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/lit/ - Literature

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6258504 No.6258504 [Reply] [Original]

''Fantasy is, I think, not a lower but a higher form of Art, indeed the most nearly pure form, and so (when achieved) the most potent.''

When will you finally climb outside of your Joyce/Austen infested basements and accept Fantasy as literature, /lit?

>> No.6258523

try again

>> No.6258573


Literature is literature regardless of genre. Only insecure posturing faggots give a fuck about genre parity.

Gormenghast, TBotNS, Peace, and the Foundation series are some of the greatest works of 20th century literature.

>> No.6258658
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Fantasy can exist as literature, but when it does it's called science fiction.

>> No.6258770

I prefer term 'speculative fiction' to science fiction, it has no stink of genre literature to it.

>> No.6259146 [DELETED] 


I think a lot of the trouble people have with fantasy is that it can seem a little cliched. It doesn't really help that a lot of writers just rehash things that have all been said at all. They have to rely on world building in order to try and stay original.

That said, its like the fast food of the literary world. An awful lot of people enjoy it, although its not exactly good for you. There is nothing wrong with that but many people would see it as inferior trash "why would I have a hamburger when I could have filet mignon instead" kind of attitude.

Kind of like why people like that fucking awful Big Bang Theory show. Although fantasy is at least entertaining.

>> No.6259153


think a lot of the trouble people have with fantasy is that it can seem a little cliched. It doesn't really help that a lot of writers just rehash things that have all been said already. They have to rely on world building in order to try and stay original.

That said, its like the fast food of the literary world. An awful lot of people enjoy it, although its not exactly good for you. There is nothing wrong with that but many people would see it as inferior trash "why would I have a hamburger when I could have filet mignon instead" kind of attitude.

Kind of like why people like that fucking awful Big Bang Theory show. Although fantasy is at least entertaining.

>> No.6259224
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Reminder that atheists have no business writing Fantasy and should stick to Sci-Fi

>> No.6259243


>> No.6259577

>I prefer term 'speculative fiction' to science fiction

>Implying speculative fiction isn't just academia approved faggotry language for "fantasy/sci-fi that's good"