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File: 1.04 MB, 653x808, Augustine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6251906 No.6251906 [Reply] [Original]

What if we had as many Augustine threads as we have Nietzsche threads?

>> No.6251914

where should i start with Augustine?

>> No.6251926

Start with the Confessions, then move on to his dialogues (The Teacher and On Free Choice of the Will are good) then move into his more polemical works, like Against the Donatists.

End with The City of God.

>> No.6251931

What happened to the Christian reading group someone proposed last week? I was looking forward to it but no one made the requisite thread.

>> No.6251951

I never expect any coherent organization out of 4chan and you shouldn't either.

>> No.6251952
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We would all be closer to God.

>> No.6251957
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Just read these.

>> No.6251970

well than you can do it

>> No.6251971

Two choices that basically amount to the same thing:

1) Love and do anything you want
2) Believe so that you may understand

Also don't forget that only God truly knows who you are.

Oh and read The Confessions or some shit, I dunno.

>> No.6251981

We don't want that conformist shit here.

>> No.6251985
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>> No.6251988

KJV Bible? Wasn't that the pleb tier one?

>> No.6251997
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>Roman detected

>> No.6251999

I was planning on it, actually.
Is anyone else interested?

>> No.6252007

>Augustine thread
>Doesn't acknowledge tradition but comes in anyway
Why are you even posting?

>> No.6252017
File: 901 KB, 943x1456, Luther.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Luther wasn't an Augustinian

>> No.6252043

Can you feel mark of heresy in your own conscience, or do you have to be the original heretic yourself for that?

>> No.6252052

And Arius was lucian ascetic. He's still wrong.

>> No.6252074

Technically Satan is the original heretic.

>> No.6252085

herp derp you know what I'm saying

>> No.6252093
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I do not know what it is that you are saying, how is it that YOU know what it is that you are saying?

>> No.6252101

Why, by the grace of God, of course!

>> No.6253136

>that filename though.

Damn it anon, I laughed like a retard on a public bus. Thanks.

>> No.6253148


douay rheims master race reporting

>> No.6253257

>Reading a translation of a translation
>Master Race

Pick one and only one

>> No.6253274

The circlejerk over Augustine was the worst thing to happen to Western Christianity, and why we're still theologically inferior to the Orthodox Church.

>> No.6253281

Does the Orthadox Church have an Aquinas though?

>> No.6253287

Their theology is nothing like Western theology, it isn't reason-based for the most part. It's more mysticism.

I'd also argue that a church "having" a theologian is fucking dumb. Aquinas might have been Catholic, but Aristotle sure as fuck wasn't, and he took plenty from him. Catholics don't *have" Aristotle, but he had a tremendous impact on Catholicism and is a vital thinker to anyone seriously interested in Catholic theology. Looking at theologians in terms of which faith or denomination they were a part of is why theology is a kind of a run in philosophy, you don't have existentialists saying "we have Nietzsche" or stupid shit like that, because in regular philosophy isn't in a sectarian pissing contest (at worst, it's a pissing contest between individuals).

>> No.6253289

Mark of Ephesus.

>> No.6253290

>regular philosophy isn't in a sectarian pissing contest
Of course there is analytic vs. continental, but that is invariably started by an analytic, and a great deal of it is simply trolling.

>> No.6253292

Mate philosophy has always been a pissing context. Even in ancient times it was divided into sects or "schools". Philosophy is a form of tribalism.

>> No.6253293

this needs elaboration

>> No.6253299

Why do you post in Christianity or philosophy threads when you know nothing about either topic?

>> No.6253311

Gregory Palamas, Maximus Confessor, John of Damascus, Symeon the New Theologian, Evagrius Ponticus, Gregory of Nazianzus, Nicodemus the Hagiorite, Gregory of Nyssa, Niketas Stethatos...

>> No.6253314

The Orthodox Church has a more sensible appreciation for Augustine but does not consider him a church father due to a lot of questionable stuff in his theology. Western traditions, by comparison, obsessed over Augustine alone, adopting not just his valuable contributions but also the stuff that was mostly influenced by his guilt complex for his pre-conversion lifestyle.

>> No.6253319

Well then the unbearable christfags would be as many as the unbearable edgelords. That leaves the question, do two flavours of unbearable ever cancel each other out? I'm not sure I want to find out.

>> No.6253328

He's a namefag. Namefags all have severe mental issues.

>> No.6253340

Theophan the recluse>>>>

>> No.6253364

He's particularly awful. He's up there with Butterfly.
What I don't get is why he kept his name after his psthetic book club fell through.

>> No.6253368
File: 40 KB, 421x635, m'lord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if we had as many Augustine threads as we have Nietzsche threads?
We do. Stop it.

>> No.6253376

So why do you think that the Latin West, if this is so, obsessed over St. Augustine? Because he was prolific and had a pleasing Latin style, or what?

You getting this stuff from John Romanides?

>> No.6253583

I personally think it's because the West needed something stronger than the East's mysticism from its lack of an Emperor in Rome.

I really do think that's the major difference between East and West, when you come down to it. The East had the Emperor, the West had the Pope. One was a mostly secular leader with some spiritual powers on the side, and one was a mostly spiritual leader with some secular powers on the side. That's why the East's theology is less concerned with form and structure, less about how to behave correctly, than the West's. The East just had to follow the Emperor.

That is not to say there isn't a great deal of value in Eastern theology, of course.

>> No.6253587

Just pointing out that I'm not >>6253314 , I'm somebody different.

>> No.6253691

Can you summarise his man philosophical concepts? I'm totally unfamiliar with him.

>> No.6253701
File: 183 KB, 640x873, St. Augustine reking pagans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ is Almighty God.

>> No.6253713

Kurt Vonnegut made a better God in Breakfast of Champions.

>> No.6253721

And why would we have Augustine threads? He was a delusional retard (muh pear! jeebus will never forgibe me ;_;) who perpetrated the massive lie that is God.

Nietzsche wrote beautifully and wasn't a solemn ass. The strong kill the weak, the way of life bitch.

>> No.6253724
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>> No.6253898
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>> No.6253911

>what is eastern Catholicism

The catholic church has both traditions m8