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6252247 No.6252247 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you feel like any degree but STEM is worthless

>> No.6252260


Plenty of STEM degrees are equally "worthless" as arts degrees. In fact, you'll probably be more hireable for your writing skills you gained in an arts course than you will from the knowledge you gain as a theoretical physicist or high level mathematician. Of course a life were you base what you do on nothing but the money you make is worthless itself, so best to go with the worthless thing that you can enjoy.

>> No.6252262


As far as job prospects, maybe. I don't know enough about the job market, economics and things like that to give a confident answer. However, I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't major in a STEM field and feel satisfied -- I'd be miserable for my whole life. I'm an English major because it's the only thing I love.

If you're going through a crisis because you think your major is useless, I'm in the same boat as you right now.

>> No.6252273

I was a STEM major. Not EVERYONE gets a job right away. It's really up to that person to do their part and work at internships, get good grades, etc.

Business is another field that has a lot of potential. Plenty of liberal arts degrees as well. It really comes down to your drive, some luck, and maybe some nepotism if you have the opportunity.

>> No.6252274

I don't care about being hireable I care about advancing humanity, I think of astronauts and engineers and doctors exploring the stars and inventing things and advancing medicine and I question the worth of words on paper

>> No.6252278

If that's what you care about then don't limit yourself to a degree.

Even if you got a degree that you as of now thought was a worthwhile one, it would not simply solve this problem you are focusing on. It is not as simple as that. "Advancing humanity" is hard enough to figure out, let alone accomplish it.

By the way I don't really understand your problem with the worth of words on paper. STEM have done immense amounts, I can't stress this enough, but politics and everything that surrounds it has always guided it.

>> No.6252283

All degrees are worthless. All of the persons holding degrees are worthless. Every single person is worthless. The only thing that has worth is wealth itself. Even the people that have wealth are worth their ability to retain that wealth.

>> No.6252285


Your work can help inspire someone out there. They can be inspired to read more or pick up writing itself.

And it's not like every astronaut/engineer/doctor is going to be completely useful and able to contribute something to human knowledge.

Also, you don't need to just look at your career as a way of helping people. Volunteer somewhere. Help your local community. Donate to charity. There's a lot of ways you can make a difference.

>> No.6252287

Why would you need to go to school to learn anything other than STEM?

>> No.6252293

>you'll probably be more hireable for your writing skills you gained in an arts course than a high level mathematician


>> No.6252311

I don't even understand how people can think like that at all.

>> No.6252312


Most engineering graduates don't even end up working in engineering - there isn't the demand. The STEM myth is just as big a lie as any of the others they tell you about university and your prospects afterwards - everyone has roughly the same chance of ending up in a call centre or a PR firm.

Study what you want, and if you don't really want to study, don't bother going because it's a lot of debt just to put off getting a job for four years.

>> No.6252313
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>In fact, you'll probably be more hireable for your writing skills you gained in an arts course than you will from the knowledge you gain as a theoretical physicist or high level mathematician

In fact.

>> No.6252317
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>I care about advancing humanity

>> No.6252340

spread Marxism.

>> No.6252341

do whatever in college that you will have the most fun doing and that will give you the best chance of meeting and banging hot girls. having fun while you have the chance is more important than getting a degree that will give you a medium-income office job for the entirety of your shitty life.

>> No.6252342

They are

>> No.6252498

>nursing/medical anything
>criminal justice
>social work
>many more

>> No.6252577

You only feel that way because it is true, anon. The vast majority of non-STEM degrees are overly expensive, thinly veiled propaganda, the knowledge of which is useless for any purpose beyond becoming a professor of that same propaganda.

>> No.6252585

>Caring about not advancing humanity.

If your ego wants to advance humanity, it should do so. If it dosn't, it probably won't.

The best thing about Egoism, is you practice it no matter what. Involuntary egoism is only wrong if you hate hypocrisy. (which is perfectly okay)

>> No.6252597
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No matter what degree you get, you still will amount to nothing if you're a busta.

>> No.6252603

>tfw you feel
>>that feel when you feel

you do not feel a feeling. you just feel. you do not know you are feeling something. you just feel it.

>> No.6252610

humanity is noumena. advance humans.

>> No.6252731

I'm in the same boat OP.

Do I:

>pursue a degree in a field I enjoy
>pursue a degree in a field that will likely find me a job

Either way I feel like I am missing something.

>> No.6252736

tp for my bunghole

I am currently in a STEM program, and even though I like doing what my degree is about, I hate the maths, the stupid schoolwork. I want to change my major to philosophy

>> No.6252740
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forgot the TP

>> No.6253230

you're wrong and retarded

>> No.6253646

study an enjoyable major and do programming on the side. There are so many online tutorials on programming skills that you'll be better than most comp sci majors. I regret not doing this. CS/Math major btw.

>> No.6253683

Astronauts are extremely rare. They are barely even needed for future space travel, we have wireless computing now. Humans go to space for the same reasons we send dogs and monkeys up there.
Engineers spend 90% of their time inventing machines and software that destroy the jobs of others, meaning they cease to be consumers. All so their boss can save a few dollars on employment. Meanwhile, the market lacks demand and supplies too much.
Doctors spend their time giving people chemical drugs rather than telling them what they really need to do to be healthy: Live a healthy lifestyle with exercise, organic food, plenty sleep, work that contributes to the community and an active social life.

Politicians, artists and philosophers on the other hand, work to genuinly improve your life and bring happiness, rainbows and unicorns to everyone. Like in that faggot pony cartoon.

>> No.6253694

>graduate with STEM degree
>great uni, alright marks, business oriented degree
>but no internship or grad program

Looks like another day of getting rejected by call centres

>> No.6253706

Can philosophy mayors even buy bread with their earnings?

>> No.6253708

that may be so, but who cares about worth anyway?

>> No.6253719

>who cares about value

>> No.6254386
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>I think of astronauts and engineers and doctors exploring the stars and inventing things and advancing medicine

99,99999999% of the people graduating with these majors are wage slaves

>> No.6254627
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>work to genuinly improve your life and bring happiness

>work to genuinly improve your life and bring happiness

>work to genuinly improve your life and bring happiness

Uttermost kek

>> No.6254641
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>tfw people are so anti-intellectual that they genuinely feel something isn't worth doing if it can't make them money
study something that doesn't exist in an empirical vacuum and you'll be happy

>> No.6254650

>he doesn't know philosophy is the best degree to get before going into law

Corporate tax attorney here. Not a single one of my friends with STEM degrees even makes half of what I make a year. None of them have even passed the 90k/year mark.

I guess this proves it once and for all: humanities majors make more money than STEM majors.

>> No.6254662


>Doctors spend their time giving people chemical drugs rather than telling them what they really need to do to be healthy

Yeah, because having an active social life will help with my chronic diseases when i'm 50

>> No.6254666

You have seen the light OP, kind of
Actually every degree is worthwhile except for humanities/soft science

>> No.6254677

might as well post this in a shitpost thread. does anyone know any authors who started writing fiction after studying mathematics/physics at a university? excluding science fiction writers. say, people like sabato (phd in physics), leo perutz (mathematics), musil and pynchon to some extent.

>> No.6254681

>People see money as disgusting where it's the most legal will to power that we have today

pure ideology

>> No.6254689

George saunders. Former umm petroleum engineer ifrc

>> No.6254695

All degrees are worthless.

>> No.6254717

whats the problem get a STEM degree, learn the arts outside of college its not the only way to learn