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/lit/ - Literature

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6247590 No.6247590 [Reply] [Original]

Name your favorite

>> No.6247595

Lol not gonna do it.

>> No.6247599
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T.S. Eliot


Albrecht Durer


St. Augustine


Fleet Foxes

>> No.6247610

Wolfe, Dostoevsky
Gustav Klimt
Neutral Milk Hotel, Radiohead, Isis,Mastodon

>> No.6247612

>Thomas Pynchon
>Samuel Taylor Coleridge
>Hieronymus Bosch
>Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.6247620

How do you have such a good taste in everything but music

>> No.6247628



what kind of music do you like then?

>> No.6247631
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Pratchett / Lin / McCarthy

Meyer / Ginsberg

Anselm Kiefer / Waterlord_水の領主


Chelsea Wolfe / Ulver

>> No.6247634
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>> No.6247639

I like you alot. We are different in many respects, but I sense a certain joyous, mad Streben in you.

Weird. I can't see much that unites your interests.

Yer also weird but more coherently weird.

>> No.6247641
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Robert Walser
Fernando Pessoa
Van Gogh
Chet Baker in the moment

>> No.6247648
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I like you too!

>> No.6247652

Van Gogh

>> No.6247655

we could be friends





kurt cobain

>> No.6247660

OP here, Chopin is by far my favorite musician ever

>> No.6247661

James Joyce
Walt Whitman
Gian Lorenzo Bernini
Taha Abdurrahman^^
The Something Rain^^ Luciano Pavarotti^^

>> No.6247662

try to get into classical music

>> No.6247670
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Faulkner, Joyce, Beckett

WB Yeats, Whitman

Monet and Matisse

not well versed with phil yet, maybe Aristotle?

Schoenberg, Scriabin, Zappa, Magma, Stravinsky, Pentangle

>> No.6247671


Lol what the fuck

>> No.6247672
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David Foster Wallace
W. B. Yeats
Emil Nolde
Chuang Tzu
Jason Molina

>> No.6247673

>dat lin
>dat spinoza
>dat cobain

Why yes, I do believe we could be friends. By any chance, have you heard Cobain's collab with Burroughs?

>> No.6247676

Lana Del Rey

>> No.6247677

>implying lin isn't worthy of favorite status

>> No.6247680

He isn't worthy of literature status.

You fell for the meme

>> No.6247681

i have not, but i do like burroughs and would be very interested in that.

>> No.6247690

Grateful Dead

>> No.6247697
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Meme is love
Meme is life

>> No.6247698
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Van Gogh


Nightmares on Wax

>> No.6247701

The Priest They Called Him
Pretty cool.


But he's actually pretty good m8

>> No.6247703

>isn't worthy of literature status.
what does this even mean.

>> No.6247704

>The Something Rain
I meant Tindersticks, the The Something Rain is My favourite album sorry <_<

>> No.6247707






>> No.6247709

It means it sucks m8.

>> No.6247714


where do you recommend i start?
>(inb4 the greeks)

>> No.6247715

wow, what a thoughtful and insightful criticism of tao lin!

>> No.6247721

>Chekhov or Woolf

>Eliot or Dickinson (Pessoa for Disquiet)

>Goya or Rembrandt

>Schopenhauer or Kant

>Joanna Newsom or Sibylle Baier

>> No.6247725

Thomas Pynchon
John Keats
Mike Kinsella/Sufjan Stevens

>> No.6247726

>chekhov, eliot, dickinson, goya, schopenhauer, joanna newsome

you're like my bff.

>> No.6247734



>> No.6247735

Tryhard detected.

>> No.6247739

>Name your favorite
Jacques-Louis David
Saint Max

>German master race

>> No.6247744

Not that homo, but start with the relatively popular ones, like Mozart, Bach, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Saint-Saens, Liszt. Branch out from there.

>> No.6247747

>"classical music"

First sign of someone who can't appreciate music is someone who defines such a genre.

>> No.6247752

I don't play favorites but I like to arbitrarily select ones I enjoy for these threads, so here goes:


Don't read enough poetry to answer this one


Bishop Berkeley

Willis Earl Beal

Also, can I encourage people to comment on others' choices so this isn't another useless MySpace profile thread? I will do so in a separate post.

>> No.6247755
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>> No.6247759

>no beethoven
>ignoring the pinnacle of music

The writing of symphony 9 was the greatest moment in the history of mankind.

>> No.6247767

poetry is tight man you're missing out.

>> No.6247769

The Drones

>> No.6247782

If it wasn't for that Humility you keep about yourself we could be great friends :^(

>> No.6247783
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>why don't you do it right,
>like the other men do?
Nikolay Ostrovskiy
Pavel Nikolayevich Shubin
Alexander Samokhvalov
Otto Yulyevich Schmidt
Alexander Vertinsky

>> No.6247784
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Lord Byron
Friedrich Nietzsche
Arcangelo Corelli

>> No.6247800

this thread is terrible. why don't you instead show us your goodreads account?

>> No.6247807

Shut up, "classical music" is completely fine as a synonym of Western art music, and is not to be confused with (common period) Classical music.

The monks. Listen to Leonin, Perotin, Machaut, and work your way to the renaissance.

>> No.6247808

Gabriel García Márquez /Patrick Süskind

Pablo Neruda

Miguel Ángel

Friedrich Nietzsche

Kurt Cobain/Nirvana

>> No.6247814

Gerard Manley Hopkins
John Locke
The Smiths/Morrissey solo career

>> No.6247815

Maybe Joyce or Tolstoy, really between favorite authors right now
Not super into paintings, maybe Dali

>> No.6247818

>Not super into paintings

>> No.6247824

Slim Shady, Bob Dylan and Curt Cobain

>> No.6247825

young people often have terrible taste in music (including myself)

>> No.6247834

Have yet to read anything Beckett, but I hope to soon. Name a few you especially like/recommend a couple to start with?

>Grateful Dead
Hope you're not being facetious (hard to tell from the rest of your post). They are one band that always makes me feel better. Oaxomaxoa is among my most-listened to albums, along with American Beauty. They've helped me with bad trips even, though that's probably not too surprising given their history.

I only ever really hear about 2666. What else of his in particular propels him to the top of your list?

>Nightmares on Wax
Good stuff. I would suggest you look into Nujabes, Gramatik, and Dan le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip if you don't know them already.

Currently reading 100 Years of Solitude. Recommendations for what of his I should read next?

I honestly haven't looked at a single poem in probably a few years. I found I just couldn't connect with it like I could poetry for some reason. I should try to get into it again.

>> No.6247835

this isn't /b/

>> No.6247837

>shut up, I'm dumb on purpose!!

>> No.6247839

*like I could prose

>> No.6247842

impressive!!! Lord Byron Caravaggio^^ Friedrich Nietzsche

>> No.6247848

molloy, happy days
love in the time of cholera, the autumn of the patriarch
people who call out people for calling classical music a genre and then say 'i'll think you'll find there were several eras such as baroque and romantic of which one was classical' are more incorrect than the people correctly labelling it all three classical music

>> No.6247853


Mozart (I know it's pleb, but I just fucking enjoy the hell out of his music)

>> No.6247857

>I know it's pleb
what the fuck

>> No.6247868
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>has never read a lettrist Nietzsche manuscript
>or listened to any of his Kunstlieder
>and can't understand poetry auf Deutsch
Well, if this be not /b/, pleb, you are out of place.

>> No.6247869

Mozart is not pleb, only /mu/tants think that

>> No.6247871


>Vonnegut or Joyce
>Homer or Dante
>Neil Gaiman
>Nietzsche or Schopenhauer
>Led Zeppelin or Opeth

>> No.6247872

"Of love and other deamons" and "Love in time of cholera" are very good.

>> No.6247878
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>> No.6247879

Mozart is considered shit to classical fans on /mu/

Pop classical, if you will

>> No.6247889

>on /mu/
there's your problem
it's like calling Shakespeare shit
everyone on /mu/ is a hipster involved in constant one-upmanship in an attempt to make themselves seem important to make up for the complete failure of their lives

>> No.6247897


That's because they're tryhard hipsters.

Just like /lit/

>> No.6247901

It wasn't always that way, /classical/ wants to revolt against a few trips by hating Mozart. That, and they are faggots with shit taste.

>> No.6247911
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>> No.6247915

Joan Didion

Cesar Vallejo

Don't really know much about art. I'll choose Fellini if your definition of "artist" is flexible. If not, Caravaggio.

Don't read philosophy.

Tindersticks or Sleater-Kinney.

>> No.6247916

>John Stuart Mill
>Musician: Tom Waits; Band: Boris

>> No.6247926

I like it
are the first four anagrams of each other

>> No.6247934


W.B. Yeats


Patricia Churchland


>> No.6247942

>symphony 9
>not symphony 3

>> No.6247947


>> No.6247952

>[Visual] Artist
Sonny Rollins

Surprise surprise /lit/ mostly reads /lit/core and listens to pitchforkcore

>> No.6247965

>people who call out people for calling classical music a genre and then say 'i'll think you'll find there were several eras such as baroque and romantic of which one was classical' are more incorrect than the people correctly labelling it all three classical music

I do none, I list specific composers because I'm not a queer like you

>> No.6247966

> Novelist
Cornfather or Dostoevsky
> Poet
Yeats or Byron outside of Shakespeare
> Artist
Bernini or Gustav Dore
> Philosopher
Plato, I suppose. I haven't read much philosophy
> Musician/Band
Kanye West, Open Mike Eagle, or Charles Mingus

It's difficult to choose favorites. I don't really have favorites
Thanks for reading

>> No.6247967

Da Vinci

>> No.6247974


Patrish. Everyone else kill yourselves.

>> No.6247978

>sol1 + si1
>fa1 + DO/4
There is a whole modernist opera in there it seems.

>> No.6247987
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3 is the apotheosis of heroism but 9 is the apotheosis of all life, joy and the universe
>At a certain place in Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, for example, he might feel that he is floating above the earth in a starry dome, with the dream of immortality in his heart; all the stars seem to glimmer around him, and the earth seems to sink ever deeper downwards.

>> No.6247993

James Joyce

John Donne

Giorgio de Chirico or William Blake

Derrida or Wittgenstein

Women or John Fahey

>> No.6247996

H.G. Wells
John Donne
Jhonen Vasquez (sorry, not an art buff)
Jack Off Jill

>> No.6248001

Bother, nice to meet you

>> No.6248008

That quote wasn't exactly total praise. He was contrasting Beethoven's musical Idealism with Mozart's this-worldliness, as he'd do with Plato and himself.

>> No.6248010


/mu/ doesn't exactly harbor the best musical tastes

or really, any intellect on any level

>> No.6248011

Caspar David Friedrich takes the cake on this one.
John Searle.
Maurice Ravel.

>> No.6248016

>Saul Bellow

>Lord Byron

>de Goya

>Ludwig Klages


>> No.6248051
File: 66 KB, 499x499, pepenietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, he still liked him quite a bit
>In the lives of great artists, there are unfortunate contingencies which, for example, force the painter to sketch his most significant picture as only a fleeting thought, or which forced Beethoven to leave us only the unsatisfying piano reduction of a symphony in certain great piano sonatas (the great B flat major). In such cases, the artist coming after should try to correct the great men's lives after the fact; for example, a master of all orchestral effects would do so by restoring to life the symphony that had suffered an apparent pianistic death.
>Elsewhere, Nietzsche characterized Beethoven as having himself been an Übermensch.

>> No.6248063


nice troll, almost got me before I saw the trip

>> No.6248071
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>W.S. Merwin
>Anders Zorn
>Elliott Smith

>> No.6248096

Nikolai Ostrovsky

Olga Bergholz

Isaak Brodsky

Karl Marx

The Red Army Choir

>> No.6248107

>kanye west
>Charles Mingus

How much of a role does an artists personality play in whether you like them? Any? I feel like I would appreciate these two much more, particularly kanye, if I could separate the person from their work.

>> No.6248129

I've convinced myself that everything Kanye does is all an act and some part in a big genius plan that he has. In reality he's probably just slightly autistic. I don't mind though because artists being silly never really changes my opinion of their music too much as long as it isn't too drastic.

Also I've loved Kanye since College Dropout, which was before his mother died and he went off the deep end.

>> No.6248141

Nietzsche(really plato but I feel thats overdone)
The Beatles

>> No.6248142

>I've convinced myself that everything Kanye does is all an act and some part in a big genius plan that he has. In reality he's probably just slightly autistic
My sentiments about Morrissey.

>> No.6248148

>The Beatles
I was 14 too once

>> No.6248151

>> Poet

I just blazed through a huge collection of Yeats Poems because they were so incredible. What do you recommend for fans of Yeats?

>> No.6248161
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>Van gogh
>Plato so far
>Sun Kil Moon

>> No.6248162

I was a scaruffidrone too once

>> No.6248165

Eh well im more a fan of Harrison's stuff but I also like the shitty lovey dovey feel of mccartney stuff and im just like might as well put down the whole band as its a solid piece
I could list off a

>> No.6248171


I rarely go to /mu/, do they shit on us /lit/izens as much as I see others shitting on them here? Also the few times I've ventured over there it doesn't seem as bad as y'all make it out to be. I mean yeah, plenty of shit threads and shitposting, but we have that here too.

>> No.6248181


Are there twenty or more 3x3 or 5x5 "I just read these books!" threads on /lit/?


then no matter how bad /lit/ might be, it is not nearly as shallow as /mu/.

>> No.6248182

>I could list off a
sorry the thing auto captchaed me and when I hit enter it submitted

I could list off a long thing of groups that I think have great music and an even longer list of composure's but I have not had time to do much music listening so I put the first thing that popped in my head

>> No.6248191

If you enjoyed Yeats' earlier works, you could check out the high romantics. Blake roughly translates into the christian equivalent of Yeats' Irish pride.
If you enjoy his mid to late work more, maybe try some of the other modernists of the time. Whitman might also be worth checking out, but that one's mostly based on my personal preference.

>> No.6248201

I was being a bit of goof, but I truly do love Pynchon and Grateful Dead

>> No.6248217

Germany #1

Don't care about Music/Visual Arts




>> No.6248218

Is there a version of 4chan that just like filters out every post from an American IP?

>> No.6248240


>> No.6248428

Author: Joseph Conrad
Poet: Edgar Allan Poe
Artist: Monet
Philosopher: Not much one for philosophy
Band: Alt-J or Gogol Bordello

>> No.6248438

Typical German nationalists. I guess some things never change...

As an American, though, I'd like a 4chan like this that filters out Australians.

>> No.6248441

u wot m8

>> No.6248446

>Mit gelben Klöten hänget
>Und voll mit wilden Mösen
For poetry you need to rhyme.

>> No.6248455

2ch.so /bo/ is actually fine. You can try reading it through gurgel translate. Same goes to the original Japanese chan.

>> No.6248459

>William Faulkner
>Li-Young Lee
>Hannah Höch
>Mike Kinsella, anything he's ever been in.

>> No.6248462

Whitman (yes, I know they clash)
I'm very boring but it's probably either Hopper or Francis Bacon
Nietzche to read, Hegel for the ideas
John Zorn or Frank Zappa

>> No.6248469

The Velvet Underground

>> No.6248501
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Hesiod (to bad he couldn't recognize day and night for what they are though....)
Homer (while being beaten with a rod)
cosmological fire
the eternal logos

>> No.6248502

fuck yeah dudes, public strain is 10/10. s/t is solid too, would have been a 10/10 EP if they cut some songs.

>> No.6248504

those are generally used to rec people shit you fookin melon.

>> No.6248543

Why Marcus Aurelius? He was famous for being a peoples' emperor.

>> No.6248551

Nietzsche did actually compose some really shit music


>> No.6248567

>Lou Reed

>> No.6248577

Degenerate filth

>> No.6248612

not enough into art to choose, want to get more into it though
Galaxie 500, Felt, MBV

>> No.6248618

they're horrible live. saw them open for liars (who're also trash).
decent band though, made vu listenable.

>> No.6248623

I actually don't mind this one


>> No.6248775

He just has a disdainful look on his face, I guess. I didn't make the image.

>> No.6248794

Can't decide; too many


Leonardo da Vinci

Rumi (again)


>> No.6248821

Name your favorite




Wallace Collection
I really hate that nobody knows Wallace Collection and everybody knows Lupe Fiasco's track Daydream.

>> No.6248824

Name your favorite




Wallace Collection
I really hate that nobody knows Wallace Collection and everybody knows Lupe Fiasco's track Daydream.

I also hate how this thing will verify I typed the captcha but when I submit I get the error page saying I seem to have mistyped the captcha. Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.6248855

Vladimir Nabokov
T.S Eliot or Charles Baudelaire
Rene Magritte
Soren Kierkegaard

>> No.6248860

The authors of Psalms
Jesus Christ :)
The Newsboys

>> No.6248978

I was basically coerced into attending an event with my mother where, though the event itself was a non-religious sporting event, Newsboys performed a short set at the end. Thought it was going to be just dreadful, but the music was surprisingly good. In particular I remember thinking the guitarist was pretty good and the drummer excellent. Even the actual voice of the vocalist was a wonderful complement to the instruments. I just tuned out the lyrics themselves and it was a rather enjoyable show.

>> No.6248989

Oh goody, so it actually did go through the first time, but didn't show immediately when I hit update, and so I reposted and look even more foolish than usual. Real cool.

>> No.6248993

>Gertrude Stein
>Basquiat, Piranesi
>Bob Dylan

>> No.6248997

I got drunk in an art gallery with Mike Kinsella m8 he's such a sweetheart. and he's down w/ One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.6249009

Nathanael West
James Dickey
Egon Schiele
Neil Postman
Pink Floyd

>> No.6249040

Rilke or Pessoa
Cezanne or van Gogh
New Order

>> No.6249063


>> No.6249121

Raymond Carver
Cesar Vallejo
Led Zeppelin

>> No.6249130

Francis Bacon (20th c.)
Georges Bataille

>> No.6249135

Death Grips

>> No.6249149

>Alan Parsons

>> No.6249202
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Author: James Baldwin.
Poet: Walt Whitman.
Artist: Jean-Michel Basquiat.
Philosopher: Friedrich Nietzsche.
Musician: Madlib.

>> No.6249208

>three nignogs

fucckin ayy m8 w/u doing

>> No.6249218

lol @ those niggers

>> No.6249224

Really guys?

>> No.6249245

Henry Miller or Yukio Mishima
TS Eliot
Nietzsche (not enough experience with philosophy to make an informed answer)
The Unicorns, Sweet Trip, Foxygen

>> No.6249257

MF Doom

>> No.6249284

Camus/Kafka/Genet/Sartre Any absurdist playwriter tbh
null (the only book of poems I have is by Bukowski)
Kanye West

>> No.6249289

>Kanye West

you really do live up to your name

>> No.6249381

>Nabokov, George Saunders, Donald Barthleme, Jonathan Swift.
>Hobbes, but more modern Theory - Jacques Lacan, Slavoj Zizek.
>Ween, Social Distortion, Weakerthans

>> No.6249417

Hieronymus Bosch
Marcus Aurelius
Killing Joke

>> No.6249455

arno schmidt
frank stanford
egon schiele
jakob ullmann

>> No.6249457


>> No.6249466
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La Fontaine, Corneille, Huysmans

La Fotnaine, Vigny

Gérôme, Grimshaw, Bernini

Aquinas, Schopenhauer


>> No.6249467


>> No.6249538

Rimbaud or Mao
Piet Mondrian

>> No.6249581

>having a favourite
But fine, I'll play.
Woolf and Dostoyevsky
Not qualified to answer
Jean Gerome, although my knowledge of art is limited
Seneca and Foucault
Pointless to name, I listen to various genres, ranging from classical to pop, to video game music, to screamo, and everything in between (except country, I don't like country)

>> No.6249600

Albert Camus
Andrew Marvell
I don't like art
AJ Ayer
Ray Price

>> No.6249606

Does Homer count? Otherwise it's Celan.
Otto Dix
Wew, too many. I like Beethoven and NoMeansNo.

>> No.6249619

OP is clearly samefagging heavily ITT

>> No.6249622

Are you a kraut?

>> No.6249624

Yep, that should be obviois.

>> No.6249626
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Shusaku Endo. Dostoyevsky
Dante, Percy Bysshe Shelley, or T.S. Eliot
Dahl, Signorelli, Zurbaran
Aquinas, and Kierkegaard
Leonard Cohen and Radiohead

>> No.6249632

Close call between Jakob van Hoddis and Georg Heym
I never looked much into painted arts, but probably Ilja Repin if I had to name one.
Max Stirner, and it's a shame people won't take this seriously due to all the memery.
Why?, Andrew Jackson Jihad

>> No.6249635

>who're also trash

I never was lucky enough to see Women live, but I've seen their successors Viet Cong who were fucking great

>> No.6249664

Author: Nietzsche
Poet: Nietzsche
Musician: Nietzsche
Philosopher: Nietzsche

>> No.6249673

>Musician: Nietzsche

>> No.6249684

I was joking. His music is trash

>> No.6249690

I figured you just tried to boast by showing everyone that you know Nietzsche made music too.

>> No.6249701

Caspar David Friedrich
Friedrich Kautz

>> No.6249712

Kunstlieder like Kunstlieder. What's so bad about them? If you want bad nondescript Kunstlieder then listen to Wagner.
Which Hoddis? vom Spitzen Kopf der Hut would be too banal I figure and him cutting up the lady's hand is way too edgy.
Then I guess your Celan isn't just the Todassfyugee or is it?
How do you go about reading a Dorno? His MM was a terrible and an incoherent mess, as if he placed the words and expected you to find some the meaning. It felt like I was better off just reading the German idealists, Marx and Freud than this slob. I also got explained once he's popular because he's an authority to the Menshevik parties in German who need some kind of a flexible philosophy for both shit sling contests with the rest of the left and for deciding what to fund from their cultural ministries.

>> No.6249718

>Kunstlieder like Kunstlieder. What's so bad about them? If you want bad nondescript Kunstlieder then listen to Wagner.
same goes to you:
>shit music

>> No.6249725
File: 46 KB, 443x347, temnyy_shizofrenik_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Olga Bergholz
>Nikolai Ostrovsky
>Isaak Brodsky
>Karl Marx

>> No.6249732


>> No.6249735

>Then I guess your Celan isn't just the Todassfyugee or is it?
Todesfuge is one of the greatest works of poetry imo, but yes, Celan is awsome in general, I could spend hours on end listening to him read his poems, of which countless youtube vids exist.

Concerning Adorno, he's quite demanding in prior knowledge, particularly of the very "german idealists" you mentioned, marx and freud (idealists, though? I don't think so, Tim?). Without that knowledge, you're left with your intuitions to figure out what he's talking about, which works for some, but, evidently, not you.
For the german "menshevik" partkes, I don't see how he's of any importance, since he's way too theoretical and doesn't really lay out any policies. Also, since we don't have a bolshevik party, what you wrote makes zero fucking sense.

>> No.6249748

Don't do poetry
Giorgio de Chirico
Dire Straits

>> No.6249764

>Which Hoddis?
The dude who died in the Holocaust. His original name was Hans Davidsohn, I think.

Weltende is good, but not his best; it is just his most famous, because it captured the Zeitgeist and kickstarted the expressionism of german poetry yadda yadda.
His best poem would be Nachtgesang.

What do you mean about cutting ladys' hands?

>> No.6249766

>"I don't like art"

>> No.6249770
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Interesting. I'm sceptical about the Todesfuge because I am Russian and Jewish and by our measure he whines way too much. Take the Requiem by Akhmatova: It is so powerful because it is so stoic. And Mandelshtam's Stalin poem is grand because he had very large balls and because it got him killed in the end.
>Concerning Adorno, he's quite demanding in prior knowledge, particularly of the very "german idealists" you mentioned, marx and freud (idealists, though? I don't think so, Tim?).
No, they are not, you silly dolt which is why I have mentionned them separately.
>Without that knowledge, you're left with your intuitions to figure out what he's talking about, which works for some, but, evidently, not you.
Then there is the question why you would want to see what he is talking about? I, who I have read my bits of Fichte, of Schelling and Marx, along at least with the three essays, t.der virginität, das ich&dat ass and one of freud's other cultural bookie from the 20s have received the impression your Adorno is just being cryptic on purpose and is trolling blatantly here and there. But that is the MM.
>For the german "menshevik" partkes, I don't see how he's of any importance, since he's way too theoretical and doesn't really lay out any policies. Also, since we don't have a bolshevik party, what you wrote makes zero fucking sense.
And picrelated then is fucking what?

>> No.6249772
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>caspar david friedrich

<- i'm going to add favorite painting here

>> No.6249781

>And Mandelshtam's Stalin poem is grand because he had very large balls and because it got him killed in the end.
Does the context of poetry really determine how "grand" it is? I mean, death of the author aside, that seems like missing the point.

(Haven't read the poem, btw.)

>> No.6249794

>he whines way too much
Dude he never even says anything about how he feels. For a grwat cynical account of the shoa, you should try Imre Kertesz' Fateless, it's completely devastating.

Adorno's merit lies primarily in using marxian and freudian(and a shitload of others, but those two are the most important) concept for a very detailed critique of everyday life, how power, exploitation, repression etc shape the most minutiate aspects of it. Not your cup of tea?
>picrelated is fucking what
A dude with a flag, it seems.

>> No.6249800

>But that is the MM.
... perhaps some other book of his is better? The only other thing I read of him was the work on the F-Scale in America and I have like it very much because it describes Putin's Russia as well. But then a German told me it's one of his more irrelevant works. I be damn!
>died in the Holocaust
He went mad way before that happened IIRC
>His best poem would be Nachtgesang.
I'll look it up. As for Zeitgeist etc, here's a nice essay by the man who wrote the anthem of the GDR:
>(Haven't read the poem, btw.)
Then fucking do; Along with his Leningrad poem.
>Does the context of poetry really determine how "grand" it is? I mean, death of the author aside, that seems like missing the point.
Each poet deals with his era or his situation. Some do it well some do it not so well.

>> No.6249818

>He went mad way before that happened IIRC
Yeah, which is why he was killed by the nazis, as were most people who were in a mad house back then in Germany.

>> No.6249823
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>A dude with a flag, it seems.
>A dude
You're not reading the news then, I guess. Too busy with Adorno analysing his navel from the standpoint of Freud and of Marx? What's a good book of his would you say?
>Dude he never even says anything about how he feels.
Of course he does. He is confused to point of Schizophrenia and is defiant towards Hans and towards Gretel Grosse
>For a grwat cynical account of the shoa, you should try Imre Kertesz' Fateless, it's completely devastating.
Ha. Thanks but thanks no. Accounts of German occupation (I hate that word: "shoa". It sounds like "shoe") I have received from my late grandparents aplenty (just like all the other Soviet citizens did). I prefer Zionist books for now. And Zionist poetry is fine as well. A plenty of the young Israel singers and poets have suffered no less than Paul Celan and yet they have managed to write cheerful poetry. The Germans want their Jews solemn and cynical then I guess.
Do you have an account on goodreads or anywhere else, my dear German?

>> No.6249856

Ja. This is das vierkanal.

>> No.6249857

Then he didn't die in the Holocaust.

>> No.6249859

>What's a good book of his would you say?
As mad as you already are, Minima Moralia is fucking great. But Negazive Dialectics and Aesthetic Theory are more important.
>He is confused to point of Schizophrenia and is defiant towards Hans and towards Gretel Grosse
We're still talking about Celan's Todesfuge, right?

Also, alright, you don't want to read anything whatsoever about the Holocaust, neither solemn like Celan, nor cynical like Kertesz. So it's the topic as such you object to, not the way it's being dealt with. What am I supposed to say to that, reaööy?

And while i would be interested in zionist books and poems, so feel free to recommend stuff, I somehow doubt that young israelis have suffered as much as celan or kertesz, if they did, what would zionism even be good for?
And no, I don't have a goodreads account, I'm not even certain I know what that is.

>> No.6249862

Hu? The Holocaust was not just about jews, you know?

I am pretty sure van Hoddis died in some KZ. Could be wrong though.

>> No.6249864

It's true.

>> No.6249878

Do you have an account anywhere else, then? I g2g but I am very curious about the people versed in the contemporary intellectual culture of Germany, who like Celan and like Adorno but have mixed feelings about the ZOG.
>I somehow doubt that young israelis have suffered as much as celan or kertesz
Young Israel as in when the country was founded not the currently young Israelis.
Here's a fine example you probably will even understand:
See? Very different from «death, blond germans, death, blond germans, death, death, death, death, death, death, death»

>> No.6249884

The «holocaust» is a silly Amurican tv soap series about the Jews IIRC.

>> No.6249897


>> No.6249900

Nah, that's The Big Bang Theory, you are confusing it. Though both are equally bad.

>> No.6249902

I'm still beginner, but big fan of Stoic philosophy
Bob Dylan

>> No.6249911

I'm being serious, you dolts
The Jews and the Russians have no term for the genocide of the Jews specifically; but the Germans have apparently picked up the Hebrew term for "a catastrophe" once they have realised that the silliness of the anglo language term.

>> No.6249919

>Do you have an account anywhere else, then? I g2g but I am very curious about the people versed in the contemporary intellectual culture of Germany, who like Celan and like Adorno but have mixed feelings about the ZOG.
I don't have any such account, so I'll just try to answer it here. Yeah, there's a lot of anti-zionism in german culture these days, with attacks on synogogues that don't even get registered as antisemitism because the guys who did it said they were just mad at israel, all that. You can hardly blame it on Celan and Adorno, though, as afaik, both were friends of Israel. Unfortunately, people who have schoolchildren read Celan are not safe from being anti-israel, and neither are people with a superficial/selective reading of Adorno. There's a small group of pro-israel commies called the anti-germans, who are also the biggest Adorno fanboys imaginable, but they're probably less than 3000 people.

And that's a nice song there, yes, I'd figure zionism, especially before 1967, must have had a very optimistic attitude, leaving the past behind and enjoying your new-found freedom, instead of suffering the memory of the terrible past. That, however, doesn't make the expression of suffering illegitimate.

>> No.6249921

>The Jews and the Russians have no term for the genocide of the Jews specifically


>In Judaism, Shoah (שואה), meaning "calamity" in Hebrew, became the standard term for the 20th century Holocaust

>The term became increasingly widespread as a synonym for "genocide" in the last decades of the 20th century to refer to mass murders in the form "X holocaust" (e.g. "Rwandan holocaust"). Examples are Rwanda, the Ukraine under Stalin, and the actions of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.

>> No.6249924

>once they have realised that the silliness of the anglo language term.
The silliness of what english term what?
The term "Holokaust" is of greek origin. It means "completely burned", and is a term for the general genocide of the nazis that they committed on jews, slavs, homosexuals, mentally handicapped, etc. It is not specifically jewish.

>> No.6249942

>The term "Holokaust" is of greek origin. It means "completely burned"
It actually does not. I means "a Jewish sacrificial offering that is burned completely on an altar".
A deeply ironic name for a Jewish genocide with a double meaning. Makes you wonder if the Jews are, indeed, behind everything, even the Shoah.

>the Ukraine under Stalin
That bullshit was invented by far-right neonazi lobbying groups because they felt deeply jealous of (what they perceived as) the Jews cashing in on the holocaust industry.

You should be terribly ashamed of citing these fucktards unironically.

>> No.6249943

Da Vinci wrote some wonderful essays on art; interesting because at his time painting was not considered a proper one (the Greco-Romans left no notable paintings in oil) so he tries to defend it through a comparisson to poetry, architecture and sculpture and by picking out the passages in Ancient Books where poetry is mentionned.
The Shoah means the catastrophe. It is a metaphor. In Yiddish they also say the catastrophe, "Khurbn". And it's not the lolJewish counterpart to the "holocaust". It's just a handy metaphor when describing, say, how someone's children have died in documentary shows. You say "in the catastrophe" and the Israelis or the Yiddish speakers instantly get what that means. A German might instead, of course, have thought of the Battle of Stalingrad when hearing "the catastrophe" and not of the einsatzkommandos and the concentration camps.

>> No.6249947

>That bullshit was invented by far-right neonazi lobbying groups because they felt deeply jealous of (what they perceived as) the Jews cashing in on the holocaust industry.
Bullshit, I want sources for your statement

"Holodomor" is the term for that event now, but people still used "Holocaust" as a descriptive term in this event, just like with the Rwanda genocide

>> No.6249948

>A deeply ironic name for a Jewish genocide with a double meaning. Makes you wonder if the Jews are, indeed, behind everything, even the Shoah.

Okay, this is what happens when semantics are taken too far. Let me guess, it was an inside job to engender support for Zionism?

If that even ''makes you wonder'' there is something wrong with your historical perspective and common sense. inb4 ''I'm just asking questions, good goyim good goyim''

>> No.6249956

I never remember authors names from books I read over a month ago, buy currently it's Camus
Salvador Dali
Pat the bunny

Rereading this it seems I have become a stereotype. How odd. I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.6249962

>"Holodomor" is the term for that event now
For what event? A famine? Famines were a yearly occurrence in every part of the world before modern agriculture. Equating a famine with war crimes is retarded.

>If that even ''makes you wonder'' there is something wrong with your historical perspective and common sense.
It makes me wonder why that particular name was chosen despite the fact that it carries such a strong antisemitic hidden message.

>> No.6249965

here is your source, bratishku:
now stop bombing Novorossia at once.

>> No.6249966

>hurrdurr the concerted Holodomor was just a normal famine
>wasn't planned by Stalin in advance
>hurrdurr the Chinese Great Leap Forward was just a normal famine
>guyssssss move along
>just normal famines ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.6249975

Wait, I'm asking for a source as to why the concerted famine in the general Ukrainean population was an invention, and you give me a source that debunks the

>repeated attempts to turn the leading figures of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) and its armed wing, the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) into national heroes

which has nothing to do with my question, are you retarded?

>> No.6249984

Read the fucking article. You can't be completely illiterate over in Ivano-Frankivsk.

>> No.6250001


I mean, yeah, /lit/ hates Bukowski, but I am not trying to jump on some bandwagon. The poetry of Bukowski however is legitimately bad.

>> No.6250002

W H Auden
Terese Nielsen
Nietzsche or Schopenhauer
Between the Buried and Me or Snarky Puppy

>> No.6250010

>Rereading this it seems I have become a stereotype. How odd. I don't know how to feel about this.
Yes. This must be painful to somehow who read Stirner and has presumed he was a very special cookie. Where do you yankees even find him? Is it getting pimped in NME and Rolling Stone?

>> No.6250017

I like it because mostly because there is this one youtube guy who reads it beautifully.

Sure he is pleb teir, but there's charm in it.
His poetry is bad, but true, and the bad writing gives it charm.

I learned it from /lit/

When did I say I was a special cookie?

>> No.6250025


Stirner is a huge meme on /lit/, like Rand used to be, or Will Self when his last book came out. Usually it starts with one guy force-posting that crap and stops when he leaves, it's a bit unclear why Stirner has kept on. Maybe the guy never left?

>> No.6250032

While Stirner is a meme, does being a meme make him bad?

Is DFW a bad writer? he's a meme.

I like stirner cause he is a nice compromise between nihilism, Schopenhauer, and objectivity.

>> No.6250038

Author: McCarthy, Woolf, DeLillo
Poet: Keats, Shakespeare
Artist: Aert Van Der Neer
Philosopher: Wittgenstein
Musician: Bach

>> No.6250044

The Man Poems group isn't all that bad either.

>> No.6250047

He is a meme because some bydlo Randoid googled "libertarian philosophy".

>> No.6250051

But stirner is the good kind of libertarian, not our modern tea party bs.

>> No.6250059

>His poetry is bad, but true, and the bad writing gives it charm.
Wow. I am not trying to insult you, but that makes you seem like the huge fucking "poser" that all Bukowski fans seem to be - because Bukowski himself was like that, always concerned about his image as that whiskey writer. Like Hemmingway. Only Hemmingway was arguably a competent writer, or atleast smart enough to stick to a certain consistent kind writing and call it his style.

I mean, you are probably not that deep into poetry, all things considered. But still, that really made me cringe.

Rand was hated instantly on /lit/ and the rage around her eventualyl died down. She wasn't really a meme.
Stirner however was met with praise, and is generally well liked (even if his fans can be annoying), thus he actually got the meme status he has today - things that are liked stick around.
Will Self was a pathetic attempt of imitating the Stirner meme, and because no one cared enough for him it died down pretty fast. Wouldn't exactly call him a meme either, because, well, there was like one guy pushing him, that's it.

Also, while Stirner is a good philosopher, too, that is not the only reason he is well liked: he has a certain sense of humour. He is really fun to read in how he is poking fun at everyone. This fits with the general 4chan attitude.

>> No.6250069

that is really good.

oh yeah, I'm not deep into poetry at all. there's poetry nights at a local bar and that's as deep as I go. If I go full /lit/ elitist it'll ruin those few hours outside the house.

>> No.6250194

>Name your favorite
James Joyce

W. B. Yeats

Egon Schiele

Martin Heidegger

Igor' Stravinskij

>> No.6250251

>Stirner however was met with praise, and is generally well liked (even if his fans can be annoying), thus he actually got the meme status he has today - things that are liked stick around.
Really now? There are a plenty of leftist Hegelians and this one is different in that he had his ass whooped by Marx in person. He should've been received with the very same ire as Rand.

>> No.6250279

L.F. Celine
Imre Amos

>> No.6250291 [DELETED] 

Stefan Themerson, Victor Hugo, Bruno Schulz, Witold Gombrowicz, Osamu Dazai
Charles Baudelaire, R. M. Rilke, Julian Tuwim
Takato Yamamoto, Harry Clarke, Bruegel, Delacroix
Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard
Schubert, Chopin, Shostakovich, Sisters of Mercy, King Crimson

Let's talk about being edgy.

>> No.6250299

Stefan Themerson, Victor Hugo, Bruno Schulz, Witold Gombrowicz
Charles Baudelaire, R. M. Rilke, Julian Tuwim, Byron
Takeshi Yamamoto, Harry Clarke, Breugel
Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Wittgenstein
Schubert, Chopin, Shostakovic, Sisters of Mercy, King Crimson

Let's talk about being edgy

>> No.6250308
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>All this Schiele love

Is he making a comeback in contemporary art circles or something? I'm seeing his name a lot recently.

>> No.6250346
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two theories:
1. the internet first gave him the publicity that he deserved but couldn't get because porn
2. wes andersen.

>> No.6250357

Jorge Luis Borges TS Eliot Gaudi Nietzsche Flying Lotus

>> No.6250394




Dylan Thomas, TS Eliot


Picasso, I'm too big a fan of Guernica and Les Demoiselles to choose someone else


LE STIRNER. Idk, maybe Stirner lol.


Lately, L.Cohen, Tom Waits, Sufjan Stevens

>> No.6250431

He has always been popular, to the point that there also exists a big contrarian backlash. Even my parents have a Schiele print in their house.

>> No.6250820

>name five random artists whose names you like.
>There are 110 posters in this thread.

>> No.6250855

Good music.

>> No.6250862
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Mike Mignola
The only correct answer

>> No.6250864


>> No.6251654

James Joyce

William Blake

Francisco de Goya


Arcade Fire

>> No.6252357

Arno Breker

>> No.6252384

Kafka, Capote

Flannery O'Connor

Franz Marc


Sunn O))) or Der Blutharsch

>> No.6252387

why would you do that

>> No.6252406

> Author


> Poet


> Artist

That guy who did the painting of the man atop of the cliff that was used as a cover to one of Nietzsche's books.

> Philosopher


> Musician/Band

Nietzsche's piano compositions.

>> No.6252408

Harlan Ellison
Arthur Rimbaud
Mayumi Muroyama
Joni Mitchell

>> No.6252411

Because he's not lying to appeal to the /lit/ obscurist hive mind like the rest of you

>> No.6252436

True, I was just replying to OP. Seamus Heaney praised Eminem.

>> No.6252442

He's my favorite. I think he fits in with my other choices.

>> No.6252474

Blue collar pessimist.

>> No.6252503
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Flanner O'Connor or Gene Wolfe
uhhh Dante Alighieri
Frederic Edwin Church
Soren Kierkegaard
Siouxsie and the Banshees, Ulver or New Order

>> No.6252569
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Graham Greene.

John Clare.

Alphonso Dunn.

Bertrand Russell, but it appears to be Sartre according to the ole' philosophy test ...

>Q16: You see an out-of-control trolley ...
*twitch* *pic related*

Maybe change or add to the question, ...er to ...y?

Led Zeppelin.

>> No.6252589

Dan Brown

Kanye West

Kanye West


Kanye West

>> No.6253081

Poet: Matsuo Basho
Artist: William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Philosopher: Don't have one
Musician: Amon Amarth

>> No.6253090
File: 961 KB, 981x2000, William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_After_the_Bath_(1875).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeats(I have disliked poetry lately)
John Collier
Hume (philosophy is shit though)
>Musician/Band (lol u srs)
Jean Sibelius Conducted by Haitink/Salonen

>> No.6253113

>Kanye West
how in the FUCK can anyone say this unironcally?
I'm serious

>> No.6253114


too lazy to do the rest

>> No.6253132

Emily Dickinson
Utagawa Kuniyoshi

>> No.6253153


1. Nobody gives a fuck what you think
2. You don't even know who Willis Earl Beak is. You'd give me 5/5 just for that if ya did.
3. Fuck off.

>> No.6253205


>1. Nobody gives a fuck what you think

lol at this emotional hypocrite right here

>> No.6253210


go fuck yourself edgelord

>> No.6253217


>I don't give a f-fuck what you t-t-think but if you had only just h-heard him you would 5/5 me I p-p-promise I'm c-cool

>> No.6253459

I don't read poetry
Pieter Bruegel the Elder
Fleet Foxes

>> No.6253496
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hard choice. Either Nihal Atsız, Camus or Oscar Wilde
I don't really have a favorite philosopher but the most interesting ideas I've read came from Farabî, Machiavelli, Camus and Atsız
another hard question but let's just say Robert Fripp or Steven Wilson

>> No.6253516
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me i guess



Bright Eyes

>> No.6253550

>I don't read poetry

>> No.6253630

These all change with time, but right now it's:

>implying this whole thread isn't just posturing

>> No.6253639

So apparently /lit/ is completely pleb when it comes to painting, poetry and music.

>> No.6254126
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>> No.6254145

Robert Anton Wilson
Aleister Crowley
Yes/Sleep/John Darnielle

>> No.6254172
File: 93 KB, 522x600, 1386293147869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hemingway, Bukowski, CoetzeeVonnegut
e.e cummings
Zdzisław Beksiński, Lucian Freud
Hobbes, Hume, Kant
John Darnielle, Death Grips, Daniel Johnston

>> No.6254213


>> No.6254223


Great taste.


And you as well.

>> No.6254235

Thank you.

>> No.6254242

Sufjan Stevens

>> No.6254262

Coetzee or McCarthy
John Darnielle, if that counts
Jesus Christ

>> No.6254395
File: 286 KB, 780x1024, vincent-van-gogh-skull-of-a-skeleton-with-burning-cigarette1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Von Gogh


the Doors

>> No.6254460

David Mitchell

John Tottenham

Joseph Cornell


The Jam

>> No.6254481

Douglas Adams
Robert Frost
Vincent Van Gogh
Albert Camus
Fleet Foxes

I'm a 20 year old burnout pleb trying to get his life back together. Sue me.

>> No.6254574
File: 287 KB, 930x923, 5028479011223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not well read enough to pick a favourite. But i really liked Rashomon so i'll go with Ryunosuke Akutagawa

Not my field of interest yet



Gryphon, Gentle Giant, King Crimson, Animal Collective

>> No.6254592

Franz Kafka
Edgar Allen Poe
Egon Schiele
Albert Camus
The Avalanches

I'll admit to being a pleb, but I won't admit to being as edgy as these choices may depict me as being

>> No.6254595


>> No.6254600

Oh, and
Edgar Allen Poe

>> No.6254630

Hey Anon, I like you.
Though after reading everything prior to music I expected some cool niche shoegaze postrock doomgaze indie shit instead of The Avalanches.
but I still like you.

>> No.6254647

When it comes to modern hiphop, esp. mainstream one, the overall sound transcends the classic 'lyrics vs the beat vs everything else' divide.

And all these 'shitty' or, say, 'cliche' genres like vapour rap, cloud rap, kanye-core, they're all amazing when it comes to such criteria.

>> No.6254670
File: 732 KB, 1337x596, mini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James Joyce
Most difficult since I'm a musician and my main board is /mu/, so I'll just leave my three favourite musicians of my three favourite genres:
Classical: Schubert
Rock: Faust
Jazz: John Coltrane

I'll rate and rec in my next post.

>> No.6254786

sick picture, faglord.

>> No.6254792

-tips fedora-

>> No.6254797

3/4 Wolfe and Dostoievsky together is very weird.
4/5 Once again you should expose to more music. Check out Stravinsky, Bartók and Coltrane.
4/5 Do you know The Modern Jazz Quartet?
4/5 Chopin is one of my favorite composers too.
4/5 Grunge is shit m8
3/5 Great /lit/ choices
Fucking hell, found my soulmate on a chinese cartoon forum. Why don't you like krautrock?
2/5 Well meme'd on the Music section
The Dead, great
If you haven't listened to their live albums you cannot say you like the Grateful Dead. Go listen to Live/Dead.

>> No.6254829

Nathanel West/Salinger/Steinbeck
Sir Thomas Cole
New Order/Neutral Milk Hotel/Panda Bear

>> No.6254832

2/5 Would be friends with tho.
First week on 4Chan. First day out of /mu/
>Sue me.
>I don't read poetry
Let me guess, you plan to move to Japan when you grow up.
>Favourite artist John Collier
>Posts a Bouguereau

>> No.6254842

Yes, I don't read poetry. What's the fucking problem?

>> No.6254867

this will never become a meme

fuck off

>> No.6254872

Good choices, excepting Arcade Fire
5/5 True patrician here.
Ranges from very good to bad choices. I guess you are not stranger to One Hundred Aspects of the Moon

>> No.6254888

did you start with the greeks?

>> No.6254891

Easy bro. Easy.

>> No.6254937

Author: Henry James
Poet: -
Artist: - ?
Philosopher: aesthetically Spinoza(scientific intuition) although Hume and Plato are most important for my thinking
Musician/Band: rock: talk talk, jazz: grachan moncur, classical: pergolesi

>> No.6255115

R u trolling me again

>> No.6255821
File: 173 KB, 500x273, whatever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dali (but School of Athens by Raphael is my fav painting)
Plato, I guess
Radiohead for band, Bob Dylan for artist

>> No.6256153

>Fucking hell, found my soulmate on a chinese cartoon forum. Why don't you like krautrock?

But I do : ) Neu! and Can the shit