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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 47 KB, 300x457, Brave-New-World-Book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
625866 No.625866 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get an essentials thread going. Post one book you think that should be on everyone's bookshelf.

Pic related, it's my contribution to this thread. Be honorable, ladies and gentlemen, one pick per person.

>> No.625874

Finnigan Wake's by James Joyce

>> No.625882

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

>> No.625884

The Stranger

>> No.625885




>> No.625886

Starship Troopers

>> No.625892
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>> No.625895


Fuck you faggot.

The Great Gatsby

>> No.625902

>implying The Stranger isn't terribly weak when compared to his other works

This should be The Plague.

>> No.625907
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>> No.625920


OP here,

Of course anyone could look elsewhere but what's the point? It's like driving off a new forum member with a legitimate but oft repeated question - you can tell them fuck off but what's the point? If you don't agree then kindly fuck off.

>> No.625924

except I'm not trolling. The Stranger isn't bad, but it doesn't hold up to rest of Camus' works.

>> No.625927


Not that I disagree with you, but if we had something similar to /v/'s "Recommended Games" this board would be the shit

>> No.625928

Only one book? I was going to post my entire politics and survival collection.

>> No.625929

Actually we do have something similar and i'ts SHIT

>> No.625933


Is this a daily reoccurring thread or something? I've been lurking for just over 2 months now and I've only seen this thread a handful of times - each time I've pulled a title that I eventually liked/loved. I think it's necessarily as long as it isn't en masse.

>> No.625934

Enough Camus.

-Slaughterhouse Five
-A Farewell to Arms
-Norwegian Wood
-Oedipus Cycle
-Battle Royale

Let's get this thread on track.

>> No.625936

posting more than one book to make up for Camus butthurt

>> No.625939


There were, what, 5 posts about Camus? Is this board really that slow?

>> No.625941
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>> No.625943
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>> No.625944


>one book
>posts 7
>get thread on track

>> No.625946

The Holy Bible King James Version

>> No.625950


Why not the more accurate versions?

>> No.625951
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>Posts 7 books. Most of them in no way essential.

>> No.625953

Wizard's Hall

>> No.625956

>Implying any version of the bible is accurate to the original text

>> No.625960


>implying the essentiality of a book is something undisputed

>> No.625963

One Day in The Life of Ivan Denisovich

>> No.625964


Okay then, well why not the 'more' accurate versions?

>> No.625965
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I myself only read the Vulgate. In Latin.

>> No.625967

gravity's rainbow

>> No.625968
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>> No.625973

I only ever read Beowulf in Old English. SUCK ON THAT

>> No.625977
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>> No.625985

What? Doesn't everyone?
What would be the point otherwise?

>> No.625988


I read Shakespeare in English. YEAH MOTHERFUCKER

>> No.625994
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>> No.625997

No, it's OLD english, which means it's HARDCORE English

>> No.625998

I read the Epic of Gilgamesh on clay tablets in Sumerian. So fuck you.

>> No.626000
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this and Ink

>> No.626009


I only ever hear The Iliad recited by Homer, in the original Ancient Greek. HA HA!

>> No.626013

Yes. I know. I thought the point of reading Beowulf was to read it in Old English.

>> No.626015


I just wanted to say hi to everyone!

This is my first post here :)

>> No.626024
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>> No.626034

I only ever read the original ten commandmends on the original stone tablets. Which were given to me by Moses himself.

I keep the Ark of the Covenant in my basement. FUCKING SUCK ON THAT

>> No.626038

Dare you to open it.

>> No.626041
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>> No.626044

Bitch, I saw the first cave painting being painted.

>> No.626045
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goddammit, I thought I had a .gif of the face melting from Raiders.
This is the closest I have.

>> No.626056

The Man who was Thursday: A Nightmare

GK Chesterton.

>> No.626065

What's so special about Marcus?

>> No.626150

Bitch, I WAS the Big Bang.

>> No.626195
File: 29 KB, 300x400, haters gonna hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord of the Flies. Not trollan. Still a good book to flip through, enjoy the prose quite a bit.

>> No.626468
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Murakami is a genius.

>> No.626480
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Honestly, lovely prose and a thought provoking read.

>> No.626486
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>> No.626488

that's some resolution you got there, buddy

>> No.626494

Lolita sucked. Deal with it.

>> No.626496


>> No.626503
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(I'd pick Dune, but I don't think everyone would want to read it)

>> No.626509

The Magus.

>> No.626533
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>> No.626536
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>> No.626544


Sorry, didn't see >>626041. Oh well, it holds true that it's an amazing book.

>> No.626545

Dune, by Frank Herbert. Political book, economics book, great literature, "how to be a leader" book, with just a dash of how to accidentally ecology.

>> No.626550
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>> No.626551
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>> No.626556


>> No.626564


I still prefer The Sun Also Rises.

And his short stories.

>> No.626570

Why is Cat's Cradle not on here?

>> No.626573

What the flying fuck are you going on about?

>> No.626579

Because it sucks.

>> No.626582


I don't know, but it should be.

>> No.626587

All smart people disagree with you. I choose to respect the opinion of all smart people instead of your retard opinion.

>> No.626588

1. Try reading the thread
2. Camus wasn't an existentialist writer, asshat.

>> No.626620


>> No.626623

yet another addition to my "to-read" list

>> No.626626

Already there buddy.

>> No.626631

How long is yours? Mine's 60+ books long ;(

>> No.626642

I don't even know anymore. It's kind of awful.

>> No.626648

My list is pretty much a list of 'favourites' on Firefox with the book's Wikipedia pages. So whenever I want to read something new, I just check the story's first few sentences of the plot outline.

>> No.626651

Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse
The Razor's Edge by Somerset Maugham

>> No.626692

Not him, but mine is nearly 2000 books long.

>> No.626700
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Well, at least every American's bookshelf

>> No.626710

>No results.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.626752

Shakespeare was nothing more than talented. His works are merely well-written thrillers. They are hardly provocative (if at all), and they offer no sort of insight. I think he's greatly overrated.

>> No.626758

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick

>> No.626856
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Don't you dare even think of going for the abridged version of it, either.

>> No.626866

That doesn't stop drama club instructors to wet their panties over him for their lives.

>> No.626868

I've only read part of part 2, but this is really good.
except not really.

>> No.626870

I think you're a dick.

>> No.626875
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>> No.626895

The Beast That Shouted Love At the Heart of the World by Harlan Ellison.

>> No.626896

White Noise by Don DeLillo

>> No.626900

All the better

>> No.626997
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>> No.627021
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The Metamorphosis
Black Spring
Gravity`s Rainbow

>> No.627340

His prose is exquisite. Also rare to get a chance to read an emperor's most private and inward thoughts. Also anything by one of the Stoics is pure win.

>> No.627374

Maybe this is a stupid question, but did politicians back then have ghostwriters? So many of today's politicians do, I wonder why they wouldn't then. Marcus should have been pretty busy actually governing, right?

>> No.627377

Dead Souls by Nikolay Gogol

>> No.627389

perhaps you should work on your prose

>> No.627457

Well he did have a greek secretary, but the private nature of the meditations leave little doubt that Marcus is the author, so obviously he somehow found or made the time to address himself. Anyway I find it unlikely that the ancient kings were busy 24/7, they did after all have the power to dictate their own schedules, unlike modern presidents/ prime ministers...