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/lit/ - Literature

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6252149 No.6252149 [Reply] [Original]

What's wrong with young writers these days?

>> No.6252154

they suck?

>> No.6252156

they definetly suck

>> No.6252158


>> No.6252166

They lack an education in the Greeks and the Romans. Plus no liberal arts education being offered at state schools. It's only english, or science, or history. Very little cross over.

>> No.6252178


didn't start with the greeks

>> No.6252214

they need to commence with the chinese

>> No.6252218

Lack of greek and Roman history

>> No.6252225


>> No.6252233

They lack a thorough training in the Latin and Grecian classics, and hence have no sense of form or style.

>> No.6252238


>> No.6252244

>you will never be a young 21 year old novelist, being interviewed by william f.buckley while next to a fellow cutie novelist

y live ?

>> No.6252345

They need to look towards Greek's Roman's and Ancient Chinese

also I blame the consumers as it seems the only books that sell these days are jokeish or angsty
and all the writers lack a pure passion for words

>> No.6252353
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keep on wishin you're Sophocles, you classicalist wanna-bez

>> No.6252364

>Writes a couple great play about a guy who accidentally kills his dad and sleeps with his mom
yep he's the only thing that made the greeks bloody brilliant

>> No.6252372

They received a low quality education lacking humanist values and an appreciation for artistic quality; they all have the same experiences, growing up in an upper middle class family, doing well in school by following directions and going to the activities their parents set up for them, and then going to college the study some liberal arts subject in a half assed way; contemporary culture is devoid of all optimism and introspection; ideological conformity; less people are drawn to writing because there is less a chance to make a good living from it.

>> No.6252374

Also people can read stuff only for aid in style and maybe inspiration without aspiring to be the author

When you read joyce do you want to become a word loving nutter

>> No.6252377

They think differently from you, and that's scary.

>> No.6253160

Money money money

>> No.6253179

Literally nothing.

>> No.6253216

Ben Lerner was 31 when he published his first masterpiece, so I'd say nothing

>> No.6253229

Back in the day only people of the higher social classes could afford an education that would allow them to become authors.
In our pseudo-egalitarian society everyone thinks of themself as having something deep and meaningful to communicate just because they graduated from some shitty college and they have tried out lots of different drugs.

>> No.6253232

fuck off Ben
it's getting obvious