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6256905 No.6256905 [Reply] [Original]

ITT we discuss non-fiction books we're reading or have read - this can include philosophy i guess.

I'm gonna start with this one that i recently purchased, and it's probably one of the most depressing books i've read. It just reminds you that all of our motivation in life revolves around satisfying the most primitive part of our brain - the limbic system.

We're all essentially just drug fiends without being aware of it.
Without these chemicals being bombarded throughout our neural pathways in order for us to chase whatever the fuck we make out as an ideal - we would not exist. The only reason a scientist endeavors to cure whatever illness or invent whatever new technology - is all in order to feel a steady rush of serotonin that arises once he's reached a point where he's comfortable with his status within society, to feel accepted, respected.

Whats the difference between that scientist and a junkie on the street chasing the next dose of heroin to shoot up his cock?

The scientists reward is a more steady, long lasting drug release, whereas the heroin lasts for a shorter period of time, but while it does; it's so much better than the steady flow of serotonin.

Depressing right? Life has no meaning.

>> No.6256908

There is absolutely nothing depressing about life having no meaning. That simply means we can give life whatever meaning we want.

>> No.6256915

>all phenomenal experience is chemical interaction

fuck off moron
take your popcult book with you

>> No.6256929


But it is, and because this book isn't some technical, detailed textbook, doesn't mean it's invalid. It gives you a decent overview of how the brain works.
The only reason you're against 'pop'this or that is because of a deeply routed neural pathway that immediately activates in your brain because it's such a common consensus on the internet.
'The supposed smart people say that pop-science books are dumb and plebeian, therefore i'm going to adapt that view to make me look smart!'

See, i learned something. Go take your pills and up your serotonin because clearly you're quite the miserable creature.

>> No.6256936

>Depressing right?

>> No.6256937
File: 87 KB, 640x640, 1404306272409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a mystic
don't be sad. there are more things in heaven and earth op than are dreamt of in your philosophy

>> No.6256938

Everything in your book is complete farce because of this statement right here.

>> No.6256940


>he thinks his experience is the same thing as neural activity

time to stop posting
go read a book

>> No.6256947

The mono amine theories of depression are pretty well disproven; the guy who invented the serotonin theory of depression disproved it within a generation, about a generation before you were born, OP. You're reading outdated fan fiction.

>> No.6256955


It's artificial meaning - a survival mechanism.
Go ahead and delude yourself into thinking that life has meaning.
The only meaning you derive from any activity is because you wanted to feel a surge of dopamine flow through your system, or whatever drug of your choice is.
I'm not saying drugs don't feel good, it's just that feeling good means nothing while you're not feeling good. It's just a distraction to keep you from thinking about how superficial everything is.

>> No.6256959



you're not cut out for this board

>> No.6256960


Fine, recommend me a book.

>> No.6256961

This book is self-published and the author's PhD is in international trade, I would be extremely skeptical about its scientific accuracy.

>> No.6256963


it sounds like you've never read any philosophy, so I'd recommend starting with Rene Descartes

>> No.6256965


This thread isn't just about the OP - i said that you can post whatever non-fiction book you've been reading and say something about it.
But while no one else is contributing, then my book is the topic of discussion - stop complaining like a little girl.

>> No.6256969

Not just experience, absolutely everything that's ever happened to you, in experience, thought or feeling, is just neural activity.
It IS purely chemical interaction though, there's no such thing as love and happiness in anything but a materialistic sense. Trying to apply philosophical significance to such notions is purely another chemical interaction within your mind.

>> No.6256971

No, what he's saying isn't even entirely scientifically accurate. His hypothesis is a huge jump from the info at hand. It's like saying because 2+2 is four, God isn't real.

>> No.6256972


kill yourself
delete your shit high school thread

>> No.6256976



demonstrate that any of these statements is true

I'll wait

>everything ever is x because it just is

>> No.6256979


So provide an argument that debunks my "hypothesis", otherwise you're dismissed.

>> No.6256985


go look up burden of proof dipshit

are you still in your teens or just failing miserably at basic thought?

>> No.6256987


I don't feel like dying right now. I'd first like to see you say something meaningful that contributes and furthers what has already been said in the thread, but i'm guessing you just want to throw around insults like a little girl.

>> No.6256992


Burden of proof? You claimed that what i said wasn't scientifically accurate, so what is your reasoning behind saying that? Seems like you are the one having a lapse in thought.

The book i display in the OP is the source of my reasoning. Give me a source that disproves what's said in the book and i'll consider it.

>> No.6256996

You shittin' me son? Do you even science? This is like common fuckin' knowledge in the biological world. It's almost hard to link you a peer reviewed paper because there are none done on it anymore it's been scientific fact for the past like 50 years. Just even slightly educate yourself on Neuroscience. And if you're going to try and suggest that it's not just chemicals, then you go ahead and show some proof there's any other factors at play, you're the one asserting a completely unsubstantiated claim not I.

>> No.6257001

How is neuroscience supposed to tell us anything about phenomenal experience when its methodology excludes any ability to make statements about phenomenal experience from the beginning?

>> No.6257003

I know this board isn't /sci/ but like c'mon, this debate shouldn't even be had, we can accept that our purely chemical thoughts are something quite amazing and go enjoy some goddamn literature with them.

>> No.6257008

>you're the one asserting a completely unsubstantiated claim not I.

>absolutely everything that's ever happened to you, in experience, thought or feeling, is just neural activity.

>> No.6257014

You're talking to two people. I claimed that the conclusion you came to based on the science is bullshit. Not that neurochemicals don't exist or dictate emotions. You made an extremely final conclusion based on the limited understanding we have of how the brain works.

>> No.6257020

You are making a leap of logic from a source. This is a debate on your flawed arguments drawing instead than the fact itself. See: >>6256971
The first post (Meaning is created) does not contradict the novel you're using. It is against /your/ logic drawn from the source. This is what they're criticizing you for. You are looking at a 'fact' (We are driven by pleasure and our lives have no inherent meaning) but your argument lies only in that. Others are making another argument drawn from the same fact (We are driven by pleasure, our lives have no inherent meaning) but they're drawing their own conclusions (... But we can create meaning). Your fallacy is in your refusal to argue outside of one nugget of information.

>> No.6257023

You need to think very hard about your question there, it doesn't quite make sense. Neuroscience is foremost concerned with explaining phenomenal experience, and nothing about it's methodology prevents that. I think you're confused by applying greater meaning to quite simple concepts. When you consider the complexity of the human mind, and think of our "phenomenal experience" as something spiritual or external of the material world, then of course it's very hard to explain using the scientific method. But it's neither of those things, you contemplating this topic is in the most simplistic terms, some electrical impulses and chemical stimulations. This is what we can know for sure to be true using real world objective methods external of the senses, otherwise the thing we are trying to explain (thinking) is subject to it's own limitations.

>> No.6257051


I see, but i already addressed his point.


You can actually address my points if you want.

To decide to attribute meaning to something, what meaning would that be exactly? To my understanding it would mean that, "doing this makes me happy and therefore that means something to me", but that contradicts my original points, since happiness is nothing but chemicals that create the illusion itself.

So i guess you could argue that the illusion itself is the meaning. I guess that's fair.

>> No.6257113


on what basis can the experience of thought be said to be purely chemical?

>> No.6257117


>real world objective methods

fucking dropped

>> No.6257123

>You claimed that what i said wasn't scientifically accuracy

I said no such thing
fuck off with your petty judgement bullshit
your neurobabble popcock thread is dumb, go back to reddit or something

>> No.6257129


Stop projecting and take your pills little man.

>> No.6257131



>> No.6260468

Why is it an illusion?

What would be a valid "meaning" in your eyes?

What would be the point of a meaning that didn't come with some sort of positive reinforcement?

I haven't bothered to read beyond your first point, so forgive me if you've already addressed this shit?

>> No.6260549


Meaning is something that extends beyond what human beings can observe. Meaning is something that may or may not exist--but definitely not something that we as humans can grasp.
Subjective experience isn't meaning--it's neurochemistry in action.
The reason we attribute meaning to things is because of the illusion that our experience of said meaning holds any significant implications. When we enjoy something we are wholly ignorant of the triviality of our experience--we're caught in a haze of chemical euphoria.
The illusion that that means something is an illusion--something imposed on our subjective experience without our control.

>> No.6260565

There are an infinite number of ways to approach the same phenomenons. It's not that our emotions are illusions caused by chemicals, the chemicals are itself illusions caused by emotions. They are interchangeable and that's why you cannot say "we are just chemicals", in the same way you cannot say that a painting is just paint, even though it is. It is not "just". The danger in thinking through just one way is that you may hinder other more effective approaches to the same issues. So, for example, if I'm sad because someone said something mean, you can tell me it's just chemicals and give me a pill, or you could say something nice and make me feel better (which will also change the chemicals anyway). The greatest blocking here, in my opinion, is that people are still searching for what things "really are", as if the way we handle the world is fake and there is a truest world hidden that needs to be revealed (through religion, science, materialism, idealism, etc). Illusions are not fakes, emotions are not false side products to true chemical reactions, our objectives in life, our dreams and meaningful endeavours are also not false side effects of the true emotions we get when we attain them. Those are all different levels, different perspectives, different words for the very same things and, accordingly, each way to see it serve a purpose and have equal validity and importance given that you can accept them for what they are. Politics, psychology, chemistry, try to solve one with the other and you may find yourself walking a rather long and unrewarding track that will only make you lose sight of the whole. A swoosh of a brush is not the same as pixel art.

>> No.6260588


>It's not that our emotions are illusions caused by chemicals, the chemicals are itself illusions caused by emotions. They are interchangeable

I'm sorry but your initial premise is simply based on flawed reasoning, and the rest of your post reveals that you're defending your comfort by twisting logic--in order to feel better. Humans do this all the time. People prefer comfort to truth, and clearly, you are no exception.

>> No.6260647

I enjoyed "The Believing Brain" and "Mistakes Were Made (but not by me)".

The former is about how people form their beliefs (from religion to conspiracy theories).

The latter is about cognitive dissonance, the confirmation bias, and the ways that both affect everyone in a various ways (relationships, careers, etc.).

>> No.6260674


I'm gonna check 'em out.

>> No.6260753

Mah nigga

>> No.6260770

haha what kind of retard makes that face i mean like come on

>> No.6260787

Anyone else have a weakness for memoirs (specifically music ones)? Scar Tissue has been my favorite and I'm probably going to read Life (Keith Richards) soon.

>> No.6260799

The flawed reasoning is to favour one over the other, anon.That would be a twist of logic because it pressuposes a difference, or even a choice. When someone says we are just chemicals and another person refutes it, you can look at the object of discussion again and note that everything has a chemical correspondence and thus, it cannot be anything else. But that reasoning fails to account that the "something else" is not an alternative or an addition to the chemicals, but rather a different position on the very same structure. One cannot name an emotion or a reaction that isn't linked to the chemicals, but show me a chemical reaction that leads to absolutely no effects on a person and I'll tell you it didn't happen. They are interchangeable, anon.

>> No.6260818

why do people get so upset at the fact that our entire experience is caused by chemicals in the brain?
Sure I can understand how some people might find it absurd and depressing, but it's only because you think it is absurd. I mean, to me it's mind boggling that we experience the world through chemicals. It just shows you how weird and complex the world is, and that there's still a lot of things we don't know about. It makes me appreciate nature even more.

>> No.6260869

>science is the arbiter of all knowledge
Top kek

>> No.6260875

You're a dogmatic materialist which is a philosophical rather than scientific position. Just because we understand brain chemicals doesn't mean everything we experience is caused by them. Basing everything on science is silly since science is limited to repetitive phenomena and the vast majority of human existence is completely separate from the scientific method. Materialist reductionism is silly.

It's completely illogical to say there is no meaning by using words and language to convey the meaning that there is no meaning.

Because its a dogmatic and sophomoric idea? Its pure scientism.

>> No.6260894

Hurhurhur drugs are the same as our emotions.

>> No.6260902

>there's no such thing as love and happiness in anything but a materialistic sense.
>Trying to apply philosophical significance to such notions is purely another chemical interaction within your mind.
The funny part is that people don't realize how this doesn't change much, if anything, about love, happiness, or the philosophical uestions related to such things.

>> No.6260955


I have a thought about this, hear me out:

We are either aware or not aware during our daily inquiries that our experience of the world around us is purely based on a neurochemical basis. Simply meaning that, any motivation we have to do anything, is based on the need to achieve a feed of dopamine, and to extinguish cortisol. Cortisol is the chemical your brain releases to enhance your chances of survival, telling you that what you're doing is incompatible with your need to survive--so we go do something, move around, go read, go to the gym, go smoke weed or drink booze--which makes us feel better. We're only motivated to do things that give us a sense of reward and increases our chance of surviving and reproducing--otherwise we would not do it.

Now, if we're aware that everything we do is based on those things i said above--then meaning becomes a materialistic notion in your mind--the idea of whatever you're doing is reduced to your conscious realization that you're just following instruction your brain is giving you in order to survive and enhance your odds at reproducing, which implies that any deeper meaning to those things becomes obsolete in your mind.

However, if you're unaware of the neurochemistry that defines all of your actions--then meaning becomes real again; it's simply a matter of perspective, a matter of your view on things.

Meaning then is entirely relativistic. There is not objective meaning, but meaning exists--just in a relativistic way. Does that make sense?

>> No.6260986

>Meaning then is entirely relativistic. There is not objective meaning, but meaning exists--just in a relativistic way. Does that make sense?
Different anon here, the same would then apply to your knowledge about chemicals, leading to a total collapse of reality, which is to say: the knowledge that meaning is chemicals destroys itself.

>> No.6261021


No, meaning arises when the realization that your experience is dictated by your neurochemistry leaves your awareness.

It's like, the more ignorant you are about the nature of your experience--the more meaning you derive out of life, hence the saying: ignorance is bliss.

>> No.6261055

Dude, how can you be aware of stuff if nothing means anything? If the fact that everything is chemical means that everything is meaningless, then 'everything is chemical' is meaningless. Wrap your chemicals around it, it's quite simple, really.

>> No.6261122


I'm gonna try to outline my stance on this as easy as i can.

Things have meaning to you when you're enjoying whatever you're doing, or suffering because of something you don't enjoy.
Meaning is real then, and only then, but only in a relativistic way--you're enjoying yourself then and there or suffering then and there, and at that moment, it means something to you, so i guess it has value, subjective value.

But when you are not experiencing any joy or discomfort, and think to yourself about the biological nature of your experience--then the previous subjective and supposedly meaningful experiences of your past, are reduced to materialistic manifestations of the universe--a deterministic phenomena, and with that being realized, you might experience thoughts of existential nature, and at that moment--meaning becomes obsolete at that time, then and there.

>If the fact that everything is chemical means that everything is meaningless, then 'everything is chemical' is meaningless.

Sure, but truth is truth regardless if it has substantial meaning or not. Truth is just truth.

>> No.6261124

Interesting, very interesting stuff there. Not really depressing at all. As the other guy said, life doen't need meaning. It's art

>> No.6261198

>Things have meaning to you when you're enjoying whatever you're doing, or suffering because of something you don't enjoy
Oh wow, that really isn't what meaning means.

Also, why should the thought that I'm enjoying myself because of chemicals hinder my enjoyment? Do drug users enjoy their drugs less because they know the fun they're having is just a reaction of chemicals?

>Truth is just truth.
Truth is just the truth of sentences. If sentences have no meaning, they can't be true. There is just us with our jeads full of nonsense, and a world we've grown completely derached from, as our last insight, that we have brains, apparently made everthing meaningless.
Not that it actually does that, but it's what you're saying.

>> No.6261212
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>subscribing to neuromaterialism

I expected better from you /lit/

Do you guys even double aspect theory?

>> No.6261217

If meaning is something beyond what you can observe, why would this book bother you?

If there was any meaning to life, you'd be oblivious to it anyway.

There'd be no tangible evidence of meaning, whether you fulfilled it or not.

With your concept being that nebulous, meaning is essentially irrelevant.

>> No.6261232

You cannot reduce phenomenal experience (i.e. dasien) to chemical interactions, because chemistry itself is something which dasien 'does', or practices. To do/practice chemistry is a particular way in which dasien exists.

So you are trying to reduce phenomenal experience (existing as dasien), to a way in which dasien exists (practicing chemistry). It's incoherent.

Oh and by the way, does your book actually go into how all these chemical pathways and interactions give rise to conscious experience? Or does it just neatly gloss over that elephant in the room?

>> No.6261282

Non-germans trying to geidegger, hilarious!
Also, it's not like such a convoluted argument is even needed, phenono,ogical experience cannot be reduced to abstractions because all abstractions are abstracted from phenomenological experience, simple as that.

>> No.6261309


The only reason we do things is because of our neurochemistry. We have no control over our limbic system, the limbic system is what gives meaning to our actions. It guides us towards survival and reproduction, and motivates us to do stuff that activates dopamine circuits that we've developed throughout our lives.

Not understanding the complexity of the world we live in, when we already have our basic needs fulfilled, can bring about negative feelings, which is why we study the world and learn more about it.
The reason why we feel bad about not understanding the world, is because we know that others have a greater understanding of the world than we do, and our ego and self respect is challenged; so we're essentially only learning more about the world in order to compete with others--mostly males, on who knows the most, who knows best, who is smartest, who can display more wit and wisdom.

There's no such thing as pursuing knowledge for the sake of pursuing knowledge--all our motivation originates in the limbic system which is the second most primal part of the brain, which means that all motivation is derived of primal impulses.

Then you might ask, what's the meaning in all that? Well, the only meaning to that is to survive and reproduce, that's all there is to it.

Anything we do originates in the need to survive and reproduce.

But does all that have any high significance? Because that's what meaning means.

significant quality; especially : implication of a hidden or special significance <a glance full of meaning>

So, when you're doing shit and you're unaware of why you're doing it; it means something to you, otherwise you wouldn't do it.

When you realize what i said above, then you know that there's no particular significance in surviving and reproducing except for the subjective experience of being in the middle of doing said things.

Outside of that subjective experience--it has no fucking meaning, our lives are worthless and everything we do is determined by our basic primal programming.

>> No.6261372

I think I get what your problem is, you're tryibg to be a good materialist, yet still you uphold the divide between 'we' and 'our brain/chemicals/limbic system/whatever'. This doesn't make sense, it's a completely made-up division.
Here's how I see it: I am an animal that has a brain full lf nice little thoughts, which are in fact processes in my brain. I have evolved to have such thoughts, since apparently, these thoughts help me survive, or even reproduce. Here's the catch: this doesn't tell me anything about the truth or meaning of my thoughts, it just tells me why tI'm having them k the most general sense. Everything else still needs to be figured out. Actually, a lot needs to already have been figured out so I can even draw these conclusions.
Now, what is it that becomes meaningless from knowing all that? I say, fuck all.
>But does all that have any high significance? Because that's what meaning means.
>significant quality; especially : implication of a hidden or special significance <a glance full of meaning>
And this I'd like to call, gibberish.

>> No.6261411


>yet still you uphold the divide between 'we' and 'our brain/chemicals/limbic system/whatever'. This doesn't make sense, it's a completely made-up division.

Your brain has a cortex and a limbic system. The cortex handles logical reasoning and the limbic system, well, we've been through that.

Are you saying that those two parts of the brain are indistinguishable?

I'm arguing that meaning is dependent on which part you're primarily using, therefore relativistic.

Right now, i'm completely working from my cortex; i'm reasoning with you, and the only thing my limbic system is doing, is wanting others to understand and accept my reasoning--an involuntary compulsion to feel accepted by other human beings.

>> No.6261454

Oh god, it'worse than I thought. There is no 'you' that exists independently from your brain, using now that part, now the other, in different proportions at any time. You are, more to the point, the activity within all than mushy stuff, and your attempts at reasoning are in no way separate from the gratification or frustration attached to it. So yes, if it wasn't for your limbic system, your cortex wouldn't do shit. But that invalidates nothing that is happening in there, or the text it produces. No, what invalidates your reasoning is its lack of rigor.
That, and some idealistic fantasies about how meaning, true meaning, has to exist independently of your base desires, floating above the filth untouched by it. Some residual christianity, I guess.

>> No.6261464


Also, i'd like to add that i don't think i understand perfectly what you're trying to say, like:

>this doesn't tell me anything about the truth or meaning of my thoughts

I mean, the brain is constantly generating all kinds of crazy fucking thoughts, and of course we don't know why some of them surface, but that's kind of unrelated to our discussion, i think.

>Everything else still needs to be figured out. Actually, a lot needs to already have been figured out so I can even draw these conclusions.

Not really sure what you're saying here.

>Now, what is it that becomes meaningless from knowing all that? I say, fuck all.

Unless, upon realizing that everything you do is motivated by primal instincts--and you realize that you're a fucking animal that's 98% similar to chimpanzees--doesn't change your view on the significance of your existence; then i guess you're just not full comprehending the implications.

>>But does all that have any high significance? Because that's what meaning means.
>significant quality; especially : implication of a hidden or special significance <a glance full of meaning>
And this I'd like to call, gibberish.

It's straight from the dictionary.

>> No.6261495


I think this is actually quite beautiful, because now we can both just come to agree that we simply don't have the same basic philosophical standpoints.

You refuse to see things from a dualistic perspective, and i insist that the inherent meaning we attribute to our live and experience is relativistic in the sense that it becomes obsolete from the point of the mind, and gains ground from the phenomenological experience of each individual.

Thanks for a stimulating discussion.

>> No.6261524

>Not really sure what you're saying here.
What I'm saying is that knowledge of my brain doesn't automatically equip me with knowledge of anything else, and thus not with the meaning of anything else.
>Unless, upon realizing that everything you do is motivated by primal instincts--and you realize that you're a fucking animal that's 98% similar to chimpanzees--doesn't change your view on the significance of your existence; then i guess you're just not full comprehending the implications.
Wow so deep, I'm an animal. Maybe not being raised by creationists helped me handle that better than you did. I mean, are chimp lives meaningless, especially from a chimp perspective? Don't think so.

>> No.6261547

The opposition of mind and phenomenological experience is a thing I get even less than the opposition of mind and brain. Anyway, yeah, nice talking to you.

>> No.6261565

I think that is a pretty big difference. Especially considering that we develop tolerances to strong highs very quickly, and so what was once a high turns into suffering and possibly death. It's the difference between having a good, long, enjoyable life and being deprived of it completely.

>> No.6261583
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Read Rorty friends

Truth is whatever is useful in navigating yourself/ourselves through the world

>> No.6261587


Scratch that, i don't want to confuse you.

Replace phenomenological experience with just experience.

And not just experience, more like experience from a low consciousness.

Like when you're fucking a hot female and everything that's on your mind is how awesome it is. That kind of experience.

>> No.6261641

Still not in opposition to the mind I'd say. The high forms of consciousness do not even make sense without the low ones (you don't even need neurobiology for that, just some honest introspection), what would such detachment of faculties even be good for? And the reverse is less self-evident, but still: people get off on complicated fantasies, so the low consciousness also can draw from the high.
I think success at being human -sounds hella simple on paper, right?- comes from reconciling your intellect with your desires. This is neessary, as proper intellect can only emerge in the first place at the expense of instant gratification, creating an unhappy tension that leads, among other things, to disregard for your own body as a meaningless thing.

>> No.6261654

What is the world? /Rorty

>> No.6261670
File: 9 KB, 300x246, richard foote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non fiction you say? I've been reading the following:

Combinatorial Designs: Constructions and Analysis - Stinson
Functions of One Complex Variable - Conway
Applied Complex Variables - Dettman
Abstract Algebra - Dummit & Foote
Algebra - Artin
Mathematical Analysis - Apostol

my face when

>> No.6261722

We will never know. We can only describe it in different ways.

>> No.6261751

Are you trying to imply that art has no meaning?

Next somebody is going to quote Oscar Wilde and say that art is useless.

>> No.6261759


Using your higher brain power, you can view things from a perspective that's not of your own.
With the lower, and more primitive parts of your brain, the parts that are basically auto-piloting you all day every day, you can't see things from a perspective that's not of your own.
When you are walking outside and you see some filthy fucking bum acting in an uncivilized way--you'll just think to yourself (that's one disgusting fuck, he better not come near me!)
You're literally incapable of seeing things from a neutral perspective, and think about the reasons why this bum is so low in society--and therefore maybe empathize with him.

That's my point man. Thing is that most of the time you're on autopilot and you're not really thinking about things logically--you're just taking shortcuts in your brain to save as much energy as possible, and you can't help it.

>> No.6262822

This debate is still being had in several fields so I don't know why you can pretend it is something that is settled or shouldn't be had.

>> No.6262825

>Neuroscience is foremost concerned with explaining phenomenal experience

I am not convinced this is true.

>> No.6262827


>> No.6262830

third year undergrad? your doing a course on designs? seems pretty specific.

>> No.6262839

You look into Alfhors for complex.
>Dummit & Foote

Reading Capital In the Twenty First Century
I'm starting to come to terms with being a modern day serf.

>> No.6262841

>muh subtle circular reasoning

>> No.6262845

*should look

>> No.6262849

Hell I would take the implications of Orch-OR over neuromaterialism. kek

>> No.6263025

>muh objective reality
>muh materialism
>muh physicalism
>muh meaninglessness
>muh phenomenal reduced to chemicals


>> No.6263610




>> No.6263615

>you can view things from a perspective that's not of your own
No. You can speculate what that perspective might be, but you cannot actually take it, you remain yourself.

>> No.6263687
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>> No.6266191

>It's artificial meaning - a survival mechanism.
What's the difference between meaning and artificial meaning? What happens to the concept of meaning when you predicate artificiality of it? I see no way of distinguishing "meaning" from "artificial meaning". Just because meaning is attended by success at survival doesn't mean it's thereby illegitimate.

>> No.6266219
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This is the most cancerous post I have seen on 4chan and I'm seriously worried that you did it unironically

>> No.6266230


My only meaning in this world is to make life of those like you miserable as fuck and I'm really good at doing it, I don't even have to try because you do all the work alone!

>> No.6266239

>Life has no meaning.
The only meaning I would ever have in life is that which I give it
nothing has any value till you create the value

>> No.6266264

She seems to be begging me to drink the milkshake through the paper. I would indeed do so.

>> No.6266291

"Let us mother fuckers suffer duly to an existential crisis because the dissolution of sodium chloride in dihydrogen monoxide is meaning and futile and is insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

Everything has a meaning within the proper framework but I remain ignorant to it, for I am OP, master of faggotry, and I am eternally damned to be a huge faggot who behaves edgily.

I believe that everything I do is absolutely meaningless, yet I shall keep pondering and wondering at my meaningless whilst falling into a depression." - OP

>I can almost smell the fedoras coming off this

>> No.6266894

videos made by a physicist with formal philosophical training and links to published works by relevant experts in the field

kek stay ignorant

>> No.6267239

I'll list some, to prevent nobody having read any of them:

>Thomas Metzinger - The Ego Tunnel
(this is one of those things that ''changed my life'', or at least, my perspective of it over time)
>We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed/Machete Season/The strategy of antelopes
I still regularly think about these books, or at least, their content, but I (luckily) don't think I'll ever fully grasp the sentiments. Really makes you hate the UN and France, though. Mostly France.
>The History of Sexuality part I - The will to knowledge
I really wish Foucault was still around to write about contemporary society, but this will suffice to at least trace the origins of our sexuality. It feels like a hastily written book, I feel it could've easily been 300-500 pages with examples predating the ''classical era'', or a more thourough evaluation of literary sources, etc., for sexual classifications and morality. Regardless, it's an interesting read, and who knows, maybe vol II and III go into depth on the above.

Some other stuff on the history of the Middle East, but I cba to type everything out, if you're interested, just ask.