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6252361 No.6252361 [Reply] [Original]

>last book you read


>> No.6252375
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>The Inferno

>> No.6252378
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The Genealogy of the Morals

>> No.6252391

Last book I read? Oh! John Minerry's series of how to kill books

>> No.6252394

best part

>> No.6252401
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>American Psycho

Not even joking

>> No.6252402
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>Joseph and His Brothers

>> No.6252412
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All that suffering.

>> No.6252417
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Brothers Karamazov

>> No.6252428

Man i've been circulating between American Psycho, Lolita, and the Hannibal Lector series
Getting every side of the fucked up coin

>> No.6252432
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The Double

>> No.6252434

It's disgusting and beautiful at the same time.
And then you ask yourself what the fuck did you just read

>> No.6252438

Wait! It wasn't john minerry's killing without joy. It was The prince. I would write raps and bars when I used to live in the hood back in '95 when I was....I think in my 20s

>> No.6252481
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in cold blood, a few minutes ago

>> No.6252613
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A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.6252649
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Can we stop associating philosophy whit fedora faggots?

It really does more harm than good when you associate critical thinking with losers like that.
Find something else to pick on. Its a shame that you cant call out a weeaboo but that is ok.

>> No.6252651
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>Not even joking

Is the book not good or something? I've been meaning to give it a read. I don't want to read shit though.

>> No.6252672

Heart of Darkness

>> No.6252683
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Sausea - Sartre

>> No.6252690
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120 days of sodom

>> No.6252692

>critical thinking

>> No.6252710 [DELETED] 
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The Wall of the Sky, the Wall of the Eye

>> No.6253155
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The Argonautica

>> No.6253173
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Mill on the Floss

>> No.6253200
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The Moral Landscape

>> No.6253207
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>The Setting Sun by Osamu Dazai

>> No.6253309
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The Helmet of Horror

>> No.6253313
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Conspiracy Against The Human Racce

>> No.6253315

I find it so hard to go through.

Narcissus and Goldmund, awesome book, do recommend.

>> No.6253316
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forgot mfw of course.

>> No.6253318
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The Orchard Keeper

>> No.6253320
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>> No.6253362

GOAT documentary

>> No.6253561
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treatise of human nature

>> No.6253644
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The Truth About the Harry Quebert Affair

>> No.6253710
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Bolano - 2666

best modern novel I've ever read

>> No.6254085
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The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.6254090
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>> No.6254108
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The Tom Ripley books by Patricia Highsmith

It's beautiful.

>> No.6254166

Nah it's good but you should start with the greeks.

>> No.6254299
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A Clash of Kings
It drags on for ages. I just wanted it to end.

>> No.6254334
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The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea

>> No.6254454
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A Farewell to Arms

>> No.6254474
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Sarah Kane: Complete Plays

>> No.6254486
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>The Wizard Knight

>> No.6254541

It's good: funny, desperate and disgusting at the same time.

>> No.6254942
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Mason & Dixon

>> No.6254976
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Notes from Underground

>> No.6255097
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Blue Mars. It's great, then boring as shit, then great, then boring as shit again for 800 pages.

>> No.6255123

really? I didn't think that one was so good. Herzog has many documentaries that are much better than that one.

The part with the penguin in that guy's pic is GOAT material though. that shit still sticks with me

>> No.6255138

have you tried enquiry concerning human understanding?

>> No.6255148
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Dealing With Dragons - Wrede

>> No.6255160
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The Dog Stars.

>> No.6255418
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Brave New World

>> No.6255438
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>Myth of Sisyphus (and other essays)

>> No.6255479

least fave in the whole series

>> No.6255648
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>The Sorrows of young Werther

>> No.6255660

>tfw engaged bitch just playing with you
>such a loser that you still go for her
>husband shows up
>bitch keeps playing with you
>tfw you should obviously move on but the thought doesn't even occur to you
>tfw you can't give her up even though you're the betaest cuck in the history of 4chan
>tfw suicide
>tfw thousands of people don't see the joke and kill themselves too

>> No.6255670
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The Heart is a Lonely Hunter

>> No.6256944

Are you implying that it is a horrible book? If so, why? I need to know because I just bought it but haven't opened it yet.

>> No.6260135

loved that book

>> No.6260143

I can feel it, where does it come from ?

>> No.6260163
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The Road

>> No.6260174

encounters at the end of the world

>> No.6260197
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>encounters at the end of the world

>> No.6260612

If you like it, you should really check out herzog's other documentaries. 'Grizzly Man' is, in my opinion, one of the best films ever made.

>> No.6262138

I felt this about Red Mars, it's like up and down, but it sucks that they killed Arkady off so early, he was the more interesting character.

>> No.6262177

not bad.
>read straight through or followed the page directions or both?

>> No.6262179
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A supposedly fun thing I'll never do again - dfw

>> No.6262183

i couldn't finish after he goes to the bar with his mom.

>> No.6262186
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and age of reason - satre

>> No.6262216
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>> No.6262232

You mean the second chapter? It gets much better, the story actually develops and all. Give it a second chance if you have time, I really enjoyed it.

>> No.6262268

the bestaility was enough for me to put it off a little while longer...but thanks for the encouragement.

>> No.6262285
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>> No.6262321
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The Trial

>> No.6262333

Hannibal Lector series is the odd of that bunch there though yo. or which book did you have in particular in mind? I've only read the first.

>> No.6262337

Why that face? Did it not inspire you?

>> No.6262344
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Paradise Regained

>> No.6262345

Non-memetically, what in the fuck are you even doing on this website? You had to stop reading a critically acclaimed book because you were triggered he jacks off to the memory of a dog? Why even force yourself to come here? You must be perpetually offended.

>> No.6262348

It was Going Postal, I finished it on monday, why god did it have to be so soon

>> No.6262351
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The Man Without Qualities

>> No.6262359

Story behind this pic?

>> No.6262382

He meme'd too hard

>> No.6262384

there are so many fucking faggots here that just read the same meme authors over and over again

>> No.6262388

dfw poster

>> No.6262391

Looks like an autopsy/mortician...ing?

>> No.6262394

If we can't make fun of ourselves then we should be ashamed at our insecurity.

>> No.6262406

>at what point did you begin to believe we have evidence for bones in our face

>> No.6262412

So you're confirming that the weebs, video game players, and genre fans are shitter-shattered manchildren?

>> No.6263199

I'm going to read it, do you advice ?