but there were others more to the left of them. They fought monarchy in common cause, putting their fight off.

>Doesn't work that way, friend.
IN a general sense, yes it does.
>Both left wing and right wing structures can be authoritarian.
Hence our distaste for them and labeling them rightwing. Monarchist enough.

>> No.6277178
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With all the 50 shades of grey hoopla going on, why has no one put out any concentration camp gay erotica? I'm only 3 chapters into my own novella about it, (Pajama Party) but I'm sure there's a market somewhere.

>> No.6277184

>Then don't pretend to know where things fall on the left-right spectrum
Why would being apolitical mean I am 'pretending' to know about left/right wing politics? Anyone with half a brain knows the origin of the concept. To think that liberalism is right wing is lunacy, as it has nothing to do with right wing politics.

>> No.6277187

The self-proclaimed Stalinists of /lit/ are stuck in the leftist mindset of the 1950's and take offense at the idea that the left doesn't consist entirely of violent revolutionaries.

>> No.6277195


>that you've been manipulated by someone for political ends

He's not though. throughout his writing he only tells of his own experience

>who that someone is, and what those ends are.

Again you're completely biased and probably never read any book besides night. I suggest you buy some of his work and give it a try.

>> No.6277202
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>why has no one put out any concentration camp gay erotica?

I don't know about gay, but there's loads of death camp porn around, but you have to be able to read Hebrew.

>> No.6277207

All the men were starving.... For cock!

>> No.6277208


Chuck Tingle's Tingle-sense is Tingling.

>I'm Gay for a Billionaire Gruppenfuhrer Unicorn
>Pounded by Nazi Shower-Room Zombies
>Trained by A Living Swastika V2

>> No.6277209

You seem to believe you are a beacon of truth in a dark world. It's not presented as history it is presented as a memoir. Not objective fact written by an outsider but a personal history by someone who supposedly suffered through it. If a memoir of atrocity, real or imagined, doesn't upset you then it's not doing it's job or you're having a humanity failure.

Every book tries to manipulate you, it is foolish to think otherwise. The "ends" you speak of always seem to involve a good old fashioned zionist conspiracy. It is as if you pick the manipulative books to expose based on the ends you wish to discover.

BTW I have never read Wiesel and I have read Finklestein. Wasn't defending either of them, or jews, I was trying to defend the subject of the tread. Think I have wasted far too much time with it or you.

>> No.6277215

Why would I read more Wiesel when I didn't enjoy Night when I read it in elementary school?
What I said is true of any book. Someone reading Mein Kampf should be even more conscious of Hitler's boas than someone reading Night should be of Wiesel's.
Context is everything, for every book.

>> No.6277238

The annoying thing about arguing with /pol/ is that they have no life - you will never see the end of it, you go to bed and when you get up they're still at it. The best thing is to just ignore them.

>> No.6277240

It is true.

You're probably one of those faggots that think fascist are right wing rather than centrist.

>> No.6277243

Who the fuck things fascism is centrist? Liberalism is centrist.

>> No.6277244

How are authoritarian traditionalists not right wing, while liberals are? Is this an American thing?

>> No.6277258

No, American ideology presents fascism as a far right phenomenon. He's either trolling or stupid.

>> No.6277274

Mussolini, for one.

Because fascism is corporatist and involves heavy involvement of the government in the economy, and is therefore closer to planned economy of the true left than liberalism which is more inclined towards laissez-faire capitalism.

>> No.6277300
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>planned economy of the true left

>> No.6277308

Are you saying socialism isn't left wing?

>> No.6277321

>Taking a dictator's defense of the ideology by which he justified his dictatorship as THE authoritative account of what that ideology is
OK, m8

>> No.6277326
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>reading the backstory of Dosto's life after having finished Brothers Karamazov
>mfw Alyosha is named after his son

>> No.6277331

Planned economies are not essential to the left.

>> No.6277340

> Reading The Painted Bird
> Get to the part where the boy finds the injured horse and manages to get it back to the village

I was so fucking happy that he managed to get it back to the village alive, and thought it was gunna be the first beautiful thing that has happened in the book. Boy was I wrong. Fucking teared over the next few pages.

>> No.6277355

But not exclusive, fascism also plans economies

>> No.6277361

Fascism was literally created to find a middle way between socialism on the one hand and classical liberalism on the other hand.

>> No.6277365

So what? That doesn't mean it can't be right-wing.

>> No.6277396

I'm not into politics, so I have a question.

You state that Liberalism allows for the individual to be free of state interference socially and economically. However, most liberals I know call for government controlled medical care, support more people being on government supported welfare, and want more governmental interference with taxes on the wealthy.

I am pretty out of the loop on politics, so please excuse me if I am talking out of my ass. But I have always been confused by people saying that liberals want more freedom from the state, yet seem to openly support more governmental control and assistance on things. All of my liberal friends seem to be the kind who would want Communism here and would vote for it in a heart beat.

>> No.6277416

Fascism was founded to be more left wing than liberalism and was more left wing than liberalism.

>> No.6277436
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Who do Americans have such a different idea of the political spectrum than the rest of the world?

What Americans call leftist is centrist to right wing by European standards. What's right wing by American standards doesn't really exist in Europe. Also, what's left wing in Europe doesn't really exist in America on a mentionable scale.

>> No.6277441


The breakup scene between Stoner and Katherine was one of the most heart-wrenching things I've ever read.

>> No.6277513

cold war propaganda

socialist is an insult there

>> No.6277528

how is hitler a centrist?

>> No.6277545
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What a terrible spectrum.

>> No.6277611

There YA go.

>> No.6277636

Because he combined a market based economy and hierarchical society with extensive social programs and made Germany into a welfare state.

>> No.6277647

And more right wing than Marxism. You're not convincing me.

>> No.6277713

>And more right wing than Marxism.
Yes. One could almost say it would be in the middle. One might call it middleist. Centrist, maybe.

>> No.6277730

But liberalism is the actual centrist ideology. Marxism and fascism are both reactions to it.

>> No.6277736

Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie got me going in junior high. Seussian rhyme partially intended.

>> No.6277739

>6 zillion

>> No.6277782

What do you consider right wing if liberalism is centrist?

>> No.6277801

Don Quijote, the unbearable lightness of being

>> No.6277913

Are you a crocodile, OP?

>> No.6277942


I don't think a book has affected me emotionally in about a decade. Flowers for Algernon came close I think, but otherwise...

What should I read that will make me feel hard? I plan on getting Stoner at some point, what else

>> No.6278007

Fascism, mostly, but liberalism gas right-wing elements. The Republican party represents the liberal right in America.
If you're the moron I was arguing with yesterday about whether or not the Democrats were on the left I'm just not going to respond to you after this post.

>> No.6278115

Republicans are far more right wing than fascists and nazis.

And the democratic party is only leftist by American standards, by the way.

>> No.6278134

>Republicans are far more right wing than fascists and nazis.
Only by your particular definition, with which most people in those groups would disagree.
>And the democratic party is only leftist by American standards, by the way.
Did I claim otherwise?

>> No.6278135

>implying that disagreeing with the op is off-topic
please return to your hugbox; adults are speaking.

>> No.6279091

You're confusing liberalism, what I refer to, with American 'liberalism'. I don't know why yanks have to be so different all the time.

>> No.6279128
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I wish Luke would love me.

>> No.6279636

me too

The ending crushed me when I first read it.

>> No.6280183

>Why would being apolitical mean I am 'pretending' to know about left/right wing politics?
Because you obviously don't know what you are talking about. Liberal-capitalists are about freedom of markets, of moneyed men. The aristocracy gladly threw off monarchy in favor of a government they could buy outright. They are to left of monarchy, true. but there are plenty to the left of them.

Being bloody isn't an inherently leftist thing either.

What it is we, the majority, want is often denied to us, so at times things get a little nasty. Often enough the masses are bought off in order to maintain the inequality, the capitalist class system. So what if liberal-capitalism is relatively new. They're well to the right of my thinking. Call them center if you like. It's all a free flowing field