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/lit/ - Literature

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6267089 No.6267089 [Reply] [Original]

Where does one start?

>> No.6267090

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.6267093


>> No.6267094

Start with the Sumerians

>> No.6267095


>> No.6267096 [DELETED] 

You can't go wrong with Bacon.

>> No.6267099

Start with Confucius. Seriously.

>> No.6267111

Another question:
Who'll be next after Jurgen Habermas?

>> No.6267116

Start with the Sumerians.

>> No.6267136

> All those continentals

Lord, have mercy.

I'm not even one of the rabid Continental haters, but there's an incredible amount of philosophy that's gone on on this side (read: west) of the English channel. You owe it to yourself to read Whitehead and Parfit.

I suppose I should be thankful Zizek didn't slither his way into that image.

>> No.6267142

>Whitehead and Parfit.

>> No.6267147

>unironically using this image
kill yourself

>> No.6267150

Founder of process philosophy and the author of REASONS AND PERSONS. Ask a philosopher about personal identity, and the inevitable teletransporter hypothetical you will receive will be straight out of Parfit.

He's completely wrong, of course, but his arguments are brilliant.

>> No.6267156

commence with the chinese

>> No.6267164

With Gottlob Frege, of course.

>> No.6267203

>Aquinas before Avicenna
R u trying to trick me?

>> No.6267217
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>> No.6267656

They're both based, doesn't matter

>> No.6267815

>He's completely wrong


>> No.6267832

Where's Camus?

>> No.6267931
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>> No.6267953

Marx is turned to the right and Bakunin is turned to the left - good one.

>> No.6268025

>that Sartrtrtrte
so qt.

>> No.6268140

But it's ordered chronologically and that's the wrong order

>> No.6268292

>dat Machiavelli
He looks like Anton LaVey because of the colours.

>> No.6269299

please spot that talentless hacks have noses

>> No.6269315


> Only Augustine, Aquinas and Avicenna to cover almost a 1000 years of Philosophy.

Come on now, at least throw Duns Scotus, William of Ockham and Averroes in there.

>> No.6269326

>no Lacan

>> No.6269334

>not stirner
>jesus is actually listed
>de beauvoir is actually listed
>no analytics

what a joke of a chart

>> No.6269352

Fuck off back to the Evangelical forums you pre-rationalist non-nazi-hating scumbag.

>> No.6269356
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>> No.6269384
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Start with the truth.

>> No.6269400

lol ebin trole m8y

>> No.6269406

>not douay-rheims

>> No.6269447
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Is that supposed to be Bane?

>> No.6269452

lel there aren't any women in this list.

>> No.6269462

there is one but she's behind a man

>> No.6269473

I don't think Watson and Crick are on here. So who is it?

>> No.6269487

behind sartre
I knew there was something off about this chart

>> No.6269528

>I like to think that all theshh *sniff* 4chan *sniff* anons they, they don't even know the history of /lit/!

>> No.6269540

why is freud after sartre?

>> No.6269561

Singer's cow? or is that a dalmatian.

>> No.6269649

Start with the Greeks. If there's already certain philosophers you're interested in you might want to check out their minor works, some have less serious publications that can be read with little to no prior knowledge, Schoppy's Essays and Aphorisms comes to mind. Of course don't focus solely on those, get to those Greeks m8.

>> No.6269665

ahh, that makes sense.

i think it's a dog.

>> No.6269701

Come on, anon. Don't you know that religion made everyone in the Middle Ages super dumb? It set back science and philosophy a trillion years!

>> No.6270070
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All philosophy is shit besides that of the Hero.

>> No.6270106

on the top.

>> No.6270142

Any starting point is as good as another.

>> No.6270194

This, start with Hegel

>> No.6270297

I once read someone here compare Whitehead's thought to Griffith and his readers to Guts

What the fuck were they talking about?

>> No.6270898

>schopenhauer is the only one not smiling
goddamnit schop, i bet you were just a big softy

>> No.6270903

Iliad then Odyssey

>> No.6271051

You can skip the second row.

>> No.6271086



>> No.6271094
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>> No.6271096
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>> No.6271103

Oh look, another set of perpetually buttblasted Christians/Christian apologists

>> No.6271110

>he's ridiculing me for discrediting some of the most important philosophers. he must be a christian
ayy lmao

>> No.6271114

I'm not even christian, you retard, skiping centuries of philosophy just because you don't like religion is just plain stupid.

>> No.6271127

>accuse me of calling you a Christian
>totally miss that I called you apologists of Christianity, while being apologists of Christianity


>> No.6271584

The Greeks, the list goes on...

>> No.6271589

Plato, then Aristotle at the beginning.

At the end? You'll end up back at Plato and Aristotle. In between you can read anything you want.

>> No.6271594

you can basically skip everyone up to derrida. no one was really that important except for schopenhauer, but even he is unessential

>> No.6271624

i love nietzsche.he is so badass lol

>> No.6271842

einstein special relativity
quantum mechanics

>> No.6272241


If your are new to philosophy it would probably be better to start with some basic introduction. Something by Nigel Warburton or Nagels What does it all mean ? Then continue with an introduction to Ancient Philosophy or some specific philosopher like Plato or Aristotle. It will be much easier to understand their arguments and the context in which they are making them.

>> No.6273268

Start with Nietzsche and Heidegger
The explain all their philisophy before them.

>> No.6273271


>> No.6275045


>starting by going into debt

>> No.6275224

Nothing different from starting with the Greeks.

>> No.6275244
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>> No.6275262


With Hegel

>> No.6275285

No Parmenides listed???

>> No.6275286

>american education

land of the free

>> No.6275305
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>yfw you will never know how it feels to be a free American.

I was born too late to experience this feel.

>> No.6275314


other than Wittgenstein, if you can understand Wittgenstein without any knowledge of the prefacing works you might be a savant

>> No.6275322

Definetely not this, especially starting with Nietzsche. It always lend to misconceptions of both Classic greek philosophy and German Idealism.
And I'm not saying that Nietzsche isn't a good read but I believe that it's better to read his works with, at least, sturdy philosophy knowledge before hand.
If you are starting with the Greeks I recommend you to start especially with Heraclitus, Parmenides, and Anaxagoras, The researches on these 3 philosophers are pretty good in Guthrie's "A History of Greek Philosophy", also, On Heraclitus Rodolfo Mondolfo has a very nice book.

>> No.6275324


There isn't a serious Philosopher alive who would agree with you. Medieval Philosophy made a huge comeback 50 years ago, and Neo Thomism was and still is a fairly big position in Academic Philosophy. GEM Anscombe was a Neo Thomist, to give one example.

>> No.6275344

I can understand him. What's so complicated about a logic autist running through the Hume->Kant->Idealist dilemma under logical metaphysics?

>> No.6276643

>> adam smith

>> No.6276646
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I already have.

>> No.6277649

Both are obscene lies. At least yours has decent prose.

>> No.6277829

I hope you are keking at his hand being literally invisible, when the obvious way to spot an idiot is taking the invisible hand literally; and not about his inclusion in the image.

>> No.6277897
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>> No.6277934
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>no Parmenides
>no Seneca
>no Peirce
>no Dewey
>no Frege
>no Moore
>no Gentzen
>no Hilbert
>no Godel
>no Church
>no Bernays
>no von Neumann
>no Turing
>no Carnap
>no Reichenbach
>no Hempel
>no Popper
>no Kuhn
>no Lakatos
>no Feyerabend
>no Austin
>no Ryle
>no Dummett
>no McDowell
>no Searle
>no Putnam
>no Kripke
>no Davidson
>no Fodor
>no Lewis
>no Stalnaker

>> No.6277952

And you know why? Because you haven't made chibi versions of them. At least the Stirner fanbois are putting the effort in >>6277897

>> No.6277961
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Start with the Greeks. And then summarily see them be dismantled by the Ghostbuster.

>> No.6277964



>> No.6277967

>someone noticed my draw

>> No.6278033


>Try to sound smart
>Forgets Empedokles