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/lit/ - Literature

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6268685 No.6268685[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>reads the most books
>is the most left wing board on 4chan
Why are right wingers so stupid /lit/?

>> No.6268692

>left wing/right wing

read more books retard

>> No.6268700


>> No.6268711

Read more books retard faggot op. I'm a social conservative but like free market economy, /lit/ is a bit more diverse in its political opinions. It's just that some anons tend to be more loud about their opinions, while others post about books.

>> No.6268715

>but muh silent majority
kek fuck off

>> No.6268716

/lit/ reads the most books because it has the most university undergraduates

University is a bourgeois state institution

/lit/ reads books approved by a bourgeois state institution

/lit/ is left wing

The left wing is bourgeois

>> No.6268719
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>I'm a social conservative but like free market economy

How's that working out for you?

>> No.6268729
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>The left wing is bourgeois
Say that to my face kulak not from Mexico and see what happens

>> No.6268740

left wingers are simply more selfless

>> No.6268743

>/lit/ is one person

Also, /lit/ is a board of people who read a lot. They read about political ideals. Ideals are not practical. Left wing ideals are not practical especially. Look at Britain, look at what has become of them. 1400 children raped by pakistani immigrants, and these immigrants were left unpunished for years because the authorities were too afraid of being called racist under a leftist government. Cultural marxism and left wing liberalism is a nice idea, a perfect world. But we do not live in a perfect world.

>> No.6268747

and yet Britain is still better than the US

>> No.6268748
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>reads books

>> No.6268750

>these immigrants were left unpunished for years because the authorities were too afraid of being called racist under a leftist government.
>John Major
you are a complete moron

>> No.6268751

Do you think Miley Cyrus votes democrat or republican? :^)

>> No.6268753

>left wing

>> No.6268754

the Rotherham rape scandals began in the 90s under Major, although I do agree that new labour is essentially centrist

>> No.6268757

Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.

>> No.6268760

I don't think she votes.

>> No.6268765

I think most people agree with this
picture the stereotypical leftist: college/uni student
picture the stereotypical conservative: old person with little education

now, this either means that leftists are smarter in general terms, or education makes you more left-wing

>> No.6268768

She is probably a Dem. But I would probably kick her in the balls if I ever saw her anyway.

>> No.6268773

>Do you think Miley Cyrus votes democrat or republican? :^)

They're exactly the same who cares?

>> No.6268774

It's more like
stereotypical leftist : gender studies major currently working at starbucks
stereotypical conservative : successful businessman, family man à la Mitt Romney

I guess this means that losers are drawn to leftism because it's a feel good ideology and winners are drawn to right-wing ideologies because they reward talent and hard work.

>> No.6268775

Consider the education that a typical /lit/ user has though. It's probably a humanities/arts degree, which obviously has a hard on for the left. If the board had a more representative sample of college students I might be on board with what you said.

>> No.6268778

Because conservatism is inherently intolerant and resistant to change.

>> No.6268783

/lit/ has the "real" STEMfags that can't get over the "I fucking love science" attitude of /sci/

I'm a last year bioinformatics PhD student

>> No.6268784

are you suggesting that STEM are more conservative? does this mean autism correlates with right-wing politics?

>mitt Romney
>worth hundreds of millions of dollars
ok then anon

>> No.6268787

> winners are drawn to right-wing ideologies because they reward talent and hard work.

>not accepting determinism
go to bed sartre

>> No.6268788

On the flip side liberalism is degeneracy paraded as progressive though.

>> No.6268791

Most of the "leftists" on /lit/ are anarchists or liberals though

>> No.6268792


>> No.6268794

Yes, STEM are generally much more conservative than liberal arts majors. That is my personal experience, anyways.

Nice dubs :^)

>> No.6268796

I attacked both.
Homosexual acceptance = degeneracy from the perspective of the Christian moral fabric.
Doesn't mean I think it is, but liberals are usually more tolerant of amorality.

>> No.6268799


>> No.6268801

Oh is this going to degenerate into a debate about moral relativism?

>> No.6268803

Jesus you >>>/pol/ faggots are so much worse than stormfags.

>> No.6268805


there's no debate

>> No.6268807



>> No.6268811

there's no point really debating something that is true

>> No.6268812

Neat. As long as you stopped the senseless /pol/ shit, but now you're backed into a corner, so I get that.

Either wya fi i strated to porly that wud be degeneracy from an established standard.


>> No.6268815

>Either wya fi i strated to porly that wud be

>> No.6268816

Yeah, I'm a moral relativist. I'm explaining both sides as such, but >>6268799
believes I'm a nazi.

>> No.6268819

I wish I was a dictator so I could kill everyone who disagrees with me
I think it would be a left-wing paradise except for the lack of freedom of speech, expression and religion

>> No.6268821

We're also have the most intellectual religious discussions here. both leftist politics and religion thrive on /lit/ because they are built on foundational texts (Capital, Bible i.e. books) along with a wealth of secondary texts worth discussing. Conservatism on the other hand is a much more relative ideology without a guiding principal. Russel Kirk says in this regard that conservatism isn't really an ideology though I think that's probably going too far. The one thing conservatives do share is a skepticism towards any new or radical changes to the system, but prudence doesn't make for very exciting reading.

>> No.6268824

You could structure your argument in non-allegorical format if you're capable of that. Otherwise stick to vague passive-aggression, budday.

>> No.6268825
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>tfw I'm undoubtedly the most well-read person on /lit/
>tfw national socialist

>> No.6268826

Food though. Don't try too hard while I'm gone. I'll be back.

>> No.6268827


Shouldn't you be getting cucked right now?

>> No.6268829

What should I read to become like you?
I want to become a national socialist

>> No.6268830

how many (and which) books have you read this year anon?
genuinely interested

>> No.6268832

get cucked by jews at art school

>> No.6268836

why does /fit/ worship this guy? he looks like shit

>> No.6268837

recommended reading?

>> No.6268839

Mein Kampf, obviously.

>> No.6268840

he's 53

>> No.6268851

so? he's ugly as fuck and his body is saggy and red and it looks like he has breasts

>> No.6268853

He looks a lot better than most people his age.

>> No.6268880
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>reading fiction somehow makes you smart
>this is what /lit/ actually believes

>> No.6268888


lets see op

>> No.6268891

It refines critical thinking skills and cross-analysis since most characters in fiction have real-life analogs.

But maybe autists like you aren't familiar with that.

>> No.6268909


>> No.6268911

>no moderate
Fuck you, you don't deserve those quads.

>> No.6268929


>> No.6268962

I turned socialist due to reading and the Lehman brothers event of 2008.
PS: capitalism is slavery :^)

>> No.6268970

Thoughts on Spengler?

>> No.6268978

no, left wingers just hate themselves

and right wingers hate everybody but themselves

>> No.6268999
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