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File: 313 KB, 718x768, The hippest hip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6267663 No.6267663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


This guy (https://twitter.com/petitprance)) sits on a bench on London's South Bank, with a typewriter, and writes stories for cash.

He's a busking writer. You can also order them from his website - www.petitprance.com.

Is this A) the most absurd thing you've ever heard or B) quite a good idea?

Pic related - one of his stories.

>> No.6267674
File: 461 KB, 728x724, Hippity to the bippity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally think it's pretty cool and, every now and then, he writes a fairly good sentence.

Although he does look like a proper fag.

>> No.6267675

That's pretty bad for someone who writes stories all day.

>> No.6267680

>The ever supple Thames lapsed, collapsed, relapsed
>A depth beyond deep
>Above, the clouds breathed and huffed in puffs

There are worse ways to make money, but holy shit that is some truly mediocre writing.

>> No.6267682

What if the bench is already taken?

>> No.6267685

cliched and vain

>> No.6267694


Then he fucking typewrites those fools into the dirt, and claims his territory.

>> No.6267704

>You can also order them from his website - www.petitprance.com.
Cool viral marketing, petitprance.

>> No.6267706

Shall we brainstorm an idea for a story request? I'll pay for the best one (he asks for donations - I'll offer him continued peace on that bench).

>> No.6267719

>Add £1 to your donation amount for UK postage or £2 to post it round the globe.
>If you can't write everything in the paypal form, just send me an email.
>Pay what you can afford. I’m trying to make my living like this, and every person who has the tenacity to support that humbles me. Thank you for being part of it.

let's flood him $0.25 requests for fart porn and mythical beast orgies

>> No.6267728


OP here. I ASSURE you, I ain't that nigger. Incidentally, I am actually a writer myself and would NEVER identify myself on 4chan.

Jesus. Think it through.

>> No.6267736

Get a load of this fucking artisanal ebegging:

>> No.6267741


Yeah, or a first-person confession written from the perspective of a notorious, necrophiliac, paedophile. Please send to Scotland Yard.

>> No.6267747


OP here again. JESUS Christ. Didn't even see that.

>> No.6267753

Please write a story about how niggers and jews orchestrated 9/11. Make sure you sign it.

>> No.6267761
File: 284 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nkdsqcjpQ01s5e0beo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another story.

The thing is, I bet he actually makes a fair bit of money.

>> No.6267802


He's a good typist.

>> No.6267841

Did he steal this gimmick from Before Sunrise?

>> No.6267857


It is mentioned in a Twitter post, does this happen in that movie?

>> No.6267935


>> No.6267990
File: 222 KB, 582x719, Hipda-da-da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not always good, mind.

>> No.6268065


>> No.6268252

he looks like a massive hipster

>> No.6269101

That prose is quite purple.

>> No.6269120

He writes purple prose about how he's writing in the park for money? And he expects people to pay for that shit?

>> No.6269126

No discernible talent. Mediocre prose.

>> No.6269242


Is that the title of his next story?

>> No.6269290
File: 109 KB, 1040x746, 1386708843837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A depth beyond deep.

>> No.6269393



>> No.6269412

I need him to write a Bush did 9/11 story

>> No.6269430

Local Hipster Bludgeons Homeless Man To Death With Typewriter

>> No.6269431

Lmao whoever buys from that hack is a loser fagot

>> No.6269507


You guys are mean.

>> No.6269530
File: 6 KB, 250x240, 1425655848235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this guy freezes to death in the gutter and/or slowly withers away from AIDS while regretting his poor life choices and reflecting on how ashamed his parents must be of him.

>> No.6269545


Again, that's very spiteful. However, also quite plausible.

>> No.6269571



>> No.6269650

He's living the dream. I commend him for it.

>> No.6269917


I suspect this isn't his dream.

>> No.6270144

You can humiliate him by hiring him to write quotidian things like letters to old relatives or legal notices to landlords, etc.

>> No.6270205

I think we've found our ghostwriter for TLOTIAT 3!

>> No.6272282

Anyone ordered a story?

>> No.6272569

Seems like a massive bellend

>> No.6272593


Ohhh, he's selling an image of himself. The writing is secondary. Suddenly it all makes sense.

Why would someone who writes stories for people need a Twitter presence? Why would he dress like Johnny Depp? Why would he use that outlandish and frankly hideous typewriter? Because he's selling an image. It's attention and validation he craves.

>> No.6272601

The concept itself is pretty neat but he's a shitty writer not to mention the fact that he's clearly doing it to be quirky and eccentric and not because he actually loves it.

>> No.6272787

Was about to say that this is very similar to BR.


They even look alike.

>> No.6272821


The Thames is an allegory for his asshole.

>> No.6272832
File: 95 KB, 660x694, 1393538147933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a voice that squeaked like a door

>> No.6272842

>Because he's selling an image. It's attention and validation he craves.

That's overly simplifying. What he's doing - apart from any artistic intent on his side - is that he's creating a "brand" of himself, just like John Green managed to do with his YouTube presence. Using that "brand" he can then support any future publishing endeavors, any novel by him won't be "the new book written by that unknown weirdo on 4chan" but "the new book written by the artistic spirit with the typewrite, a London original!"

>> No.6272847

best idea yet

>> No.6272851

Nice advertisement

>> No.6272865
File: 86 KB, 600x586, AREIZOO II.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It all moved. Nothing was forever."


>> No.6272975

>judging people based on their appearance