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6268912 No.6268912[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Where are your leftist God's now?

>> No.6268916

Gonna need a pastebin.

>> No.6268944

It reached critical mass on February 22, with a blog written by K Tempest, a little-known New York feminist writer hoping – and succeeding – to cause a stink (and no doubt get publicity for her own work), when she challenged readers to stop reading books by “straight white cisgendered male authors for a year”.
She said most books were “skewed heavily toward privileged voices” and some even made her “ragequit” reading them.
Perhaps predictably, Tempest’s message went down badly in certain quarters, drawing such scathing abuse that she compiled a blog featuring the most offensive tweets. She was called a “black supremacist” who was "intolerant, censorious, and an obstruction of the free exchange of ideas that is essential to freedom itself." One simply read, “I challenge you to throw yourself in a wood chipper”.

Article itself is of a tone against tumblr level degeneracy

>> No.6268961

Think of the entitlement it must take to demand and even think that people must write according to your wishes.

>> No.6268984
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Thish *sniffs* ish the sort of people who would gho firsht into gulag.

>> No.6268995

Social justice is a funny name for the phenomeon

>> No.6269002

Social justice meant, in the 40's, the fight for economic redistribution. How did retards like these overtake the "left" is beyond me.

>> No.6269003

When they start paying me to read is when I start paying attention to whom they want me to read.

>> No.6269009

to be fair, not like the right is any safe haven

>> No.6269012

So what? That doesn't make the left any less pathetic. It just makes the right stronger.

>> No.6269022

>article literally starts off with a /pol/ tier argument
>reverse racism
>"Is it just a timely revenge for generations of “privilege” that all white men have enjoyed, presumably even those millions killed in wars or rotting in prisons, or sleeping rough tonight."

>> No.6269026

>It just makes the right stronger.

Nigga please, retards exists on both sides.

>> No.6269027

I don't even know by what definition are those people leftists anyway. They don't give a fuck about workers or class struggle, and focus on race and gender instead. How is that leftist?

>> No.6269031
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>“I challenge you to throw yourself in a wood chipper”.

>> No.6269035

>not *shniffs*

>> No.6269037
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Again: so what? Retarded or not, they wield political power or aspire to.
Gay black lesbians are more important than the working class in general, goy-I mean, guy!

>> No.6269039
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>Many others have pointed out that racism against whites can’t ever exist, because we have privilege and power and white people aren’t even oppressed.

fuck that bullshit open a history book you dumb harridans

>> No.6269040

Go back to /pol/, stormfriend.

>> No.6269048

>open a history book
It has to be written by a woman, person of color, or transgendered person.

>> No.6269051
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>reading books not written by straight white men

Enjoy your YA and romance fiction.

>> No.6269056

>wield political power or aspire to.



But if you are for realz, they have no tangible powers as a fringe group unlike the Tea Party. Maybe they will but they definitely aren't now. Hell this bitch already got a push back from her wild demand

>> No.6269066

You think these people have no desire to hold office? If that's the case then the left (of which they are a part) is even more pathetic, since its most vocal members don't have any interest in putting their views into law.
These people are part of the left and you can't act like they're inconsequential.

>> No.6269075

They are about as consequential to current political discourse as /pol/

>> No.6269097

This is the discourse of the university right now. I go to school with these people. I have Marxist professors who make white people jokes. I have factially liberal but self-identifying Marxist friends who buy this stuff This is what the Left looks like.

>> No.6269105

Are you american?

>> No.6269109
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Whenever I hear the phrase 'campus democrat' I think of pic related.

>> No.6269114

Name me one worthwhile book by a woman with a message that isn't "hurr durr poor oppressed women"

>> No.6269115


>> No.6269121


But they haven't done anything to influence the political stage on the scale of other fringe group. They are out there and they haven't made any demands or changes. Maybe you can consider Occupy Movement, but that didn't turn out well.

This whole thing could just be a fad anyway

>> No.6269127

We could name you hundreds that aren't about being an oppressed woman. Likely none of them will fit your arbitrary category of 'worthwhile'.

>> No.6269129

They clearly have made demands. That's what the controversy is about. If they weren't loud, no one would be talking about them.

>> No.6269132

It's basically the only place where the left is reverse racist (i guess for historical reasons). So no, that's not what the left looks like in most places. And the left is irrelevant in america anyway.

>> No.6269140

you mean the demands that got shut down?


>> No.6269144

Forgot to mention, demands made by one person on her own soapbox?

>> No.6269147

>they haven't done anything to influence the political stage
9 out of every five women on campus are raped everyday. That's why no more due process for males.
Fortunately males are still allowed to vote. And I will remember Hillary's children.

>> No.6269160

i read a fair amount by bisexual white men

>> No.6269171
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as someone who presumably spends a lot of time on anonymous image boards, it surprises me you don't seem to really 'get' how vocal minorities can shift overton windows over time merely by existing.

its not exactly a new dynamic either, in other ages it was some times called 'phariseeism'; they are in competition with each other to display superior holiness.

people with insufficiently holy opinions are socially outflanked by holier than thou radicals, and so ideology usually mutates over time to ever greater memetic adaptiveness (usually to the hosts detriment). sometimes you get critical masses of enthusiastic true believers getting in on the fun creating a race to the bottom that sweeps up the whole population, which thankfully doesn't get there too often, because the stalins of the world observe that they might be outflanked by the holier than thou too, and put a stop to holiness competition.

we can only be thankful that our modern Pharisees lack the will or wherewithal to actually form chekas and gestapos to round up the insufficiently holy. never the less, they are still symptomatic of a process that will influence popular discourse that affect everyone at least in part.

>> No.6269179

Pastebin here.

>> No.6269197

The increased use of the internet over the past decade or more seems to have had the effect of increasing the arms race as well. All sorts of fringe groups can pool together online and put forward increasingly ludicrous and more stringent proposals.

>> No.6269214

>that pic
If only there was a way to signify the rolling of Rs. That's what would really make it perfect.

>> No.6269229

There's nothing wrong with multiple perspectives and all that but it fucking bores me to death when there's nothing but fetishistic collecting of non-white non-heterosexual signifiers

>> No.6269245
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If I ever become a socialist dictator I will have a special secret police whose sole purpose it is to capture and execute people who call liberalism leftist.

>> No.6269252

Modern liberalism = cultural marxism = a left leaning ideology = leftism

>> No.6269259

The Talented Mr Ripley

>> No.6269261

cultural marxism doesn't exist, it's just a convieniant conspiracy theory thay allows rightist to explain the degenerate culture of post fordism without having to question the free market

>> No.6269262


>> No.6269263

But the Democratic party is on the left

>> No.6269268
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>> No.6269271
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>cultural marxism doesn't exist

>> No.6269281

Look, idiot, just because you can't separate center left and far left doesn't mean the rest of us have yo live in your fantasy world where the spectrum is as black and white as you want it to be.

>> No.6269293

The Democrats aren't centre left, they don't even support universal healthcare ffs.

>> No.6269305
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Pic related is 'cultural marxism'. What you're describing is what middle class people get up to in a capitalist system.

>> No.6269314

American politics are like American sports. You just make up your own shit and then get confused when the rest of the world doesn't do things the same way.

There is no such thing as a leftist liberal. Liberalism is per definition right wing.

>> No.6269337


It has some Marxist residue in it though, through counter culture. They have just combined the commonalities between leftist theory and capitalism, which conflict much less than anyone would have ever imagined. Calling it "Cultural Marxism" is a bit of stretch though.

>> No.6269346

Yes they do, the Affordable Care Act was put into law by a Democrat.
You understand that liberal means different things in different places right? The Democrats are the center-left alternative to the Republican center-right. It's entirely a matter of degrees. No, they aren't far left, no, they aren't revolutionary, no, they aren't socialists, but they're the dominant voice of the American left.

>> No.6269358

counter culture is a capitalist idea

>> No.6269365

i only care about what white guys have to say anyways

>> No.6269368

Lel, the ideology on this one

>> No.6269385


lol, what.

if you advocate democracy, that makes you a huge radical already historically speaking.

>> No.6269386

>She said most books were “skewed heavily toward privileged voices” and some even made her “ragequit” reading them.

It's still amazing to me that people like this exist

>> No.6269421
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>> No.6269422
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>it's racist and sexist but only towards white men so it's okay :^)

>> No.6269427

You just got tricked into thinking they're leftist by your shitty two party system.

>> No.6269433

Imagine the fuss if someone started a campaign to not read black lesbian authors.

>> No.6269436

You're embarrassing yourself dude. Learn how to think

>> No.6269438

good job quotin' the article m8

>> No.6269446

lost it

>> No.6269456


>> No.6269485

It's such a silly myth that gender and race actually offers perspective on things

People who believe are stupid

>> No.6269524

No, I know the system sucks, you're the one who can't distinguish between degrees of leftism.

>> No.6269534

What part of the Democrat's platform is leftist? The support for wall street? the support for imperialism?

>> No.6269541

Compared to the Republican party (the clause I've been pushing this while time that you've been ignoring), they're more to the left.

>> No.6269557

So you define parties not by what they actually stand for but by their position in the media spectacle of sanctioned debate. Bit odd that mate.

>> No.6269570

I define them in relation to each other. If you claim you don't think the Democrats lean more to the left than the Republicans even to a slight degree, you're just trying to stir up shit at this point and aren't worth responding to.
Yes, America is fucked up, but you're one of many kinds of pedant that gives the left a bad name. Enjoy arguing about revisionism all day.

>> No.6269587

dr. who tshirt
as if the bitch could be more contradictory

>> No.6269590


pfff, todays republicans is lefty too, that's why they have always continuously lost ground to the lefter left, which is holier than they are.

>> No.6269596

Jokes on them I'll just read Mishima.

>> No.6269624

Daily reminder that 'social justice' 'activism' is the stench of the corpse of the left which now lacks any plausible, constructive solutions to the problem of capitalism.

>> No.6269643

>the left which now lacks any plausible, constructive solutions to the problem of capitalism


>> No.6269646

well said.

>> No.6269656

if republicans are to the left of mussolini does that make them leftist?

>> No.6269657


>> No.6269660

That's because the solution to capitalism is not leftism, but feudalism. All the problems in the world are caused by merchants and usurers (I.e. Oligarchs).

>> No.6269664

you are a fucking nerd bc you recognized that

>> No.6269672

No, but that's a faulty comparison, since fascism is a far-right ideology that defines itself as further right than liberalism. Mussolini's Italy was a one-party state anyway.

>> No.6269676

Hey, at least we still got Shakespeare and the greeks.

>> No.6269695

okay, that is an opinion, but it is also non sequitur.
leftism used to have an approachable overarching goal to solve the problem of capitalism (revolution and/or total communism, whatever) lacking the ability to maintain these as possibilities, they satisfy themselves with picking the nits of capitalism with the seeming goal of merely making it more inclusive, friendly. kindof sad, really, it is as if hannibal went from threatening to sack rome to sweeping it's streets.

>> No.6269697


>> No.6269711

Also Thomas Mann.

>> No.6269714

neither american party is opposed to capitalism, your 'leftist' party actually decided to 'fix' healthcare by using the coercive power of the state to force citizens to buy a privately produced commodity (health insurance).
the two parties on differ on the specifics of how they wish for the government to intervene in the liberal market. they are both center right, honestly.

>> No.6269724


don't forget the beatniks, Bret Easton Ellis and Palahniuk

not sure I want any of them though

>> No.6269734

We found a loophole

>> No.6269735

maybe we can organize a trade

>> No.6269757


the thing is the degree to which either party functions is generally the degree to which they operate under unprincipled exceptions to the ideology they ostensibly advocate.

>> No.6269764

Little House on the Prarie

>> No.6269785

>book without political content

>> No.6269791

this lol

>> No.6269823

Harry Potter

>> No.6269833

Lais of Marie of France
Some troubadours were women
George Eliot

In general though yeah, the field is pretty barren.

>> No.6269844

i'd start reading non ~straight white males~ if everyone just stepped up their game. what can a kitschy memoir of the unfair conditions of my family under capitalist and social oppression that proposes nothing formally and depends entirely on the reader's gullibility to swallow mediocre works out of a misled "compromise" that backfires at the very moment that they support the ostracism that is realized whenever a ~minority~ writer gives up on any personal style or major aesthetic exploration to fit on a standardized ~minority~ literary discourse rather than any ~oppressive~ editorial agenda? like, how many great writers have been swallowed by these falsely ~compromised~ literature that satisfies no one but ~white~ people in american universities, american academias or internet herd-like behavior on certain sites that build an anti-critical agenda out of a, supposedly, critical position.

>> No.6269849


>> No.6269908


>> No.6269919


Frankenstein is the best horror novel yet written

try much, much harder

>> No.6269947


To The Lighthouse
The Waves
Ms Dalloway
Between the Acts
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
The Member of the Wedding
The Ballad of the Sad Cafe
Wise Blood
The Violent Bear it Away
White Teeth
Harry Potter
50 Shades of Gray
The Second Sex
Atlas Shrugged
The Fountainhead
We The Living
Gender Trouble
Bastard out of Carolina

>> No.6269950

>this is the best shit ever taken! Why don't you want to eat it?

>> No.6269953

If you want to read good stuff you'll automatically read >80% white male authors, that's just how it is.
I think I've never read a book by a black author though.
>tfw I thought for some reason that Coatzee was black

>> No.6269955

>Name me one worthwhile book by a woman with a message that isn't "hurr durr poor oppressed women"
>The Second Sex

>> No.6269962


>hasn't read the second sex
>has likely never taken a feminist epistemology seriously

>> No.6269993

Why is everyone so fucking obsessed with race

>> No.6269999

Who gives a shit. That demographic's idea of a "novel" isn't particularly sound anyway, just look at >>6269422

>> No.6270004

>50 Shades of Gray
>Worthwhile books

Fucking come on

>> No.6270010


I enjoy pulp and pop culture
sorry that you're missing out

>> No.6270015

It's your loss that you're so easily mused

>> No.6270016

Clearly a woman

>> No.6270021

Oh no I'm a male and I'm not into Twilight and 50 Shades of Gray

I'm a joyless loser

Get real you fucking brainless twat

>> No.6270023


want to see my cock?

>> No.6270027

spoken like a true white oppressor

>> No.6270034


that's just how politicization works. not being concerned with the subject of The Great Work means that youre an enemy of The Great Work. everything not forbidden is compulsory.

>> No.6270035

Who needs James Joyce when you've got Lena Dunham and 'Fangirl'

>> No.6270042

Are you masturbating right now?

>> No.6270062


no, but I could be

wanna see, big guy?

>> No.6270090

I will agree to read 4 books by non-whites if they can get non-whites to sit through an entire movie in a theater without a whole lot of hooting and hollering.

>> No.6270114

It distracts them from the real enemy, which is unkillable.

>> No.6270133

r u a 1990's stand up comedian

>> No.6270226

A Visit from the Goon Squad
American Salvage