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6253215 No.6253215 [Reply] [Original]

It's literally reddit the book.

>> No.6253303
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Is it even possible to write a good story set inside a video game?

>> No.6253335

It's hardly even possible to write a good story for a video game, so I guess not.

>> No.6253341

I'll agree that Ready player one was shit but Video game stories can be rather brilliant thanks to their advantage as an interactive medium

>> No.6253342

I read this. Fucking horrible book.

I refuse to call it "reddit the book" though, purely because something being "reddit" is such a diffuse term at this point, devoid of any meaning (like being autistic, or fedora-prone, or Tumblresque or whatever else).

>> No.6253344

You didn't like it because you're in your 20's. The book instills the reminder of pre console gaming nostalgia. If you weren't alive for it, you won't understand it.

>> No.6253346

Not really, or at least they can rarely ever get on a level that even comes close to the most shitty fiction.

>> No.6253349

I knew it was gonna suck when the little blurb about the author said he likes to spend his free time 'geeking out'. WTF is that supposed to mean.

I only checked it out because a copy came with Lootcrate but I only managed to get halfway through it. It's basically hunger games/mazerunner with ghostbusters references, and just as shit.

>> No.6253351

I believe they can, it is extremely rare but there are video game stories that are on the level of great literature.

>> No.6253354

>there are video game stories that are on the level of great literature
Kek'd. Still, 1/10, poor effort, no novelty.

>> No.6253356

Ok, please give an example of such a game, because I find that somewhat hard to believe.

>> No.6253359

any medium related to story telling can be as good as literature it's just literature as a medium is more likely to produce great stories and more filled with great stories whereas with a lot of other mediums it's rare that they get on literature's level

>> No.6253363

Shadow of the Colossus to an extent, Drakengard/Nier series. have great well written stories with good underlying themes and ambiguous at times. characters that develop and you learn more about that require multiple playthroughs to fully understand ect

>> No.6253366

>I read so I must be more sophisticated then others

try out other mediums instead of one anon. every medium has their gems it's just /lit/ is more full of gems

>> No.6253369

Ok those have, at best, and as awsome a thing that is to have in game, mediocre genre-lit credentials, you said high literature.

>> No.6253371

This guy gets it.

>> No.6253372

what do you consider high literature anon just wondering?

>> No.6253374


That's not really a matter of writing, though. The best video game narratives are ones where you create the story. Journey is a good example of a very simple story where the emotion is generated by you and your partners, through teamwork. I've played games of Journey where my partner drew a love heart at the end and games where I cried.

I'm not a video gamer, so that's something. But as far as the written games go, Last of Us, MGS, all those blockbuster interactive movies are pretty much just mediocre films but with interactivity.

>> No.6253378


Why do you guys read books like this?

And then go and complain about it?

I don't understand. I don't even bother reading books like that because I know I'm not going to like it. There are too many books on this planet for me to waste time trying to read something like that.

>> No.6253383

i know you shouldn't judge books by covers and especially not by jacket quotes, but "willy wonka meets the matrix" sounds like the worst thing ever.

>> No.6253384

It is absolutely terrible - black/white characters with obvious nerd pandering (good guys are open source kids! Bad guys are closed source industry!), the story just proceeds to cram in more 80s references which the characters seem to find cool (except that they're born long after these movies ran and shouldn't know them in the first place). Stupid ending, generic writing, terrible.

As for computer games with a good story: Recent SF games had at least better stories than recent SF movies, Mass Effect for example broke with an interesting SF trope that Star Trek introduced and is now far spread. In Star Trek, mankind is benevolent, and usually has better technology than the civilization the Enterprise encounters. In Mass Effect, mankind sucks - they're "the new kid", either ignored or loathed by the other alien species. Life has no meaning, mankind is insignificant. I liked that.

The story itself was a bit generic ("old ones" attack and you have to safe the day) but had some really good events (Mordin's death), yet it still suffered from some other Star Trek tropes (all members of species X are Klingons errr warriors!!!!)

Ending wasn't as bad as all these mouthbreathers on the Internet made it out to be, certainly didn't warrant all these petitions and rage.

>> No.6253389

If a book needs me to have had a couple of specific experiences to 'understand' it, it's probably not very good.

>> No.6253391

The audiobook is narrated by Wil Wheaton. I mean, come on. That tells you everything you need to know.

>> No.6253393

Again, it's because you're in your 20's jesus. How much fall out boy did they play at your prom?

>> No.6253396

A couple? We're talking about at least half a decade of living.

>> No.6253398

please, I'm 29, I grew up with Herbie, Back To The Future and Short Circuit

The book is still shit and if you're this old and you can't see this then you still have a long way to grow as a reader

>> No.6253399

Nice try. Being 29 still places you at being born the year AFTER the first Nintendo came out. You STILL have no point of reference. Your first console was probably a game cube or ps2. Newfag.

>> No.6253400

Hard to define really, some pretentious shit like "a well-crafted reflection on the human condition" or something. Alternatively "whatever it is that sets Lem's Solaris apart from virtually all the rest of science fiction".

I think like in film, this would have to take a form appropriate to the medium, but it's hard to see how gameplay mechanisms, normally geared towards providing some sort of visceral gratification, could be used to convey any but the simplest insights.

>> No.6253405

Well I think my example of multiple playthroughs is a good way of incorporating story into gameplay which can also be done in other ways which helps with gaming being such a young medium and all. I recently finished the game nier a month a go and there's still things I can take from it so it got me thinking that I think gaming is capable of being on literature's level or at least close to it but then again I'm not a hardcore reader (not counting manga) I've only read about 50 books in my lifetime so invalidate my opinion if you must, I just came to /lit/ since I've been in a reading mood lately

>> No.6253408
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sometimes i lay awake at night awestruck at the thought that not only was this written but people out there like it

>> No.6253411


The problem is that these games, and any game that is considered to have a great story in the video game world, is considered great because of the unique qualities that video games provide to storytelling, viz., interactivity.

Most people don't consider this a problem because in their mind Shadow of the Colossus' interactivity enhances the story (which, if we're being honest, is not an exceptional story aside from that when compared to film and literature).

The reason it's a problem is this: these games, rather being "enhanced" by interactivity, are, in a storytelling sense, using interactivity as a crutch.

You feel a great deal playing Shadow because you are playing it. And that's something video games can't escape. The quality of the story relies on the player taking not of all their own choices. It's a collaborative process. Except you can make a person feel with even a mediocre story if you give them enough control. It's cheating, in a way. Even if it is a defining characteristic of gaming.

How to make a great game:
1. Take a story not even on the level of a mediocre Hollywood tentpole film, but oftentimes blatantly copied from a number of mediocre Hollywood films.
2. Add interactivity.

That's the key to making a groundbreaking emotional experience in a video game.

>> No.6253412


I bought the book for my papa.

He said he liked it so you're probably right.

>> No.6253423


Good post.

It's a case of people being affected by their enjoyment which leads to them not feeling the need to critically evaluate it, but it's arguable that even more scrutiny is needed because of the interactivity-bias (and ergo enjoyment).

Appreciation of games like SoTC has lended me to thinking it's easy to consider games like a canvas, which you as a player (in that collaborative process) come to paint. All games are like that. The player fulfil the role of artist and feels like they are both artist and story-teller. They see too much of the way the story unfolds as their own-doing and so end-up over-rating the experience of story as a result.

>> No.6253428

Thanks, guy. It's a "you had to be there" kind of thing. It's the same way that playing all the ww2 era call of duty games in existence is not the same as being a 20 year old private first class sitting on the muddy side of a road in bosnia praying a sniper didn't pick you offin 1996. You weren't there

>> No.6253431


>> No.6253432

Apparently someone doesn't know what the word "literally" means

>> No.6253433

Solid argument and i'd have to say I agree but doesn't your point prove that if high literature level story telling was ever used well in a game then add interactivity to it and doesn't that make it an even better experience?

>> No.6253434


I like games, but I've always just had a negative opinion of filmic storytelling in video games. Or even the need people have for a story in video games.

I'm the Journey guy earlier in the thread and for me a game like Journey is how to tell a great video game story. Because, really, there isn't a story, there's just gameplay. But at the end of it, you feel as if you've been on a great journey. Gameplay pushes it all along and it's the gameplay that elicits the emotion. No need for a shitty capeshit-tier story that the video game press is going to hype up because they aren't used to halfway decent stories.

>> No.6253443


But I don't think that would ever be possible. Because to create something of high art, you need control as an artist. "Literature" and "art film" are terms without any real meaning, but to me they designate, respectively, books with an emphasis on form and films with an emphasis on form. More than content.

But there's only so much you can orchestrate in a game, while also providing the player with the room to play a game (what he paid his money for).

If you achieve a high level of storytelling, but have to sacrifice gameplay for it, your game is a different kind of failure. I would argue an even greater failure.

I don't think you can measure story success in games in the same way you can measure success in literature and film (which as I mentioned is often focused on the form rather than simply a "great story").

Video games have more in common with board games like chess than they do literature.

>> No.6253444
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The feels...

>> No.6253447

Elaborating on that last chess statement, I mean that the game of chess provides the players with a chance to create a kind of art or practice a kind of science (the players in a chess game control the mood completely, they form the story of that game). But the game of chess itself is a game. It's not a story. It's not art without the people playing.

>> No.6253458

People who say video games can't be great, play some fucking dark souls.

>> No.6253462

Would Civilization (or other simulation games) be similar to chess in that way? There's no pre-given story but the story you create by your actions

>> No.6253471

That's no way dude. I'm 21 and my first console was an N64 and my first handheld was a brick gameboy. His first was probably an SNES.

>> No.6253474


I would say so. It's hard using the chess analogy, though, because chess carries with it so much weight, but, yes, that's what I meant.

In video game criticism there are two terms: "narratology" and "ludology". Narratologists believing that story is most important in games. Ludologists believing that gameplay is most important. To a ludologist, for example, Lara Croft's backstory, her personality in the cutscenes, all of that is unnecessary information because she is but a pawn, a game piece.

I've been called a faggot on 4chan for saying shit like this, but basically I'm a ludologist in this matter. Gameplay is most important for me. And the greatest "stories" for me are the ones that the players make.

It doesn't even have to be inside of the game. It can even be that time your friends came over and played NBA Hangtime and even everything social that is tied to that game. That's the stuff I remember and that's stuff that, to me, is unique to video games as an art.

I appreciate that some people like cinematic stories, but I don't see the point really. Vice City is fun to play through if you want to inhabit the world of Scarface or Miami Vice, but independent of that, I don't need a story.

>> No.6253527

Then the statement still rings true

>> No.6253532

Doesn't matter whether you were there or not, book is still atrocious, I don't really see your point

If that point is true then I shall make a movie for "your" generation that is just cosplayers screaming GHOSTBUSTERS BACK TO THE FUTURE KITT NUMBER 5 over and over again and it should be the best thing ever

>> No.6253536
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not even close

>> No.6253562

Jokes on you, fagbot. People my age don't cosplay. We just make new products for you little shits to buy. Enjoy your homestuck.

>> No.6253571

>he's proud of being a cog in the wheels of capitalism

jokes on you, neet masterrace

>> No.6253600

Jokes on you, I can't hear you over the sound of all muh sheckles. Stop voting for democrats, negroes and women and you'll get somewhere. Money can't buy happiness but it buys everything else. Oh yeah, fuck the Jews too. Nuke the Middle East and let's open an arcade there

>> No.6253617

>goes off on completely random rant on women and minorities and how people should get nuked
What is wrong with you, /pol/? We're deeply concerned about your mental health.

>> No.6253637

Sorry about that. A bit caffinated here. Was hitler caffinated? With enough redbull I'd kill Jews too. My apologies, sometimes it comes across like Tourette's. Anyway. The comment this all goes back to is the fact that there's a certain feel that comes with growing up in the "arcade era". There's nothing like it anymore. I genuinely wish you could have experienced it so that you'd better understand the ephemera and miasma that earnest cline accurately recreated in the book. *cough*cough*

>> No.6253652

When has a good story ever been something you had to experience to enjoy. I just didn't get the Odyssey because I've never been a king in Ancient Greece. I couldn't get into Moby Dick because I've never hunted whales.

>> No.6253667

What about lore? The Elder Scrolls has a pretty interesting lore with clear influences from Hinduism, Borges and other literary influences.

>> No.6253924

Will you do something to get banned pls?

>> No.6254044

>He thinks that a great game has to have a great story

Just fuck off back to GameFaqs already.

>> No.6254064

Aww didums get their feelings hurt by a fact? That's adorable. It's a shame that plowing that glassy eyed tart of a mother of yours isn't a bannable offense or I'd have been cast out years ago. That and every other anon with a shiny nickel in their pocket. Put on your big girl panties, kiddo. Or borrow some from that snaggletoothed jackel that spawned your dopey ass. *cough*cough*
Double nigger

>> No.6254070


>> No.6254086

Are you trolling or literally a mental retard?

>> No.6254098

Again with the use of the word "literal". Of course he's trolling. If he was a "literal" retard, he wouldn't have the mental capacity to stop shitting himself and drooling over his caretaker while staring off into the void while wearing a fancy helmet. YOU need to stop acting like a figurative retard.

>> No.6254167

Interactivity isn't an advantage.

>> No.6254183

>playing videogames

you better be 13 years old

>> No.6254216

I played them until my early 20s. Were those grand strategy games like Eu4 anyone elses outro to video games?

>> No.6254229

us poor niggas used the NES until like 1996

>> No.6254248

Coincedentally yes, my last game I played was Victoria 2

And then I got sick of videogames, and really sick of the people who play them, and the whole "gamer" culture for being chock full of manchildren

>> No.6254303

References that will be lost on most gamers, and the people who will be inspired by the references will likely be exposed to the same sources through other medias.

>> No.6254304
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>Is Ready Player One the most autistic book ever written?
Reddit the book, meet tumblr the book.

>> No.6254471


>> No.6255011

*Tips fedora*

>> No.6255081

Nicely meme'd

Very nicely meme'd. You have a lot of potential as a memer

>> No.6255198
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>"need to have experienced the period to understand it"
>99% of literature has been written before the birth of anyone currently living

This is terrifying logic that fans of this book will use.
I read it too, dreaded the endless masturbation of wiki history the most. I didnt expect much though...

Thankfully, I did not experience this shitty, thumb-sucking period of commercial America. I don't doubt that this shit is to blame the scum on this site: Ready Player One marks the semen stained conception of 4chan by their man child-fathers.

>> No.6255219

Warlight for me.

>> No.6255222

I'll say that games have a different strength group, focused largely on interactivity, and many/majority games don't make games don't make games that could only be games, use interactivity as a watery crutch to push along a bad storyline.
Some games are different, but there's a reason I don't play much anymore. Johnathan Blow puts it very well, most games don't respect your time, but that is a matter of individual, though sadly widespread, development choice, not a necessity of the medium.

>> No.6255810

Mother 3

>> No.6255827

>tfw you ripped off Ulillillia's style for a short story about a man with severe OCD and won a $150 prize

>> No.6255867

>most games don't respect your time

I agree, there is far too much bloat and waste in video games. I've become less inclined over time to play them because of that, in fact, it's nearly killed my interest in gaming, and I say that as someone with a lot of free time on my hands.

>> No.6255877


Lmao what the fuck is this?

>> No.6255903

a masterpiece

nice dubs

>> No.6256599


CK2 and the like. Stopped when I turned 19, uninstalled Steam and never looked back.

>> No.6256628

So mature ; ^)

>> No.6256650

This book is just a wish fulfillment fantasy for nerds/geeks. The quote on the cover "willy wonka meets matrix" is accurate. Reading this made me cringe and I had to force myself to finish.

>> No.6256862
File: 88 KB, 625x434, readyplayerone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't mind the setting or the references in the novel. It was the main plot point that killed it for me. Win this dudes crazy huge inheritance, but to do it you must become his exact copy. Like what he liked. Know what he knew. The protagonist had to become an expert on this douchebag. He was a total sperglord that would have fit in well with /r9k/. And everyone went along with it! Society fell apart because of this asshole that made what was essentially occulus rift plus second life.

>> No.6256864

You are a fucking retard, and even worse, you are over 30, like vide games, don't know what makes good literature. You are pathetic.

>> No.6256868

Cool pixels, asshole.

>> No.6256873

Hello gramps, you must be new to the internet. Everyone knows literally is being incorrectly, we are just not autistic enough to give a shit about it.

>> No.6256901

games are for playing, sorry

>> No.6256907


>hear faint rustling down hall
>peek head into son's room
>he is on his bed, thrashing about spasmodically while minecraft is open on his laptop, which is on the floor
>"what are you doing?"
>>geeking out, dad, you wouldnt get it

>> No.6256932
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Nier, and Digital Devil Saga fill that.

>> No.6257009

>going to prom
Normie's leave this thread now.

>> No.6257013

this. why are there so many normies here? absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6257723


I think Torment is up there. This is one of the moments that I still remember vividly.

>> No.6257774

>this book needs to be for everyone!


>> No.6258839

Torment is really one of the most overrated pieces of storycrap I've ever met. really, the so-called 'depth' of the story mostly means encyclopedia-copied articles on certain philosophical schools disguised as 'dialogues'. If you erase that part, the story is nothing more than a generic fantasy story

>> No.6258906

>people thinking games can't have good writing



>> No.6259240

I completely agree.

>> No.6259266

It was an alright book, had a lot of potential but lost itself by focusing too much on the simulation parts rather than the real life implications of the contest. Case in point, the MC gets out of any real life trouble too easily and barely reacts to any of the shit that goes down (although that may be because he's fucking autistic)

>> No.6259287
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Seriously though why cant more videogames put an effort into their writing rather than aping movies

>> No.6260041

is it really though. I've played the game like three times beginning to end, and never... How is it a bad story again? Because of philosophy, or what? No, it's a good story about an immortal and his interesting companions, his mistakes, the nature of a long life and many different personalities, it has a love story that engages even though it's never actually played out in the game, there's meaningful betrayal, there's a neat antagonist and... I won't go on, I suddenly realized I think you're wrong here buddy.

>> No.6260408

i just finished this. it was fun. not too serious and was nostalgic and had a good atmosphere. but it was very very predictable.

>> No.6260446 [DELETED] 

Probably not, but that didn't stop me from doing it.

>> No.6260467

The author is clearly obsessed with a very specific culture from a very particular era, and the book is all about listing all of the things he likes and glorifying them and trying to fob them off on the next generation. Definite aspergers traits.


Those video games and books and TV shows and toys did impact my life and it was nice to revisit them.


The plot is clear, pleasant, has a little tension, the ending is very good.

The only things that bothered me were...

The adolescent love story, which was awkward but no more awkward than a lot of others.
The slightly odd body-denial, the head shaving and exercising and eating portrayed as necessary evils.

>> No.6260528

I think it'll be the next movement in video games. We're mostly past the whole cinematic deal: COD-clones are (finally) dying out, and are being replaced in popularity by games focusing on atmosphere: see the rise of indie games. But then look at games like Spec Ops: The Line or New Vegas: they have characterization, implied story and emotional depth. You have to work things out on your own frequently, and people are taking notice of that (particularly with Dark Souls 1 and 2: just look how many YouTube channels are dedicated to story in them). Soon games that revolve not around mechanical puzzles but around critical thinking problems and the ability to notice/follow thematic elements will be widely accepted and hailed as masterpieces.

>tfw gotta wear shades

>> No.6260539
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>> No.6260540
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I wrote a novel inside a video game. I'm not about to go Phil Fish and pretend it's an amazing book that you plebian muckrackers just don't understand, but I do at the very least understand pretty well just how particular that setting is to write in. First and foremost you have to come up with the rules beforehand on how this shit is going to work, or else you get what happened in Ready Player One, where it's like "Well he can do this because I don't know plot needs it" and then justifying it with "it's open source lol". No, you design the goddamn game as though you were actually making it or you're going to end up with plot holes and inconsistencies coming out your virtual ass.

The other thing (and this is really easy to fall prey to I've found) is forgetting to make it obvious to your reader that the setting is indeed a video game, and not just ye old fantasy land or space-y sci-fi universe. RPO wasn't so guilty of this, but .hack for example was atrocious at times with it.

>> No.6260552
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you forgot this

>> No.6260559


>> No.6260562

I read Slum Online. It wasn't very good but it was cool how literally everyone was a loser so that made it more decent

>> No.6260576


I reeeeally want to get this. I love Shelley.

>> No.6261044

Will there ever be a good novel written about video game culture:

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

>> No.6261152

How do video games have a culture

It's just a bunch of kids buying things and shitting their diapers when something goes wrong

>> No.6263147

Literally reddit the X is such a non statement

>> No.6263153

>video game "culture"

Cyberpunk already exists as a genre. The culture today is just commoditization, but without any of the noir glitz and stylistic glamor. It's really just kids getting angry at digital interlocutors while eating junk food. You can't really write novels about that.

>> No.6263585

I liked it, it was fun and a light read. Helps that I read it on vacation, probably. The "geeky" references were not very invasive. The ones I got was a nice touch, the ones I didn't get did not bother me.

>> No.6264789

Its the retarded cousin of snow crash.

>> No.6264880

Silent Hill 2
L.A. Noire

>> No.6265220

Not invasive? For real?

The entire book is built on geeky references

>> No.6265428

every video game book is cringey as fuck

>> No.6266375

Honestly, that looks dank as fuck. would read

>> No.6267064

Literally reddit the post.