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6245413 No.6245413 [Reply] [Original]


ww egoist bros@ get in here

>> No.6245441
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>> No.6245505
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>I secure my freedom with regard to the world in the degree that I make the world my own, 'gain it and take possession of it' for myself, by whatever might, by that of persuasion, of petition, of categorical demand, yes, even by hypocrisy (emphasis mine), cheating, etc.; for the means that I use for it are determined by what I am. If I am weak, I have only weak means, like the aforesaid, which yet are good enough for a considerable part of the world. Besides, cheating hypocrisy, lying, look worse than they are. Who has not cheated the police, the law?

ayyy lmao

>> No.6245509
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>Implying communism and Stirnerism aren't inseparable

>> No.6245511

>implying my post wasn't >implying marx as though marx is a joke, which he is

>> No.6245515

Well Stinrer's conception of property is totally different from liberal conception, so it's hard to say. Stirner makes ownership and use synonymous and temporal.

>> No.6245541

They are.

>> No.6245549

For Stirner's use of the term "property", which isn't synonymous with moral or legal property, Just because you're using my computer doesn't make it your property, just because you're renting my house doesn't make it your property.

>> No.6245565

Of course not, that form of property is a total spook

>> No.6245663



>> No.6245667

There is only one person in that picture that's not a fucking cunt

>> No.6245672
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>> No.6245685
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Edmund Husserl once warned a small audience about the "seducing power" of »Der Einzige« -- but never mentioned it in his writing.

Stirner: the God who authored the secret Bible of philosophy; he is all enchanting--never spoken. He is the final depth of thought, the purest enlightenment, the--creative nothing.

>> No.6245687
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Leszek Kolakowski said that Stirner, next to whom "even Nietzsche seems weak and inconsequent," is indeed irrefutable; nevertheless, he must be banished at any cost, because he destroys "the only tool that enables us to make ethical values our own: tradition." Stirner's aim of "destruction of alienation, i.e. the return to authenticity would be nothing but the destruction of culture, a return to an animal state ... to a pre-human condition."

Hans Heinz Holz warned that "Stirner's egoism, were it to become actualized, would lead to the self-destruction of the human race."

>> No.6245691
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Apocalyptic fears might have driven Jürgen Habermas in his younger years to condemn the "absurdity of Stirner's fury" with furious words -- and since that time never to mention Stirner again, even in texts about Left Hegelianism.

Theodor Adorno, who saw himself driven back at the end of his philosophical career to the -- pre-Stirnerian -- "standpoint of Left Hegelianism," once cryptically remarked that Stirner was the only one who really "let the cat out of the bag," but in no way referred to him in any of his works.

Peter Sloterdijk took note of none of this, only shaking his head at the idea that the "brilliant" Marx had "grown angry in many hundreds of pages about those, after all, simple thoughts of Stirner."


>> No.6245704

The most extreme assertion was put forward by Eduard von Hartmann; Nietzsche was Stirner's plagiarist, he said. Any who had grasped Nietzsche's actual achievement chose to remain silent.

>> No.6245721


We're changing the history.

>> No.6245726

Joël was forthright: "Stirner" is for many non-theological philosophers a code word for what theologians call "the devil".

Joël writes: 'The Ego' is the "most rampant heretic book a human hand has ever written", and Stirner laid with it the foundation for a veritable "devil's religion."

>> No.6245729

Yes, anon, we need to preach, preach the devil Stirner loud and far.

>> No.6245734

>a spectre is haunting Europe, the spectre of a ghostbuster

>> No.6245747

Nietzsche's much-admired "new morals", Hartmann wrote in a sensational article, in the end yields "by no means something new, since it was already presented in 1845 by Max Stirner [...] in a masterful fashion and with a clearness and frankness which leaves nothing to be desired."

>> No.6245750

the critics are raving!

>> No.6245753

Only Overbeck's wife Ida remembered in 1899 a discussion she had with Nietzsche about twenty years earlier, during which he unintentionally let escape the remark that he felt a mental kinship to Stirner. "This was accompanied by a solemn facial expression. While I attentively observed his features, these changed again, and he made something like a dispelling, dismissive movement with his hand, and spoke under breath: 'Well, now I have told you, even though I did not want to speak of it. Forget about it. They would talk about a plagiarism, but you will not do that, I'm sure.'"


>> No.6245769
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holy fuck guys

did nietzsche lie his tits off about schopenhauer? did fucking stirner do this to nietzsche?

>> No.6245781

He didn't "lie". Nietzsche simply didn't think the "will to nothingness" was aesthetic enough, also life-denying.

>> No.6245803


>> No.6245859



>> No.6245900


>> No.6246448
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>What is not supposed to be my concern! First and foremost, the Good Cause, then God's cause, the cause of mankind, of truth, of freedom, of humanity, of justice; further, the cause of my people, my prince, my fatherland; finally, even the cause of Mind, and a thousand other causes. Only my cause is never to be my concern. "Shame on the egoist who thinks only of himself!"

>> No.6246477
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enjoy dying alone

reminder he couldn't even get a milk shop to run

>> No.6246485

/r/ing the greentext picture where a guy loses his girlfriend because of stirner

something like:
>i whisper in her ear, that she is mine

>> No.6246488


lel, this self-awareness

Your own cause is to don't dying alone, it's your egoist cause. If the people, the man, the society said to you that you should die alone, because you are immoral, would you accept it?

>> No.6246494


don't die*

>> No.6246495
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I was memeing you, but it looks like I got your goat :^)

>> No.6246499

>Reading Sankt Max
>taking Sankt Max seriously

you know Marx bodied him right?

>> No.6246508


>thinking that you can make an egoist bend-over to pure reason and arguments

naive and idealistic as fuck, your arguments are sacred, for an egoist they aren't

>> No.6246771

>implying egoists give a fuck what you do

don't be so narcissistic, dude

>> No.6246843

Have you even read his criticism? He voluntarily misreads Stirner. It's pathetic.

>> No.6246863

>will to nothingness
>intentional misreading intensifies

>> No.6246897

>, Just because you're using my computer doesn't make it your property, just because you're renting my house doesn't make it your property.

ye, but by the same token its not your property because you bought it from someone else. that transaction was just by way of coercion. it's your property because you maintain it and control it.

>> No.6246928
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You're in this club and THIS guy slaps his own ass.

What do you do?

>> No.6246929

Can someone explain this meme to me? I dont have the full picture.

>> No.6246934

someone please post the Stirner dinosaur

>> No.6246949

Cont: as far as i understand it, it has something to do with trolling Karl Marx, anarchism, egoism, left-libertarians and ancaps.

>> No.6246952

im going to use that bro

>> No.6246957

rationalizing being a lazy and cowardly person

>> No.6246958

Who /meme/ here? /meme/ general thread?

>> No.6246963
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>still no-one has bothered to rebute even one page of Marx's critique, all the while yelling his critique is butthurt bullshit.

>> No.6246968
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Max Stirner was a psychological egoist (meaning he believed everyone is an egoist whether they want to be or not, and even asserted that if God exists, God must be an egoist). He was a moral nihilist, and said even might didn't make right because right and wrong don't exist. He rejected family, nation, society, law, and the property of others as "spooks", that is concepts people use to trick themselves into believing they aren't egoists. Max Stirner believe you own whatever it is you use, be it an idea, person, feeling, thing, etc. for whatever reason (love, conservation, or anything else). But that any claim of ownership beyond use was just a spook and made a god of property for crypto-egoists to kneel to.

>> No.6246980

that's retarded

>> No.6246981

Karl Marx's argument that anyone could compose as well as Mozart (on the basis that someone else finished his Requiem) and therefore we aren't individuals is pretty stupid, m8. If that were the case, why weren't Mozarts mass-produced?

>> No.6246987
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He argues it pretty well.

>> No.6246992

Oh, ok thanks!

>> No.6246994

>Karl Marx's argument that anyone could compose as well as Mozart
Different anon here, while I'm certainly not a marxologist, I'm pretty sure he never said anything to that effect.

>> No.6247032

He did, in his polemic against Stirner's love of the creative individual.

>Here, as always, Sancho is again unlucky with his practical examples. He thinks that “no one can compose your music for you, complete the sketches for your paintings. No one can do Raphael’s works for him”. Sancho could surely have known, however, that it was not Mozart himself, but someone else who composed the greater part of Mozart’s Requiem and finished it, and that Raphael himself “completed” only an insignificant part of his own frescoes.

>> No.6247039

>In proclaiming the uniqueness of work in science and art, Stirner adopts a position far inferior to that of the bourgeoisie.

>> No.6247051

Ok and how does that even imply that anyyone could compose like Mozart?

>> No.6247055

>still no-one has bothered to rebute even one page of Marx's critique, all the while yelling his critique is butthurt bullshit.
Actually all of Marx' critique was rendered obsolete by 'Stirner's Critics' published in 1845 (unlike Marx' critique, which wasn't published in Marx' lifetime).

>> No.6247056


That's a pretty ridiculous argument. That's like saying an artist that uses draftsmen to complete his paintings isn't producing original work. There's a difference between adding in the details of a project whose basic lines have already been set down, and creating a new project at the highest level.

>> No.6247071

Stirner is the last realization that a man can have in the earth. For us it's extremely childish to prove you wrong or right to others, it's like that child that tries to prove that killing animals is wrong to his grandfather and feels impotent while doing it. Guess what, the grandfather doesn't care about it, he just does it because he can, he doesn't need to be right or correct to do whatever the fuck he wants.

And if you want to stop the grandfather, you will have to enter in that dialectic, in the struggle for power and influence. So go ahead marxists, moralists, etc, try to prove you that you are right and pure, while everyone just don't take you seriously since you don't have the power to make it true (true in the sense that it happens).

>> No.6247094


I'm not on Marx's side on almost any issues, but this seems a bit myopic. Sure, people can do what they want. But what happens when 'might' operates through language, and chooses the promotion of a moral order as its project? What if it knows how to play to inherent features of the human mind, like empathy, tying its edicts into this inherent pre-moral features of the brain? If such a project succeeds what we have is something that functions basically like an 'objective' morality.

>> No.6247100

don't use that word, it's inappropriate in this context and it it's appropriate context, it's bullshit.

>> No.6247101


What you just said is spoken in Genealogy of the morals which is closely related to Stirner anyway

read Stirner and that book, you will enjoy it

>> No.6247105

>What if it knows how to play to inherent features of the human mind, like empathy, tying its edicts into this inherent pre-moral features of the brain?
Well, you can indoctrinate children pretty well and it's not clear whether they can actually overcome that indoctrination on an 'emotional' level. Stirner is pretty optimistic here (compared to other moral nihilists like la Mettrie).

>> No.6247133

I used to spam Laska links, so I appreciate the fact that you guys read him. I can only recommends getting the books (heimlicher hit / dauerhafter dissident), they are full of good stuff.

>> No.6247206

> Its pathetic
So, something a proper stirnerist would not care of?

Marx embodies the spirit of Stirner even when he attacks him: his completely egoistic intentions in stabbing a strawman to death caused him a great deal of self-enjoyment whereas obeying to "intellectual honesty" or other spooks would only rattle him.

>> No.6247233


>Being a proper Stirnerist


Jesus, just go and read the book

>> No.6247251

I did that for the first chapter on here like last week

>> No.6247291


>he thinks we are butthurt instead of laughing at him

>> No.6247345

It works in a certain Hegelian context if one renders dialectic as master-slave dialect.

>> No.6247667

Sums up the relationship between Stirnerites and antiStirnerites fairly well

>> No.6247760

Marx wrote more criticizing Stirner than Stirner even wrote. That sounds more like butthurt than laughter to me.

>> No.6248089
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>> No.6248108


Marx is the greatest and most influential thinker of all time, Stirner is only remembered by losers on 4chan dot org

>> No.6248119

Lads, just got the cambridge version any pre-readings required. I only have 2 weeks

>> No.6248347

How familiar are you with hegel?

>> No.6248348 [DELETED] 


>> No.6248357

He does reference other philosophers, e.g. he says the egoist demand the state "get out of the [egoist's] sun", a clear reference to Diogenes and Alexander. Not a complicated reference but there nonetheless

>> No.6248367

why only 2 weeks?

>> No.6248377


You don't require pre-reading if you want to understand the meme and also understand the self-help part of the book

Maybe to understand the political parts you need to know a little about liberalism and such, but nothing that you will not understand while reading the context or on wikipedia

>> No.6248491

someone please post the greentext picture with the girlfriend

>> No.6248675

Yeah, Stirner doesn't need to hide spooks in fancy langauge and incoherent books, like the phenomenon-study of spooks.

>> No.6248720

Stirner is fucking trash.

>muh egoism

What an infantile way of life.

The individual is scrawny and pathetic, yet you read this garbage to feel a sense of power.

>> No.6248732



>> No.6248792

That's a roundabout way of calling yourself scrawny, pathetic and powerless.

>> No.6248849

Good post mate

>> No.6248852


>> No.6248903
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blow it out your ass, normie

>> No.6248906

The beta uprising will never succeed.

>> No.6248927

Zeta lol

>> No.6248934
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>> No.6248936


>> No.6248957


Yeah, Marx was lmao

>> No.6248969

What is the difference between Stirner's Ego and the Ego of the psychoanalysts? Did his Ego encompass only the individual's conception of the self? Did the venture the possibility of something like the unconscious, an aspect of the self that the individual has no direct control over?

>> No.6248982
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That is self-defeating and circular.

These past 3 centuries have been a bloody roller coaster.

>> No.6249010



>> No.6249015

You're not saying anything

These really are the most pretentious kind of posts

>> No.6249024

Stirner is a protopsychologist. Jung wouldn't have been shit without Stirner

>> No.6249028

Also this is correct, it's eigzig, the self.

>> No.6249035

ffs otto gross was an actual stirner lover

>> No.6249164

psychoanalysis = love of the ego

>> No.6249215

>can't into idealism

you're so spooked. you are you and you can't not be you

>> No.6249223

your shit is ten times more retarded than freud et alia

>> No.6249231

k dude

>> No.6249290


>> No.6250126

This was actually really interesting. Good to find something new in the Striner threads.

>> No.6250172

Fucking marx m8, he was really a pussy, how the fuck someone can be so pussified about his intellectual endeavour

Marxists are truly a cancer

>> No.6250752
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Now you know the truth, man.

>> No.6251250

except the good parts of the requiem are the parts mozart wrote (inroit, kyrie, die irae, and lacrimosa)

>> No.6251884


>> No.6252246

I saw Max Stirner at a milk store in Leipzig yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be an involuntary egoist and bother him and ask him for precepts or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re being now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “spooks! spooks! spooks!” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw Sancho trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen milk bottles in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bottles and started weighing it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to weigh them each individually “to prevent any ethical infetterence,” and then turned around and grinned at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she weighed each bottle and put them in a crate and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.6252276

i bet you thought that was very clever

>> No.6252281

>ethical infetterence
That part was clever tho.

>> No.6252383


look at you fucking cunts being all snarky.

i bet you never made a pasta in your life, fucking kill yourselves. The guy who wrote that shit has more passion in his pinky finger that you will have in your entire life.

fucking critics are worth less than nothing. bunch of fat faggots like marx

>> No.6252440

I'm not being snarky, I thought the whole thing was somewhat funny, and that the last line pushed it into actual laughter tier.

>> No.6252452
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>> No.6252461

I like Stirner's philosophy, but is it not in the interest of the voluntary egoist to discourage others from becoming one? I think it's great for the individual, but I wouldn't want to have to deal with other assholes living spook free, that has the potential to fuck shit up big time.

>> No.6252470


Why is it not in a Stirnerist's interest to make more Stirnerists?

Literally who gives a shit?

There are 7 billion people in the world and 99.999999% of them have never heard of Stirner and never will. And if they did, far fewer could possibly comprehend it- few on /lit/ even can get past that "ooh edgy" stage.

>> No.6252475


I think you will die before that happens

and people can love you for freeing them from their spooks, you can be the best advisor that they never had

>> No.6252489

>implying that movie represented reality accurately at all

>> No.6252680

>The guy who wrote that shit has more passion in his pinky finger that you will have in your entire life.

I like that you created a spook and shooed that spook away: my ego, my own.

>> No.6252685

Stirner directly says "be a hypocrite". So be a hypocrite. If other people believe in spooks, g4u

>> No.6252719

>is it not in the interest of the voluntary egoist to discourage others from becoming one?
Depends entirely, it can be, or can not. If them becoming a voluntary egoists causes their interests to align with yours, and it is easier to get these interests to align thus than by other means, then it is obviously in your interest for them to be a voluntary egoist.

> that has the potential to fuck shit up big time.
Seems like you're not quite spook-free yourself.

>> No.6252730

>Seems like you're not quite spook-free yourself
By fuck shit up I mean fuck shit up for me personally. Let's say someone realizes morality is a spook and I have a nice TV, so they take it, this conflicts with my interests. Besides I don't think anyone qualifies as spook free, can't a spook align with your causes? or does it then stop being a spook?

>> No.6252734

Stop thinking in terms of what other people do. That's the categorical imperative spook. You want yourself to have more power and more property than others, period.

Stirner also says might is right, you don't have a right without the might to keep it. So get mighty, or get fucked.

>> No.6252931

>Why is it not in a Stirnerist's interest to make more Stirnerists?

He doesn't care

>> No.6252983

>Stirner also says might is right,
He says nothing is right, including might. Indeed, for might to be right, weakness would be "wrong", which is an extremely spook proposition. Might is not right, just, holy, or anything like that, it is simply might.

>> No.6252998

>He says nothing is right, including might. Indeed, for might to be right, weakness would be "wrong", which is an extremely spook proposition. Might is not right, just, holy, or anything like that, it is simply might.
In my translation he literally says "might is right". He doesn't mean might makes right, and would agree with you. He's saying it tongue-in-cheek; he's saying that "rights" can only be understood as power.

>> No.6253001

Yes, he does literally say that, but then later on he explains that it was only a "halfway expression" that he was only using as a figure of speech to start with for people who are skeptical of his position.

>> No.6253017

Of course, which is exactly why I explained the phrase in my post.

>> No.6253035

>17. With regard to the superstitions of logicians, I shall never tire of emphasizing a small, terse fact, which is unwillingly recognized by these credulous minds--namely, that a thought comes when "it" wishes, and not when "I" wish; so that it is a perversion of the facts of the case to say that the subject "I" is the condition of the predicate "think." One thinks; but that this "one" is precisely the famous old "ego," is, to put it mildly, only a supposition, an assertion, and assuredly not an "immediate certainty." After all, one has even gone too far with this "one thinks"--even the "one" contains an interpretation of the process, and does not belong to the process itself. One infers here according to the usual grammatical formula--"To think is an activity; every activity requires an agency that is active; consequently"... It was pretty much on the same lines that the older atomism sought, besides the operating "power," the paterial particle wherein it resides and out of which it operates--the atom. More rigorous minds, however, learnt at last to get along without this "earth-residuum," and perhaps some day we shall accustom ourselves, even from the logician's point of view, to get along without the little "one" (to which the worthy old "ego" has refined itself). - Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

Is Nietzsche talking about Stirner here?

>> No.6254275

Nee chee ripped off Stirner

>> No.6254472

Don't know about that passage, but he does make the same argument about a falsely constructed agent using the German 'es blitzt', meaning 'lightning flashes' (maybe thunder, I don't recall), a point that Stirner makes 1:1, even using the same example.

>> No.6255328

Haha wow

>> No.6255460

Are you guys idiots? How the fuck can Stirner be reconciled with Marx?

>> No.6255503

Engels thought he could be.

Since Marx does not recognize the family nations, or morality as substantial in his philosophy (being a materialist), I don't see how they're incompatible.

>> No.6256625

who said that?

>> No.6257766
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>> No.6257783

I mean in this thread dingaling

>> No.6257832

i wasnt meant to quote you

>> No.6257853

ego isn't real kid

>> No.6258348

What should i read form Stirner. besides the ego?

>> No.6258653

he didn't write much else

>> No.6258861

Yes, Chesterton has a line about that.

"To preach egoism is to practise altruism."

It makes me think a true egoist who does not care about others would never write a book about it in the first place. This has interesting consequences: The best and the truest versions of egoism would never see the light of the day, it would never become a meme like Stirner became.

>> No.6258884

>The best and the truest versions of egoism would never see the light of the day, it would never become a meme like Stirner became.
Yes, unless if the ego likes the attention brought on by preaching their egoism. But what you're saying is what I call "the secret": every rich, powerful asshole knows it. You always preach morality and equality, and always practice the opposite underhanded. It's a secret you never state forwardly. Ever.

>> No.6258887

Being an egoist doesn't necessarily mean not caring about others.

>> No.6258927

Why? He was poor, and lost his wife and son. Maybe he was just a bit crazy and thought "fuck this gay earth"

>> No.6258939

In Stirner's philosophy everyone is an egoist though. There are only voluntary egoists and involuntary egoists. To practice altruism is a selfish act and very egoist, an involuntary egoist doesn't see this and does so in the spooky name of "good" or "morality". There is no "true egoist" because truth is a spook.

>> No.6259102

any1 wanna talk about stirner and shit w me on skype????

>> No.6259127

Philosophy is a spook
our minds aint got no bussiness thinking like that

>> No.6259154

>implying my mind's business isn't whatever I make it

>> No.6259286

his critics

>> No.6259333


>> No.6259347

What's your point? Ego works just as well.

>> No.6259688

Just picked up The Ego and his own. What should I expect?

>> No.6259704



despooking yourself

shitposting "spooks" for a month or so

>> No.6259711


a feeling of freedom and love to Stirner that is hard to describe

>> No.6259721

Edgy meme philosophy for 15 year olds

>> No.6260538

>egoism is edgy meme

>> No.6260577

Why do people who've never read Stirner assume his thought is the same as Nietzsche's?

They are worlds apart

>> No.6260585

is le spook man actually discussed by any professors of philosophy or is he just a /lit/ meme

>> No.6260595




>> No.6260604

A professor at my uni gave a lecture on him once as part of a series on important philosophers. None of my Hegel reading circle went, and neither did I.

>> No.6260631

I bet my balls and cock that you have never even attempted to read it.

>> No.6260644
File: 15 KB, 320x224, Derrida.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stirner detractors in a nutshell

>> No.6263443

Wow cool story there man

>> No.6264301

"The State rests on the slavery of labour. If labour becomes free, the State is lost."
Does this remind you of something?

>> No.6264304

Probably because people who say things like "they're worlds apart" stop there. They don't actually try to describe and define why it's so, so nobody takes it seriously and everyone ignores the (your) post.

>> No.6264309

Okay, eunuch. Gimme your address so I can claim my bounty.

>> No.6264364

>"Wild young fellows, bumptious students, who set aside all considerations, are really Philistines, since with them, as with the latter, considerations form the substance of their conduct; only that as swaggerers they are mutinous against considerations and in negative relations to them, but as Philistines, later, they give themselves up to considerations and have positive relations to them. In both cases all their doing and thinking turns upon 'considerations,' but the Philistine is reactionary in relation to the student; he is the wild fellow come to discreet reflection, as the latter is the unreflecting Philistine. Daily experience confirms the truth of this transformation, and shows how the swaggerers turn to Philistines in turning gray."

Reading this made me think of you, /lit/.

>> No.6265606

I'll mail it to you gladly. Take into account I'll ask you a few quations so I can prove you have actually read it and that your claim is true (you'll have to give actual arguments) in the case you have. If you fail, I'l have yours.

>> No.6265614

>proceeds to quote meaningless gibberish
We're talking about Stirner, no Hegel, m80.

>> No.6265626
File: 44 KB, 875x572, 1424919266196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


read and weep

>> No.6265692

>confirmed for not having read Der Einzige
Page 106, m80.

>> No.6265769

When Stirner says "our atheists are pious people" does he mean that atheists are piously atheist or that, despite identifying as atheists, they still piously uphold religious morals?

>> No.6265789

This is nonsense to me. Can someone explain this to a pleb?

>> No.6265808


It's related to the context, in the book he is speaking about revolutions so it's easier to understand


Read Nietzsche, Genealogy of the morals, he also calls atheist pious people, and it's related to the religious morals (being meek, humble, waiting for justice, etc)

>> No.6265825

It's related to reference of spooks, not just right and wrong, but all spooks such as family, nation, mankind, etc.

>> No.6265832

>reverence of spooks

>> No.6265888

Why couldn't it be both?

>> No.6266697

best Stirner thread

catpcha: kamuse