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/lit/ - Literature

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6256840 No.6256840 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize all philosophers are full of shit.

Form your own opinions, plebs.

>> No.6256842

>tfw the most philosophy can do for you is define and compare concepts

>tfw literary fiction is more generally helpful for everyday life

lol at people investing actual emotions into philosophy

>> No.6256860

>/lit/ getting raided by /r/fiction

>> No.6257199

>reading books for help in life
Sure is pleb in here.

>> No.6257200

Are you the tripfag from /r9k/?

>> No.6257204
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>I'm an independent and original thinker, no sheeple, no sir!

>> No.6257214

The problem is that most people who "who form their own opinions" end up having shit opinions and being borderline retarded.

You know when you're talking to someone and you think "wow, this guy is a fucking moron" and it occurs to you he's probably read 3 books in his entire life.

That's the kind of person who "forms their own opinions."

>> No.6257220

>implying embodied philosophies directly concerned with overcoming existential-lack are not top-tier

>> No.6257374
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>> No.6257425

>lit getting raided

Don't flatter yourself. It's just shit.

>> No.6257451

>not wanting to benefit from getting to experience situations from other perspectives

yeah read up on your spooks

>> No.6257471

>you realize all philosophers are full of shit.
>Form your own opinions, plebs
If we could do that, then society wouldn't be so shitty would it?

>> No.6257602
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>> No.6257612
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>implying 'forming your opinions' doesn't equal to creating an amalgam of opinions at your disposal
>implying 'ignoring philosophical shit' doesn't equal to implicitly accepting the philosophical presumptions of your surroundings

Now, what do I want at my disposal - the 'common folk wisdom' or the combined discussions and experiences of the greatest that mankind had to offer throughout the ages?

>> No.6257616

Philosophy is extremely valuable for learning argumentation and all of the things you use to form your own opinions. You are looking at it from the wrong perspective.

>> No.6257620

If you do this in complete isolation you will just come up with ideas that previous philosophers have already come up with and most likely simpler forms of what they have already said, or at least that was my experience.

The whole point of reading them, isn't to agree with them fully but to engage in the arguments and hopefully develop their ideas further, or use them as a stepping stone to form your own.