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6273160 No.6273160[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Without going into it too much I'm looking for the best books that would broaden my knowledge about these themes for a subject I'm writing on and I'm poorly read on the subject.

>Ancient Germanic history
>Ancient Germanic culture
>Germanic mythology
>Destruction of culture by Christianity
>Atrocities commited by Chrisianity tbroughout history

Thanks a bunch in advance

>> No.6273166

remember to sage and hide all religious b8 threads

>> No.6273167


>> No.6273171

Im trying to form a non-biased opinion and it's for something I'm writing, I dont browse this board much.

>> No.6273194

>Destruction of culture by Christianity
>Atrocities commited by Chrisianity tbroughout history
Some lovely personification here. Shame you let yourself down with your spelling.

>> No.6273199

You post some more of them pics and I'll tell you some books.

>> No.6273206

Hush, heathen.

>> No.6273219
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I'm sorry, my English grammar is pretty limited.
I'm trying to find information on the subjec.

>> No.6273228

Sure man, it's Kitty Pryde and there's nudes.

>> No.6273231

How does Christianity, an abstract concept, commit atrocities?

>> No.6273237
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In the name of Christianity I mean, I'm very sorry

>> No.6273261
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>> No.6273263

Niebelunglied and the Icelandic sagas (Eddas, Volsung).

Protip: it was Christians who preserved ancient culture in the monasteries while pagan Germanic people were sacking them. And atrocities committed by Christians are in no way exceptional compared to any other group of people throughout history.

>> No.6273270

this thread makes me xsad that i have no one's butt to touch

>> No.6273280

Start with Varg Vikernes. He's an influential Nordic philosopher and might be over your head.

>> No.6273293

>Im trying to form a non-biased opinion

I don't think you are. By saying things like:

>Destruction of culture by Christianity
>Atrocities commited by Chrisianity tbroughout history

You know damn well what you're looking for. Sounds like your mind is already made up.

Although definitely not a book, it is a start after many arduous hours on Google:


>> No.6273323

The Karamazov Brothers I believe does include a discussion of the blood court at Verden as the Christian fall from Grace.
Yes. It's the knut hamsun of our days.

>> No.6273350

No forgetting that Dostoyevsky himself, of course, was a deeply religious and committed Christian.

>> No.6273441
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Many thanks, any books I should read about the Christian subject you just said?

You got me.
Anything I should read that Varg read/probably read/would read?

I want to know more about about my Germanic culture and what Varg read that made him so pissed or atleast books that disprove his claims.

Very true but it's an opinion that I can't back up hence why I'm asking.

>> No.6273451


>tattooing words on yourself

Do these people not realize how stupid this looks?

>> No.6273476

who's the girl?????

>> No.6273575

Kitty Pryde, there's nudes.

>> No.6273612

>some fat fuck gets to bang kitty


>> No.6273642

>but everybody did it!
And, mind you, you'll still even claim a cultural superiority throughout history compared to the barbarians. Cake and eat and everything.

>> No.6273761
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Bump for shared interest, recommendations please?