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6247385 No.6247385 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start a career in academia, but I am too afraid I will fail spectacularly and become frustrated for the rest of my life.

How to deal with this, my fellow e/lit/ists?

>> No.6247407

Only one way to find out, my fellow memester :^)

>> No.6247447

A career in academia is failing spectacularly.

>> No.6247451

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.6247528

anyone recommending a career in academia right now is being irresponsible, especially if you're looking to go into the humanities. i don't know where you're from, but at least here in canada tenures are slowly being phased out and there's more and more competition for the little that's left, which means you better really want this. if you're not sure, then don't even bother.

but that's just me

>> No.6247533

First, read this article:


Then read the study it references.

Now this is the important part, when you're employed in a decade making great money send me a thank you note.

>> No.6247619

Academia is over OP. It's time for post-academia.

>> No.6247796

Do you want to become a Pessoa yourself OP?
Just do it

>> No.6249834

Listen to your fears.
Completely accurate. Our doctorates are worthless. I should have gotten a bloody MBA.

>> No.6249838

Fernando Pessoa is amazing, like, pra caralho.

A few days ago I met a girl who knows a few of Alvaro de Campos' poems from heart.

>> No.6249840


You want to become an academic because you think it's indoor work with no heavy lifting and good vacation allowances. These are the wrong reasons to get into academia (even though they're the motivations for probably 90% of academics).

Unless you've something you specifically want to study, forget it. As someone else in this thread has already said, the days of tenure and relaxing days in a nice office with no hassle are long gone. It's now a sausage factory and you don't even get the vacations anymore.

>> No.6249875

dubs don't lie anon. But really it depends on where you live and how long you can sustain yourself before getting a job.

>> No.6249929
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>> No.6249946

This only would work if
1. You're really autistic about it. like 20 hours a day studying, only able to communicate enough to get your point across. Like a mix of Benjamin Franklin and Wittgenstein.

2. You go full political radicalism, but you better be a women or a minority.

>> No.6250486

>a girl
>Alvaro de Campos
>na mesma frase

Top kek.

>> No.6250514

This guy speaks the truth.

I did the whole Academia route for a while, and to my surprise it was actually horrible. You are never not working, finding paid work is impossible, and you are constantly worried you aren't good enough.