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File: 222 KB, 600x696, Portrait_of_Friedrich_Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6266652 No.6266652 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do left-wing people like Nietzsche when he constantly shit on democracy, feminism, and all of the things they like?

>> No.6266655

I don't

>> No.6266660

because you make sweeping generalizations of the left-wing

>> No.6266662

Maybe the world isn't so black-and-white for others.

>> No.6266666

he shits on the things right wingers like too. he wasn't very political in either direction.

>> No.6266670

Here are the characteristics of Nietzsche’s thought that are not only amenable to traditional leftist critical concerns, but have either directly or indirectly (virally) influenced it:

1.) Extreme, generalized iconoclasm.

2.) Extreme anti-religious views; a view of Christianity as a slave morality, for example; it is a “herd morality,” and its influence is a misfortune for society: it stymies full, individual self-realization

3.) A type of anti-statism: “The state is the coldest of all old monsters. Coldly, it lies, too; and this lie creeps from its mouth: ‘I, the state, am the people.'” [Thus Spoke Zarathustra] Compare this statement of Nietzsche to the fascist conception of the state, which is 100% opposite to this.

4.) Dislike of anti-Semitism and German nationalism. (“The damnable German anti-Semitism” – from Ecce Homo)

5.) A view that social forces conspire to deny individuals’ individuality and the realization of their latent powers.

6.) A view of power relations and a genealogy of morals showing how ideology (“morals”) could manufacture consent for unjust power relations between people, or the status quo.

7.) The idea that a New World – a new, greater form of society – was possible and necessary for humans to achieve greatness.

8.) The idea of “will to power” bringing forth a new kind of man, a “Superman,” contrasted with Marxist idea of man’s alienation from labor, and how reconciling that alienation would also produce full-realized individuals – “supermen” in the fully-realized, socialist sense of non-alienated people.

These are Nietzsche’s ideas that are not amenable, and are even hostile, to traditional leftist thought:

1.) Hatred of democracy (“a mania for counting noses.”)

2.) Dislike of socialism as a herd or slave morality similar to Christianity.

3.) Misogyny.

4.) Seemed to believe in a “natural” system of elites and aristocrats under whom lessers would simply have to endure.

5.) Nietzsche’s extreme individualism is often counterposed to actions of social solidarity; sometimes a type of contrarian solipsism seems to be endorsed by Nietzsche.

6.) Inconsistent views on racial or ethnic characteristics, sometimes essentializing nationalities and other ethnicities.

7.) Dislike of anarchism and most anti-authoritarian type thought as being the product of envious, jealous individuals resentful of their own impotence.

8.) General inconsistency in his views. Nietzsche’s views can contradict one another from book to book, even from paragraph to paragraph. You cannot tease out one consistent set of principles/ethics from Nietzsche’s complete works. In fact, Nietzsche admitted he hated consistency, and also called philosophical systems “shining mirages.”

>> No.6266754

the moustache

you're welcome

>> No.6266764

>left wing

>> No.6266772

Nietzsche wasn't political, retards.

>> No.6266782 [SPOILER] 
File: 39 KB, 361x649, 1426312248953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really neet-chan?

>> No.6266790


>> No.6266829

Yeesh, they're all... doughy. "People were skinnier back then" my ass, everyone was just skinnyfat.

>> No.6266845

This. Not everyone see's through a one dimensional political scope. Furthermore, all those leftists OP knows might be reading what they feel they can learn something from. This is indeed quite different from Fox News style self conformation reading.

>> No.6267015

1. The left is made up of many different people

2. Democracy is not a left-wing or right-wing idea, more a system to be left/right in

3. The left-wing has lots of hypocrisies, this is just another

4. Many on the Left haven't read all of his works and don't actually know all of his opinions. The opinions they do know being those which agree most with Leftism

5. It is pretty normal considering they Idolize Che Guevara & Mahatma Gandhi, both known to have a severe disdain for blacks, and in Mahatmas case, a rather conservative outlook on many ideas

>> No.6267029

He doesn't "shit" on it. He exposes hypocrisy. Which is different.

You're probably one of those people who think Nietzsche "preferred" master-morality to slave-morality.

>> No.6267031

skinnyfat is the dumbest thing i have ever heard

since when is a slim body a bad thing? fuck off zyzz

>> No.6267041
File: 60 KB, 362x365, wow1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6267042


Of course, that was when he double teamed Lou with Ree. Don't you remember the chapter in Ecce Homo where he mentions it?

>> No.6267043

Nietzsche's hatred of democracy doesn't necessarily infer that one is anti-democratic taking it on it's own. There's plenty of leftists who critique democracy as it is present in late-capitalism in a way that echoes Nietzsche some but are still democratic.

>> No.6267047

If you have no muscle definition it is a bad thing. It's not hard to go for a run, lift some weights or just do some push ups. Nobody likes a doughy cunt with no muscles.

>> No.6267052

I'm a leftist and I shit on feminism, too. But I don't like Neitzsche.

>> No.6267056

>But I don't like Neitzsche.


>> No.6267058

I don't like Germans.

>> No.6267059


>tfw you're bigger than nietzsche

>> No.6267065

>A leftist hating someone for no other reason than a person's nationality/ethnicity

I guess this once again proves my thesis that Nazis are actually on the left.

>> No.6267067

That will just turn skinnyfat into skinny.

>> No.6267071

Neet's glutes are uber though.

>> No.6267080

At least a skinny person can have definition.

>> No.6267085

Of course Nazis are leftists, they're socialists.

>> No.6267088

Of course North Korea is a democratic republic. It's right there in the name!

>> No.6267097

But National Socialism is a form of socialism, just because they're only socialists to the one people doesn't make them any less socialist economically.

>> No.6267101

>Of course Nazis are leftists, they're socialists.

There is no "of course". Most people associate NatSocs with right-wing politics because of the authoritarianism and racism.

>> No.6267109

Racism isn't right wing.

>> No.6267110

Racism and authoritarianism are also prevalent in left wing politcs.

>> No.6267112

I am well aware. But most people do not seem to understand this, because the media calls Nazis for right-wing extremists.

>> No.6267119

Which is weird because right wing extremists would actually be violent absolute monarchists.

>> No.6267120


The Sam Hyde thread is really bringing all the brains back to /lit/

>> No.6267125


>> No.6267127

Because he deconstructed traditional morality as oppression of the individual at the hands of the masses. Also, he delivered a critique of truth as a social construct.
Basically, the right is on board with Nietzsche the guy who formulated new ideals for a new society, while the left ks ln board with Nietzsche the critic of ideology. Few people have ever been on board with both, which is fine, because guess what, you don't have to agree with everything some dude says.

>> No.6267134
File: 3.76 MB, 5176x3519, Wismut_Kristall_und_1cm3_Wuerfel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people think you have to agree with a philosopher's entire thought system to like them? Nietzsche was an inspiring writer.

>> No.6267141

>Why do people think you have to agree with a philosopher's entire thought system to like them?

Because people are ignorant in philosophy

>> No.6267163

You guys this ain't him, right?

There are very few google results and they all come from the same website (pinterest), plus there's the obvious fact these people wouldn't do a pic like that.

>> No.6267179

I'm left wing (Marxist) and Nietzsche is by far my favorite philosopher. I don't see this as an issue at all. If you think that it's impossible to be left wing and admire Nietzsche then it's pretty obvious that you view philosophers as religious figures who have to be followed uncritically. I have pretty severe contempt for anyone who views philosophers as "gurus" and thinks that their favorite philosopher was right about literally everything. It is an infantile, childish state of mind. To put it in Nietzschean terms, it is... Slavish!

Beyond that though I think that even the aspects of Nietzsche that are traditionally thought of as being anti-leftist, are useful to leftism itself. I favor a muscular leftism in the tradition of Cuban revolution, not an effeminate SJW victomology and banning of testosterone.

>> No.6267513

because le edgy anarchists and their fucking bourgeois "individualism" appeals to their petty-bourgeois moralist anit-authoritarianism.

>> No.6267520


kek pick one

>> No.6267732
File: 45 KB, 500x379, tumblr_nkdqdmpoej1slixf5o1_r1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read genealogy of morals and you will undesrtand it

>> No.6268318

>Democracy is not a left-wing or right-wing idea

Democracy is definitively leftist.

that's an improvement from a mini beer gut

>> No.6268327

look at that thick fucking body

is she fat? her top half looks 'normal'

>> No.6268336

uh, running isn't going to help you for one bit if you're skinny fat.

>> No.6268342

Does democracy necessitate elections? Pyongyang was founded on popular uprising, a people powered movement. In what way is that not democratic?

Would they consider the Soviet Union a right-wing regime? Or the Jacobin regime progressive? They try to paint Fascism/National Socialism as 'right wing' but in reality it is only a competing strain of radical third estate ideology.

>> No.6268343

Short answer: they don't.

>> No.6268377 [DELETED] 

out of everything you could pick
the shitty labor theory of value is used all the time in the real world

>> No.6268496

Nietzsche objectively hated modern democracy. I do not think he prefered master morality, but I have read all of his books and he never once put modern democracy in a good light nor did he say the issue was nuanced. Though he does respect Pericles, which perhaps he would consider to be a different brreed of democrat.

>> No.6268507

It's pretty obvious you think Nietzsche's political opinions are simply extraneous remarks and don't result from the very core of his thought.

>> No.6268523

Nietzsche is awesome. If a lefty likes him, it means there's still hope for that person.

>> No.6268544

Isn't leftism, Marxoid ideology in particular, slave morality? It seems to resent the success of individuals rather than praise their creativity and ability. The desideratum is to take from the successful and cut them down, rather than build up the meek and make them strong. Fixed pie, rather than one that can be expanded.

>> No.6268552

All of the Socialists in the NDSAP were purged in 1933. Nazi Germany functioned along a corporatist/state Capitalist line. Workers had no rights, democracy was nonexistant, and no advances were made in worker emancipation.

And thats a perfectly valid way to think of it because Nietzsche never makes one positive affirming statement in relation to any given political system. Politicizing him is counter productive.

>> No.6268563

No, Marxism is an economic analysis of society. An analysis of the contradictions of Capitalism, its long term effects. Marx is in many regards a proto-keynes.

Socialism, furthermore, has no problems with inequality and some people being more successful than others, so long as that success is the product of their own labour and not exploitation.

>> No.6268578

he does though, constantly does he call for the necessity of an order of rank and for the renaissance virtue of Borgia, also Caesar, Thucydides, and so on. "One herd and no herdsman" is the motto for the people he despises. Nietzsche is at odds with your ideology - and not because of some opinion, but because he thinks your ideology promotes nihilism.

>> No.6268585

pick two

>> No.6268590

Because separately from his personal views, Nietzsche is one of the first and boldest post-modernists, and this left-wing people can very relate to.

>> No.6268599

If you think Nietzsche could possibly support somthing like Socialism you dont get him at all.

>> No.6268623

If you think Nietzsche would support any political system you don't get him at all.

Aristocracies and power structures based on rank fall apart when not enforced externally by state violence, and Nietzsche hates the state.

His political views are contrarian as fuck, he contradicts himself constantly on them (half of which is clearly intentional), and they simply aren't fleshed out at all at the end of the day.

>> No.6268644

You mistake him for an anarchist it seems, Nietzsche was clearly against anarchism.
I'm not ever interested in arguing for any system he might have supported - but he clearly believed ranks and superiority of some individuals above others to be natural and essential.

>> No.6268665

No he hated anarchy too, sure. But his insistence on the superiority of some individuals is completely baseless because he also hatred the only thing that can support hierarchy: institutionalized violence.

What use is there trying to discern nuanced political views from an individual who hated anarchy and the state at the same time, and was intentionally informatory and contrarian beyond what he may have actually thought simply because he wanted to rile people up?

I like Nietzsche but I originally said politicizing him was pointless because it is genuinely counter-productive.

>> No.6268667

The same reason they like Ché Guevara and wear a fucking T-shirt with his image on it.

>> No.6268690

I completely agree that you could never claim that Nietzsche was/would have been a supported of any political system.
While I do think he would concile with some systems better than he would with socialism, what I was mainly trying to convey is that he was clearly anti-socialism regardelss of not exactly supporting anything else.

>> No.6268958

Nationality, not ethnicity. Hating someone for their nationality does not make one a Nazi.

>> No.6271294

>I favor a muscular leftism in the tradition of Cuban revolution, not an effeminate SJW victomology and banning of testosterone.

You call yourself a a leftist but espouse the traditional conservative gender binary that men are strong and good and women are weaklings who just want to be victims? You seem more like a reactionary than a revolutionary.

>> No.6271310

They're all skinnyfat manlet shits. Except the girl. The girl is high test.

>> No.6271313
File: 120 KB, 474x528, tipsfedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm left wing (Marxist)

>> No.6271332


>> No.6271853

He shits on the opposite too.

>> No.6271856

This dude knows.

>> No.6271860

I absolutely despise Nietzsche, he's akin to today's edgy fedora-tipping "In this moment I am euphoric" redditor

>> No.6272235

I thought that when he said he hated the state he just meant the state as that faceless modern entity.

>> No.6272682

>The worst insult I can think of for anybody is that they don't like the status quo/Christianity.

That's some Spooky ideology right there.

>> No.6272759

It is because conformism is the way of the slaves.
To follow the slave morality is to create false ideals, a false God (Revolution, Che) and live in awe of those things, instead of pursuing individualism.

>> No.6273468

>To put it in Nietzschean terms, it is... Slavish!
I don't have an adequate Fedora image for this. It's that bad.

>> No.6273506
File: 922 KB, 400x225, 1424464564868.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>status quo
>in 2015

jej'd heartily

>> No.6273684

>Does democracy necessitate elections?


>Would they consider the Soviet Union a right-wing regime?

The modern Marxist-Leninist conception (ie, the SWP take) is that the USSR was a 'state capitalist' model. Which, I mean, fine, if you define all exploitation/oppression as a 'form' of 'capitalism'.

>They try to paint Fascism/National Socialism as 'right wing'

Who would you accept as a competent authority on Fascism?

>> No.6273690

>dem thighs
>that hair

>> No.6273701


hitler called hitler a socialist, id say I believe him.

but then, I don't think any form of 'socialism' is automatically bad.

>> No.6273706


What about Mussolini?

>> No.6273716

choose one, idiot.

>> No.6273792


personally I don't think he gets enough credit for the influence he had. in any case though, Italian fascism and german national socialism can be distincted.

the main difference I think, is that Italian fascism was more 'universalist'. in the sense that while national socialism is indeed also nationalist, Italian fascism envisaged all classes in all places 'enjoined' within the party (hence, the metaphor of the fasces). this was mostly inspired by the experiences of the first world war, where the fascists observed how through the war effort all peoples in a whole country were unified into one cohesive organism moving with singular purpose. hence the emphasis of militarism in italian fascism.

I don't actually approve of universalizing tendencies in large part mind. we are always and already existing in 'universal orders' that are tending towards certain ends. attempts by feeble ape creatures to countermand the course of teleologies they know not, defying the plans of gods if you will, tend to make things worse than not attempting at all. in this, an ideology that is *finite*, limited in scope, to a certain people, or a certain place, or a certain time, would be to its advantage.

>> No.6273930


Well I dunno about all that, I ask about Mussolini simply because he definitely and explicitly considered Fascism to be right wing or 'of the Right' as he put it.

>> No.6273941

the slant of the forehead doesn't look right, but it could be the angle
also >those thighs

>> No.6273946
File: 25 KB, 225x346, fascism viewed from the right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah im not the same anon you were responding too though, I just felt like having a conversation.

>> No.6273964


The definitive evidence that it's not Nitch is that Nitch didn't grow the monster 'tache until the tumour had addled his brains. That was well, well after any potential menage-a-trois with whosis and whatserface.

Fair enough.